
Basic Rake

Basic Rake

by Jim Weirich

The video titled "Basic Rake" by Jim Weirich, delivered at Rails Conf 2012, provides an introduction to the Rake tool, which is commonly used in Ruby on Rails development. Rake serves as a task manager for automating various development tasks such as running tests, migrating databases, and precompiling assets. Weirich emphasizes the importance of Rake's ability to define custom tasks and explains how to effectively utilize Rake to streamline development processes.

Key Points:

  • Introduction to Rake: Weirich introduces himself and explains the significance of Rake, pointing out that many developers underutilize its features, primarily using simple commands.
  • Defining Tasks: Rake allows users to break down larger tasks into smaller subtasks. This concept is reinforced through the mac and cheese example, which illustrates how to specify main tasks and their dependencies, enabling better organization of tasks.
  • Using Dependencies: Correctly defining dependencies between tasks is crucial. Rake ensures tasks are executed in the right order based on declared dependencies. Weirich highlights that Rake handles dependencies smartly to prevent repetitive execution.
  • Environment and Structure: Weirich discusses how Rake tasks are typically organized in project directories and how developers can modularize their tasks by breaking them into separate files or namespaces to avoid conflicts.
  • Command-Line Interactions: He demonstrates how Rake runs tasks regardless of the current directory, always considering the project root. This feature simplifies task execution.
  • Output and Documentation: The video shows how to document Rake tasks for better clarity and usability, using commands to retrieve lists of tasks and their dependencies. Additionally, Weirich describes how to use Rake to manage environment variables and shell commands effectively.
  • Practical Usage Examples: Weirich shares examples of complex Rake tasks, such as dynamically generating documentation or even automating data management tasks, thus demonstrating the versatility of Rake in real-world scenarios.


Jim Weirich concludes that Rake is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance productivity for Ruby on Rails developers. By mastering task definitions, dependencies, and effective structuring, developers can automate repetitive processes and create a smoother workflow. Rake’s flexibility and capability to integrate with larger projects make it an essential skill for any Rails developer.

Anyone who develops with Rails uses the Rake tool all the time. Rake will run your tests, migrate your database, and precompile your assets. But did you know you can define and build your own Rake tasks? This short talk will cover the basics of using Rake and writing simple automation tasks to make your development process smother.

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Rails Conf 2012

00:00:25.210 I'll go ahead and introduce myself while we're waiting since since this is not
00:00:30.740 really pertinent information you it's okay I start early what people wandered him my name's Jim Wyrick I'm with edge
00:00:37.760 case I am the chief scientist at edge case now you may be aware that that case
00:00:45.590 was just purchased this year by digital rocker forming a new company called new contacts in that case is one of the
00:00:52.190 companies in the new context grouping of companies and my new boss Mike Mike the
00:00:59.840 boss of my boss is here real topics that I got to talk to him and we're discussing titles I said do I get a new
00:01:06.050 title under the new regime he says oh yes what would you like I decided that
00:01:11.060 rather than chief scientist I would like to go as chief mad scientist and he felt
00:01:18.650 that was too much of a bump up so we're deciding to go as cold mats
00:01:24.240 like the sheriff position with someone else but the position hasn't been filled yet sorry both jobs right now so I was
00:01:33.630 Ash case I'm here to talk about rape we call this basic way from I submitted a
00:01:40.200 proposal but I realize that that's so much information to give you is more like a boot camp type thing so rather
00:01:46.530 basic drink go the whole basic training boot camp thing and I'm gonna just tell you a little bit about Rick and the
00:01:52.110 reason I want to do this is that I've been looking a lot of Rick files that people have been doing can my gosh it is
00:01:58.230 using break entirely wrong it's the whole you're doing it wrong things so I'm not here to correct all that how
00:02:04.500 many people here but your rails developers right so you use break down a little bit up to maybe some luck yeah
00:02:10.110 rape DB minor it might be the extent of what you do with it that's okay yeah I'm here to tell you how to take advantage
00:02:16.050 of rape and users are going to give it's just some of these basic stuff about
00:02:21.120 rape and how it works and and how you can use rate to improve your life so
00:02:27.000 rate is a tool for organizing tasks tests are things that you need to have
00:02:32.760 done so I'm going to start with kind of an overall what kind of an important
00:02:38.910 task right so I'm hungry let's make some mac and cheese okay so what do I have to
00:02:46.410 do to make myself some some macaroni cheese well first I've got to have some
00:02:52.739 some pasta available I have to have some cheese available and I got a boil the
00:02:58.260 water to make it so these are some of the subtasks that might be involved in and put it together mac and cheese meal
00:03:04.410 now there are dependencies here in order to make mac and cheese that depends upon
00:03:09.570 all these of a 10 so this is the essence of rate is take a task and break it down
00:03:15.630 to its component pieces and specify what needs to be done in order to do the
00:03:21.510 bigger task that you're trying to involve so so if you took this and run it out
00:03:26.640 right rate filing who look exactly like this would specify I have my main task here mac and cheese and every task gets
00:03:35.220 a title this is just Ruby code it's in a rate five got our meatball but it is
00:03:41.400 just Ruby code so anything you can do in Ruby you can do in a rate file so our task names happen to be symbols that
00:03:47.459 could also be strings or it doesn't care and so every task has a name every task
00:03:53.340 has an action that action is encoded was a do end block that gets executed to
00:03:59.250 perform that task and then finally tasks have dependencies and we specify
00:04:04.830 dependencies with just strange kind of arrow syntax you say well that looks really weird but if you think about
00:04:11.580 that's just hash syntax where it kind of uses a syntax quirk of Ruby in that did
00:04:18.090 you give it a hash that's just an argument that gets passed into the task method and so we pull out a part to take
00:04:24.810 the keys that with the task name and the list that's the value in the hash pair
00:04:30.540 there that's just the list of dependencies so it's just a syntax check that Rick uses so you just left off the
00:04:39.210 things that you want to have done before I could make mac and cheese I must boil the water by the cheese and by the pasta
00:04:46.590 all those three things must be done so the command line we say rake mac and cheese and that is the name of that very
00:04:52.680 first task like there rape mac and cheese and we see coming out of the screen boiling water bypass the buy
00:04:59.669 cheese and then making the mac and cheese anybody see a problem with this
00:05:05.750 I've you know I started by water boiling and then they run out to the store and I
00:05:11.400 buy buy my cheese in my pasta then I come back pretty good cuz it's probably boiling by that might have bought a little
00:05:18.340 probably but probably don't want to start the boiling water first so if we want their dependencies what we see is
00:05:24.280 that we've missed some dependencies and what we really want to say is that before I boil the water I want to make
00:05:31.450 sure I have on hand both the cheese in the past all the ingredients that go into making that so
00:05:37.210 I want to specify these dependencies as well so I need to go back into my rake file and add these dependencies to the
00:05:43.420 boiling water now once I've done that I've not changed anything else here in this red pile but once I've done that I
00:05:49.360 get magically buying the pasta by the cheese bought in the water and making
00:05:54.730 the mac and cheese to get all like dependency right dependencies right reaches automatically does the right
00:06:01.720 thing I realized I never started my timer and it's really cool timer on my
00:06:11.710 phone that tells me how long I've got to talk and so now you guys I'm going to go over because of this because my time is
00:06:18.190 that they got an extra five minutes now on the baking path making mac and cheese okay so getting the dependencies right
00:06:23.740 is important in rate so check declare all the dependencies if something must
00:06:29.950 be done before any other task make them explicit dependency and just declare and
00:06:35.470 then raping the magic but make sure things get done in the right order now I do want to point out that each of
00:06:42.850 these things are individual cast and although I say rick mac and cheese i could have very well have said rape by
00:06:50.200 cheese and when it would have done just that task so you can invoke individual tasks or you could invoke the big task
00:06:56.920 that depends upon everything either way will work okay sup nice dick
00:07:03.940 about us I realized that I probably broke this down a little bit incorrectly maybe I should have another task in
00:07:10.960 there called go to the store because in order to buy the cheese and buy the possible actually have to go somewhere
00:07:16.390 and maybe I need to have some work done this cognitive both buying cheese and
00:07:21.880 buying pasta so let's add that is another task and now there's dependencies between buy cheese and buy
00:07:27.100 pasta and go to the store so I'm there where I think buy the cheese now we run
00:07:34.270 this oh well here's here's the big task so we have go to the store here so here's a new cast down here her list and
00:07:41.020 then we also add two dependencies - cheese and pasta so then it depends upon
00:07:46.660 whether the source of going to the store will be done first before either of these passes to run so I run it I
00:07:53.350 magically get the right thing going to the start by the pasta by the cheese one of the water making the master cheaper
00:07:58.560 think about that didn't I have I have two dependencies of good at the store
00:08:04.650 why didn't I go to the store twice let's
00:08:11.950 work through how great handles dependencies so I specified mac and
00:08:17.200 cheese is my first dependency so great whoops at that passed and says oh well coming to make mac and cheese I see
00:08:22.540 there are three dependencies on that achieves I must satisfy all the tendencies first before I can make the
00:08:29.200 mac and cheese so close often starts looking down the list of dependencies and starts with the first one which happens to be boiled water and it says
00:08:36.970 oh I need to borrow the boil water has two dependencies I need to look at each of this dependencies and make sure they
00:08:43.060 are satisfied first and the first one is by pasta this is a look and you see a
00:08:48.520 pattern here we must go to the store first as a prerequisite so let's focus on that past
00:08:54.910 and this is okay go to store has requisites I can actually do the go to
00:09:00.319 the store work right now because there are no dependencies that needs to have this wine so we put check that one off
00:09:07.490 for us we have gone in the store we do we execute the body associated looks good in the store tasks then we go back
00:09:13.490 and run back now my pasta all this dependencies have been satisfied so we can click that one off our list we go
00:09:20.209 back up to chain is a big boil water it has to depend sees one of which has been
00:09:25.939 done the other one still needs to be executed so it will go and focus on buy
00:09:31.339 cheese it sees buy cheese has it pendency go to store but look we've
00:09:36.740 already done to go to store task doesn't need to be done again rape is smart
00:09:43.939 enough that once you do it fast it won't try to do it again so you won't get that repeat it's not like these things are
00:09:51.079 methods and you have call and you're calling out to other methods if these were methods you go to the store twice
00:09:57.309 but then rate because I just listed as dependencies that must be satisfied great news it's already satisfied and
00:10:04.670 won't run it again so we put off by cheese now boiling water is done both of
00:10:10.279 his dependencies are satisfied and now we're back up at make mac and cheese it
00:10:16.550 has three dependencies but no look the buy cheese in my toss stuff once have already been done so there's no need to
00:10:22.670 do them again and now we can click off make mac and cheese so the body for that
00:10:27.769 one it's run so rate is simply turns out that the engine that drives rate is
00:10:34.790 about 100 lines of code probably awesome and we do our 50 lines of code it just walks the tree of dependencies execute
00:10:41.509 the prerequisites and then walks back up and it kind of depth first manner actually pretty
00:10:47.510 simple coding question so far
00:10:52.780 okay that's ever done actually this is the basics this is the essence of rate
00:10:59.240 getting those dependencies right and declaring them right and so so what more
00:11:04.940 is in Drake couple things it's really convenient just to say break at the very
00:11:11.090 top level to say rate and have something do something by default so rate
00:11:16.190 recognizes a past name default and if you give it dependencies it will try to
00:11:21.470 satisfy them if you do nothing else so if you same rate with no caste on the
00:11:29.540 command line it will go to the default path and satisfy its dependency so this is a nice way of specifying rate of the
00:11:44.030 tax circularity so we'll say oh this is a sick of our dependency and will complain and groan at you until you exit
00:11:51.290 I think it does so remember Dobbs it
00:11:58.720 doesn't actually happen that often real life but you can occasionally get up and I'm trying to remember for complains
00:12:04.730 right away or it actually tries to execute it will okay so rape is a task
00:12:15.530 execution engine so let's talk about the environment in which it runs you
00:12:21.890 probably have a project directory that might look something like this the top level of your project you're going to
00:12:28.130 have a rate file and this is required this is where you put all your tasks and rate will recognize that name file and
00:12:35.450 use that however you don't have to put every cent in there if you want to break up your rib file into component pieces
00:12:41.550 there's a couple things you do number one you trade a director called rate line and put individual files in there
00:12:48.310 with an extension dot rate and R it will automatically go into that directory and
00:12:54.970 pull in those files as if they were part of the main rate file in addition if you
00:13:02.769 are running a rails project rails tells rate to look for additional tasks in the
00:13:09.670 live slash tasks directory and you can put top rate files in there as well so
00:13:15.579 in a rails project you can put things in here as well so but this is only this is
00:13:21.880 something special that rails does rate by itself will do the first two and real says the second so you can split up your
00:13:27.339 files and put them wherever you want to and then make some really nice to create
00:13:32.860 a bunch of kind of modular things for example that tax file there is a red
00:13:38.980 tasks that will go through and find all my Ruby files in my project directory
00:13:44.529 and will run them through the e-tax program and created index that my editor
00:13:49.600 uses to jump directly to class names and method things replace them so it's kind of nice to be
00:13:57.459 able to write them and do that on almost all my projects so I just drop a tags not write file and either the rink light
00:14:03.910 or the vodcasts directory so that's really nice be able to break that up
00:14:12.300 okay ah here's something you should be aware of once you start breaking up
00:14:19.089 things into separate files it's quite possible especially if you have not read
00:14:24.189 classical computers it's quite possibly a task means that conflict with each other so rate allows
00:14:30.530 you to put your test who's in a namespace now we didn't do it in that example that well the mac and cheese
00:14:36.560 example but however to me going through the aperture is very important and I feel it should be a part of my great
00:14:42.590 father and so I create a namespace called Apple it's just the namespace
00:14:47.930 command here the : Apple was a do block everything within that view end block is within the
00:14:54.590 namespace Apple so I can have a task called go to store within this namespace
00:14:59.870 it is entirely separate from the task go to store outside of the namespace if you
00:15:06.200 make modular dot rake files to and drop into a lot of different projects and not have a conflict I recommend putting all
00:15:13.280 your tasks within a namespace so you don't conflict with other drop-in right classes you might have to invoke
00:15:22.640 something in the namespace you just say great Apple : casting namespace : task
00:15:28.850 name enum nested namespaces as deep as you want to go that doesn't matter and
00:15:34.640 so I can still get to the original go to store or I can get to the Apple go to store tasks separately and they remain
00:15:40.940 independent they don't interfere one another my great fear was people will
00:15:46.760 start creating these modular rake tasks and they start combining them and we have accidental dependencies between
00:15:52.700 disk casting that task and this this is a solution
00:15:59.640 so let's talk more about environment rape is a command line how many people
00:16:05.980 here work a lot with um Oh awesome how many people who use an IDE like Ruby
00:16:12.130 mine okay Ruby mine has a ready execution sitting on that right yeah so you can do it either way if you are
00:16:19.150 knitting in line you have a possibility that you can change the directory you're at and for example if you're in a rails
00:16:26.410 like project you might have an app directory with models in it you might CD change directory down is your models
00:16:31.930 file and you're here what happens when you type rip DB migrate in there because
00:16:40.870 the rate file isn't in that directory now therefore you ever using it mate or
00:16:47.080 even ant I believe is the same yes yeah that if the ant file or the make file is
00:16:52.930 not in the directory where you should have to man it gets all confused Rick is this will be bit smarter than
00:16:58.510 that if you say for example rake DB migrate here while you're currently
00:17:05.620 there while you're Carlos in the models while rapist smart enough so there is no Rick Bob here to go up to the app
00:17:12.430 directory tailor there's no rate filing here but Lopes the project director says oh here's my
00:17:18.640 Red Cloud this is why I need to be so we'll find the right file and then you'll say this is the directory from
00:17:24.850 which I run commands so no matter where you are you can be nested you see deep
00:17:30.670 deep down into your project directory if you run rape rape will run as if it was
00:17:36.250 started from the top directory there that means whatever you reference a file
00:17:41.680 you only need to give the relative past from the project director has raped
00:17:47.410 always runs from the project director so that makes file manipulation
00:17:53.929 it's a little bit easier you don't have to worry about where are you issue the command and it changes as you navigate
00:17:59.299 your tree I would really like that feature okay here we're demonstrating
00:18:09.710 the fact that written notes where your admin goes to the project directory so if we create a task here called show
00:18:15.499 current directory and in there we have one Ruby code that's puts out the PWD is
00:18:21.919 the print working directory command in UNIX so those will print out your working directory and if we CD down into
00:18:29.119 models and do the print working directory here you see it knows that we're in the models record however when
00:18:34.490 you run rape show current directory and runs PWD and PWD knows it's in the main
00:18:40.999 mac-and-cheese project directory so just demonstrating and in fact works like okay how about
00:18:52.879 command-line you rape lots of options are great I'm going to talk about just a few of them one that people don't know a
00:18:59.269 lot about is the - P command Rick - P will give you a list of all your tasks
00:19:06.039 in defining your Rick files in your doctrine file and it'll tell you what
00:19:12.169 they depend upon so here we can read this it says boiled water depends upon by pasta and by cheese by cheese depends
00:19:22.220 upon go store go to store buy pasta depends upon go to store go to store
00:19:28.059 doesn't depend on anything so you're giving the list up up the main casts are and plot they depend upon so gives you
00:19:35.869 easy uses to kind of actually construct a little graph of all the tasks in there
00:19:41.679 so that's that's a really handy command if you want to know absolutely everything is in the finding your
00:19:47.929 father's command you see everything now another really nice command is the - key but - T is a little
00:19:54.220 different it only tells you about document and tasks so if you want to clump it your tasks so you could put up
00:20:01.990 with this Ruby right so you can put a hash character and do it for character
00:20:07.720 and put a comment in your a file and that's fine if you're reading the right file but brick itself can't see those
00:20:14.200 comments and in order for it to report to you what a description of the task
00:20:19.690 you have to do at that description and that's merely the de SC command describe command and that goes right before our
00:20:26.799 task and you just give it a string so the make mac and cheese description is
00:20:33.399 right before the mac and cheese task by some delicious cheese buy quality pasta boil the water and you notice go to
00:20:39.879 store hasn't no description at all and bother to talking about that was kind of
00:20:45.129 an internal task that people of need to know about and so when I run rank - Tia tells me about all the tasks that are
00:20:51.759 document so you get the mac and cheese the buying tasks and you get the boil water cast there believe they're stored
00:20:59.409 in alphabetically and you get a little comment telling you exactly what they do so you can give it as much description
00:21:05.470 as you launch it right there now the output of this command is cleverly designed so you can go and you
00:21:12.940 can like highlight break buy cheese and paste it with your command line without
00:21:18.220 typing anything extra so I was actually purposely designed to do that so it's convenient but notice we go to stores
00:21:24.429 not in there because that's ask them we didn't document it so it doesn't come out with great - deep if
00:21:31.639 you're if you've ever done this on a rails project you know that you've got a gazillion tasks in a rake and you can
00:21:39.679 you could wrap through those if you're looking for a particular one but you can also just say a string on the dash T
00:21:47.059 option and it will find those tasks that have that string so if I wanted to wear all the by pasts are you can say - t buy
00:21:55.639 he'll tell me break about cheese and break by pasta this is really handy a
00:22:03.529 lot of times in rails I want to know about all the DB commands are so rate - t DB : will give me all the TP commands
00:22:12.049 that DB migrate the DB rollback the DV tests prepare commands yeah question the
00:22:18.139 best buy you the name does not look does
00:22:24.950 not look at the description for the match only matches in the name
00:22:31.400 not down here's here's the DD command actually and this is actually truncated quite sharp there's many more commands
00:22:39.550 okay here's a cool - man this just recently put in a rake if you've got a
00:22:45.140 recent version or break you can ask their fare in the world as this task to find and you can say - done you give it
00:22:52.430 a task name and it'll say oh that task is in this file on in this it's on line
00:22:57.920 19 of our particular rig file here so that's really handy if you want to know
00:23:03.590 where something's defined he'll do this now unfortunately this only works with document cast and the other day I wanted
00:23:09.770 to find where some undocumented task was to find him it wouldn't find it that's a
00:23:14.809 blog I see we'll fix that in the next version of rape okay environment variables you can pass
00:23:21.350 information to break other than just task names which is really convenient then rails a lot of times you say like
00:23:27.320 rails underscore me and V equals tests or something like that
00:23:32.900 well this is how that works rails is cotton isn't in environment variables so
00:23:38.660 I can set an environment variable like this and then I can represent was him the rape file as well it's just the env
00:23:45.460 Mac and Ruby provides to us normally so I can just get the environment variables normally like this so if I set stuff to
00:23:52.880 X Y Z Z Y and show it and then print it out it will show me this stuff as X Y Z
00:23:58.400 Z Y now this is setting and exporting an environment variable to shell this works
00:24:05.630 in Max and Linux I'm sure what Windows does you do this in Windows the command
00:24:11.510 lines there's something similar okay you can't okay I'm not I don't know
00:24:18.460 it's a very handy way of doing this now there's a shortcut to this that's all she'll be okay this is all the faceless
00:24:25.660 shell there's nothing you look great you're short notice you can actually say stuff is la rig show stuff and that will
00:24:33.550 assign stuff but only for the execution of this command that kind of goes away
00:24:38.860 out with it so it's not exported anywhere else so you can pass one off things into it
00:24:43.900 and that works as well however there's one more way you can do that if you put it on the rate command line rate is
00:24:50.679 smart enough to say oh look there's something on my command line that has an equal sign in it that means that what to
00:24:56.770 set the environment variable rate we'll go ahead and set the environment variable and purely as if it were set
00:25:02.679 outside the program so you can pass in a bunch of things like this bum rail Z and
00:25:09.610 B is passed in like this in rails the when you roll back you can pass in a
00:25:14.650 version number like this on DB roll backs this is used a lot the past additional information then there's also
00:25:21.460 a way to pass it to your already mr. Kaster but it's kind of outside the boot
00:25:26.620 camp territory so we'll save that for the advanced class yeah
00:25:39.290 when it's in front like this Michelle is handling it and sending it in the environment passing it into Ruby they're
00:25:45.630 doing like this rate is handling it but the effect to you as a writer of past is
00:25:51.330 the same doesn't matter okay yes yes I says I have ten minutes left and since I
00:25:57.420 started five minutes short I'm gonna rush here a little bit yes no it's not
00:26:06.630 there's only seven eternally to get execution of yeah yeah you can it's hard
00:26:20.460 to do though actually because this but that's Judas company I'm getting to that okay cool so some of our examples we
00:26:29.340 have simple foot statements as the actions of tasks you know all we can do is puts that be kind of silly and
00:26:34.500 wouldn't be very interesting so let's talk about the kinds of things that you can do is break actions and there's actually quite a bit first of
00:26:40.500 all it's Ruby code you can do anything you want to in the test here I'm
00:26:45.930 calculating the factorial as the body of the factorial task I pass in the number
00:26:51.090 of the factorial that I love to calculate in there as an environment variable it calculates so anything you
00:26:58.170 can imagine a Ruby you can do okay so first off so there's no limits what you do it or any task
00:27:03.870 okay keep that in mind however this couple things that are really convenient to do in a red cast one of them is
00:27:10.290 founded emulation and there is a final utils utility in the standard library it
00:27:15.390 comes with things like copy copy recursive move make directory all the
00:27:21.750 standard command line file manipulation commands are part of finally tells read
00:27:27.720 takes all those that makes them directly available so you can say make the dirt copy or copy recursive in there and here
00:27:35.830 suppose I wanted to make a backup create a directory copy my rate file into a copy all my rape flight products into it
00:27:43.560 the nice thing about doing this is that if you wanted to so notice everything gets printed out everything rape does
00:27:49.600 that's printed out here if you wanted to do silently put it in a verbose block or set the verbose
00:27:56.170 on the copy command or the make their current all these file utilities follow this power could you makes me be quiet
00:28:02.830 are Ramos's English and here then you get nothing for you do if you like your
00:28:08.260 commands to run silently ah this is everything the file details
00:28:14.200 lots of things so look up the Ruby documentation of apology kills everything is there available at the top
00:28:20.560 level of and a great cast this is convenient for you to be also a lot of times you want to run shell commands now
00:28:26.860 here I'm going to get stats seems to be silly to type great gift underscore
00:28:32.440 spouse or you could just type get status but as an example okay you can run shell commands using SSH command that obeys
00:28:40.030 the same for most flags and all the other finally kills follow so this is trying to built-in to rate for
00:28:47.260 specifically running stuff in the shell also if you want to run a ruby command
00:28:53.040 there is a ruby command that will run the same Ruby interpreter than is interpreting rate will hook that same
00:28:59.560 interpreter on whatever a ruby program you specify so it just loads in Tehran
00:29:08.880 okay almost out of time just a couple ideas other types of things I do is great we
00:29:16.190 have this awesome website called get immersion that teaches you get and it is
00:29:21.440 essentially a bunch of pages of navigation where you go through several labs effectives over 50 last in this and
00:29:29.119 if you notice it has things like to get commands here then the actual output of the GUP command right there we build
00:29:37.429 this dynamically using race so what we do we have a script file that contains all the labs in a single file and it
00:29:44.479 says okay these are the things you executed we're under it there's a wreck task to run that and to generate all the
00:29:51.440 output from the commands that are in the script file so we generate the output
00:29:56.559 dynamically so we know it's character for character correct its whatever version of again we're using at the time
00:30:02.049 then there's another red casting tape the runner script again and take the examples and build HTML files out of
00:30:09.859 that link the HTML files together so the forward and backward files all like so
00:30:15.559 if we add a new lab in the middle and all weaves it together very nicely we have a third rig task that'll take
00:30:21.919 the whole thing and publish it as github pages and get hot so that's where we put it so the whole process is automated
00:30:28.669 through great just using the couple casts that read all these things together it's an awesome tool for
00:30:34.999 building all kinds of really interesting stuff like this you can use it in your rails thing to take content and maybe on
00:30:42.700 buildings to MLS that pages out of it you can analyze your source code visited
00:30:48.049 you can generate all kinds of things use rate use your imagination and it's sick amount of time oh yeah I'm here the
00:30:55.220 whole day