
You Can’t Bubblebath The Burnout Away

You Can’t Bubblebath The Burnout Away

by Jennifer Tu

In her talk "You Can’t Bubblebath The Burnout Away" at RailsConf 2019, Jennifer Tu addresses the alarming problem of burnout in the tech industry. Drawing from her personal experiences, Tu explores the illusion of self-care as a solution to workplace stress and the real demands of management in engineering teams.

Key Points Discussed:

- The Reality of Burnout: Tu describes her personal journey through burnout, emphasizing that self-care practices often mask deeper issues in workplace culture and management.

- Management's Role: She discusses the necessity to demystify management, highlighting that it should not be perceived as an oppressive force but rather as a collective effort to support engineering teams.

- Self-Care Limitations: Tu points out that while self-care tips can improve one's day-to-day feelings, they cannot compensate for an unsustainable work environment or a toxic workplace. Stop applying self-care without addressing the root causes of stress can lead to further depletion.

- Recognizing Unsustainable Situations: Using the metaphor of “this is fine dog” in a burning room, Tu helps the audience identify when their work environment is harmful. She provides a checklist for recognizing burnout and encourages participants to assess whether their room is truly on fire.

- Choices in Confronting Burnout: Three options are presented for dealing with a negative environment: change your internal state, alter external factors within your control, or escape the situation altogether.

- Practical Strategies: Tu elaborates on practical steps to analyze and alter one’s environment. This includes exploring possibilities for change, seeking support, and making deliberate choices about self-care without guilt or fear of judgement.

In conclusion, Tu emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and the acknowledgment that while self-care is important, it is not a catch-all solution. Recognizing when to change environments or seek more substantial adjustments is crucial in maintaining both personal well-being and professional satisfaction. Ultimately, she encourages developers and managers alike to engage in open dialogues about mental health and workplace conditions, fostering a community that supports each other through challenging situations.

RailsConf 2019 - You Can’t Bubblebath The Burnout Away by Jennifer Tu


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Ugh. Management. Agile was supposed to free us from that, right? Self-organized, cross-functional teams who get stuff done without that old-guard hierarchy. In this fauxtopia, some developers were more equal than others. Can we get the healthy parts back without the Lumberghs?

To bring back healthy engineering management we first must de-mystify and de-stigmatize the concept of management. In this talk we will: * Explore the context of management * Learn the responsibilities of management * Discuss the techniques of management

As a developer, you'll be equipped to understand, empathize with, and influence your boss. As a manager, you'll build a foundation to help you better serve your team.

RailsConf 2019

00:00:20.570 thank you all for coming to the see this
00:00:24.300 late afternoon of rails cough my name is
00:00:27.450 Jennifer - my pronouns are she and her i
00:00:29.550 am a co-founder of co here we are a tiny
00:00:33.059 consulting coaching consultancy and we
00:00:36.750 specialize in coaching and training for
00:00:39.720 engineering teams my co-founder is e
00:00:42.780 spencer and betsy hey bar in the room so
00:00:44.730 come talk with us after if you're
00:00:46.230 interested before before i co-founded co
00:00:49.890 here with these two amazing people i
00:00:52.020 worked as an employee at both small
00:00:54.930 companies and big companies first as a
00:00:57.480 developer and then later as a manager a
00:01:01.520 few years ago i was i was working at
00:01:05.070 this job and I noticed I was feeling a
00:01:08.280 little stressed by it and I also knew
00:01:11.340 this I had started to drink a little bit
00:01:13.440 more I I went from a glass or two a
00:01:15.210 month I didn't used to drink very much
00:01:16.830 then it was a glass or two a week a
00:01:19.440 glass or two a day especially on those
00:01:23.039 days when I was skipping skipping my
00:01:26.429 evening workouts to get work done and
00:01:29.750 when I noticed this I took some drastic
00:01:32.640 measures and went for mandatory
00:01:34.739 self-care I went dry and I stopped
00:01:38.640 consuming alcohol I set hard stops for
00:01:41.880 when I left work in the evening and I
00:01:44.399 didn't allow myself to work again until
00:01:46.110 I returned in the morning I did allow
00:01:48.300 myself to return early and I used my
00:01:51.840 evening cut-off time as an enforcement
00:01:53.849 to get myself to my workouts in the
00:01:55.830 evening before I tell you how that went
00:01:59.700 I want to take a moment and explore a
00:02:02.069 little bit about how we think about
00:02:03.869 self-care self-care might yes this is
00:02:09.690 not now self-care can look a lot like
00:02:11.819 what I did it can look like eating well
00:02:14.400 sleeping well exercising well it can
00:02:19.140 also look like having a glass of wine
00:02:21.209 going to the spa doing some meditation
00:02:24.840 going on a vacation finding yourself
00:02:28.730 these are self-care sometimes looks like
00:02:31.560 being
00:02:32.520 extra nice to ourselves but sometimes
00:02:35.190 self-care can look even more basic than
00:02:37.470 that sometimes self-care beings brushing
00:02:42.720 your teeth and getting dressed getting
00:02:45.420 up at all taking your meds showing up at
00:02:48.420 work if these are things you're
00:02:51.330 struggling with please note this talk is
00:02:53.580 going to be amazing
00:02:54.990 you will learn things and it's not going
00:02:56.520 to fix things for you please think about
00:02:58.890 talking with a medical professional like
00:03:00.750 your PCP or your therapist let's go back
00:03:04.890 to this story of me from a couple of
00:03:07.440 years ago why did I put in these drastic
00:03:10.890 self care measures why was I so fixated
00:03:13.230 on this idea of applying self-care I was
00:03:18.240 diligently applying self-care because I
00:03:20.280 felt terrible about work and the belt
00:03:22.650 life and self-care makes it feel like
00:03:25.230 less is being taken out of you and
00:03:27.980 sometimes work or life in general is
00:03:30.720 trying to take more lfyou than feels
00:03:32.580 good and self-care is a way for you to
00:03:34.620 replenish a little bit and charge up at
00:03:38.310 this job a few years ago I felt like I
00:03:41.370 was depleted like my batteries were
00:03:44.340 running low when I started that
00:03:48.060 particular job though things were going
00:03:50.010 great I found this new workplace with
00:03:52.320 people I liked and respected I had all
00:03:54.510 of this promise of career growth things
00:03:56.610 were looking good for me home life was
00:03:59.070 also going pretty well I probably had
00:04:01.350 some complaints like you're loading the
00:04:03.030 dishwasher wrong or things like that but
00:04:06.060 for the most part I was I was content
00:04:08.610 with my life I had like fun complaints
00:04:10.380 and maybe that's where you were two of
00:04:13.230 your batteries were charged and things
00:04:15.090 were okay and then you got hit with some
00:04:17.940 other life stuff like maybe your housing
00:04:20.250 situation destabilized or your dog has a
00:04:22.830 goat for an emergency vet visit you're
00:04:25.590 doing okay but you could you could use a
00:04:27.510 break this was where I was when I had an
00:04:31.710 unexpected death in the family and at
00:04:34.980 the same time work was changing and
00:04:37.230 getting more stressful for for you maybe
00:04:40.530 you got assigned to a project that was
00:04:42.180 running behind or you got a new manager
00:04:45.360 maybe had a reorg you're still doing
00:04:47.939 okay
00:04:48.599 things aren't this easy as they were
00:04:50.310 before for me this was the point at
00:04:53.220 which I noticed my alcohol habits were
00:04:55.830 changing that my exercise patterns were
00:04:58.949 changing and that's when I started to
00:05:02.310 apply self-care and work on recharging
00:05:04.199 my battery and maybe you tried it -
00:05:06.389 maybe you prioritized yourself and your
00:05:08.789 family you got that sleep the exercise
00:05:11.729 that time to yourself
00:05:12.930 and you were feeling a little bit better
00:05:16.159 but work kept asking for more from me
00:05:19.710 and life after a family def takes up a
00:05:24.180 surprising amount of time maybe for you
00:05:27.810 your housing situation destabilized more
00:05:30.449 your dog has to go to the vet again
00:05:32.690 you've been applying self-care and at
00:05:36.270 the same time you're not as resilient as
00:05:38.190 you were when you were at your very best
00:05:42.560 when work or life keeps draining you
00:05:45.000 when work continues to ask for more and
00:05:47.430 more when that project goes from behind
00:05:49.319 suit we needed that yesterday when a
00:05:52.139 toxic person joins your team your
00:05:54.569 battery keeps draining down lower and
00:05:56.279 lower and you keep applying self-care
00:05:58.620 and no matter how much you put in you
00:06:01.050 can't recharge faster than what work or
00:06:03.270 life is taking out of you at this job my
00:06:08.129 workload was way too much for a single
00:06:11.039 person to take on and I felt terrible
00:06:14.879 because I was trying to do it anyway and
00:06:16.979 I was doing all of this self-care sleep
00:06:20.789 exercise sobriety and I still felt
00:06:23.039 pretty terrible no matter how much
00:06:26.190 self-care I applied I couldn't stop how
00:06:29.400 much more that work was taking out of me
00:06:32.669 I couldn't reduce the stress of my life
00:06:34.650 in general after this family loss and my
00:06:39.060 battery just kept going down lower and
00:06:41.069 lower and this is the part of self-care
00:06:45.599 that we do not talk about we don't talk
00:06:47.639 about how there is a limit to how much
00:06:50.190 self-care can recharge you this is my
00:06:54.810 schedule from that job you might not
00:06:56.759 have an hour commute like I did but
00:06:58.780 matter what you have a limit to the
00:07:01.270 number of hours in your day if you want
00:07:03.880 to get really great sleep that's going
00:07:05.530 to be 8 or 9 hours dedicated to that you
00:07:09.070 need to go to work and eat while you're
00:07:10.480 at work so that's another 8 or 9 hours
00:07:12.160 so that leaves you six to eight hours
00:07:15.150 every day in which you can eat shower do
00:07:19.570 the adult chores that you definitely do
00:07:21.940 like opening the mail or running the
00:07:23.770 dishwasher commuting if you need to
00:07:26.500 commute you still need time to do the
00:07:31.030 other things that recharge you like
00:07:32.620 spending time with your family and
00:07:34.150 friends exercising those regular other
00:07:37.870 things and if you're overwhelmed if
00:07:41.530 you're burned out and you need to spend
00:07:43.810 time on self-care to recharge wear this
00:07:47.980 this time come from do you take it from
00:07:50.260 the time that went into sleeping or do
00:07:51.760 you take it from seeing your friends and
00:07:53.470 family what do you do when you need less
00:07:58.060 taken out of you and work or life or the
00:08:01.270 world in general keeps taking more I
00:08:05.250 want to talk about someone we all know
00:08:07.300 and love who is in a very similar
00:08:09.220 situation this is I see you've met this
00:08:18.580 is this is fine dog this is fine dog
00:08:20.620 this is railsconf this is fine dog is
00:08:24.160 using self-care they are breathing
00:08:27.640 calmly
00:08:29.840 oh and they are mindfully drinking
00:08:33.979 whatever that beverage is this is fine
00:08:39.529 dog has a very pressing problem they are
00:08:43.909 in a room that is on fire and that is
00:08:46.700 not fine we're going to use this burning
00:08:52.100 room as our shorthand for any
00:08:54.380 unsustainable situation maybe it's being
00:08:57.890 burnt out maybe it's your workplace
00:08:59.839 which is very toxic whatever it is this
00:09:03.980 room is not healthy for you both you and
00:09:08.060 this is fine dog have some choices ahead
00:09:11.920 first you need to face your situation
00:09:15.520 you are already ahead of this is fine
00:09:18.470 dog here ask yourself this question is
00:09:25.160 your room on fire this is fine dog does
00:09:29.120 not realize that they are in the room on
00:09:30.980 fire or maybe they do and they want to
00:09:33.200 ignore it so they're doing they're even
00:09:35.870 breathing meditation they're drinking
00:09:38.330 whatever that is and they're returning
00:09:40.910 to working in the room on fire what
00:09:45.589 about you it's your room on fire
00:09:50.830 sometimes rooms are only hazardous to us
00:09:53.480 maybe everyone else you work with is our
00:09:55.910 Charmander or a fire mage
00:10:04.430 maybe everyone else is a white male and
00:10:07.500 not subject to the same discrimination
00:10:09.180 you face if it looks like the room is on
00:10:13.380 fire and no one else is affected don't
00:10:16.170 try to force it will yourself into
00:10:17.820 becoming that Charmander instead
00:10:20.540 acknowledge whether the room is
00:10:22.230 hazardous for you even if no one else
00:10:25.290 around you thinks it is if you've been
00:10:29.640 to American hotels so probably most of
00:10:32.520 you in this room right now you might
00:10:35.040 have noticed that sawing on the door
00:10:36.780 in the back of your room and it tells
00:10:38.610 you how to check if the room is on fire
00:10:40.320 or if the hotel is on fire you put your
00:10:42.960 hands to door and see if it's hot and
00:10:44.520 then you look underneath and see if
00:10:46.470 there's smoke coming in see if you can
00:10:47.970 smell any smoke if you put your hand to
00:10:51.780 the door and you it feels hot but you
00:10:55.560 don't see or smell any smoke that
00:10:57.630 doesn't mean that the hotel is not on
00:11:00.900 fire right it means that something is
00:11:03.480 going on out there it's probably not
00:11:05.670 good you're missing some signs of fire
00:11:07.740 but that does not mean it's not not on
00:11:10.380 fire or not on fire whichever way that
00:11:12.180 double negative goes this is the same
00:11:16.470 thing for when you're detecting burnout
00:11:18.000 I want to give you a checklist just like
00:11:20.760 the hotel checklist for if you are in a
00:11:23.160 room on fire and just like the hotel you
00:11:26.040 might not meet every one of those or
00:11:27.750 even most of them but that doesn't mean
00:11:30.750 you're not in a room on fire ultimately
00:11:34.530 you are the one in your situation and
00:11:37.160 you are the one who calls whether or not
00:11:40.530 that situation is on fire for you your
00:11:46.050 checklist for if your room is on fire is
00:11:48.590 changes in your habits so think about is
00:11:54.330 your media consumption is it changing
00:11:56.940 how much are you spending time on
00:11:58.200 YouTube on Twitter on Facebook is that
00:12:00.870 changing how about how you socialize are
00:12:03.150 you seeing your friends more or less or
00:12:06.060 your daily habits changing it's an
00:12:07.710 easier or harder to get up or to go to
00:12:10.080 bed or to do anything
00:12:13.220 if you're not sure if you're in a room
00:12:16.440 on fire if you find yourself arguing
00:12:19.680 with your friends that you're not really
00:12:21.480 that technically technically it's not a
00:12:23.910 room on fire that other people in a room
00:12:26.610 have it way worse than you you probably
00:12:29.100 are in a room on fire even if no one
00:12:33.090 else in that room is affected by it it's
00:12:35.700 not healthy for you in there
00:12:40.430 at this point some of you might be
00:12:42.780 slowly realizing she's right I I am in a
00:12:50.130 room on fire
00:12:51.120 if that's you this next slide is what's
00:12:54.150 written just for you you are not stuck
00:12:58.340 you have choices they might they might
00:13:01.110 not be choices that you like but you do
00:13:03.570 have choices you can make it out of this
00:13:06.480 situation but you must face your options
00:13:09.870 and choose I made a flowchart so that
00:13:15.150 way you can make this easy when you are
00:13:19.230 looking for change there are three
00:13:21.030 things that you can attempt to change
00:13:23.930 first is your internal state next is
00:13:28.140 what is external to you that you can
00:13:30.150 change and then the third is what is
00:13:32.880 external to you that you cannot change
00:13:34.620 so these are three things that you can
00:13:36.540 attempt that means that there are three
00:13:39.450 actions that you can take out of that
00:13:40.890 you can stay in the room with that is on
00:13:43.530 fire and change your internal state in
00:13:45.510 some way to make that to make that
00:13:47.610 acceptable you can stay in the room and
00:13:50.580 change what is external to you and fight
00:13:53.370 that fire and make it less on fire for
00:13:55.260 you or you can recognize there is
00:13:59.520 nothing that I can change that is within
00:14:02.820 my power to change that must be changed
00:14:04.740 in order for this room to be acceptable
00:14:06.270 to me and therefore I must flee the room
00:14:09.600 I like that last one so we're gonna
00:14:12.120 start there
00:14:14.740 sometimes the only thing that you can do
00:14:17.600 when you are in this room on fire is to
00:14:21.710 run screaming lfd exit whatever your
00:14:24.620 room is you quit it you leave you maybe
00:14:27.830 it's a job maybe it's a boss or another
00:14:30.170 person maybe it's the entire industry
00:14:32.720 whatever it is it's not healthy get
00:14:35.240 yourself out there is no shame in
00:14:39.920 fleeing the room on fire even if you
00:14:43.400 have the power to stay in the room even
00:14:45.440 if you have the power to stay in the
00:14:47.000 room and make it not on fire that
00:14:48.550 doesn't mean you have to and there is no
00:14:51.650 shame in leaving the room because you
00:14:54.200 choose to do so sometimes leaving the
00:15:03.170 room is the only way that you can
00:15:04.820 demonstrate to everyone else who's in
00:15:06.410 the room with you how to find an exit
00:15:08.810 and use it sometimes this this option
00:15:12.890 doesn't work for us so what if you are
00:15:16.180 financially supporting other people what
00:15:20.630 if you are an immigrant on a visa and
00:15:23.060 your boss keeps making these jokes about
00:15:26.540 you taking time off what if you feel bad
00:15:31.250 because there's someone more vulnerable
00:15:33.470 than you who's in that room and you
00:15:35.540 don't want to leave because then you
00:15:37.160 can't help them if you can't or you're
00:15:42.080 not ready to flee the room you have two
00:15:44.270 more choices you can make one options is
00:15:47.839 to stay and change yourself
00:15:49.750 this doesn't mean stay and transform
00:15:52.250 into into that charmander into someone
00:15:54.080 you're not someone who's not bothered by
00:15:55.790 the room on fire
00:15:57.010 you are in a room on fire and it's legit
00:16:01.130 for you to feel bothered by it and
00:16:02.570 whatever whatever feelings you have
00:16:04.640 about it those feelings are valid by
00:16:07.940 changing what is internal I mean
00:16:10.040 changing what you do and versus what
00:16:13.100 anyone else does it means identifying
00:16:14.720 what is directly under your control and
00:16:16.880 changing only that anyone in this room
00:16:21.980 have siblings especially younger
00:16:24.470 siblings okay any of you have gone on
00:16:26.839 road trips
00:16:27.830 when you were kids okay so all right
00:16:30.920 here's an example you might understand
00:16:32.510 um
00:16:33.760 you cannot stop your younger brother
00:16:36.890 from playing I'm not touching you I'm
00:16:39.200 not touching you like that is not
00:16:42.080 something you can really control but you
00:16:44.810 can like turn to the window look for
00:16:47.000 cows look for elif state license plates
00:16:48.800 and just feel exasperated and put upon
00:16:50.779 and that is an example of what you do
00:16:54.769 instead of what anyone else does the
00:16:58.910 reason why you might want to pick this
00:17:00.470 option first to stay in the room and
00:17:02.959 change what is internal is when you are
00:17:07.160 when you're exhausted when you are burnt
00:17:09.410 out it can be really really hard to tell
00:17:13.880 the difference between what you can
00:17:15.260 change and what you cannot change and
00:17:19.929 that means that if you change what is
00:17:23.420 internal to yourself and reach for this
00:17:25.699 option first you don't have to make that
00:17:28.040 decision that's suddenly become super
00:17:29.750 hard because you're in a burning room
00:17:32.620 one of the things you can do to change
00:17:34.730 yourself is to apply more self-care and
00:17:37.309 choose how you spend the hours in your
00:17:39.770 day you can change how much and what you
00:17:42.470 sleep eat and spend your non-work waking
00:17:45.230 hours on you can choose what your work
00:17:47.150 hours what that quantity is sometimes
00:17:52.429 this works sometimes you were on a
00:17:55.370 stressful project and that was your
00:17:57.110 burning room and it ends you survived it
00:17:59.720 things go back to normal and your
00:18:01.730 battery goes back to full I want to take
00:18:05.300 a look at what this how this might play
00:18:07.820 out this is a little status graph of our
00:18:11.660 battery and time I'm gonna mix up the
00:18:14.929 axes a little bit so try not to think
00:18:16.850 too hard about it our batteries are
00:18:19.850 charged and our home and work lives are
00:18:22.130 a steady-state our self-care investment
00:18:24.559 is also at a steady state then something
00:18:27.980 changes maybe we get transferred to a
00:18:30.350 really stressful work project and our
00:18:33.110 battery is going to draw down a little
00:18:34.669 bit as a result so we kick up the
00:18:37.910 self-care a notch and our we get to
00:18:40.190 recharge our batteries levels
00:18:41.539 a little bit what happens next is going
00:18:45.529 to depend entirely on the trajectory of
00:18:47.929 that middle work home life blue line
00:18:51.830 right there if the stressful project
00:18:55.279 ends like we talked about earlier then
00:18:57.470 we get to scale back our self-care and
00:18:59.269 our battery returns to normal and we go
00:19:01.940 back to life as before if the stressful
00:19:05.809 project continues or maybe it stops but
00:19:08.539 gets replaced with some life problems or
00:19:10.460 a different work problem then we need to
00:19:13.249 maintain our high levels of self-care to
00:19:15.109 keep our battery charged the problem
00:19:21.769 comes when whoops where am I
00:19:29.139 there we go the problem comes when work
00:19:32.059 or life keeps ramping up what wouldn't
00:19:34.369 it needs out of you and at some point
00:19:36.590 you're going to hit this max because
00:19:38.330 you've only got that six to eight hours
00:19:39.590 of none sleep none work time you're
00:19:42.169 gonna hit this max of how much self-care
00:19:43.970 you can apply and your battery is going
00:19:46.039 to quietly drain away when this happens
00:19:49.849 it might feel like you can't do enough
00:19:53.269 you can't give enough to your work to
00:19:56.299 meet the demands you can't perform
00:19:58.249 enough self-care to feel okay with what
00:20:00.830 you're outputting you can't accept where
00:20:03.109 you are because it is unacceptable if
00:20:07.970 you've hit that point the healthiest
00:20:10.519 thing for you to do is flee the room get
00:20:12.769 yourself out find a new job find a new
00:20:15.139 industry ditch the relationship whatever
00:20:17.149 it is get yourself out but if you are
00:20:22.220 the point where you're ahead of the
00:20:23.929 curve and you're looking ahead and you
00:20:25.729 are anticipating the curve and you can
00:20:27.889 see where you're headed you might still
00:20:30.470 have time to try one more option change
00:20:33.830 what is external to you that is that you
00:20:36.049 can possibly change stay and change the
00:20:38.450 room you might be wondering how you can
00:20:43.759 tell when this is possible if you are
00:20:47.690 this is fine dog you cannot change the
00:20:50.869 room by telling it rooms stop being on
00:20:53.509 fire
00:20:54.600 you have to go for what is possible to
00:20:56.759 be changed and make that change in your
00:21:01.679 workplace maybe your room is a stressful
00:21:03.870 project you probably can't change that
00:21:06.179 project but you can change its impact on
00:21:08.370 you if your room is a toxic person you
00:21:11.730 also probably cannot change that person
00:21:14.190 but you could change their impact on you
00:21:17.179 so here is how you do that first think
00:21:21.870 about what change is possible for the
00:21:24.690 stressful project maybe what you could
00:21:26.549 change is whether or not you're on that
00:21:29.009 project and I want you to go ahead and
00:21:32.610 imagine that possibility don't worry
00:21:35.100 about the implementation details just
00:21:36.860 imagine the possibility that you are no
00:21:39.929 longer on this stressful project and
00:21:42.889 kind of feel for your feel for yourself
00:21:45.509 does it feel like that would make the
00:21:47.669 room not be on fire for me would that be
00:21:49.620 enough for me to feel good about about
00:21:52.110 work if it would then that's the change
00:21:55.590 you should aim for and that goes on to
00:21:57.870 the next step think about who can help
00:22:00.690 make it happen there are two groups of
00:22:03.659 people I want you to think about the
00:22:06.029 first is who can authorize the change to
00:22:08.460 go through for the stressful project
00:22:10.470 that's probably your manager who who
00:22:13.620 does that and it's your manager who is
00:22:15.330 the person who can say yes you can leave
00:22:17.399 the stressful project and go do this
00:22:19.019 other thing the other set of people I
00:22:22.500 want you to think about is who can help
00:22:24.539 you make it happen so for example maybe
00:22:27.750 there's another project that you know is
00:22:29.879 healthy and you would be happy to be
00:22:32.399 working there so you could go talk with
00:22:34.379 the p.m. talk about how much you like
00:22:37.470 the project how talk about the ways that
00:22:39.720 you can see yourself contributing to
00:22:41.250 them and ask for the PM's help to
00:22:44.580 petition your manager that p.m. is an
00:22:48.210 example of someone who can help make
00:22:49.950 that change possible and there are lots
00:22:52.950 of people like that just look around and
00:22:54.659 find people to ask for help
00:23:01.490 even if you get help even if you ask
00:23:04.920 your manager and they're sympathetic you
00:23:06.840 might not get what you're looking for on
00:23:08.280 the first try and that's why this is a
00:23:10.590 cycle if you get told no or later look
00:23:15.060 for different things that you might be
00:23:16.260 able to change for the stressful project
00:23:19.050 if you can't leave now
00:23:21.380 maybe what you can do is ask can i pair
00:23:25.410 with my favorite teammate or what I ran
00:23:28.770 spher after we hit this milestone or
00:23:30.690 after we do this many number of Sprint's
00:23:34.040 you can keep looking for new ways to
00:23:36.630 change the room if the one that you
00:23:39.030 picked before didn't quite work and keep
00:23:40.890 looking for other allies to help you
00:23:42.360 make that change at some point though
00:23:46.550 the reason we started talking about this
00:23:49.350 cycle was because of this graph we
00:23:52.860 talked about how we got here because we
00:23:54.810 were anticipating that that very sad
00:23:58.100 curve if we it's possible to catch up to
00:24:06.030 that curve and hit that point after
00:24:08.790 you've done a lot of trying to change
00:24:11.310 the room trying to make it healthy for
00:24:13.050 you and while you're trying to do that
00:24:16.110 work and life keeps going on and you
00:24:19.860 don't get you don't get that break if
00:24:23.580 you hit that point at which you've maxed
00:24:25.620 out self care and there's not more that
00:24:27.900 you can do you can't stay in that room
00:24:32.840 there is a saying that's attributed to
00:24:35.970 Martin Fowler he says we can change our
00:24:39.120 environment or we can change our
00:24:40.380 environment you can either modify the
00:24:43.380 environment to be acceptable or you can
00:24:45.930 swap out the environment for a different
00:24:47.640 one if modifying the environment isn't
00:24:50.550 successful don't keep trying to ask for
00:24:53.580 different ways to get off that project
00:24:55.070 keep an eye on your battery and change
00:24:58.110 your environment go back to your other
00:25:00.570 option and flee the room
00:25:06.290 all right let's recap if life is feeling
00:25:10.140 stressful take a look around figure out
00:25:13.050 if you are in a room on fire put your
00:25:16.320 hand on that door see if it's hot don't
00:25:18.930 let yourself be talked out of the fit
00:25:20.250 just because you don't see smoke coming
00:25:21.690 in from underneath the door look for
00:25:24.060 changes in your habits once you once
00:25:28.620 you've gotten to this point remember
00:25:29.970 that you have choices you can change
00:25:31.410 what this internal what is external that
00:25:33.660 you have control over or you can attempt
00:25:36.180 to fight what this external that you
00:25:37.410 have no control over which doesn't work
00:25:39.810 so instead you can flee the room you can
00:25:42.750 fight the fight the room or you can stay
00:25:46.110 and apply self-care band-aid band-aids
00:25:48.150 to get yourself through this until
00:25:49.620 you're able to either let the project
00:25:51.720 finish or get yourself out none of these
00:25:56.580 things none of these choices are bad
00:25:58.800 choices or wrong choices get as much
00:26:02.580 information that you can and make the
00:26:04.170 best choice that you can in that moment
00:26:06.240 with the information that you have and
00:26:07.740 the state that you are in keep an eye on
00:26:11.010 if there's a point at which throwing
00:26:12.750 more self-care at your situation won't
00:26:15.330 make the situation any more bearable for
00:26:17.340 you and if you get to a point when the
00:26:20.520 choice you picked isn't serving you
00:26:22.110 anymore
00:26:22.740 pick another choice you're not stuck
00:26:25.380 with it just because you picked it you
00:26:27.150 can change it don't blame or
00:26:31.170 second-guess yourself later because of
00:26:33.060 the choice you made and think oh if I'd
00:26:34.710 done something else things would have
00:26:35.940 come out better it might have but that
00:26:41.040 doesn't matter you did your best with
00:26:45.000 the information that you could with the
00:26:46.980 state that you were in in that moment
00:26:48.980 regardless of the results remember that
00:26:51.690 you did your very best to take care of
00:26:53.220 yourself so do make the choice do choose
00:27:00.270 whether you draw another bubble bath and
00:27:02.520 wait it out or whether you choose not to
00:27:07.010 thank you for thank you for listening I
00:27:10.020 will be sticking around off mic for
00:27:11.940 questions or you can catch me on Twitter
00:27:14.820 I am @jt you I am taking coaching
00:27:18.210 clients at this
00:27:19.610 please come talk with me if that's
00:27:21.020 something you are interested in I will
00:27:23.150 be posting slides and notes from this
00:27:25.700 talk including some of the references I
00:27:27.800 was looking at on my company website we
00:27:30.950 cohere comm the company name by the way
00:27:33.530 is pronounced Co here unless you want to
00:27:36.640 tease my business partner Z then call it
00:27:40.130 week oh here he really does not like
00:27:41.690 that thank you