
6 degrees of JavaScript on Rails

6 degrees of JavaScript on Rails

by Michael Crismali

In Michael Crismali's talk titled "6 Degrees of JavaScript on Rails" presented at RailsConf 2018, he discusses the various ways in which JavaScript can be integrated into a Ruby on Rails application. The crux of his presentation centers around the challenge faced by developers with differing levels of comfort with JavaScript, and he proposes a spectrum of integration strategies that can help manage these disparities.

Key points from the talk include:

- JavaScript’s Ubiquity: Crismali emphasizes that JavaScript is increasingly essential in web development, with its capabilities expanding beyond browsers to native applications.

- The Two Extremes: Developers often feel pressured to choose between minimal use of JavaScript in Rails or committing to a full-fledged single-page application (SPA). This binary choice can be overwhelming, especially when working within diverse teams.

- The Six Degrees Framework:

1. Unobtrusive JavaScript: Basic interactions can be achieved without much JavaScript knowledge, allowing developers to implement essential UI behaviors with minimal effort.
2. jQuery Widgets: Utilizing jQuery for enhanced interactivity, although this can lead to disorganized code, termed as "jQuery soup".
3. Structured JavaScript: Organizing JavaScript via structures like Stimulus to manage complexity while leveraging Rails’ asset pipeline.
4. Sprinkling Frameworks: Introducing elements of JavaScript frameworks to incrementally enhance user interaction without fully transitioning to SPA architecture.
5. Framework Pages: Creating pages that are heavily reliant on frameworks, inviting higher sophistication in user interactions.

6. Single Page Application: Running a complete SPA within a Rails application, providing a seamless user experience while simplifying deployment challenges.

- Examples and Anecdotes: Crismali uses relatable scenarios, including dealing with user interactions in Rails apps, to illustrate the various degrees of integration and the potential pitfalls at each level.
- Conclusion: The conclusion stresses that mixing and matching these degrees is possible, allowing teams to operate collaboratively despite varying levels of JavaScript expertise. Developers are encouraged to use the degree that fits their team’s skill set and project needs. Resources for further learning were also shared.

Overall, Crismali's presentation provides a comprehensive guide for Rails developers to consider how JavaScript can be integrated thoughtfully into their applications, ultimately enhancing both performance and maintainability.

6 degrees of JavaScript on Rails by Michael Crismali

How much JavaScript you include in your Rails application can feel like a choice between basically none or a full JavaScript single page application backed by a Rails API. When you have a team of people whose confidence with JavaScript is all over the place, this can feel like an impossible choice. Fortunately, there are many options in the middle that can allow those with less JavaScript confidence to stretch and grow while those with more confidence can build UI components with fewer constraints.

RailsConf 2018

00:00:00.000 oh hello hey everybody how's it going
00:00:18.170 that was rhetorical
00:00:22.760 alright uh so welcome to six degrees of
00:00:26.880 JavaScript on Rails I'll introduce
00:00:29.039 myself in a second but while people kind
00:00:32.219 of keep filing in he's gonna tell a
00:00:34.440 short little joke for you guys so the
00:00:38.340 other day I was going to a I was going
00:00:41.520 to a museum and I was really excited I
00:00:43.230 was really looking forward to it it was
00:00:44.879 an etch-a-sketch Museum you see all this
00:00:47.010 fabulous have to sketch art but there
00:00:49.350 was an earthquake today before so by the
00:00:51.750 time I got there it was way too abstract
00:00:53.640 for me to understand any of it anyway
00:00:57.690 that has nothing to do with any of this
00:00:59.789 but you can like try to read into it
00:01:01.559 super hard if you want anyway let's get
00:01:04.860 started
00:01:06.080 Who am I so my name is Michael Chris
00:01:08.790 Molly I work at a company called dub
00:01:12.750 mine software I started out there as an
00:01:15.330 apprentice after finishing a code boot
00:01:17.520 camp a starter League now in Chicago I'm
00:01:21.210 currently a senior developer there lots
00:01:24.150 of good times with lots of good people
00:01:25.729 you can find me on github it's just my
00:01:28.439 last name Chris Molly I would have put
00:01:30.750 my Twitter up here but I don't tweet or
00:01:32.549 go on Twitter so it's don't waste your
00:01:35.400 time
00:01:38.450 cool so there are six degrees of
00:01:41.610 JavaScript on Rails let's get into it
00:01:45.329 I went super hard on the page flip
00:01:47.310 animation too so get used to it so why
00:01:53.070 should you care about this well there
00:01:55.740 are a few reasons for that the first one
00:01:58.549 JavaScript isn't escapable
00:02:00.710 javascript is coming for everything can
00:02:03.060 run it on native it's everywhere so
00:02:06.950 learning toe I kind of like get along
00:02:09.270 with it will make your life a lot easier
00:02:11.870 and especially for us as like rails
00:02:14.270 developers primarily working in Revit
00:02:15.890 web applications there are just certain
00:02:18.260 things only JavaScript can do for us
00:02:20.300 right and a big problem that I've found
00:02:27.920 kind of like in our industry and across
00:02:29.600 different teams is that because everyone
00:02:32.990 has to use JavaScript but everyone has a
00:02:34.700 preferred kind of like back-end
00:02:36.080 framework like no two rails or whatever
00:02:40.210 is that essentially JavaScript ends up
00:02:43.160 being kind of like we're browser based
00:02:44.990 JavaScript ends up kind of being like a
00:02:46.340 sort of like a second-class citizen your
00:02:48.350 application and something you write just
00:02:50.570 to get through it like you need that
00:02:52.010 little animation you need that flash
00:02:53.420 message to fade away you get in you get
00:02:55.940 out it doesn't look very pretty but you
00:02:58.250 don't have to like look at it ever again
00:03:00.910 but most of us are on teams with other
00:03:03.980 people and we all have like different
00:03:05.600 skill levels and we can have different
00:03:07.010 levels of comfort with JavaScript so for
00:03:09.800 someone who say like much more
00:03:11.240 experienced might be trying to pull the
00:03:12.680 team work towards a one of those like
00:03:14.840 sleek new like single page applications
00:03:17.750 or a progressive web application or
00:03:19.460 whatever the sweet acronym is today that
00:03:21.770 everyone wants to build but then you
00:03:25.310 have you know other people who are just
00:03:26.480 used to jQuery or don't know anything
00:03:28.790 about JavaScript and all these people
00:03:30.710 have to work together and supposedly
00:03:33.380 they are like all kind of like the same
00:03:35.690 because they all had those similar
00:03:36.860 backgrounds and rails probably but when
00:03:39.830 it comes to JavaScript to like the
00:03:41.240 amount of like disparity and like skill
00:03:42.920 level can like vary wildly that's a
00:03:45.620 picture from the WWE I think so
00:03:53.110 what ends up happening is we end up
00:03:55.280 feeling like we have to make a choice
00:03:57.530 between one of two extremes we either
00:03:59.180 stay as like vanilla rails as possible
00:04:01.910 just er be Hamill like basically as like
00:04:08.120 stay away from the asset pipeline as
00:04:10.130 much as we can or we have to go all-in
00:04:12.680 basically build a rails API and then set
00:04:15.500 up and deploy a second like JavaScript
00:04:18.590 only single page app and get us three
00:04:21.260 set up and all of that good stuff
00:04:24.990 and that's I don't know that's a
00:04:27.930 difficult choice to make when you have
00:04:29.610 people on your team that like may not
00:04:32.310 all know the same thing like and true
00:04:34.919 like a single-page app has like some hot
00:04:36.720 user interaction capabilities but if you
00:04:40.440 know only one person on the team knows
00:04:42.030 that things aren't going to go super
00:04:43.259 great so that's kind of a false choice
00:04:49.220 you don't have to choose between just
00:04:52.530 like vanilla rails and like a single
00:04:55.560 page web application you can kind of mix
00:04:59.759 it up and we can go through kind of all
00:05:02.729 of the various degrees of that no side
00:05:05.370 note - there's actually this is a
00:05:07.500 spoiler but there's maybe like a secret
00:05:09.960 7th degree but my talk like six degrees
00:05:13.020 makes a lot more sense than like seven
00:05:14.550 circles so just wanted to like stick
00:05:17.250 with that also - there will be no like
00:05:20.909 Kevin Bacon reference in this talk if
00:05:23.520 you're waiting for that it's not going
00:05:25.319 to happen so the first degree is
00:05:28.590 unobtrusive javascript this is
00:05:30.960 JavaScript that kind of works out of the
00:05:33.659 box and basically every rails
00:05:35.250 application I'll see you pass some fun
00:05:37.409 command-line arguments to Rails new so
00:05:41.580 it's pretty select it's pretty nice you
00:05:44.310 can basically get away with not knowing
00:05:46.830 any JavaScript about creating some like
00:05:48.870 pretty nice basic user interactions and
00:05:52.409 like a lot of times like you don't even
00:05:55.289 realize you're using it for me
00:05:58.710 personally the time I always forget
00:06:00.900 about it is when I can't just set method
00:06:03.180 on an a tag and get a delete out of it
00:06:07.910 oh yeah all these all these are examples
00:06:10.730 of it like getting a nice confirm box to
00:06:12.560 make sure people like really want to do
00:06:14.030 it disabled with on sign in if you've
00:06:17.660 ever had someone give you a bug where
00:06:19.040 they created three of something because
00:06:20.720 they just keep clicking the button so
00:06:24.980 yeah so say yeah so most people like
00:06:30.710 this is fine anyone can kind of work
00:06:32.390 with this if you're like proficient in
00:06:34.070 Rails you can get away with dealing with
00:06:36.350 this the next step getting a little
00:06:39.950 harder is you have like jQuery or some
00:06:41.840 kind of widgets getting a sprawled out
00:06:44.120 all across your page so this is classic
00:06:48.770 this is what I feel like JavaScript
00:06:51.080 development and the rails application is
00:06:52.730 usually like for most people you end up
00:06:57.770 here basically probably a few script
00:07:01.370 tags you're not really like organizing
00:07:03.350 it you just kind of like do what you
00:07:05.000 have to do if you're clever you probably
00:07:08.870 have like a clip like a heuristic round
00:07:12.320 like naming or applying certain class
00:07:15.290 names to certain elements so things just
00:07:16.820 kind of happen automatically you don't
00:07:18.380 have to think about it generally like
00:07:21.140 type-ahead search or custom dropdowns
00:07:24.640 those are the those are the most common
00:07:26.570 places in my experience and usually like
00:07:29.950 eventually this kind of well let's go
00:07:34.040 through this example real quick so this
00:07:35.600 is a very small example
00:07:36.800 just a quick script tag we wait till the
00:07:39.110 documents ready we fade out our flash
00:07:41.240 message we set some custom select
00:07:43.580 drop-down menus because you know the
00:07:46.130 browser default one is not good enough
00:07:48.440 for us or whatever so eventually as this
00:07:52.730 kind of goes on you add more of these
00:07:54.650 like script tags things kind of start to
00:07:57.710 collide you're living in like the global
00:08:00.050 namespace in your java applet or your
00:08:01.940 javascript in your browser so things
00:08:05.360 start to conflict or maybe you have like
00:08:07.220 a type on a class name things just
00:08:09.169 aren't going super great should I
00:08:13.070 I've heard commonly referred to as
00:08:14.600 jQuery soup
00:08:16.319 so to get out of that kind of like soupy
00:08:21.029 mess which you need to start adding some
00:08:25.949 structure around it you can incorporate
00:08:28.349 jQuery into this as well
00:08:30.539 rails has a new library that's come out
00:08:33.419 recently called stimulus that also kind
00:08:37.529 of solves this problem there are some
00:08:38.550 other things that's all this problem - I
00:08:40.680 think redirect rails has some data
00:08:43.380 passing help or kind of thing yeah this
00:08:47.670 is where you start to reach a point
00:08:49.079 where before before you're probably
00:08:51.720 wearing like testing any of your
00:08:52.889 JavaScript maybe you had like a system
00:08:54.750 test for it something like that at this
00:08:56.790 point things get to be more organized
00:08:59.699 maybe you're going to start adding some
00:09:01.370 unit tests for it
00:09:05.430 and you're gonna start like typically
00:09:07.890 the way these things end up working is
00:09:09.120 you end up like putting a lot of more
00:09:11.340 data attributes into the Dom basically
00:09:13.800 every version of the solution I've seen
00:09:15.780 to this usually involves like tons of
00:09:17.400 data attributes for everything yeah and
00:09:22.590 so as you start to organize things this
00:09:24.270 can go pretty well you don't need web
00:09:28.230 hacker to do this you have to just be
00:09:30.750 careful in a regular asset pipeline just
00:09:33.930 to make sure you're not like clobbering
00:09:35.700 global variables that kind of thing it's
00:09:38.100 pretty risky if you want to this is also
00:09:40.080 a point where you'd start to add web
00:09:42.330 Packer and some of those things enjoy
00:09:44.160 some of those nice Essex features get
00:09:46.770 classes bound methods that kind thing
00:09:49.880 we're gonna take a look at this is I
00:09:53.820 know this is kind of an overwhelming
00:09:55.230 example but we're gonna go through a
00:09:57.390 little bit this is like a small stimulus
00:10:00.440 controller I believe is the term so you
00:10:03.630 can see up at the top here we have a div
00:10:06.330 and we've just added this data attribute
00:10:09.240 to tell it oh the controller is called
00:10:10.890 clipboard and that kind of corresponds
00:10:13.380 to the name of this file
00:10:14.970 I think stimulus just kind of like works
00:10:16.560 all of us out for us
00:10:19.470 then basically we can tell it Oh like we
00:10:22.410 want this thing to be we want this input
00:10:24.600 tag to be the source so we're basically
00:10:26.160 saying like we want to save this element
00:10:28.590 have a reference to it as we're trying
00:10:30.420 to work through we specify that in our
00:10:32.610 code by matching this name for targets
00:10:35.160 so that way we'll have access to the
00:10:36.570 Soliman we also have this connect method
00:10:41.100 here and that basically takes care of
00:10:43.260 like Oh in this controller kind of like
00:10:45.420 launches itself trying I'm struggling to
00:10:49.380 avoid using reactor terms for it but
00:10:52.890 yeah when it launches itself it will
00:10:54.390 basically like you can do some checking
00:10:56.010 here I'm doing some checking to make
00:10:57.060 sure I'm even allowed to do like a like
00:10:58.950 you know copy this into my clipboard
00:11:00.660 kind of thing if I can do that we add a
00:11:04.440 class to make sure the buttons like
00:11:06.000 visible so that way for on an older
00:11:07.410 browser it kind of feels gracefully in
00:11:11.610 the last little chunk of this is that we
00:11:13.380 add an actual like function binding to
00:11:17.700 this button so basically this will
00:11:19.680 execute our copy function just by virtue
00:11:21.480 of that kind of like action magic string
00:11:25.050 up there and we can like to select our
00:11:26.970 target copy it and it's all pretty
00:11:30.150 straightforward rails will like make all
00:11:32.010 of this work with turbolinks you can
00:11:33.810 just sprinkle these data attributes
00:11:35.610 everywhere or like split them into
00:11:37.140 partials and things will go pretty well
00:11:41.690 one downside to this is that you end up
00:11:45.390 with a pretty I'm gonna you end up
00:11:48.990 basically having to like do a lot of
00:11:51.060 work yourself in a lot of ways you price
00:11:54.420 don't want like jQuery in here at this
00:11:56.010 point working with like the rod can be
00:11:59.570 pretty difficult in a lot of cases
00:12:03.410 especially like differences and browsers
00:12:05.580 and subtle naming conventions all that
00:12:07.590 kind of thing
00:12:09.280 so our next step as our team is kind of
00:12:13.150 becoming more advanced with JavaScript
00:12:14.710 is we can add a little bit of JavaScript
00:12:16.110 just like a little sprinkle of the
00:12:18.700 framework so it's just a little taste
00:12:22.080 this would be for more complicated
00:12:24.550 interactions or more probably more
00:12:27.490 custom interactions if you don't like
00:12:28.960 say jQuery UI is custom select drop down
00:12:31.510 you might write your own little custom
00:12:33.640 drop down and you can apply that to the
00:12:35.080 page everywhere and you can also sort of
00:12:37.750 lean into and start kind of practicing
00:12:39.460 with whatever the I don't know whatever
00:12:42.280 framework is your particular favorite
00:12:44.370 for the rest of this talk most of my
00:12:47.530 examples involving frameworks where I'll
00:12:48.910 involve react because that's what I know
00:12:50.590 and that follows all of my biases it's a
00:12:54.130 full disclosure but typically this kind
00:12:57.010 of sprinkling of the framework just
00:12:58.030 controls part of the page you're not
00:12:59.650 driving all of your user interaction
00:13:02.560 most of what's going on is still
00:13:04.210 happening on the rail side or any RV or
00:13:06.550 Hamill so here's another unwieldy
00:13:11.800 example so this is just like a little
00:13:13.690 comment bubble and all we're doing here
00:13:18.190 is it has a it has a little state we
00:13:24.220 keep track of our text in here we have
00:13:26.440 like a function here to save all of our
00:13:29.530 text or save our comment here and some
00:13:32.830 markup to kind of like piece it all
00:13:35.020 together down here at the bottom is
00:13:38.380 probably one of the more important parts
00:13:40.660 for a pattern like this is that when you
00:13:43.089 load the page you can just grab
00:13:44.680 everything that fits this class name and
00:13:46.540 then tell react to render and tall of
00:13:48.280 these things so basically you can just
00:13:50.410 name things in your HTML templates and
00:13:55.300 Java Script magic just kind of starts to
00:13:57.610 happen everywhere what if you wanted to
00:14:00.130 you could put it into a like a pack tag
00:14:03.370 or something like that and then like
00:14:05.110 just only load that JavaScript for just
00:14:06.790 that one page
00:14:09.910 you know it's now we're moving on to
00:14:13.209 framework pages so a framework page is
00:14:17.480 kind of like the next step in this
00:14:19.310 evolution right you end up with more
00:14:22.040 JavaScript the interaction gets more
00:14:23.450 complicated you just need to kind of
00:14:25.550 take over everything
00:14:28.240 typically I see this in more of like a
00:14:31.459 uh
00:14:32.269 I don't know this could also be like
00:14:35.029 sort of like a little like widget wizard
00:14:36.740 like if you're signing in and you need
00:14:38.089 to fill out a bunch of information you
00:14:39.560 don't want tons of routes cluttering up
00:14:41.540 your rails app and basically force
00:14:44.450 people to kind of like start over if
00:14:46.040 they fall out that sort of thing you'll
00:14:48.230 have tons of interaction you're like
00:14:50.690 rails templates are gonna get very
00:14:52.480 sparse and possibly sparse sometimes but
00:14:58.490 that's okay you'll be leaning into your
00:15:00.140 framework and at this point like
00:15:03.880 everyone on your team should be a bit
00:15:06.110 more comfortable with that and maybe
00:15:08.899 you'll even get some client-side routing
00:15:10.339 in there if you want to like preserve
00:15:11.600 some like sharable links some of those
00:15:14.480 factors start making a bigger difference
00:15:17.440 especially depending if you're sharing a
00:15:19.670 lot of like content or that kind of
00:15:21.470 thing
00:15:23.780 so here we have a quick little example
00:15:28.360 obtained you can see there's a style
00:15:32.630 sheet pack tag JavaScript tech pack tag
00:15:34.640 and a div this is it for our template
00:15:40.870 all we need at that point is basically
00:15:43.430 our job or react component and we take
00:15:46.310 that mean just grab the that wizard div
00:15:49.480 and we just render right into it and
00:15:52.040 then JavaScript takes it from here and
00:15:56.000 here we're kind of like rendering like a
00:15:57.470 slide show and kind of like managing
00:15:59.030 things with the routes inside of it
00:16:02.330 so it's all pretty there's a lot of like
00:16:06.680 nuance around like the particulars of
00:16:08.570 like which JavaScript framework you
00:16:10.970 choose but pass a certain point rails
00:16:13.250 doesn't really care what kind of like
00:16:14.600 JavaScript you're like pushing out into
00:16:16.370 this you just have to structure it
00:16:19.430 appropriately and rails rails won't get
00:16:23.240 in the way or anything like that so this
00:16:28.610 is the sixth degree maybe the last
00:16:30.710 degree so this is basically where you
00:16:34.880 essentially just have a single page
00:16:36.350 application running inside of your rails
00:16:38.120 app all you're doing in here is
00:16:40.460 basically like tons of client-side
00:16:43.430 rounding or routing you get all of the
00:16:47.090 benefits of kind of having like a single
00:16:48.980 page app and some of the drawbacks but
00:16:51.380 at least you're not complicating your
00:16:52.520 deploy process so they like it setting
00:16:55.670 up those extra s3 buckets like if you
00:16:58.910 deploy to Heroku or whatever all your
00:17:00.950 normal kind of build process will just
00:17:03.110 work out of the box
00:17:05.510 Mata's can save this can save you a lot
00:17:09.500 of trouble and especially to if you end
00:17:11.480 up in a situation which I find for a lot
00:17:13.880 of apps I've worked on is so I use
00:17:15.770 usually be something it's more more user
00:17:19.790 facing and more like something where
00:17:22.010 administrative like a CMS that kind of
00:17:24.020 thing so here you can actually just kind
00:17:26.120 of like host both of those so if you do
00:17:27.770 need to share components and that kind
00:17:29.690 of thing between these two things you
00:17:30.890 don't have to like do a bunch of magic
00:17:32.660 to like build up a mono repo and deploy
00:17:35.300 all of that stuff you can basically just
00:17:37.520 tell rails like hey forward everything
00:17:39.500 from slash admin onward over to this
00:17:42.230 application and just take it from there
00:17:45.080 and things go pretty smoothly here I
00:17:50.690 guess her rails app doesn't actually
00:17:52.370 have any data manipulation going on it
00:17:55.430 but it has these sweet JavaScript apps
00:17:57.080 so so
00:18:02.390 this is the thrilling conclusion I tried
00:18:05.840 to like to steady myself with all of
00:18:07.760 these like sweet keynote fire animations
00:18:09.830 but I like couldn't do it I got to the
00:18:12.020 end and I was like I need some fire in
00:18:13.790 here
00:18:17.380 so here we go so just a quick recap of
00:18:20.810 the six degrees we have unobtrusive
00:18:22.910 javascript we have jQuery and widgets
00:18:26.050 you can use structure and stimulus you
00:18:29.150 can add a little bit of a framework a
00:18:30.590 bit more of a framework or just go all
00:18:32.450 in on the framework in the context of a
00:18:34.100 rails application what is this let's see
00:18:40.930 so you don't have to choose just the six
00:18:43.310 degrees you can actually do a lot of
00:18:47.240 mixing and matching as long as you're
00:18:50.450 careful to do things right like just
00:18:53.270 make one page run a framework another
00:18:55.790 page just uses the regular kind of
00:18:58.990 intrusive j/s it's that way you can have
00:19:02.120 like different people with different
00:19:03.800 skills that's kind of like kind of like
00:19:06.590 working in their Lane and working
00:19:08.300 ideally pairing with people to kind of
00:19:10.340 like spread that knowledge around and
00:19:12.380 get it to other people but they can also
00:19:16.760 still work in the rest of the
00:19:17.960 application very like self-sufficiently
00:19:22.330 and as far as like the risks go I mean
00:19:26.960 it's really you just have to be careful
00:19:28.520 in your like route file like if you're
00:19:30.320 forwarding requests you can end up with
00:19:31.970 a lot of things or like I didn't mean to
00:19:33.260 go here but for the most part you'll be
00:19:35.690 fine
00:19:37.790 so I've put together a little list of
00:19:40.650 resources here I first off
00:19:45.660 we have blog posts all that kind of
00:19:47.280 thing so that's our plug aside from that
00:19:49.860 you can check out on a piece of
00:19:51.960 JavaScript to learn more about jQuery or
00:19:53.730 stimulus and web Packer
00:19:55.760 and there as always there's tons of
00:19:58.590 react and angular Doc's all that kind of
00:20:00.270 good stuff after we wrap up here I'm
00:20:05.010 gonna be available up here for questions
00:20:06.929 and comments if you want to talk to me
00:20:08.340 like I don't know what we're quite set
00:20:10.169 up for that like microphone thing so
00:20:12.059 just come talk to me and yeah just say
00:20:15.840 hi if you want to so that's the end