
Zero-downtime payment platforms

Zero-downtime payment platforms

by Prem Sichanugrist and Ryan Twomey

In the presentation titled "Zero-downtime payment platforms", Prem Sichanugrist and Ryan Twomey address the critical importance of maintaining high availability in payment processing platforms. They emphasize that even minor downtimes can adversely affect customer experience and revenue. Various strategies are discussed to mitigate risks associated with both internal and external downtimes.

Key Points:

  • Definition of Downtime: The speakers define two types of downtime:

    • Internal Downtime: Caused by issues within their own application, such as application errors or infrastructure failures.
    • External Downtime: Resulting from dependencies on third-party services, such as payment gateways or email providers.
  • Handling External Downtime: To counteract scenarios where payment gateways might go down, the team implemented a risk assessment system that allows the acceptance of low-risk orders even when the payment gateway is unavailable. This is managed through:

    • A manual shutdown system initially, which evolved into automated processes for efficiency.
    • A timeout mechanism that evaluates the risk before proceeding with order processing.
  • Internal Downtime Solutions: The presenters describe a fallback system, including:

    • Chocolate, a separate Sinatra application that acts as a request replayer when their main Rails application fails. This ensures that customer requests can still be stored and processed later without immediate disruptions.
    • Akamai Dynamic Router: This is utilized to reroute requests, minimizing the impact of application errors by handing off to the backup (Chocolate).
    • The use of a unique request ID to avoid duplicate charges and to manage orderly processing even when switching between applications.

Significant Examples:

  • The first part of the talk delves into practical applications, illustrating how during high traffic periods, proactive measures were crucial in maintaining functionality and customer satisfaction, illustrating a situation with a high volume of transactions where they had automated processes in place to handle possible downtimes.

Conclusions and Key Takeaways:

  • The presenters stress that all systems are prone to failure; hence, preparations should include having a robust failover strategy.
  • Implementing a replayer mechanism can significantly enhance user experience by ensuring operations continue smoothly during disruptions.
  • It's crucial to constantly evaluate and refine risk assessment models to appropriately manage order acceptance during downtimes.

Ultimately, the speakers convey that while it is impossible to entirely eliminate downtime, thorough planning and intelligent design can have substantial positive impacts on system reliability and user satisfaction.

By Prem Sichanugrist & Ryan Twomey

When you're building a payment platform, you want to make sure that your system is always available to accept orders. However, the complexity of the platform introduces the potential for it to go down when any one of the moving parts fails. In this talk, I will show you the approaches that we've taken and the risks that we have to take to ensure that our platform will always be available for our customers. Even if you're not building a payment platform, these approaches can be applied to ensure a high availability for your platform or service as well.

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Rails Conf 2013

00:00:16.680 right uh good afternoon everyone hope you guys had a great
00:00:22.920 lunch yeah we going to get started here uh so today uh we're going to talk about
00:00:30.199 zero downtime playment platform or also known as like uh some techniques to make
00:00:35.800 your app uh never looks like it down so uh my name is Prim chog Gritz I
00:00:43.600 work for a company called fbot we are in Boston San Francisco Boulder and
00:00:50.760 Stockholm uh and I'm Ryan Tumi and I work for a company called level up that's in
00:00:56.480 Boston but since you're here at rosom I know you want to learn something uh at
00:01:01.719 thot we have a website called thot learn it's at learn so you might want
00:01:08.479 to go check it out we have like our links uh screencast books about uh ra
00:01:14.680 development and you can use a promo code rail conf to get 20% off your first
00:01:19.720 month of prime or anything else on the store so let's start out with some
00:01:27.240 background level up is a mobile payments advertising platform uh it's based in Boston like I said and what it does is
00:01:34.520 you hold up a your mobile phone just like you see on the left there it's got a QR code and you point at the cashier
00:01:40.520 scanner and that's how you place an order so if you want to get a coffee or a sandwich or something that's what you
00:01:45.560 would do and what this does it hits our rest API uh the create action actually
00:01:51.719 and it's on a rails 32 app for the main part and what that ultimately does is it
00:01:56.840 it goes through a whole bunch of processing but eventually ends up up hitting the customer's credit card to
00:02:02.000 then complete the order and to complete that order we go through a payment Gateway uh such as
00:02:08.160 brain tree or or anything else really but the idea is that we go off to a thirdparty service to actually
00:02:14.480 complete that part so our stack is made up of a rails 32 app and we're on Heroku and it points
00:02:23.239 to a postgress 9.1 database we're in the process of evaluating 9.2 which is
00:02:28.280 really exciting if you guys haven't checked it out out by the way uh this database has two followers uh one is a
00:02:36.080 in the same data center but a separate availability Zone don't worry about the details there the other one is on the
00:02:41.800 west coast so the other side of the country and a follower incidentally if you're not familiar in Heroku parans
00:02:47.920 just means that it's a readon replica of the master database uh and then one last important
00:02:53.400 thing to note uh your app or any app really uh is always dependent on a lot of different things many of of which are
00:03:00.599 outside of your control so Heroku for instance is built on top of Amazon web
00:03:05.760 services so if there's an issue ever with Amazon web services then that issue
00:03:11.400 could percolate up and eventually affect your app so always being aware of everything that touches your app and and
00:03:16.840 affects its uptime is critical we're also doing quite a bit of
00:03:22.799 volume uh at Peak time we could be doing $1,000 a minute that's a lot of money
00:03:28.159 that's not like Amazon money but that's a lot of money and we're going pretty
00:03:33.519 quickly so downtime sucks we really don't want it so let's talk about the different
00:03:39.879 kinds of downtime that could affect us there's really kind of two there's us
00:03:45.400 I.E we can't execute our own code it's internal downtime it's something that that perhaps our app is crashing or
00:03:52.319 Heroku is down or something catastrophic is happening the other kind of downtime
00:03:57.360 is third party downtime something that we rely on something critical to us like
00:04:02.400 our payment Gateway or our email provider or something that we need to function is
00:04:07.519 down all right so I'm going to start off with uh
00:04:12.599 something on them which is like something that externally that we cannot
00:04:18.440 we don't have a control over it as Ryan said uh this includes the external database the email provider uh caching
00:04:26.759 provider and like payment Gateway but because uh low up is a payment uh is a
00:04:33.199 payment platform so we are actually focusing on payment Gateway
00:04:39.600 so if you ask yourself a question what happened to your payment platform if the
00:04:45.840 payment Gateway goes away it used to be the case before before we Implement all this stuff it
00:04:52.560 used to be the case that when a new order comes in and our payment Gateway
00:04:57.680 goes down the order would get rejected ejected and then we would turn away
00:05:03.199 customer they wouldn't be able to like pay for their sandwich or their hamburgers that they want and we result
00:05:10.759 in a sad customers so we started to think what if
00:05:18.160 we uh we taking in some risk but
00:05:23.479 then we like resulting in a happy customer
00:05:32.039 so we went uh we did the we we did the
00:05:37.360 process like iteratively so we start with something
00:05:42.520 simple uh what we call it as a manual shutdown so basically in the in on the
00:05:50.520 admin panel we have a big red button like this that the admin would go in and
00:05:57.280 then press on the button and then just shut down the uh the system and make it
00:06:04.600 goes into a a fail remote so this fail REM mode we
00:06:11.840 would accepting low low risk order uh we save it into the database and then we
00:06:18.680 will charge the customer later so you see that I'm I'm saying
00:06:24.759 about uh accepting low risk order so before we actually saving the saving the
00:06:31.440 order to into the database we do some risk assertion which well we cannot like
00:06:38.759 we cannot tell you guys how how how we do the risk assertion but it could be something something as simple like this
00:06:45.599 like if the order is less than 100 bucks then it's we consider as a low
00:06:52.000 risk uh so there are actually many ways that you
00:06:58.479 can assert the risk and for example you could you could also
00:07:04.479 like you could also check how many times they have been uh paying with your system how long they have been sign up
00:07:12.800 and like have they ever made like a fail transaction something like that so just
00:07:20.160 to make sure that you you'll be able to collect money from them later on so by implemen this kind of system at
00:07:29.080 least we will be able to allow customer to make purchase when our system go uh well
00:07:35.400 not our system when the payment Gateway goes down and we didn't we we don't turn
00:07:41.160 away any customers but for something for this
00:07:47.599 manual process it requires a human to be there when the payment Gateway goes down
00:07:55.000 and like uh Al like well people need sleep they
00:08:01.800 don't stay up for like 24/7 so we start to realize that this
00:08:08.919 doesn't work so well why don't we just like automate it
00:08:14.639 this so in terms of automating it there is a couple of different ways that we go about this uh the simplest approach is
00:08:22.000 in three main steps we start by taking the charge the part that goes out to the
00:08:27.120 payment Gateway that hits the credit card and we wrap that in timeout with a preset number of seconds that we're
00:08:32.200 going to wait for this thing to complete if it times out if we can't get out to
00:08:37.399 the payment Gateway if something doesn't happen that we wanted it to in that timeout then we'll stop and evaluate the
00:08:43.880 risk if the risk is too high we return back a failure that says sorry can't get
00:08:50.160 your hamburger move on if the risk is low however we'll save it and we'll return a success and that success
00:08:56.240 message mimics it looks exactly like a normal success there's no difference to the client in fact the client the the
00:09:02.640 scanner the cashier has no idea they've even gone through this process and lastly as we saved all these
00:09:09.399 things we then need to have some kind of a mechanism later that'll go through find them all and then retry them in the
00:09:15.920 background so we can eventually reconcile or complete these orders for us so let's look at how we do this so
00:09:22.600 the timeout code is pretty basic charge card via Gateway pretty descriptive I
00:09:27.880 like descriptive names by the way uh that's wrapped in timeout we've got timeout in seconds and what we'll do is
00:09:35.240 we'll go through this is in our customer charger class this will go through as part of the charge process and if we
00:09:41.040 fall if we run out of if that timeout happens we'll fall into the rescue there and we'll call a method that I really
00:09:47.440 like the name of assess risk of saving order without charging
00:09:52.519 card and what this guy will do is it will first check the risk so
00:09:59.399 the risk we'll see is low or high if the if it's high if it's not low basically
00:10:05.360 then we return back a very generic validation message generic because we really don't want to be too descriptive
00:10:10.640 about what we're really doing here so something like card failed sounds pretty good to me we return FAL so that there's
00:10:16.680 no more processing that goes on in the order in the other Branch though if the risk is
00:10:23.360 low we'll then set a string on the Gateway ID Gateway ID just as some
00:10:28.440 background is a random let's call it a Bas 64 just a random string that lets us uniquely identify any charges that we
00:10:35.320 run via our Gateway so we're going to save something that we can easily pattern match against and that's going
00:10:41.240 to say Gateway Dash Down Dash and then if you're not familiar with it secure random this will just give us a nice
00:10:46.839 long random string something that was not likely to collide with say another one that's happening at the exact same
00:10:53.200 time and then lastly we return true so that processing can continue now the last step of this whole
00:10:59.760 process is that we need this cron task that runs in the background that will then find all these orders and retry
00:11:06.079 them so roughly every 10 minutes or so throughout the day we have a Chron task that that kicks in that looks for any
00:11:12.839 orders that need to be reconciled we have something called order. reconcilable and what we'll do is
00:11:19.160 there's there's one interesting note before I move on to the next slide here is that there's a race condition uh in this in this and I'm going to point out
00:11:25.880 later but just keep that in mind so order. reconcilable this is a active
00:11:31.639 record scope on the order model and that'll find anything that matches our Gateway Das down
00:11:37.880 pattern if we find any then we call order. reconcile on it
00:11:44.120 and what this guy will do is steps through and it first runs something called similar order finder this is
00:11:49.839 don't worry about the details what's cool about it is that it calls out to our Gateway and asks have you do you
00:11:56.079 have any charges that were in the last say plus or minus 20 seconds of when this order was created that's for the
00:12:02.440 same amount and pointed to the same credit card if it does there's a really good chance that this is a duplicate and
00:12:09.320 somehow we've already run this charge this is like a paranoia check we really don't want to charge our customers twice by mistake so we're going to we've got
00:12:16.040 these kinds of things all over the place so if we do find one of those we just update the Gateway ID with the actual ID
00:12:22.800 that we found from our Gateway and save it so we don't have to keep rerunning this thing on the flip side if we find that
00:12:30.160 if we don't have an order found then we'll charge and we'll save and you remember charge from before was defined
00:12:35.880 to also be in that timeout so we're going to keep doing that process over and over again just in case that this thing fails
00:12:43.720 again I mentioned earlier about that issue with the race condition the race
00:12:49.279 condition here is that there's no locks and if this thing doesn't run sequentially what if you kicked off say
00:12:54.360 10 of those KRON tasks at the same time or what if one ran really slowly and the next one started kick in that could be
00:13:00.199 bad because then you can end up charging your customer a number of times and that's not fun so if you're going to do
00:13:06.680 this either make sure that it's running sequentially or put in some locks in terms of pros and cons on the
00:13:14.560 upside there's no humans involved so this can happen at 2 am and I don't have to worry about being up at 2 am to check
00:13:20.040 if our payment Gateway is down I can get some sleep so that's pretty cool on the downside
00:13:26.880 however it we found so first off we found this worked really well for a long period of time there were a couple of
00:13:33.839 sort of rough spots we found that similar order finder was a little finicky in a couple cases I would just
00:13:38.920 be careful of your gateway and do lots of testing to make sure that works the way you think it will uh but we found
00:13:44.480 that this technique really worked well so that's when they are down now
00:13:52.399 let's talk about what about if we are down
00:13:57.759 so we could the reason that we could go down uh several reason like we have
00:14:03.360 application error like application just throwing 500 errors uh
00:14:10.199 our hero go is failing uh Amazon web service goes
00:14:15.600 away uh the the problem is that there's
00:14:21.800 nothing we nothing much we can do uh to fix this internally when when it
00:14:27.000 happens uh I would go into more detail but first let's get into a break time
00:14:33.199 break time uh that's a purito by the way that's a cat burrito if you didn't know
00:14:39.800 so let me tell you a story involving burritos as all good stories involve on October 22nd AWS went down I bet at
00:14:48.040 least some of you knew about that here's what it looked like after the fact but
00:14:53.360 during the day there were a lot of status updates some of it was misleading some of it was helpful
00:14:59.199 but we really had no idea what was coming back I was still at work and I was watching these status
00:15:05.560 updates I was getting hungry I wanted a burrito I remember that there's a Kuda
00:15:10.680 in my house but I couldn't remember it's hours and I pull up their website to
00:15:15.759 check those hours and yep kudoba on
00:15:21.480 Heroku Heroku is on us East one bad times I never got my burrito so
00:15:30.959 remember kids always use a CDN to serve your static Pages like your hours page if
00:15:37.560 you're a Coba so let's get back into it all right
00:15:43.480 so what if okay so what if heroo goes down for us oh like
00:15:51.399 say uh Amazon web service with hogu is on so on that same day this was
00:15:59.720 happening to us uh the number of f Spike up so so bad
00:16:06.000 and normally when you when like when we saw something like when you see something like this you'll be freaked
00:16:11.600 out because like oh my God this is how many like customer you turn
00:16:16.880 away however we already plann ahead we know that
00:16:22.199 something like this could happen so we built several parts
00:16:29.639 we we built several new parts to our system to handle this kind of
00:16:35.560 situation so I'm going to introduce you to a uh
00:16:41.600 chocolate uh this is a request replayer on our on our
00:16:46.680 stack and we also using uh a dynamic fell
00:16:53.480 service which is powered by Aki uh you might not you might cannot
00:17:00.720 see how everything uh get together or works out so let me walk you through on
00:17:07.160 how how we uh layer our stack so at the top we have the
00:17:12.360 internet uh which like as a Gateway accepting the requests uh all the
00:17:18.160 request would route through the akami dynamic router and which get Rous to our hogu
00:17:27.400 application uh behind the alemi dynamic router we also put our shock glat in
00:17:34.280 there and also have akami CDN to serve uh static assets oh like static version
00:17:41.840 of the site as well so when that day what happened is that
00:17:51.240 when when uh when customer trying to make a purchase uh they scan the phone
00:17:56.640 the request go to the internet and goes through the arami dynamic router uh it hits our rails application
00:18:04.679 but then our application doesn't work uh sometime it raise the application error
00:18:11.640 and sometime might be not responding in the uh timeout that we specify so when
00:18:21.240 it happen the the acomi dynamic router would routing would reroute the the
00:18:27.360 request to chocolate and then chocolate will handle
00:18:33.240 the request after that so now you may be curious what is
00:18:39.120 chocolate um is it's really this yummy
00:18:44.840 and so chocolate is actually a a separate Sinatra application that we uh
00:18:53.320 write it up from the scratch we decide not to use the same code base as our
00:18:58.520 production application because like there might be some bugs in the in the
00:19:04.200 production that we don't want these two things to be like failing at the same
00:19:10.200 time so this application would perform the risk assertion that we were talking about before uh as well and it would
00:19:20.760 store a ra raw request in the database and when the production website backs up
00:19:27.440 it would replace the request back to production so we call it chocolate but
00:19:35.000 it's actually the weer for a web
00:19:40.480 request uh as as I said before the uh uh
00:19:46.400 chocolate is the Sinatra app we also deploy this guy into a different Cloud
00:19:54.120 not not Amazon web service so that we don't have a single part of flare
00:19:59.880 failure so I mean if Hoku or Amazon web service goes down then our customer
00:20:07.280 doesn't even notice happy customer I love that picture by the
00:20:12.960 way so I mean uh but again even even
00:20:18.000 though we have this we still have to assert the same risk as before if the Au if the order get accepted but that
00:20:25.280 cannot be charged later then we still yeah we still our block and so this also
00:20:34.440 needs like a good support team that would follow up to the customer and try to get money from them that sounds
00:20:40.760 pretty bad but yeah I mean we want we want you want to get we want to be able
00:20:46.039 to grab money for usually yeah so let's talk about how it works so chocolate as we mentioned is a
00:20:52.760 Sinatra app it has a post end point that looks identical to the path on our
00:20:58.559 production rails app and the idea is
00:21:03.799 whenever a request comes in we're going to do some basic checks we're going to pull out some interesting things such as
00:21:09.120 how much the order is for how much that hamburger costs and what customer we want to
00:21:14.559 charge if the order looks legit if it passes some of our basic sniff tests then we're then going to apply our risk
00:21:21.760 model if the risk is acceptable we'll save everything that we know about this request to the chocolate database so the
00:21:28.240 prams the headers everything that we possibly know both for debugging later but also for our replay
00:21:34.720 functionality and then finally we're going to return a response that's absolutely identical to what production would return both in the success and
00:21:42.200 failure state so again the cashier and the customer will have no idea anything has ever happened
00:21:49.240 here so let's talk about what a replay actually looks like what is replaying orders so once the rails production site
00:21:56.520 is back up again it's time to replay orders we have an order model on our Sinatra application that has a replay
00:22:02.600 method defined on it this method opens up a connection to the production app
00:22:07.799 and replays the request almost exactly like if the production app were receiving it straight from aami or
00:22:14.000 straight from the the cashier so to kick off these replays our support team will initiate them manually this is on
00:22:20.720 purpose this allows them to track any orders that don't replay successfully and also to keep track of what our
00:22:26.159 volume of replays are per day and they can then follow up with the customers if they have to there's one
00:22:32.039 last key piece to all this so that we haven't touched on and it it touches back with that paranoia that I was
00:22:37.200 talking about earlier so we have to be very careful because there are two separate apps
00:22:42.400 about duplicates it is possible that an order could end up in production could end up
00:22:47.600 actually being completed through our payment Gateway and charging the customer's credit card but it still ends
00:22:53.240 up in chocolate our replayer and I'll get into some reasons why that could happen but the important thing is that
00:22:59.360 if it does happen we want to be absolutely 100% sure that we don't accidentally charge that customer again
00:23:05.640 for that same order so we need to DDO the way that we do this is that aami
00:23:13.559 injects a custom HTTP header into every one of our requests that comes in every time an order is placed it puts an extra
00:23:20.679 header an extra HTTP header in the request that has a unique request ID so this unique request ID is then
00:23:28.240 stored on the order on the rails production side and if the order goes through and it's saved it's got this
00:23:34.640 request ID at the same time if the order ever fails over if it's ever sent over to chocolate chocolate also gets that same
00:23:41.640 request ID it doesn't change if it gets replayed it's the same one as what's originally on the rails production side
00:23:48.039 and we store it there too and then finally when we go to replay in order we're going to take that
00:23:53.600 order from chocolate and we're going to add that original request ID as part of the order uh post and so the rails
00:24:01.400 production site will then take it in and say oh yeah I've already got that order I've got an order that has that request
00:24:06.520 ID I'm going to reject this that's a duplicate on the flip side if it finds that it doesn't have that order already
00:24:12.240 then it's time to save it and move forward so now let's get into the detail
00:24:18.600 on when we would do the fail over so as I said before uh we have the
00:24:26.399 Timeout on on the akami dynamic router to uh resent the same request to shocate
00:24:35.240 if it takes more than 15 seconds uh after that request uh went
00:24:41.080 through the production server uh because sometimes even even
00:24:47.919 though they request the timeout but the charge uh but the customer might get
00:24:53.720 charged already on uh we our payment Gateway okay
00:25:00.039 so we was a little worried about it but then since we have the uh
00:25:05.919 dupes uh thing in production so that's actually automatically
00:25:13.399 handles so let's talk about uh the pros of using um multiple
00:25:21.919 layers like this is that it actually allows you to replay the exact same
00:25:27.159 request into a separate application which like doesn't have to be like in
00:25:34.080 the same physical location and if it dos correctly then your side will never goes
00:25:41.159 down or like oh it appears that it doesn't appear to be
00:25:46.320 down however because of you because you add so many Paces to the to the system
00:25:54.799 uh is actually at the amount of uh yeah it adds a layer of complexity
00:26:01.480 and also it would add cost to your bill because you have to pay for those uh
00:26:11.520 pieces so I want to talk about something that's a little strange that we've found and after we set up this whole failover
00:26:18.480 system that we've talked about we notice that every day we would still see some orders end up in chocolate and even
00:26:25.960 though all of our site are site was up nothing was being reported down all of our external Services were up there were
00:26:31.640 no problems being reported we were still seeing these issues we were still seeing orders pop up into chocolate so what
00:26:38.799 could be happening that's it's very strange check out all these spikes these are just random days there were no
00:26:44.440 downtime incidents on AWS Heroku or our side at all and yet we were still seeing
00:26:50.120 not an insignificant number that were failing over nothing was down what could be
00:26:56.480 causing this has anyone heard of random routing
00:27:05.600 before yes Dinos get backed up so every day a handful of orders still end up
00:27:11.600 failing over to chocolate and the way the reason why this happens is due to the way that random routing works if a
00:27:19.000 handful of requests all come in at the same time the router is going to randomly assign them to our available
00:27:24.559 dyo pool so let's look at how that actually works so you have a router you've got the heru
00:27:29.760 router it's randomly assigning requests Let's Pretend the blue box is a request coming in it hits the router and gets
00:27:36.440 assigned randomly to a dyo let's call it dyo one another request comes in while
00:27:42.159 that first request is being processed and this one gets randomly assigned to another
00:27:47.480 dyo this continues while requests are still being processed
00:27:52.679 and if you happen to have some requests that are a little slow like this blue one that's been sitting around for a
00:27:58.240 little while then we could run into a problem so let's say another request comes in and let's say that it randomly
00:28:04.960 gets assigned to a dyo that's already busy like say Dino 1 so what's going to happen it's going to get queed it's
00:28:12.120 going to sit there and it's going to wait until that dyo frees up and can actually process that
00:28:17.360 request so as requests get processed and new requests come in and get assigned
00:28:23.600 we've still got this one request that's sitting there backed up notice also that there's a couple of
00:28:29.399 dinos here that aren't doing anything that's kind of unfortunate and
00:28:34.600 as Prem mentioned earlier we have a Timeout on the aemi side that's been set for 15
00:28:40.679 seconds so if we find that a request comes in and it's sitting around waiting to be processed or perhaps it's even in
00:28:47.880 process with the dyno and the timer goes off we're still going to end up timing
00:28:53.640 out that request as soon as it gets timed out it's no longer in our control it's no
00:28:58.799 longer in heroku's control it's taken away because the aimi layers before that it now gets replayed to chocolate and
00:29:05.080 this is one of the key reasons why we would find so many orders that could get completed anyway that were still being
00:29:12.279 processed say they were still in process on the on our app side and still end up in chocolate our
00:29:18.799 failover this is doubly unfortunate because we also have a whole bunch of dinos that are just sitting there doing
00:29:24.640 nothing so how do we solve this well you can't the best way that you can do it is you
00:29:29.799 can speed up your dinos as much sorry speed up your requests as much as possible make it so that every Dyno is
00:29:36.919 processing requests very very quickly this will reduce the number that are going to be sitting there just waiting to get
00:29:43.159 processed um you can also just continuously tune everyone's app is very different and we found that we've done a
00:29:50.279 lot of aggressive tuning for both the number of unicorn workers that we have running as well as say how long we're
00:29:56.840 willing to wait for a single request to be processed not just the the system as a whole but individual
00:30:03.720 requests and ultimately you just have to accept that with random routing there's really no way that you can ever solve
00:30:11.240 this there's no solution to that you can just make it better so before we closing off uh there
00:30:20.080 are several things to remember from this talk uh first of all your site will goes
00:30:27.039 down no matter what something will break and your site will goes down so consider
00:30:34.600 having something like this in uh should be in your planning
00:30:42.720 process uh second you should have a replayer uh some uh Dynamic routing to
00:30:51.519 uh replay the critical web request such as like making an order or something
00:30:56.760 like that uh you might want to take in some bre if
00:31:02.840 that makes if if that's going to make your customer happy and make your
00:31:09.000 platform uh like be
00:31:14.639 reliable and also uh you need to keep your Endo lean lean and fast try to put
00:31:22.679 stuff into a background job if it can be to free up the the web
00:31:29.440 server and five because everyone sometimes want a burrito like late so
00:31:36.120 use a CDN to serve the static asset or static site if your main site goes
00:31:43.360 down so that's it uh anybody have any question sure so let me just repeat the
00:31:50.559 question so he's saying let me just paraphrase actually because a little little bit much there but I think what
00:31:55.799 you're saying is it sounds like the problem is Heroku this sounds like the problem is your main app going down why
00:32:01.080 not have a second copy of your app that you could scale up and if it goes down send all your requests to that and
00:32:07.919 you're actually up you're not just faking that you're up did I get that right cool so I think the easiest answer
00:32:14.919 to that is because state is very very hard State being things like I need to
00:32:20.919 then synchronize or you know DD whatever you want to call it if I have an order
00:32:26.039 come in on my set second application well in order doesn't exist in isolation it does a lot of different stuff when
00:32:32.840 someone places an order we have probably hundreds of different things that get kicked off that all affect all kinds of
00:32:39.480 different state if someone has say prepaid prepaid credit we need to deduct that right so in that particular case if
00:32:47.519 the second site is has a couple of orders go against it and then we resume
00:32:52.799 we go back to our main site well those numbers are going to be off until they've had a chance to syn synchronize and talk to each other right so we found
00:33:00.519 that the state and in other people's applications could be even more complicated but the thing is that the
00:33:05.600 state here the synchronizing between the two applications is incredibly hard so
00:33:11.600 let's go shopping let's create a replayer so that's the main idea yeah I think I think the I would like to add as
00:33:17.960 well that deploying the site to heroo is actually better than like having to have
00:33:23.919 the uh like CIS off in in our like in in our startup I mean because like pretty
00:33:31.440 much every every developer knows how to use git and like knows how to deploy to heroo so it's actually like even though
00:33:38.279 we have to maintain those stuff it's like the pros and cons actually like cancel out and then it's not that bad I
00:33:44.679 think there's another question yeah right there you just single ofure definitely yeah so the question
00:33:52.000 was didn't you just move the single point of failure from Amazon to aami and you're right
00:33:57.559 except that Akamai is a lot better about being up than we are we're still pretty small compared to them I think the last
00:34:04.120 time I read some of their marketing stuff it was something like 20% of all internet traffic ultimately ends up
00:34:10.440 routing through aami but replace aami with X with some other replayer that you
00:34:16.200 trust um they're very good about staying up I I don't remember if you guys
00:34:21.520 remember maybe six months ago something like that they did have some downtime which was pretty catastrophic so luckily
00:34:27.520 it's that that they're not perfect either but they're better than we are right now so so that's what we're doing
00:34:34.399 so far but it's an evolving system so yo have you thought about a third failover
00:34:39.919 so the question is have you thought about a third failure failover absolutely you could have a hundred
00:34:45.399 replayers if you wanted to there's no there's no reason why you couldn't you could even have redundant acamis what if
00:34:51.480 you had aami and then X and then Y in between right you could scale up this kind of a concept cep in many different
00:34:58.119 ways to then have something along the chain to then capture those requests and store them for later processing
00:35:04.320 absolutely so
00:35:09.400 yes so the question is how do you do deployments when you have multiple places that you're deploying to so the
00:35:15.520 two applications the main rails app and chocolate the replayer are all are both
00:35:20.760 very different completely separate and they are not deployed at the same time they're not even deployed in the same day we have as our standard operating
00:35:28.040 procedures we do not touch both apps at the same time if we could ever avoid it
00:35:33.440 and so far we've been able to avoid it yeah pretty much like there are some parts there are some parts of the code
00:35:39.320 like risk assertions that chair between those two application so we push those
00:35:44.880 thing up as a gem like in a in a private gem posting yep and then lastly just in
00:35:50.880 terms of tools we just push directly to to Heroku like everyone does and we also
00:35:55.960 use Capistrano for the second one which is on a a VPS so other questions way in
00:36:02.160 the back awesome question so how are you the
00:36:09.640 question is how are you assessing risk without depending on a third party so
00:36:14.720 what we showed you is a super simplistic example anything I think it was anything under 100 bucks just it's it's low risk
00:36:20.880 right that's one way to do it that's pretty naive there are other ways too you could consider for instance so you
00:36:27.960 could have say nightly a uh synchronized job between the two apps that checks to
00:36:33.599 see all of your most frequent customers so customers that you know that that have been a customer for months and
00:36:40.079 months or years that place lots of orders and have perhaps a predictable pattern you could take something like
00:36:45.599 that and say yes this person is is low risk up to some dollar amount or some
00:36:51.400 preset you know threshold and if your replayer ever encounters an order from that person then boom low risk and
00:36:58.480 accept it uh there are many different ways that you could do that the idea is to move the logic into your replayer and
00:37:04.440 never have the replayer dependent on something outside in order to assess that risk and so there's it's everyone's
00:37:11.680 app is different but for us we found a couple of different ways we can do that very reliably so any other questions
00:37:17.920 yeah right over here great question so the question is what if you just use a second Gateway for your app so what if
00:37:23.839 your first payment Gateway goes down you then fail over to a second Gateway uh the short answer is we actually already
00:37:29.560 do that um but the the longer answer is that you can take this technique and
00:37:35.079 apply it to things Beyond just a payment Gateway like what if you know you were doing something else that didn't rely on
00:37:41.680 payment gateways and You Were Somehow interested in something else a lot of this is similar to like delayed job
00:37:47.240 retries right if you're sending an email in a delayed job delayed job by default
00:37:52.520 will have up to three retries I believe so the same concept exists that's just
00:37:57.760 inside your app same thing too you could apply end number of payment gateways or end number of redundant services but you
00:38:04.400 may not have that option and if that's the case you could use something like this so I think we have time for maybe
00:38:09.839 one more question yes right over
00:38:17.280 there great question so uh question is uh what percentage of payments what
00:38:22.680 percentage of orders while you're down are considered high risk and thus rejected so the number started off very very high
00:38:30.640 I don't know the figures in front of me but I wouldn't be surprised if it was more than 50% um and we've tuned that over time as
00:38:37.800 we learn more about our customers learn more about their habits and then kind of figured out well what really is high-
00:38:43.960 risk to us is it the dollar amount is a $5 you know sandwich is that high risk
00:38:49.960 enough that we're willing to we're not willing to extend that out just in case it works or is it more about something
00:38:56.400 like like patterns and so for us if someone places one order at $5 okay
00:39:02.240 maybe that's low risk because $5 isn't too much especially when your VC backed haha um but second is what if they start
00:39:09.520 placing lots of $5 orders all right away and all consecutively well then that starts to become high-risk so we have to
00:39:16.760 put in some logic about that and we've been tuning this metric quite a bit over time and like we said before we're still
00:39:23.240 investigating we don't have a perfect answer I don't think there ever will be but it's something that we can tune and we can experiment with and learn from so
00:39:31.160 cool well thanks everyone thank
00:39:55.400 you
00:40:06.520 n