
Keith and Mario's Guide to Continuous Deployment with Rails

Keith and Mario's Guide to Continuous Deployment with Rails

by Keith Pitt and Mario Visic

In the video titled Keith and Mario's Guide to Continuous Deployment with Rails, Keith Pitt and Mario Visic present a comprehensive guide on the principles and practices of continuous deployment tailored for Ruby on Rails applications. The speakers emphasize how automating the deployment of the master branch can significantly enhance the development workflow, allowing teams to deploy updates effectively and continuously.

The key points discussed throughout the session include:

  • Definition of Continuous Deployment: The distinction between continuous delivery and continuous deployment is explained, outlining that continuous deployment automates the release process whenever changes occur in the master branch.
  • Benefits of Continuous Deployment: Participants are introduced to various benefits such as fast feedback cycles, operational predictability, and a higher level of confidence in the deployment process.
  • Feature Planning and Development: The importance of breaking down larger features into smaller, manageable updates is highlighted. This approach allows for rapid iteration and testing.
  • Automated Testing: The speakers stress the need for robust automated testing to ensure that only quality code is deployed. They discuss the balance needed in writing sufficient tests without overwhelming the deployment pipeline.
  • Feature Toggles: To mitigate risk when deploying new features, the concept of feature toggles is introduced. This allows developers to enable or disable specific features without needing to redeploy the application.
  • Zero Downtime Deployments: Keith and Mario explain how achieving zero downtime during deployments is crucial for maintaining user experience. They share strategies to implement this effectively.
  • Database Migrations: Key challenges associated with database schema changes during deployments are acknowledged, with examples provided on how to manage those changes carefully.
  • Monitoring and Rollback Strategies: The importance of application monitoring is addressed, along with various strategies for handling failed deployments. The recommendation is to adopt a 'roll forward' attitude rather than reverting deployments.

Some significant examples include how Keith's and Mario's experiences with environments like Envato and Buildbox have shaped their understanding of these practices. They share practical tools and tips to implement continuous deployment successfully, highlighting their experience with A/B testing and performance metrics to further drive confidence and predictability in the deployment process.

The primary conclusion emphasized by the speakers is that teams should actively pursue continuous deployment as a critical practice. By doing so, they can reduce deployment frequency, improve feedback loops, enhance code quality, and deliver features to customers more rapidly than traditional deployment methods would allow.

By Keith Pitt and Mario Visic

Recently it has become common practise for development teams to deploy their code several times a day, as well as encouraging new developers to deploy on their first day at work.

In our talk Mario and I will discuss how we use continous deployment to push these practises to the extreme. Automatically deploying the master branch on new changes is an awesome way to improve your development process.

Automatically deploying master will fundamentally change how you work.

Keith is a Ruby Developer from Adelaide living in Melbourne. By day he works at Pin Payments and by night he works on Buildbox.

In Keith's spare time, he watches many scary movies, and wins Magic Competitons.

Mario is a Ruby on Rails developer from Perth Australia, he currently works on the Microlancer team at Envato in Melbourne. As well as being a Co-Founder of Desktoppr he has also worked on some cool projects such as iMeducate and Airtasker

In his spare time he enjoys eating different types of cheeses.

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RailsConf 2014

00:00:16.860 great cool cool are we live we like hard to me as well Wow Cameron hear me hello
00:00:23.890 hello hello hi everyone sorry about the
00:00:29.619 late start there was a problem with the the computer machine at the front hello run my name is Keith this is mario and
00:00:36.790 welcome to Keith's Mario's guide to continuous deployments or a slightly
00:00:41.890 longer version if you're that way inclined why automatically deploying your master branch to production is a good idea which I think it's really safe
00:00:48.370 great idea well the best idea this idea yeah good idea works well this is my friend Mario the man to my right or to
00:00:55.120 your left he works at our place called envato may have heard of it they do themeforest net Tut's the whole suite of
00:01:02.770 products some quick fun facts about my friend Mario if you google how good as
00:01:08.229 cheese calm you'll see that here's the CEO CFO see CTO CMO see whatever yes of
00:01:17.439 how good is cheese calm top of Google check that side out to grow it's a great site and one day Mario hopes to be a
00:01:24.460 douche millionaire with the bitcoins yeah and the dose coins yeah so here is
00:01:30.460 I'm presenting with Keith today now Keith actually works on a startup called
00:01:35.740 grill box so bill box is a semi hosted continuous integration service so if you think something like Jenkins but with a
00:01:41.979 hosted you I so like Jenkins can't read any of your data and you use your own so workers so some fun facts about Keith
00:01:49.229 every single picture I could find of him apart from the one he gave me before he sings we eating a different apple product that as you can see as an iPad
00:01:56.110 and that is a sense or laptop so Keith also in 2007 one South Australian
00:02:01.270 magician of the year yeah we're not those pigeons weren't there when I thought I was dating you that much magic
00:02:08.259 one there wasn't there either that was that was photoshopped so Keith and I together worked on a few products where
00:02:13.480 we've come where we're going to show you some of the things that we've learned so we work together on a product
00:02:18.569 envato studio so invite us to do is a online marketplace for freelancers to sell their digital services so a lot of
00:02:25.109 the techniques that will be showing you today we've originally sort of tried them on and by d'souza begin with that
00:02:31.260 was about a year ago and we also have worked on desktop which is a wallpaper sharing site for the users drop boxes
00:02:37.739 are back end so all the stuff that we're showing you is actually practical advice based on the things we've worked on now
00:02:45.450 you may have noticed we have a bit of an accent maybe we're from a place called
00:02:51.560 Australia or commonly known to the locals as just strayer we call ourselves
00:02:58.260 straily ins drop the others it's easier to say we're a small island off the
00:03:03.900 coast of New Zealand this is kind of what it looks like Mario Mario here
00:03:11.040 lives in the bottom right-hand corner not in Tasmania we don't talk about that mob but he is from Melbourne and it
00:03:18.269 looks a little bit like this a lot of nice laneways I think Melbourne was voted the most number one liveable city
00:03:23.609 in the world yep yeah very nice you should all come visit you're all very welcome so back to the map this is where
00:03:29.909 I currently live Keith lives all the way over here so Keith actually lives about
00:03:35.579 2,500 miles away from me about four hours flight so I was raelia is very large Perth where he lives looks a bit
00:03:41.909 like this it's pretty much very much there yeah there's no I'm just got a frame yeah normally lives there but
00:03:47.250 there are some really beautiful beaches so for all of our presentations that we're doing abroad there are some
00:03:52.560 requirements that we need to do beforehand before we get to the serious stuff we have some fun facts yeah it's
00:03:57.900 by law we have to talk about this stuff so I choose the first fact I'd like to share with you is in 1954 Bob Hawke
00:04:05.900 skulls he drank two and a half pints of beer in 11 seconds putting him in the Guinness Book of World Records a few
00:04:13.049 years later we crowned him Prime Minister of Australia in the first police force in Australia
00:04:20.230 was made up of the the most well-behaved convicts at the time so you're doing less muttering today Chief of Police
00:04:26.650 Chief please the two animals on the national coat of arms the kangaroo and emu were chosen because they cannot walk
00:04:33.880 backwards of course I mean they can't
00:04:40.420 escape from this position of we have twenty percent of the world poker machines but only point three three percent of the world's population it's
00:04:46.990 quite depressing in the average lifetime of an Australian they will consume 165,000 eggs and lastly Australian
00:04:55.900 billionaire politician Clive Palmer plans on building a replica of the Titanic called Titanic 2 that's actually
00:05:05.410 true great time too alright so more back onto the serious business so can I get
00:05:11.860 some hands up in the audience so anyone who has an application in production who has some sort of test server or CI
00:05:17.440 server can I get your hands up please excellent great amount of hands keep
00:05:22.630 them up though can I get them kid give up so anyone who can I get anyone who ok
00:05:32.530 can I get anyone to anyone who automatically deploys on green bills to Russian to keep your hands up ok anyone
00:05:40.419 who's got your hands up you're fine you're golden there's some other great talks on you might get some benefit out
00:05:46.000 of those but we're primarily any constraint on anyone with their hands down so that's where we're going to start so first of all terminology so
00:05:52.930 there's two popular terms continuous delivery and continuous deployment they people tend to use them interchangeably
00:05:58.479 but there is actually a difference and we you can get confused very easily so the main difference is here so at the
00:06:06.250 top we have continuous delivery as you can see we do the normal process of pushing our code we run some tests on it
00:06:12.760 and then we have a manual step where we're deploying doing some sort of deploy so in continuous deployment which
00:06:18.850 is what we're talking about we automate that last step so any code that happens to hit your master branch will end up in
00:06:24.970 production through an automated set automated process yes so you might be thinking why would
00:06:31.269 you want to do continuous deployment sounds a bit sounds a bit yolo or yolo as many Australian it's like to see and
00:06:38.199 so let's talk about why you want to do a crazy thing yeah Mario number one is a
00:06:43.809 fast feedback in this new fandangled world of a/b testing and that sort of
00:06:50.379 stuff you know you want to get your code out to production as fast as possible like we can use some science and and and
00:06:56.469 try and figure out if you know when you're increasing conversions on trying to increase traffic on the website you may think if we change as one word here
00:07:03.279 we might be able to increase signups by twenty percent and those sorts of experience are really really handy but
00:07:09.339 you only pushes out to production really quick because if they I don't remem tall you want to get rid of them any quick so getting fast feedback from real
00:07:15.879 customers in production is really valuable confidence you want to be in you know that your deployment process is
00:07:21.849 is doing the same thing every single time and at Carly's that kind of leads into your predictability man you deploy
00:07:28.149 is are quite error-prone especially when you humans do it because if you've got a bug in production you want to get a fix
00:07:33.639 out to your servers really quick it can you know you're a lot of pressure your teammates are like why is there not in
00:07:39.489 production yet and and you can be stressed and you might skip a step in your manual deploy process especially if
00:07:45.399 you've got multiple environments like a QA environment of staging environment in a production environment so scripting and having this process automatically
00:07:51.610 done for you just kind of avoid most of those problems I wasn't my was running
00:07:57.729 short into a slide so I thought I would see what it would look like as a Venn diagram yeah but I don't think see what
00:08:02.829 I don't think this thing works at the Venn diagram the moment is just kind of open up overlapping circles I think
00:08:07.929 there's a thing in the middle you're supposed to put but i don't really know something yes so so here's a good slide
00:08:13.179 that you could take a photo of and show your manager and I'm sure that they would get on board with continuous
00:08:19.539 deployment and so as the vendor saying goes morrow you can't do continuous deployment without breaking a few
00:08:25.839 omelets so let's talk about the things that you going to need to do continuous deployment and these up things I think
00:08:32.800 they're coming up on the screen I can't see it did they come up yeah great not go back on oh wait up oh I know that's
00:08:39.759 all right fine so the first step of any continuous deployment is future planning when you get starting
00:08:45.910 to build a feature you should get a couple of guys in the room and talk about how you're going to build this thing you may think that it's going to
00:08:51.280 take a month and so the best thing you could do is try and break up that load those larger features into much smaller
00:08:57.070 features things that you can ship in a two or three-day cycle and so you take
00:09:02.170 this big feature you break it up into lots of smaller parts and by the end of all those small parts you've ended up pushing this much larger feature to
00:09:08.500 production you want to talk about how you going to deploy it with zero downtime I will talk about later what zero downtime actually is but sometimes
00:09:16.030 you may be introducing a new stack it's your technology so like you might be being ready sin or some other technology
00:09:23.170 you want to think about how you can push this new technology to production without bringing up a maintenance page and we'll talk about why maitenance
00:09:29.470 pages are bad and you need to talk about how you're going to handle database migrations another one of those things
00:09:35.860 that are really hard a few of them ever done zero downtime deployments before but they can be a real pain in the
00:09:41.830 bottom so we'll find out more about that later occurred of use this is how Bill
00:09:48.040 Gates Dakota views back in the day with paper it's a new tool you may have heard of it it's called github all the kids
00:09:54.100 are using it that's how we do code review these days with these things called pull requests and this is what a
00:10:00.160 pull request looks like and so when Mara and I going to start a feature I'll typically branch off master I'll do the
00:10:07.480 feature i push it up to github and get a pull request review and mayra will review it a couple of tools to aid in
00:10:14.140 this code of your process one of them is called Cain sometimes pull requests can
00:10:19.360 get caught up in talking about Ruby style and quotes and single quotes and this methods quite long these tools can
00:10:26.020 kind of help just get rid of most of those arguments and then you can focus on the talk talking about the design of the code instead of just like the
00:10:33.160 listener piggies yeah so Cain is a great tool and a rubric op is also a great tool and that will look at see if your
00:10:39.610 code looks like the what the Ruby style guidelines say that it should look like it Kane will actually statically analyze
00:10:44.830 your code so if you have any methods that are over a certain complexity you automate you'll get an error and if we
00:10:50.410 can integrate that into a bill pipeline it means that we're not actually deploying any curry that's subpar yeah yeah and then the next part of
00:10:57.660 continuous deployment is speech toggles everyone know what a feature toggle is knowing not know what a feature toggle
00:11:03.220 is great i'll skip these slides it's so
00:11:08.740 basically it's the act of wrapping a feature around a conditional and you can toggle it on and off without deploying
00:11:14.410 production the best way to think about fidget ugh was just keeping it really really ghetto so if you're deploying a
00:11:20.050 new feature to production or something a new flow for example maybe think about just hiding the button that takes it to
00:11:26.260 that flow you don't really need to think about permission systems and those sorts of things if someone can get to the new feature by the URL a little treasure
00:11:32.350 it's a nice little surprise good on them yeah they deserve the broken feature and
00:11:38.889 so you can just keep this really good to keep it really simple in the UI put a little flag around the button boom
00:11:44.920 you've done it so feature sogol a couple of tools to help you do feature toggles this one called roll out it's very very
00:11:51.910 simple allows use different backends like red s yeah more active record so
00:11:57.279 you can that's a very simple one to use a more advanced version of feature toggles is one can flip it's got a whole
00:12:03.819 bunch of percentage based stuff and more grouping controls of UI stuff as both know you I admin thing that you can plug
00:12:09.310 in so you control your future toggles by admin that's a handy tool to have a look
00:12:14.350 at yep so if we're going to be doing automated deployments we're going to need automated tests and the thing that
00:12:20.050 we want to do with that test is we want to write just enough tests and no more so we want to have enough confidence
00:12:25.720 that we're testing the right things but we don't want to write too many tests and the reason for that is we're now
00:12:31.120 coupling our tests with our deployment process so if we have five minutes worth of tests it means we can't actually
00:12:36.160 deploy 45 minutes so the the quicker we can get our tests the the more quicker
00:12:41.350 we can get that feedback cycle happening so a simple way to do that is to concentrate more on unit testing rather than integration testing contrary to
00:12:47.860 what was said earlier if you do want some more information about how to do fast testing if Corey hangs around grab
00:12:54.040 him he's excellent at this he did do a presentation at Golden Gate in 2011 so if you just said shower rails house
00:13:00.160 tests Corey Haines Golden Gate you'll get this excellent video which will do a really good justice another thing that
00:13:05.860 we're going to want to do is we're going to want to do these smoke tests so what a smoke test is when we after we do our actual
00:13:12.040 deployment we're going to run some tests to verify that everything works as is so traditionally in your when you're doing
00:13:17.410 manual deploys someone's role is to actually check that the deployment has happened successfully so after our
00:13:23.800 deployment finishes someone usually check and make sure things like you know does the homepage actually render just very simple things just to make sure
00:13:29.470 that not the for example the feature that we've just pushed out but does the app whole application break and we can
00:13:36.280 get you that with smoke test and we can start building up and not smoke test to get more confidence in at each deploy so
00:13:41.980 these smoke tests they run against a remote server and as I said they can be as simple as does the name of the
00:13:48.040 product appear on the homepage one cool thing is you can actually reuse some of the tests you're using so for example
00:13:53.500 you might have a login test that runs locally we can reuse that same integration test just pointed at a
00:13:58.540 remote server you can do that if you're using capybara for example and then we get we can reuse those sort of tests you
00:14:04.870 do need to obviously be careful if you're doing anything with destructive tests so for example if you have a test
00:14:11.470 that destroys to make sure that someone can cancel their account you obviously don't wanna be running that against a production environment so need to get
00:14:17.050 smart about how you do those things so zero downtime employees essentially the
00:14:24.040 zero down deploy is the act of pushing new co2 production without the user ever
00:14:29.140 noticing that the deploy happened at all one way to some some people use
00:14:34.990 maintenance pages to do this if you've got some back-end changes you need to make put up a maintenance page do the
00:14:40.870 production deploy and bring the matrons page down but if you're doing 20 if you're pushing to master 20 or 30 times
00:14:46.810 a day and you're automatically deploying master to production 20 or 30 times a day that's 20 or 30 times deploy is that
00:14:54.220 a migrate a man is paid to popup and that's going to be pretty crappy experience for your customers so figure
00:15:00.130 out a way to do that without the maintence page is quite tricky unicorn passenger humor all have ways to do is
00:15:07.510 zero downtime deploys if you're on Heroku you'll note that when you push to Heroku the next request after a ploy
00:15:15.430 will be slightly slower as the new Dino spin up one way to get around that is to use the Heroku
00:15:20.889 feature to enable this feature and you'll get zero download place and it will be much better experience it sort
00:15:27.579 of runs to diners then we'll swap one over after the after a certain amount of time yeah you can start serving your requests on the new diner once at a
00:15:33.850 police finish yeah if you want to know more about as you're down to deploy this is a great browse cast on it if you're just Google for zero downtime deploys
00:15:39.790 growls cast we get all the information as a rail scarce on it's great so next
00:15:45.609 is database database migrations now we mentioned database migrations earlier it's a it's quite a big part and the
00:15:51.220 reason why it's a big part is it's quite hard to do so let's take an example of a typical database migration that we might
00:15:57.609 do so here is a migration we're going to run against a user's table so you can
00:16:02.649 see we're removing the notes column and what you might do is for example we might send a pull request and we might
00:16:09.179 remove all the code touching that notes column and then we bundle that migration we run it we deploy everything's fine
00:16:15.339 but what you what you'll probably see happening is this so we're getting this
00:16:21.819 error from our database saying that the notes column doesn't exist which is sort of weird because we've already removed
00:16:27.910 all echo that's going to be touching the notes column but we're still getting this error so the reason why this error occurs is when your rails out boots
00:16:34.749 active record will actually inspect the schemer of the table that it's the model is for and all cash the columns that it
00:16:40.600 needs to use so if you do any inserts or any updates even though we're not explicitly giving us a value it will
00:16:46.059 still forcefully insert a null value into this column and that's how we're going to get this error so on user signs
00:16:52.209 up for example after this before the dyno restarts you'll get this error if a user hits the signup page so we need to
00:16:57.730 account for that some way the easiest way to do it is just put up a maintenance page so in our deploy script
00:17:04.149 we can detect any harmful migration so this is quite good if you have obviously a low amount of users you can detect if
00:17:10.990 you're running a remove remove table room of column change calm anything destructive and put up the maintenance
00:17:16.029 page and then for all other deploys we proceed as is the better way the hard way is to do your migrations last so
00:17:23.740 there's actually ways that we can get around that problem with the schema and if you check out hello Pedro has an
00:17:30.400 article about this exactly and it goes through all of the different migrations you can run and how to account for each
00:17:36.250 of each of them so it's essentially just telling the models that the columns that were going to look at Jonah include that one that we're going to remove the other
00:17:44.260 thing to be mindful of his database locking right so if I use a heating our applications and are running some migrations in the background our
00:17:50.560 database we might actually be locking on a row level or even a table level so if
00:17:56.650 we have any long-running migrations against an entire table and it's locked that table it's going to prevent users from right writing to it so we might
00:18:02.740 prevent people from signing up while we're doing a long migration so you need to be careful of these things if you're
00:18:07.960 using my sequel there is a tool called lhm which will help you do this if using
00:18:14.350 a better accusing another database you have to check out depending on the type of database so it varies so you need to
00:18:22.630 look up what's the best thing to do yeah so we're talking about automatically
00:18:28.840 deploy to production and sometimes sometimes happens I think that's a
00:18:35.230 nice way to put it yeah um happens all the time for example have you ever opened up your wallet if you will have a
00:18:43.480 catch on fire in front of your face I mean this happens to me generally most of the time and I think that proves my
00:18:51.550 point that should happen sometimes especially the first time I did that
00:18:56.590 face got burnt off Al's with that eyebrows for about six weeks not easy
00:19:01.600 being magician is it's not easy and so happens interestingly enough this
00:19:06.850 this picture here is a picture from Perth Airport and that's the screen that tells you when the flights are leaving
00:19:12.690 but now madison's you there's no keyboard that's useful and it kind of like the matrix really and so when
00:19:20.140 you're doing this sort of deployment what do you do when some it goes wrong the best thing to do is just roll
00:19:25.900 forward don't roll back and there are a couple of ways to to achieve the rule the roll forward just you can just fix
00:19:33.790 the bug because your deployment processes is automated you can just fix the bug bug put a PR up write a spec
00:19:40.570 right Russian test and then get a motion to master and then it'll just get a production by itself sometimes it's just
00:19:47.180 quickly to do that then to try and just do a roll back from production another
00:19:53.090 thing you can do is just turn the feature off because we because we do feature feature toggles if something's
00:19:59.030 not working quite right we can just turn the feature off and that works really well and I think you can do is get
00:20:04.820 reverted and deploy that's another great rollback strategy obvious doesn't work so well if you've got database migrations but if it's just a few code
00:20:11.540 changes then you can absolutely do that and in the worst case scenario you get the obvious thing and and just turn on
00:20:17.960 the maintenance page like if something's on fire at home you just pull the plug out I think I'll still be on fire after
00:20:25.580 that but you have your having a power going to it so that's right there be an electricity which will help okay that
00:20:31.940 was great the next thing about continuous deployment is application monitoring you want to make sure that
00:20:37.940 someone's watching your application when you're not and so a couple way to do that is using exception tracking
00:20:43.820 everyone should be using exception tracking if you're not then I suppose you should one of the great tools that
00:20:50.360 we use is bugs nag it just catches Ruby errors and emails you when you're
00:20:55.580 pushing co2 production every day you may introduce performance regressions your relic you've all heard of it you should
00:21:01.910 be using it if now another great tool is pagerduty if your app gets slower or you
00:21:08.450 start getting an increase in exceptions you can actually get paid duty to call you and let you know that something's wrong so if you've just pushed to
00:21:14.990 production you've gone to lunch you might get a call from page of Judah and you know that you've broken the site but
00:21:20.840 hopefully doesn't happen another good thing to track instead at performance metrics is maybe like signups signups
00:21:27.050 Perales sales / ala x per hour their business level type metrics let's say
00:21:32.390 you pushed to production and all of a sudden sign-ups have to drop by fifty percent over the last 30 minutes that
00:21:37.550 might be some it might be something you're interested in and so there's a great talk by David good leg called business metric monitoring which you can
00:21:43.880 check out and that'll tell you all about how to set it up in your application and it's worth why doing yep so if we go
00:21:50.660 look back and have a look at the ingredients so these are all the things that we're going to use to do our deployments so
00:21:56.359 let's mix them together and the in time to mix I love mixing love mixing so let's start off with something very
00:22:01.759 simple so here's what our build servers going to do so there's a couple flags at the top there just for printing out the
00:22:08.749 output and the other flag is just for if we have multiple commands it'll stop as soon as it hits one but it will stop
00:22:14.629 with one fails one fails but essentially what we want to do is we just want to use Heroku it's very simple here in this
00:22:19.909 example but we just want to push the Heroku so basically as soon as we get into master we're going to push tohoku so yeah this might be useful for when
00:22:27.229 you first start the app just to get something happening this is a simplest way to do continues to get the most get
00:22:32.479 away yellow Yolo whatever want to call it if you put this as your build script
00:22:37.789 on CI you've just achieved continuous deployment yeah but this is all you need so after you're probably in production
00:22:44.119 getting users hitting it you might want a bit more so let's add some more good stuff so now in our script before we run
00:22:51.080 our deployment we're going to check the static analysis of the code so by putting right quality in there that's
00:22:56.779 using that cane gem we can actually statically analyze the code and it means if you write a method that's too complex a production deploy just won't happen
00:23:03.799 and you need to fix it so it's a great way of making sure your Kirby stays clean like that after that we're going
00:23:09.349 to run our tests and after that we're going to do a deploy so now we've got the additional confidence of knowing that our tests are going to be running
00:23:15.950 as soon as I chester greene we dry deploy and then after we do our deploy we run an additional smoke test to
00:23:21.739 verify everything is good so this can just simply start off as does the homepage render can I click a link
00:23:26.830 simple things like that so this is all very well but we still don't have a huge
00:23:32.869 amount of sort of confidence we've got some liberal conference but it's still a little bit sort of cowboy ish so the
00:23:38.929 next thing we're going to add to our build script is we're going to add a different environment so here we're actually using a staging environment a
00:23:45.349 typically to what you'd normally use it for so after we run our tests and we verify everything is okay we're going to
00:23:50.389 do is staging deploy and then we're going to grab the same smoke tests and we're going to run those against our staging environment if those will pass
00:23:56.749 so if we can render the home page if we click a few links or whatever we've got to buy this point we're going to do a
00:24:02.379 production deploy and then after we do a production deploy we're going to run the same test so now we
00:24:09.370 have a good amount of confidence that our bill is going to work we're not going to break anything and then after we've sort of done that we can verify
00:24:14.800 that the feature works independently by flipping the flag on for certain users we when we worked on and brought us
00:24:21.760 together we actually had a smoke test that would buy something on staging so the actual marketplace it would run
00:24:27.100 through and use would buy something using like the sandbox and paypal for example so unless you could buy something on the site which is the key
00:24:32.950 purpose production play wouldn't happen which is really cool yeah so our deployment process now has tests and
00:24:40.120 when you start thinking about your tests as a pre-flight check to deploying a kind of lends itself really want to do
00:24:45.850 continuous deployment now we've got we've looked at all the things we're going to need to do continuous deployment we've looked at the actual
00:24:51.160 build script that we're going to use to get this thing to production let's mix it all together and see what it actually looks like for a proper flow so how
00:24:59.620 would you actually apply this so we do open your desktop at the wallpaper sharing website with Dropbox back in
00:25:05.640 Mario I've got a great idea for a feature what's a key I social buttons social media but yeah I heard about it
00:25:11.590 what do you undo I want to put them everywhere on everything let's see it and so I'm going to occlude this feature
00:25:17.500 up this is what desktop looks like with social buttons I've got twitter google+
00:25:23.880 the good ones I've got a I've got facebook to linkedin's ah i heard that gets your extra conversions extra
00:25:29.800 convert ground and so I'm feeling good about this change awesome I'm happy with
00:25:34.900 it yeah so this this particular changes in a in a branch behind a feature toggle I'm gonna push that to github and get my
00:25:41.770 review yep so what's going to happen is I'm going to be at my desk you know just writing some code or you know reading a
00:25:48.100 book about ponies one of the two I'm going to receive that pull request it's going to look a bit like this so i'm
00:25:54.370 going to review the pull request make sure everything's okay and then i'm
00:25:59.530 going to +1 it did it work okay so I've ever find that work locally it was fine yeah great that's awesome and so once
00:26:06.910 Matt once Mario is +1 the feature we hit the merge button and now this button here is not just merge proquest it
00:26:13.450 actually also means deploy to production which is pretty awesome the Bloods
00:26:18.610 runs that we ran before yeah it does the quality it does the test it does the stage and deploy it as a staging smoke
00:26:23.620 production deploy a production smoke and I'm feeling pretty confident that if all these things pass and it gets to
00:26:29.260 production then production is going to be sweet and it's a plug a build box
00:26:35.860 they start up that I'm doing yeah this is what that process would look like in bull box where you can split each each
00:26:41.710 part of the deploy process into multiple steps and have them all green and if it's all green the production is all green and I'm feeling pretty great
00:26:48.070 awesome so once it's on production nothing will look any different the
00:26:53.110 buttons will not be there but the code will be there what I the first thing I do is activate the feature for
00:26:58.929 developers because i'm a developer i'll activate it then i will start seeing the social buttons i think it looks great
00:27:05.559 yep then we might get someone to check over i might have a look and go yeah that's what it didn't in my development
00:27:11.110 that's all great yep yep so Mario's happy I'm happy my boss is super happy because there's two linkedin buttons and
00:27:17.140 i think at this point we deploy if we turn on over everybody yep and then that's it we've just deployed a feature
00:27:23.500 automatically without really having any sort of manual intervention it's great so that's awesome so let's have a recap
00:27:31.090 of the things that we we discussed the the qualities that we wanted from our deployment process so we've got these three qualities in a Venn diagrams so we
00:27:38.440 have our fast feedback our confidence and are predictably so let's let's step through each one and make sure that we've achieved them so the first one
00:27:45.309 fast feedback we're getting our fast feedback because we're making sure I test a quick every single time we merge to production we know that it's it's
00:27:53.799 going to every single time we merge to the master brave story we know it's going to happen end up in production a few minutes later so we've got our fast
00:28:00.280 feedback our confidence we now have an automated sweet around our deploys we now know that we can't actually it's not
00:28:07.540 possible using this process to deploy a failed test to production it just can't happen because it's embedded in our
00:28:13.540 process now we can't ship bad code to production as well because we have that quality check in there as well so any
00:28:19.870 complex methods any any any violations of them ABC complexity for example just aren't what can't get into production
00:28:25.419 which is great we now have more confidence and we have predictability so we've automated a manual process which
00:28:30.640 was which the arrow prunes so rather than a person doing it we've got a computer doing it which we know is predictable each each
00:28:36.000 and every time it's the same so we've achieved these three things so let's compare two different products so this
00:28:43.620 is a we've used some science here these are two different products that you they have about four or 25 developers each
00:28:50.279 they're both around about a year old and they both run a rail stack so very similar sort of products when we have a
00:28:58.139 look we you will notice that the product that we do continuous deployment on we almost average five deployments each day
00:29:04.080 and when we're doing manual deploys we're deploying much less so slightly less than two times on average this is
00:29:10.289 where the same two week period with the same number of developers on each project so you can see we're increasing
00:29:15.330 the amount of deploys we're doing so we're shooting much smaller chunks there's much much less chance of anything going wrong and so we should
00:29:22.860 have more confidence in what's happening anyway just to play more often so more stuff hits production quicker so if we
00:29:29.129 could leave you with anything today it's that you should always be continuously deploying thank you that's it niraj
00:29:57.220 you