
Effectively Testing Services

Effectively Testing Services

by Neal Kemp

In his talk at RailsConf 2014, Neal Kemp addresses the challenges of testing services in the Ruby programming environment, where applications frequently interact with external APIs such as Twitter and AWS, alongside internal services. This session focuses not only on the necessity and methods of testing these services but also on the common pitfalls developers might encounter.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Introduction to Services: Kemp categorizes services into two types: external services (like public APIs) and internal services (where HTTP requests are made to other repositories). He emphasizes services' critical roles in scaling and speeding up app development.

  • Importance of Testing Services: Testing is framed as essential because services often constitute important features within an application, such as payment processing or data retrieval. An untested service can lead to significant application failures (e.g., a malfunctioning Stripe integration affecting billing processes).

  • Challenges From Real-World Examples: Kemp shares personal anecdotes regarding difficulties faced while working with both internal APIs, which suffered from inconsistent responses, and external APIs, which lacked proper documentation and versioning. He underscores these issues with examples including undocumented bugs that caused failures during production.

  • Best Practices for Testing Services:

    • Airplane Mode Analogy: He advises to 'turn on airplane mode' in tests, meaning no real network requests should be sent during testing. This helps avoid unreliable tests due to network failures.
    • Stubbing Techniques: Kemp discusses the need to stub out requests using libraries like WebMock, providing a way to simulate API calls without making actual network requests. He shares a simple implementation using RSpec and how to easily set up and configure the testing environment.
    • Using Mock Services: Recommendations include leveraging existing gems that include mock services or employing tools like VCR, which records HTTP interactions for reuse in tests, eliminating the need for real requests during builds.
    • Dynamic Testing with Shamrack: He explains Shamrack for creating dynamic mock services, allowing greater flexibility in testing responses.
    • Conclusion and Recommendations: Testing services is crucial in modern development workflows, and developers should determine the best approach based on project needs, emphasizing the importance of recording responses and avoiding the pitfalls of external dependencies.


  • Developing confidence in service interactions through thorough testing can lead to more reliable applications.
  • The right tools and techniques can streamline service testing processes, helping developers efficiently quality-check their integration points.
  • The audience is encouraged to stay informed about future best practices, emphasizing the importance of maintaining test reliability.

Kemp closes by inviting further discussion through email or social media, indicating his openness for question and collaborative conversation on the topic.

Our Ruby world is becoming increasingly service oriented. Even in trivial applications, we often glue on multiple services ranging from Twitter to AWS. Services can, however, be confusing to test.

Many questions arise such as: How thoroughly should I test a service? Should I stub out responses or consume an API in test mode? How do I know a service is returning what I believe it returns?

In this talk, I answer these questions and more so that you may test services more effectively.

I am an independent consultant who slings Ruby code for a variety of clients. In the past, I have worked as a developer at thoughtbot and ZURB. I was developing on the web back when marquees were cool.

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RailsConf 2014

00:00:17.760 hi railscomp uh today we're going to be
00:00:20.400 talking about testing your services
00:00:22.960 but before we get into that i want to
00:00:24.480 introduce myself
00:00:26.240 my name's neil i'm originally from iowa
00:00:29.039 so i feel at home here in the midwest
00:00:32.160 now i live in california in la
00:00:33.920 specifically and i'm a software
00:00:36.000 developer and independent consultant who
00:00:38.320 does rails javascript html css basically
00:00:42.399 if you name an acronym i probably coded
00:00:44.320 in it at some point
00:00:46.480 so
00:00:47.360 today's talk is going to be the what the
00:00:49.840 why and the how of testing your services
00:00:54.559 this is not a talk about building
00:00:56.559 testable services i could do an entire
00:00:58.719 talk about that on its own
00:01:01.440 it's also not necessarily a talk about
00:01:03.920 test driven development
00:01:05.840 while i'm a practitioner i don't think
00:01:08.080 that the principles applied here
00:01:10.320 correspond directly to test driven or
00:01:12.720 not test driven development
00:01:16.720 so
00:01:19.280 got that one good uh
00:01:21.439 so first we're gonna talk about the what
00:01:23.520 so we have to ask ourselves what is a
00:01:25.200 service so i break it down into two main
00:01:27.840 categories first of all we have external
00:01:30.320 services like the twitter api
00:01:33.200 facebook's api or amazon web services
00:01:37.280 and the other category is internal
00:01:39.680 software oriented architecture a
00:01:41.680 buzzword we all know and love
00:01:44.399 so
00:01:45.439 basically for the purpose of this talk
00:01:47.520 it means anytime you're making an http
00:01:51.439 request to an endpoint in another
00:01:54.079 repository
00:01:55.520 so basically any network request you're
00:01:57.520 making outside of your application
00:02:00.960 so now we're going to talk about why
00:02:03.600 because we need some justification
00:02:05.360 before we go ahead and test all of our
00:02:07.360 services without question
00:02:10.080 so first we have to ask ourselves why
00:02:11.840 are services themselves important i
00:02:13.599 think a lot of these are pretty
00:02:14.640 self-evident it allows us to build
00:02:17.280 things faster it allows us to scale more
00:02:19.440 easily
00:02:20.640 and we use them on basically every
00:02:22.800 application i don't think i can
00:02:24.800 personally think of an app i've built in
00:02:27.360 the past few years that hasn't glued on
00:02:29.520 multiple services and i'm also noticing
00:02:32.160 that we're using more and more services
00:02:34.239 for every application
00:02:37.360 so i would argue that services are
00:02:39.200 critical to modern rails development
00:02:42.160 so we have to ask ourselves then why is
00:02:44.080 testing those services important
00:02:46.480 well first of all you should be testing
00:02:48.239 everything else so why would it be
00:02:50.319 different for services
00:02:52.239 and services often compose critical
00:02:54.400 features of your application for example
00:02:56.720 a stripe integration if your billing's
00:02:59.040 down you're going to have a lot of
00:03:00.159 issues
00:03:02.159 you know if you have an api request to
00:03:05.040 s3 you're not going to be able to serve
00:03:06.560 images if that's down and you might also
00:03:09.440 encounter problems with these apis i
00:03:11.440 know i sure have
00:03:12.879 uh
00:03:13.680 basically anytime i've worked with an
00:03:15.360 api there's been some unexpected results
00:03:18.319 so the first example i'm going to take
00:03:20.000 you through is
00:03:21.760 you know an internal api built by
00:03:23.840 consultants in another part of the
00:03:25.280 company so this is the software oriented
00:03:27.760 architecture we're talking about
00:03:29.760 and they were exposing this api for our
00:03:32.080 rails app to consume
00:03:34.000 and but we had issues all along the way
00:03:36.560 and it served to
00:03:38.400 increase the project length
00:03:39.680 significantly sometimes we'd have random
00:03:42.159 null responses when we're supposed to
00:03:43.840 get objects there was random
00:03:45.720 inconsistencies where we'd get weird
00:03:48.159 symbols being printed out and
00:03:50.799 different formatting and in general is a
00:03:52.799 catastrophe
00:03:54.560 so it definitely lengthened the time to
00:03:56.319 completion and this was a lot due to a
00:03:59.760 failure on our part to you know test the
00:04:02.319 api thoroughly so we couldn't express to
00:04:05.040 them you know the problems we were
00:04:06.239 having until we put it into production
00:04:08.560 so this is one problem that could have
00:04:10.239 been solved by testing first
00:04:14.239 now we're going to talk about a few
00:04:15.599 problems i've had with external apis and
00:04:17.600 i'm sure all of you
00:04:19.120 have encountered similar issues with
00:04:21.199 apis in the past
00:04:22.960 uh so do we have any nhl fans in in the
00:04:25.600 house here
00:04:26.639 yeah chicago blackhawks doing pretty
00:04:28.720 well in the playoffs so far
00:04:30.639 we'll see how they go i mean obviously
00:04:32.479 they're going to get crushed by the
00:04:33.600 kings in a few rounds here are the
00:04:35.520 sharks possibly
00:04:37.199 but we'll see i don't want to start a
00:04:38.880 sports rivalry today
00:04:41.120 so you know this basically ranged from
00:04:44.400 small annoyances to
00:04:46.400 you know
00:04:47.360 major issues with this api so we'd have
00:04:49.840 annoyances like this where some
00:04:51.919 responses would come back with an id for
00:04:54.560 the team and others would come back with
00:04:56.080 a code and in this case both of them
00:04:58.080 refer to anaheim so this is a minor
00:05:00.160 annoyance you can code around that
00:05:02.160 here we have
00:05:03.680 an undocumented bug where basically the
00:05:06.080 goals were all supposed to be as a part
00:05:07.840 of an array but if you only had one goal
00:05:10.080 it would be an object and sadly we
00:05:11.840 discovered this one in production
00:05:14.000 during a game so that wasn't ideal
00:05:17.440 but
00:05:18.400 worst of all after we had gone through
00:05:21.360 all of the trouble of fixing these we
00:05:23.680 realize that there is no versioning on
00:05:25.520 this api so
00:05:27.039 even if we fixed it we might be fixing
00:05:30.240 it again a week later
00:05:33.919 so this is basically what it felt like
00:05:36.160 to work with their api
00:05:39.440 so another project i worked on this is
00:05:41.440 just kind of a fun side project was a
00:05:43.600 snapchat api client
00:05:45.600 so i could uh you know work with the
00:05:47.600 snapchat private api
00:05:49.840 and while
00:05:51.120 one of these examples is extreme
00:05:53.680 in that there was haphazard
00:05:55.039 documentation or no documentation in
00:05:57.759 this case i think we've all worked with
00:05:59.759 apis that have
00:06:01.280 improper documentation
00:06:03.360 and but in this case we didn't even know
00:06:05.120 what the requests were so we had to
00:06:06.479 figure that out there's also bizarre
00:06:08.560 obfuscation
00:06:10.000 implanted inside of the app itself
00:06:12.400 that basically encrypted
00:06:14.400 on their iphone so people like me
00:06:16.479 couldn't go in and build things like
00:06:19.199 this and there's a github link if you're
00:06:21.360 curious
00:06:22.639 so now that we've talked a little bit
00:06:25.280 about why it's important and outlined
00:06:27.120 some of the problems you might encounter
00:06:29.600 we're going to talk about how you're
00:06:31.360 actually going to test these
00:06:36.000 so first we need to ask ourselves what
00:06:38.080 is different about services
00:06:40.639 than regular code that we're testing
00:06:43.280 well first of all
00:06:44.800 we have external network requests that
00:06:47.280 are being made
00:06:48.720 and second of all you don't own the code
00:06:50.880 so you can't really do unit testing on
00:06:52.960 it it all has to be done from an
00:06:54.639 integration test perspective
00:06:58.000 so what i propose for your tests in
00:07:00.639 general
00:07:01.680 is that you turn airplane mode on
00:07:04.960 this i find is the best way to think
00:07:07.440 about your test because first of all
00:07:09.759 failure is really bad in testing
00:07:12.800 and you shouldn't be making any network
00:07:14.960 requests
00:07:16.560 so i think of this kind of in two ways
00:07:18.880 first of all so it's airplane mode in
00:07:20.800 the test mode so you can't do these
00:07:22.560 things but also it should be a test that
00:07:24.479 you can run on an airplane
00:07:26.800 basically meaning that if you're you
00:07:28.639 know on a long transatlantic flight or
00:07:31.039 in the railsconf lobby you can still
00:07:32.960 make your tests
00:07:35.680 and
00:07:37.039 and they won't fail because of network
00:07:39.599 issues
00:07:42.000 so this means you should not interact
00:07:44.319 with your services
00:07:46.080 from your testing environment
00:07:48.400 and we have a few caveats which i'll get
00:07:50.479 into now
00:07:51.840 so this includes dummy apis so there's
00:07:55.440 some api makers that have their real api
00:07:58.479 and then they have a fake api which you
00:08:00.560 can hit with requests but it doesn't
00:08:02.800 make any changes to your data
00:08:05.520 so you can't hit those because those are
00:08:07.360 somewhere else on the network
00:08:10.160 but i do allow you to make pre-recorded
00:08:13.280 responses to those endpoints and that
00:08:16.160 means you can record them within your
00:08:17.680 test suite which we'll get into in a bit
00:08:19.759 more detail later
00:08:22.800 so for these examples i'm going to be
00:08:24.800 assuming that you're using rails
00:08:26.720 obviously
00:08:28.319 and that you're using r spec for
00:08:30.319 simplicity's sake
00:08:33.760 so it's time to stub out these requests
00:08:36.880 so
00:08:37.839 when you're stubbing an object
00:08:39.680 you're basically for those who don't
00:08:41.360 know it's basically putting like a fake
00:08:43.599 object in front of that object so you're
00:08:46.160 hitting that object instead of hitting
00:08:47.760 the real one and you know saving time
00:08:49.839 with like setup processes and stuff like
00:08:52.240 that
00:08:53.200 and we're doing a similar thing when
00:08:54.959 you're stubbing a request to an endpoint
00:08:57.120 except we're saving a lot more time when
00:08:59.200 we're doing so because we don't have to
00:09:00.800 make that additional network request
00:09:04.240 so there's some libraries that include
00:09:06.399 built-in stubbing so type phoeus if i
00:09:09.440 pronounce that correctly faraday and
00:09:11.920 x-con are three examples of pretty
00:09:14.880 widely used http libraries built on top
00:09:18.000 of net http i think
00:09:20.480 that have built-in stubbing
00:09:22.480 functionality
00:09:23.760 but we can simplify this a little bit
00:09:26.240 and use something called webmock which
00:09:28.640 i'm sure many of you have worked with in
00:09:30.240 the past
00:09:31.360 which is a general purpose stubbing
00:09:33.680 library for your test suite so you don't
00:09:36.160 have to learn each
00:09:38.000 individual library's
00:09:39.839 stubbing methods
00:09:42.480 so we'll take you through a quick
00:09:43.920 example here's a basic spec helper
00:09:46.880 nothing really interesting about this
00:09:48.480 except you have to include disable net
00:09:51.279 connect at the bottom the rest is
00:09:52.880 boilerplate so i've highlighted that
00:09:55.360 and obviously uh with all these examples
00:09:58.000 you should be putting the gem in your
00:09:59.600 gem file and bundle installing before
00:10:02.800 you start
00:10:04.640 so when you put this in your code for
00:10:06.880 the first time you'll get a really great
00:10:09.120 error with this and i really like
00:10:10.720 getting these errors because it tells me
00:10:12.640 exactly in my code where i'm making
00:10:14.800 network requests so if you're not
00:10:16.560 already doing uh airplane mode tests
00:10:20.079 you should just plug
00:10:22.000 this disable net connect in and then
00:10:23.920 you'll get this error which will tell
00:10:25.920 you where you're making these network
00:10:27.600 requests
00:10:28.720 and it also is really handy and it gives
00:10:31.200 you actually the request you're making
00:10:32.800 at the bottom so you can copy and paste
00:10:34.959 that into
00:10:36.480 your test in order to stub it
00:10:38.959 automatically and obviously you'll have
00:10:40.959 to collect the body and the headers
00:10:42.720 yourself if you need to use those as
00:10:44.880 well
00:10:48.320 so for the following examples we're
00:10:50.480 going to use probably the most face
00:10:53.040 sorry most simple facebook wrapper ever
00:10:56.000 invented basically all we're doing here
00:10:58.880 is sending a get request to
00:11:02.399 facebook graph the public api for a user
00:11:06.000 and what this does is it just returns
00:11:07.680 like very basic facebook information
00:11:10.079 about you it has your facebook username
00:11:13.120 your name and an id and a few other
00:11:15.519 fields
00:11:16.800 and then what we're doing with user id
00:11:18.720 up at the top
00:11:20.320 is we are just pulling out the value
00:11:23.839 for key id so this
00:11:26.079 all it does is return your facebook id
00:11:29.680 super super simple
00:11:32.399 and make sure since we're putting in a
00:11:34.160 lib that you required at some point and
00:11:36.320 you're loading
00:11:38.079 so now we're going to look at a test for
00:11:40.720 this
00:11:41.519 so this is a test where we're not making
00:11:43.279 a network request but we're stubbing it
00:11:45.279 out with webmock
00:11:46.959 so at the bottom you can see we're doing
00:11:50.000 our testing case and we're setting up an
00:11:53.519 expectation that our user id is equal to
00:11:57.120 arjun's user id and i'm using arjun
00:12:00.079 because he was the maker of the facebook
00:12:01.760 graph api wrapper
00:12:03.680 and you can see now above we are
00:12:06.639 stubbing the request just like you'd
00:12:08.720 stub an object we're setting the method
00:12:10.880 of the http request and then we're send
00:12:13.920 putting the link
00:12:15.440 as the second argument
00:12:19.440 next we have to set up what it returns
00:12:22.800 and this is just an http response that
00:12:25.920 we're returning so we want to put a
00:12:27.760 status
00:12:28.800 you can set headers which i generally
00:12:31.120 don't do
00:12:32.160 but if you're doing any operations with
00:12:34.480 the headers you should definitely set up
00:12:37.839 these in your responses
00:12:40.639 and the body we have a really simple
00:12:42.880 json string i've cut out a few fields
00:12:45.360 for brevity but you can see it has an id
00:12:48.399 a first name and a username
00:12:51.600 so this test will pass
00:12:53.519 and we're also making no net reque work
00:12:55.920 requests so
00:12:57.519 the reasons it's better is it first of
00:12:59.839 all it's faster
00:13:01.200 and we also aren't getting this
00:13:02.720 intermittent failure that we were
00:13:04.079 talking about earlier from the network
00:13:06.800 requests
00:13:10.000 so
00:13:10.720 that's a good general way but there's
00:13:12.639 ways we can also save time with this so
00:13:14.959 a lot of the really popular libraries
00:13:17.839 for api wrappers also include mock
00:13:20.720 services within themselves or as an
00:13:23.760 additional library on the side and they
00:13:25.920 use that for you know internal testing
00:13:28.320 with their gems so i recommend if if you
00:13:31.279 can find one to use this before you go
00:13:33.519 and use webmock because it'll save you a
00:13:35.279 lot of time
00:13:36.399 we'll take you through a quick example
00:13:38.240 so we're going to use facebook graph
00:13:40.320 mock here
00:13:43.760 and all we are doing is putting it into
00:13:46.959 spec helper we're just including the
00:13:48.880 methods and requiring it pretty
00:13:51.040 straightforward
00:13:52.639 and now we're going to look at a
00:13:55.680 spec so
00:13:57.600 basically all we're doing is we're
00:13:59.440 wrapping the test case within a
00:14:03.360 wrapper that mocks out the request so
00:14:05.360 basically all this one's doing is saying
00:14:07.760 we're sending a get request to
00:14:10.079 facebook graph backslash arjun
00:14:13.040 and then the third argument in this case
00:14:14.959 is users arjun public which is
00:14:18.320 where the json file of this response is
00:14:21.279 located in the gem
00:14:23.440 so you can also specify your own
00:14:25.920 responses and i'd recommend you do that
00:14:28.560 because i found actually some issues
00:14:30.160 with the facebook graph mock
00:14:32.399 uh
00:14:33.279 mocking like responses have some
00:14:36.399 outdatedness in them
00:14:38.160 so
00:14:39.760 but this you know example i'm not going
00:14:41.839 to take you through all of the gems that
00:14:43.199 have this but this can go to show that
00:14:46.000 there are some benefits that you get
00:14:48.000 from using this it's already stubbed for
00:14:50.480 you you don't have to learn the api
00:14:52.959 endpoints in order to use it
00:14:55.120 and some of these provide pre-recorded
00:14:57.680 responses for your use so you don't have
00:14:59.760 to go out and collect these so it's just
00:15:02.720 a good way of saving time if you're
00:15:04.160 using some popular libraries
00:15:07.839 next i'm going to take you through
00:15:09.600 shamrack which is one of my more
00:15:12.800 favorite ways of doing this i kind of
00:15:15.199 find this to be a fun way basically what
00:15:17.279 shamrock does sorry shamrack does
00:15:20.480 is it allows you to mount rack based
00:15:22.639 apps which include rails and sinatra and
00:15:26.240 others
00:15:27.680 and it allows you to make requests
00:15:30.000 against these
00:15:31.360 fake
00:15:32.560 apps
00:15:34.160 so
00:15:34.880 in this case we're going to get a little
00:15:36.639 help from sinatra
00:15:38.320 in order to stub out these endpoints
00:15:42.880 so
00:15:43.680 spec helper the only thing interesting
00:15:45.360 is that we leave in webmock pretty
00:15:47.680 boring there
00:15:49.839 but then we get to our fake so i usually
00:15:52.959 just put this in spec support and then
00:15:55.440 fake whatever it is in this case fake
00:15:57.839 facebook and this just means it'll be
00:16:00.240 loaded when you run your specs
00:16:02.720 automatically
00:16:04.480 but it won't be obviously loaded into
00:16:06.160 your production or staging environments
00:16:08.079 or development
00:16:09.600 so in this case at the top we can see
00:16:12.320 we're calling shamrack and we're setting
00:16:14.079 up the endpoint which we're hitting
00:16:16.000 against which in this case is
00:16:19.120 and 433 is just specifying that we're
00:16:21.279 using the https ssl link
00:16:24.639 and dot sinatra just means we're going
00:16:26.720 to be passing it in a sinatra app so
00:16:29.839 basically contained within this block
00:16:32.399 is a sinatra app and you can do
00:16:34.959 virtually anything you can do with a
00:16:36.320 regular sinatra app which is really cool
00:16:38.639 so you can just you're just basically
00:16:40.560 mounting this and testing against it
00:16:43.759 so
00:16:44.720 for those of you who don't use sinatra
00:16:46.959 very much all we're doing here is
00:16:49.600 specifying with the get keyword that
00:16:51.680 we're making a get request
00:16:53.600 to
00:16:54.480 backslash something and just like rails
00:16:57.199 when you run rake routes you'll see the
00:16:59.360 parameterization of things with the
00:17:01.040 colon before it we're doing the exact
00:17:02.639 same thing here with username
00:17:05.120 so you'll see in the middle
00:17:07.360 in the link we interpolate params
00:17:09.439 username and that's how you pull that
00:17:10.880 out
00:17:11.919 so this is essentially just returning a
00:17:14.240 string that is this response you can
00:17:17.120 obviously spice this up by setting
00:17:18.959 status codes adding conditionals in here
00:17:21.600 if you need some more dynamic power
00:17:24.559 and also setting up the headers and you
00:17:27.760 can also which i sometimes do this in my
00:17:30.160 testing is back it with like a small
00:17:32.400 yaml database so you can get some more
00:17:34.559 realistic data than just a simple
00:17:37.760 string
00:17:40.160 so
00:17:41.440 that's the response and
00:17:45.440 now when we're writing our spec for
00:17:47.600 shamrack
00:17:48.799 all we're doing
00:17:50.320 is
00:17:51.760 keeping it on this base level we don't
00:17:53.520 have to wrap it with anything because it
00:17:55.520 will automatically in your tests
00:17:57.760 pick up the fact that you have shamrack
00:17:59.679 mounted
00:18:00.720 and it will automatically hit against
00:18:02.480 that end point rather than hitting
00:18:04.960 against the network
00:18:09.440 so
00:18:10.240 you might ask why is this better
00:18:12.640 i think there are a few reasons first i
00:18:14.640 find it more dynamic
00:18:16.480 i find it more expressive as well and
00:18:18.400 you can really you know add as much
00:18:20.960 functionality you need to test your
00:18:23.280 integrations as you want and you can
00:18:25.039 also back it with yaml if you need you
00:18:27.200 know some pre-population of you know
00:18:29.280 real data
00:18:30.640 and it's also more readable let's go
00:18:32.640 back to this for a second and you can
00:18:34.880 see like
00:18:36.480 reading through this is a lot easier to
00:18:38.080 parse through and you know where the api
00:18:39.840 requests are being made to versus the
00:18:41.760 stubbing we showed in the first example
00:18:44.000 with webmock is a little bit hard to
00:18:45.600 read so that's why i prefer to use
00:18:48.080 this
00:18:49.919 so next we're going to talk about vcr
00:18:52.559 which is a pretty widely used gem and
00:18:54.720 this one has some other benefits
00:18:57.120 that i think are really important to use
00:18:59.280 basically it pre-records your responses
00:19:02.720 and we'll take you through an example
00:19:05.600 so
00:19:06.880 spec helper only thing interesting here
00:19:09.039 we have the vcr configuration block and
00:19:12.160 all we're doing is setting a cassette
00:19:14.320 library so that's basically where these
00:19:18.000 responses will be saved and then we're
00:19:20.480 hooking into webmock because that's a
00:19:22.480 stubbing library we're using
00:19:25.840 so here's a spec
00:19:27.919 and
00:19:28.880 as you can see it's
00:19:30.559 really really similar to the facebook
00:19:32.960 graph mock so basically what this does
00:19:35.600 is you're wrapping it in a block with
00:19:37.200 vcr
00:19:38.480 so
00:19:39.280 vcr what it does is it goes out to the
00:19:41.679 network and makes a request for you in
00:19:43.919 your testing environment
00:19:45.600 and it pulls that response back and
00:19:48.000 saves it in this case at facebook
00:19:50.480 user arjun
00:19:52.640 and the nice thing about this is you
00:19:54.160 don't have to go out and collect your
00:19:56.400 own responses which i find to be pretty
00:19:58.880 tedious and also error prone
00:20:01.280 but it also means you don't have to
00:20:05.679 break airplane mode with your test
00:20:07.840 because you can run this before and you
00:20:10.240 can cache all of the
00:20:12.080 json responses and play them back in
00:20:14.640 your build so when you're running it on
00:20:16.960 travis ci or circle or whatever you
00:20:19.120 happen to use you're not going to break
00:20:20.799 your build
00:20:21.919 because of network failure you're going
00:20:24.400 to be using these cache responses
00:20:27.520 and it also
00:20:29.200 just allows you to verify the responses
00:20:31.280 so
00:20:32.080 like i mentioned it's a little error
00:20:33.360 prone i've tried collecting these
00:20:34.880 responses on my own and you know
00:20:37.200 sometimes i copy and paste them wrong
00:20:39.440 and come up with an issue so this kind
00:20:41.600 of allows you to like have a nice
00:20:43.600 programmatic way of pulling those in
00:20:48.320 so there's also an additional build
00:20:50.240 process you can add so for the nhl
00:20:52.640 example i talked about uh the problem
00:20:54.960 was there was no versioning so what you
00:20:56.799 can do is if you want bonus points and
00:21:00.000 you're really dependent on an api that
00:21:02.880 doesn't have versioning you can do some
00:21:04.799 kind of build process
00:21:06.400 or you know test setup where you're
00:21:08.559 basically running it outside of your
00:21:10.080 normal test mode and you check the
00:21:11.760 cassettes for diffs and verify that the
00:21:14.159 responses are not changed from before so
00:21:16.960 this can help you avoid versioning
00:21:18.480 issues so i recommend that if you're
00:21:19.840 using something like nhl api
00:21:24.640 so the next one we're going to briefly
00:21:26.400 talk about is puffing billy
00:21:28.640 and uh aside from having a really cool
00:21:31.200 name and a nice logo on their github
00:21:34.640 this is uh an interesting gem to use
00:21:37.440 we're not going to use an example here
00:21:38.880 but basically what it is is for
00:21:41.440 in-browser requests so basically if
00:21:44.159 you're having integrations that are
00:21:45.679 browser-based you can record and reuse
00:21:49.440 just like vcr
00:21:51.120 and use those responses again
00:21:55.039 so
00:21:56.320 i don't want you guys to think that all
00:21:58.799 of this has to be done in a ruby and
00:22:00.559 that you have to
00:22:02.480 use vcr to first record your responses
00:22:05.200 there's a lot of tools out there
00:22:07.280 that will help you
00:22:09.120 to collect these responses test api
00:22:11.919 endpoints faster and i want to share
00:22:14.000 some of those with you
00:22:17.840 so
00:22:19.120 chrome dev tools has anyone heard of
00:22:21.120 this in here yeah probably probably all
00:22:23.760 of you but uh this is the first one i'm
00:22:25.440 mentioning because i use it probably
00:22:27.760 every day uh obviously it gives you a
00:22:29.919 really nice way of you know viewing
00:22:32.000 responses and requests and resending
00:22:34.000 them so super useful i'm not going to
00:22:36.400 get too far in depth in that one because
00:22:38.080 i'm assuming most people worked with it
00:22:40.640 but it doesn't hurt to mention
00:22:43.120 so next postman if you want to stay
00:22:45.039 within chrome this is an extension you
00:22:47.360 can use
00:22:48.480 and it basically gives you a user
00:22:50.400 interface around running these requests
00:22:53.440 so that
00:22:54.400 you can have kind of an easier way to
00:22:56.080 play with
00:22:57.039 requests and responses it allows you to
00:22:58.960 save them it gives you you know
00:23:01.440 a time in milliseconds of completion
00:23:04.559 and this one i think is i was working on
00:23:07.679 a
00:23:08.480 tinder api client for fun so um
00:23:12.240 that's what these requests are for so
00:23:14.640 that one's actually up on my github too
00:23:16.080 if you're curious uh
00:23:17.840 so i use that a lot
00:23:19.919 but if you like to stay a command line
00:23:21.600 based i would recommend httpi
00:23:25.200 it's basically an easier to use version
00:23:27.760 of curl
00:23:29.039 and it doesn't have like quite the
00:23:30.799 archaic syntax curl has
00:23:32.880 so i think it's you know worthy worthy
00:23:35.280 of use and you know be easier obviously
00:23:37.840 to run a script around this than it
00:23:39.760 would be to run around postman so if you
00:23:42.159 need to do something more programmatic
00:23:44.080 this is probably your best option
00:23:47.200 and one last tool i really like to use
00:23:50.159 is called charles
00:23:52.240 and charles does a lot of the same
00:23:54.640 things as chrome dev tools does but it
00:23:57.360 acts as a proxy so it basically captures
00:24:00.640 you know requests between you and your
00:24:02.480 network so you can set this up to
00:24:04.960 capture any requests from your
00:24:08.000 mac machine or you can
00:24:10.480 proxy in your phone as well
00:24:12.640 so i found this really valuable when i
00:24:14.799 was testing out the requests from the
00:24:17.279 snapchat client
00:24:19.039 because it allowed me to see what my
00:24:20.960 phone was making for requests and record
00:24:22.960 those and especially when we didn't know
00:24:24.799 what the requests were it was it was
00:24:26.320 very helpful in that case
00:24:28.159 and uh it's it's also cool because
00:24:31.120 you know when you're building an api on
00:24:33.840 ruby and you want to build an ios client
00:24:36.799 with it and you're not really sure how
00:24:38.799 often to poll and stuff i sometimes pull
00:24:40.960 this up and i'll just see what other
00:24:42.640 apps are doing so it's a good way of
00:24:44.720 debugging other people's work and you
00:24:46.880 know seeing how they're doing it well
00:24:49.039 so
00:24:50.320 i highly recommend you check it out it's
00:24:52.320 pretty easy to use
00:24:53.919 and you can use it with ssl requests as
00:24:56.480 well
00:24:58.400 so here's some additional reading i know
00:25:00.480 you won't have time to write this all
00:25:01.679 down i'll post the slides on my twitter
00:25:05.440 but next up uh let's bring it all
00:25:08.320 together
00:25:09.520 so
00:25:10.799 we went over the what the why and the
00:25:12.720 how of testing services
00:25:14.960 so
00:25:15.840 we've shown that testing services is
00:25:17.440 crucial
00:25:18.559 they make up really important parts of
00:25:20.159 your app so skipping tests is pretty
00:25:22.159 dangerous
00:25:23.600 i'd have to say if you're in doubt stub
00:25:25.440 it out
00:25:26.960 determine
00:25:28.480 when you're making choices between you
00:25:30.240 know webmock shamrack
00:25:32.880 or puffingbilly even you want to
00:25:35.120 determine the amount of flexibility you
00:25:36.880 need and the amount of extra work you're
00:25:38.799 going to have
00:25:40.000 for example it probably takes more time
00:25:42.400 to make a shamrack server and have
00:25:45.039 dynamic responses than copying and
00:25:47.440 pasting the request you get from
00:25:51.520 the webmock error so you kind of just
00:25:54.159 need to look at the project you have and
00:25:55.760 determine what use case
00:25:58.400 best fits these options
00:26:01.200 and also record responses to save time i
00:26:04.320 wish i would have started doing this
00:26:05.520 sooner it's like super useful i would
00:26:08.240 highly recommend you do that
00:26:10.960 and next up after me
00:26:13.279 i'd recommend you stick around i had a
00:26:15.360 pleasure of uh pairing with austin
00:26:17.520 yesterday and i think his talk plays off
00:26:20.640 my talk a lot in that it
00:26:23.200 talks a lot about inconsistent test
00:26:24.880 failures and he goes a lot more in depth
00:26:26.880 on
00:26:27.760 you know other kinds of inconsistent
00:26:29.520 test failures and you just should
00:26:32.159 definitely stick around if you have the
00:26:33.600 time
00:26:35.039 so that's it for today thank you for
00:26:37.600 taking the time to listen to my talk
00:26:40.080 and if i don't get to your question feel
00:26:42.240 free to shoot me an email or if you just
00:26:43.840 want to chat and you can also find me on
00:26:45.840 twitter so thanks a lot guys
00:27:14.159 you