
Authorization in the GraphQL era

Authorization in the GraphQL era

by Nikolay Sverchkov

In the talk titled "Authorization in the GraphQL Era" by Nikolay Sverchkov, presented at RailsConf 2020 CE, the speaker addresses the challenges and methodologies surrounding access control in GraphQL applications, particularly within the Ruby on Rails environment. Sverchkov discusses the shift from traditional RESTful architectures to GraphQL and highlights the implications this shift has for user authorization.

Key points of the talk include:
- Differences Between REST and GraphQL: Sverchkov compares RESTful and GraphQL architectures, noting that GraphQL operates through a single controller for data fetching, which complicates traditional authorization approaches.
- Identification and Authorization: He explains how user identification is typically handled with frameworks like Devise and emphasizes that while this framework works well with RESTful APIs, care must be taken when integrating it with GraphQL to avoid unnecessary complexity.
- Access Control Layers: The speaker discusses the importance of implementing fine-grained access control in GraphQL, suggesting that roles alone are not sufficient. Using libraries such as CanCanCan or Pundit provides more robust solutions for implementing authorization.
- Use of Visibility and Policies: Visibility functions in GraphQL can manage field-level access control, while existing frameworks like Action Policy can facilitate authorization rules without bogging down the controller layer.
- Performance Considerations: Sverchkov touches on performance concerns, emphasizing the need for efficient data loading and caching, especially in GraphQL where users often request specific fields.
- Testing Authorization Logic: The necessity of integrating tests for authorization logic is discussed, indicating that tests need to ensure policies are correctly enforced without becoming overly complex.

The major takeaway from Sverchkov's presentation is that while GraphQL provides unique opportunities for flexible data queries, it also necessitates a reevaluation of how authorization is handled. The speaker encourages leveraging existing libraries that are familiar, while also proposing that there are many avenues for improvements and contributions within the GraphQL ecosystem. Overall, the talk serves as a guide for developers looking to navigate the nuances of implementing effective authorization in GraphQL applications.

Authorization in the GraphQL era by Nikolay Sverchkov

"More and more teams choose GraphQL as the transport protocol for their projects. Switching the paradigm brings many benefits but comes at the price of figuring out how to deal with the well-known problems in this new world. Let’s talk about a particular one—access control organization.

In this talk, I’d like to discuss the differences between graph nodes and controller actions when dealing with user permissions, the pattern of crafting authentication, and authorization in Rails applications with GraphQL API and demonstrate the options we have in our ecosystem."


Creative Back-end developer at Evil Martians

RailsConf 2020 CE

00:00:09.209 hello everyone to start off I want to
00:00:12.309 say thanks to yours who donate our
00:00:15.250 unusual conference I hope you can enjoy
00:00:18.820 the stock sitting on your couch actually
00:00:22.029 who knows maybe this force of constraint
00:00:23.880 will become my stimulus for evolution
00:00:27.189 and we will get a new and interesting
00:00:30.189 conferences format because video is the
00:00:33.430 limitless source of opportunity as the
00:00:36.640 drop was ahead we can overcome
00:00:38.260 restriction and quickly move to the
00:00:40.870 original planet conferences when you to
00:00:44.320 the Portland OR we can have a
00:00:47.199 conversation with a famous person from
00:00:50.019 the Ruby community for example we can
00:00:52.929 call Aaron Patterson and ask heron what
00:00:57.219 do you think about Graff
00:00:58.239 characterization
00:00:59.760 Aaron is super friendly and 100% sure he
00:01:04.030 will not refuse us yeah the possibility
00:01:07.450 of online world is truly endless and
00:01:10.060 platform like tick tock proves that
00:01:12.909 people have immense creativity
00:01:15.280 however this is one of our first attempt
00:01:18.880 and we didn't have long to prepare and
00:01:22.840 record how video so I'm going to limit
00:01:25.990 this to a couple of opening slide with
00:01:29.380 my face so lets me introduce myself my
00:01:34.960 name is Nikolai Tsvetkov and I am
00:01:37.240 creative back-end engineer at your
00:01:40.000 emotions we are engaged in product
00:01:43.660 development and help companies such as
00:01:46.330 eBay Fontaine or to you to growth their
00:01:51.940 products we are open source fans and I
00:01:56.620 think you have heard about our front-end
00:01:59.590 libraries such as after prefix ER or
00:02:03.450 processes rubygems
00:02:06.580 like any cable or test proof also we
00:02:10.989 start working on blockchain open source
00:02:13.599 and now we're development Astro graph
00:02:15.790 which is graphical interface for stellar
00:02:18.780 for more information you can visit our
00:02:23.050 website evil Marcia illegal Martians
00:02:26.200 calm as for me I am from Tatarstan and
00:02:30.400 this is a place in Russia you might
00:02:33.400 never heard of typically I might say the
00:02:36.820 phrase come to me after the talk and
00:02:39.580 I'll give you a cool stickers with evil
00:02:42.250 Martian in national costume from the
00:02:44.260 place where I live but Ellis we have to
00:02:48.370 wait a little for this ok enough about
00:02:51.580 me let's move to the topic of the talk
00:02:55.350 it's good form for the speaker to
00:02:58.000 briefly go over they talk on their
00:02:59.800 vision I know that sometimes when people
00:03:02.380 seek Rockwell the title they think ok
00:03:06.130 yeah the speaker will try to sell me
00:03:08.440 graphic well again and tell me how
00:03:10.510 amazing it is but that is not why we are
00:03:13.660 here today I would like to stick to the
00:03:16.150 basic concepts since of going into a
00:03:18.520 detailed introduction to the technology
00:03:21.420 sometimes I doubt the benefits of graph
00:03:24.760 coil because I see a lot of hype around
00:03:27.270 stick not sure but and only few things
00:03:31.390 it's extremely difficult to design a
00:03:34.209 good graphical API I thought that the
00:03:37.209 best way to share my experience with
00:03:39.400 gargoyle authorization is to show a
00:03:41.800 comparison of growl with something that
00:03:44.260 you all know rest water ization and I'm
00:03:46.989 going to provide specific example of
00:03:49.209 them too to begin let's remember what
00:03:52.750 restful is on this slide you can see the
00:03:56.140 standard rails application architecture
00:03:58.989 on the left side is the user on the
00:04:02.020 right side is our data and layer for
00:04:04.780 interacting with it use this data or
00:04:07.630 simple boot active record and in the
00:04:10.360 middle we can see a bell for connecting
00:04:12.790 the user and data
00:04:14.410 this is architecture that Ruby on Rails
00:04:16.660 provides out the box and as I said in
00:04:20.410 the last year's conference in st.
00:04:22.300 Petersburg I'm a huge fan of ghh and I
00:04:25.150 think rails is really great framework
00:04:27.550 but rails is just a skeleton for your on
00:04:32.289 our project
00:04:33.870 almost always we need more for example
00:04:36.780 let's imagine that we have multi-tenant
00:04:38.850 application and somehow we need to
00:04:40.710 control those two specific resources in
00:04:44.130 this case we will have to add to the
00:04:46.890 restful api another layer and assess
00:04:49.290 control there so what is restful a
00:04:51.600 restful is a software architecture style
00:04:54.030 that defines a set of constraints to be
00:04:55.800 used for creating web services okay but
00:04:59.250 what is graph well graph QL is a query
00:05:02.010 language for APS and runtime for for
00:05:04.470 things queries with your existing data
00:05:07.190 yeah comparing language and architecture
00:05:11.010 style sounds like a terrible idea
00:05:13.220 to fix this we are going to introduce
00:05:15.810 the next architecture graphic will rails
00:05:18.410 application we see in the slide the user
00:05:21.930 and his data as we saw in previous
00:05:23.580 slides and something new for us in the
00:05:27.450 middle if you have never seen graph coil
00:05:29.850 project before you may be surprised and
00:05:32.760 in this picture there was only one
00:05:34.800 controller and one road it might be
00:05:37.350 strange but it's true trust to our
00:05:40.700 usually we'll see the control folder we
00:05:44.220 only have one action with a code similar
00:05:47.520 to this the whole logic of fetching and
00:05:50.490 manipulating data move through another
00:05:52.830 place it sounds like a call graph well
00:05:55.350 internals and so what is graphical
00:05:57.630 internals in a global sense we have one
00:06:00.120 huge class which is called graph call
00:06:03.270 schema schema has one executed method
00:06:05.910 which takes query and parents from
00:06:09.750 request and just executed schema inside
00:06:12.810 consists of two things types and
00:06:15.090 mutations this when
00:06:16.920 types are responsible for in operations
00:06:18.630 and mutations which implement create
00:06:21.660 update and destroy actions who look a
00:06:24.660 little closer the sections are
00:06:26.760 implemented through specific Ruby
00:06:28.590 classes for example we can request the
00:06:31.860 user and his profile or we can request
00:06:35.190 the user his post and comments of the
00:06:38.520 sports or to try to add a comment you
00:06:41.220 can see is that all these actions are
00:06:43.590 interconnected and
00:06:45.390 our what yeah you alright this is a
00:06:48.150 graph so yeah and this is all an
00:06:51.840 introduction to graph well what I wanted
00:06:55.020 to give you so our main question is how
00:06:58.110 do we implement an access control layer
00:07:00.810 for graphical rails application it's
00:07:03.180 possible to reuse approaches from the
00:07:05.430 standard application and if not what we
00:07:08.100 need to do we are going to start with a
00:07:10.110 basic concept of identification
00:07:12.270 what is identification Ounces education
00:07:15.990 is an act of proving identity of the
00:07:19.020 user or more simply
00:07:20.960 determinating which user is currently
00:07:22.890 working with the system to implement
00:07:25.370 education we usually use frameworks such
00:07:28.650 as device which has many read made
00:07:31.410 function out of the box the question is
00:07:34.350 how do we use the framework and this
00:07:36.840 framework with the up quayle fully for
00:07:39.660 example we implement all device actions
00:07:41.760 such as like you know layout using graph
00:07:44.670 coil and the answer is no that is not
00:07:47.730 necessary at all you can leave you log
00:07:51.570 in on LeGarrette actions outside the gap
00:07:53.760 and use default device controller the
00:07:57.780 same idea directly underlies the
00:08:00.810 authorization execution as the biggest
00:08:03.150 mistake will be to transfer an AWS
00:08:05.340 account user himself but some talking
00:08:08.540 cookie or just some identification to
00:08:12.630 the graph this will greatly complicate
00:08:15.150 application code and writing tests in
00:08:17.820 the future so yeah so far our solution
00:08:20.670 are no different from the usual restful
00:08:23.580 api ok let's move on to a more
00:08:26.550 interesting issue ensuring
00:08:28.380 identification usually in the system
00:08:30.570 have two types of actions actions
00:08:32.700 allowing everyone including guest and
00:08:35.100 actions only allowed for authorized
00:08:37.320 users yeah probably
00:08:39.060 everyone can read posts but they can
00:08:41.610 only be updated by users who realize
00:08:44.940 themselves in standard rails application
00:08:47.490 we can solve this problem using before
00:08:49.650 action callback in each case of
00:08:52.080 controller we set a specific list of
00:08:53.730 actions
00:08:54.660 forbidden for guests
00:08:56.820 this is not the most maintainable
00:08:59.040 solution actually from the point of view
00:09:00.930 of support but at the same time which is
00:09:04.410 powerful and easy to use but what about
00:09:07.380 graph quail is a graphical version we
00:09:09.630 have only one controller and if you
00:09:12.090 protect it with a before callback
00:09:14.610 it will prohibit all action for us which
00:09:17.490 is not adequate we need to find a
00:09:19.800 solution to prohibit the execution for
00:09:22.230 specific notes of the graph for
00:09:24.600 unauthorized users yeah each time for
00:09:28.320 Serie slice and code snippets and next
00:09:31.170 thing is the presentation I'm going to
00:09:32.820 show the God as stated with the graph
00:09:36.210 coil a ruby gem actually I have nothing
00:09:38.730 more to add here because there are no
00:09:41.640 other items in this library for this
00:09:44.580 library in the Ruby ecosystem let's take
00:09:47.580 a look at the code we saw earlier now we
00:09:51.510 can talk about what context is context a
00:09:54.810 specific variable which is passed along
00:09:57.810 the entire query execution stack and
00:10:00.710 this is our way to track through some
00:10:03.750 kind of state inside the graph using the
00:10:07.440 new knowledge we can look for the
00:10:10.350 example of fetching or getting the user
00:10:13.950 and his profile from the inside to do
00:10:16.950 this we create user type class where we
00:10:20.220 define profile field as a method to how
00:10:23.130 to resolve this papaya field also we
00:10:26.010 create a profile class and describe the
00:10:28.110 fields that we can request actually
00:10:30.810 everything is really really simple and
00:10:34.290 now knowing cat text is available
00:10:37.140 everywhere we simply add a check of
00:10:39.540 current user just like this it does not
00:10:42.450 look like her nothing and the problem is
00:10:46.440 that this is a purely maintainable
00:10:49.350 solution and we'll have to we will have
00:10:52.320 to duplicate the code many and many
00:10:54.510 times for each result let's use some
00:10:57.870 magic to solve it this magic is called
00:11:00.150 visibility
00:11:01.200 first time to say that visibility's
00:11:03.270 graphical ruby specific feature is their
00:11:05.580 official Gockel
00:11:07.200 specifications
00:11:08.579 all singers with ability and this may be
00:11:11.610 an omission secondly its implementation
00:11:15.029 is simple we need to add just one method
00:11:18.509 to the type like here but we still have
00:11:22.739 a problem of reusing this code so let's
00:11:26.790 move this method to a separate helper or
00:11:29.759 model and add it to the base type class
00:11:33.179 just using weapon method yeah it's
00:11:36.809 better but now a new problem such a
00:11:39.660 solution globally affects all types and
00:11:42.989 antistick ate the entire graph but we
00:11:45.959 need it in a place to fix we treat the
00:11:49.799 types initializer a bit and add saving
00:11:52.769 so login required like as I said we can
00:11:56.939 use powerful is option DSL which is a
00:12:00.449 feature of graphical or Ruby jam and
00:12:03.959 this DSL we can list the fields that
00:12:08.639 should not be accessible for guests for
00:12:12.149 example in this slide everyone can read
00:12:15.239 users posts but the user profiles only
00:12:18.449 for identification users I guess it's
00:12:21.809 really very elegant from my point of
00:12:24.540 view visibility is not the only way to
00:12:28.199 implement Asif occation prediction for
00:12:30.779 specific fields to understand why this
00:12:33.809 is a best solution we need to talk about
00:12:35.850 one feature called the introspection
00:12:38.850 system you can ask Greko schema for
00:12:41.579 information about what queries it
00:12:43.980 supports there are tools on BOTS
00:12:47.040 what can as it can build a whole graph
00:12:49.249 based on a given graph entry point this
00:12:53.669 information about queries mutation
00:12:56.129 styles and so on would give an attacker
00:12:58.049 may opportunities to find
00:12:59.669 vulnerabilities and years in processing
00:13:02.790 in a specific graphical implementation
00:13:04.679 so if you have a non public API
00:13:07.230 my advice to completely disable schema
00:13:09.929 introspection on production if you write
00:13:12.720 public API as third party service then
00:13:16.230 you can use visibility features that we
00:13:18.329 saw on the previous slides
00:13:20.440 automatically hides information about
00:13:23.310 protected branches of your graph this is
00:13:27.040 all about identification let's talk
00:13:29.290 about authorization yeah a physician is
00:13:33.220 a function of specifying access to the
00:13:36.940 resources a specification as well as the
00:13:40.090 questions can this user do this action
00:13:43.810 or is the user allowed to do this one of
00:13:47.950 the most common authorization
00:13:49.270 restriction is based on a roll it's the
00:13:51.880 application we have administrator or
00:13:54.130 managers and so on and we want to
00:13:56.200 restrict access to resources using
00:13:58.170 custom roles
00:13:59.620 the question is should we use the same
00:14:01.600 with the builds approach as we saw two
00:14:04.360 slides back the short answer is no it
00:14:08.440 will be a weak decision in term of
00:14:10.330 application development the
00:14:11.920 authorization rules are no limited only
00:14:14.170 to the roles of the user almost always
00:14:17.170 you have several layers of checks and we
00:14:20.290 cannot cover them with just boolean
00:14:22.720 flags only I need to say that there are
00:14:25.060 two single query Bertram that are a
00:14:27.730 design it for authorization but I do not
00:14:31.210 recommend using them the problem is that
00:14:33.490 this is a project of controller will
00:14:35.620 contain too much logic and will get
00:14:38.260 active record 2.0 an additional use of
00:14:42.100 access rules in other parts of
00:14:44.440 application will be impossible with this
00:14:47.320 implementation this problems are not new
00:14:49.810 for us and due to such difficulties with
00:14:52.690 the sky because of rules we have several
00:14:54.760 libraries such as scan can or can can
00:14:57.280 can or pans it to make our life easier
00:15:01.480 we would like to continue to use the
00:15:04.300 familiar tools especially if we are
00:15:06.339 migrating our restful application to
00:15:08.470 graph coil or we have a hybrid
00:15:10.360 architecture and we don't want to
00:15:13.420 rewrite the authorization layer let's
00:15:16.330 remember how everything looks for a
00:15:19.030 standard IPA for s jalapeño we are
00:15:21.430 talking about relation with one rule for
00:15:23.530 one action one after is a rule for one
00:15:26.620 action unfortunately people often get
00:15:29.140 confused about the action you should
00:15:32.410 think about
00:15:33.699 Rule four action of resource not about
00:15:36.249 rule for action for controller yeah very
00:15:38.799 often this are equivalent to each other
00:15:41.739 but this is only a consequence of the
00:15:44.619 restful style itself there is such basic
00:15:48.489 constraints at the heart of gradual
00:15:51.669 authorization - this is a just a little
00:15:54.639 more complicated because north of the
00:15:56.919 graph can be not only types aka
00:15:59.290 resources but also final scholar fields
00:16:02.669 suppose we have more opportunities for
00:16:05.249 flexible configuration of access to
00:16:08.109 specific fields of resources which is
00:16:11.230 difficult to do in the standard case
00:16:13.480 standard trails application and it's
00:16:16.419 sometimes solved by duplicating
00:16:17.709 endpoints for different roles as I shown
00:16:21.069 is a slide so returning to our original
00:16:24.850 question can we reuse existing abilities
00:16:27.459 layers in a sense yeah yes but at the
00:16:32.290 same time we will find the cases for
00:16:34.779 which we do not have enough solutions
00:16:36.970 for example how to pass current user to
00:16:39.489 suppose how to handle of the relation
00:16:41.559 here or how to ensure authorization
00:16:43.059 happens and so on
00:16:45.689 usually this is covered by helpers which
00:16:50.139 are a part of authorization libraries
00:16:52.059 the problem is that they are all focused
00:16:55.419 on work with wrathful application and
00:16:58.869 absolutely not suitable for graph quayle
00:17:01.439 in fact this missing part is too
00:17:05.019 important that is sold as a part of page
00:17:09.250 of code ruby version of coil Ruby Pro
00:17:11.279 has integration with can-can and pen
00:17:14.110 seed I don't know the exact price Oh the
00:17:17.350 graphical Ruby prom because I always use
00:17:19.630 free way to solve
00:17:20.799 also mentioned problems with
00:17:22.600 authorization yeah you vary the
00:17:25.689 conference room now I could ask who have
00:17:28.779 heard about Jim action policy and comes
00:17:31.809 an hour of raise of hands but I cannot
00:17:34.990 do it and I think is that your reaction
00:17:37.149 will be similar to this give for a
00:17:39.639 couple of people who do not know about
00:17:41.230 action policy action policies
00:17:43.029 authorization framework which is written
00:17:45.760 by my colleague halogen or diminutive if
00:17:48.460 pundit library's small and the rhythm
00:17:51.190 alter in two or three hundred lines of
00:17:54.430 course authorization action policy
00:17:56.440 contains much more building features and
00:17:59.610 this is a framework um not just a
00:18:02.050 library and then short action policies
00:18:04.690 spanned it on stroyed and you can easily
00:18:07.270 migrate from pansy to action policy and
00:18:09.760 action policies independent of race and
00:18:11.560 has several extensions including support
00:18:14.440 of graph coil Ruby as I said the other
00:18:17.290 policy API is boiled from the budget and
00:18:21.430 you will not immediately finds a
00:18:24.010 difference between them to use this
00:18:26.320 policy just add a flag to to the
00:18:29.140 specific field and everything will work
00:18:31.180 magically we can say the same thing
00:18:33.910 about exception handling yeah you can
00:18:37.240 use similar code expand it but it does
00:18:40.270 not know how to send a specific
00:18:42.790 authorization your message
00:18:44.640 out-of-the-box find it does not know how
00:18:47.440 to do this but this is important to
00:18:49.690 graph coil because it is a part of
00:18:52.000 official specification in general the
00:18:54.940 library contains many helpers which
00:18:58.030 greatly facilitate the implementation of
00:19:00.520 the ization for the graph kohlrabi
00:19:03.610 but I won't bore you by listening them
00:19:07.420 all in fact let's look at more
00:19:10.000 interesting and specific issues for
00:19:12.670 example data scoping in our schema the
00:19:16.300 user has posts hello
00:19:18.460 what kind of post we need to return by
00:19:21.100 request depends on the current user for
00:19:24.970 example is the current user is the same
00:19:27.760 user a K Abner he can see all his
00:19:30.700 undeleted posts if he is administrator
00:19:33.760 he can see all of the users posts
00:19:36.430 including those that are deleted if he
00:19:40.240 is guest only published posts can be
00:19:42.610 seen just a couple of custom logic
00:19:47.340 scopes and as you can see such a
00:19:50.860 scenario is easily implemented on the
00:19:54.220 policy side just three lines of code
00:19:59.070 I think is just do not forget to write
00:20:01.230 policy tests the next feature is even
00:20:05.009 more specific to graph coil because many
00:20:07.380 people present this technology made as
00:20:10.320 an improvement in terms of front and
00:20:12.990 side let's imagine that we have a rule
00:20:16.529 that allows Orpah he means a user from i
00:20:19.799 performing the action and the front and
00:20:23.009 side we have the button that is
00:20:25.980 responsible for initiating this action
00:20:28.700 so we need to show or highlight button
00:20:31.769 the Predacon through question where is
00:20:36.000 the best place for you Excel main
00:20:38.190 display logic yes unfortunately many
00:20:42.509 developers choose the wrong the wrong
00:20:44.730 way solution the wrong solution and
00:20:47.659 implementing the logic in two places at
00:20:50.759 once on the backend checking the
00:20:53.460 authorization rule on the front end the
00:20:56.909 logic of the bottom display by indirect
00:21:00.570 signs about the rule is the same and the
00:21:03.659 right decision is to transfer or expose
00:21:06.539 this information from a single source of
00:21:09.179 truth from the back end this action
00:21:12.750 policy calc well we can do this with
00:21:16.139 just a single line of code in this case
00:21:19.049 the response will look standardized it
00:21:22.259 and contain the text of the error in
00:21:24.809 case we need to show why the user is not
00:21:28.110 prohibited from performing the action
00:21:30.330 yeah it's time for at last features one
00:21:33.840 of the biggest problem that I saw in the
00:21:37.620 projects it's a performance issue it's
00:21:40.740 very difficult to design and make graph
00:21:43.139 quality without n plus one and batch
00:21:46.080 loading problems there are also problems
00:21:48.570 that some part of the graph
00:21:51.539 I requested much more often than others
00:21:54.960 and in this case one of the way to
00:21:57.809 improve performance is to add our cache
00:22:00.809 layer the cache is quiet not only for
00:22:04.139 data but also for calculating the rules
00:22:06.600 because sometimes rules calculation can
00:22:09.840 be really complicated
00:22:11.460 and there's this rule of the boys and in
00:22:14.279 the case of library I just think a shank
00:22:16.919 is really simple with extra policy
00:22:19.230 alcohol you just add one single line of
00:22:22.289 code
00:22:22.980 I think if listeners may ask themselves
00:22:25.710 now we are talking only about reading
00:22:28.289 data what about data changes or more
00:22:31.140 simply mutations we didn't talk about
00:22:33.690 mutations because it cannot be nested in
00:22:36.779 graph coil technically by specification
00:22:40.049 you can make something like nested
00:22:41.730 mutation but it's better not to even
00:22:44.640 think about it
00:22:45.480 in the case of single legged nesting
00:22:47.940 mutation are no different from ordinary
00:22:50.809 service objects one way to cover them
00:22:54.419 with after ization is true is to call
00:22:56.669 the specific helper is a resolver method
00:22:59.820 I care there's only one problem how do
00:23:03.600 we ensure policies are used it is
00:23:07.140 crucial to make sure that every change
00:23:10.169 action is protected by policy this code
00:23:13.260 is not part of graph coil your action
00:23:16.169 policy to our custom code and so I will
00:23:19.409 show only the main part of it and you
00:23:21.899 can find the full code snippet by the
00:23:25.350 link below this using this code will be
00:23:30.770 protected from forgetful developer
00:23:34.320 because this after resolver callback
00:23:38.480 automatically will check do we call
00:23:41.789 authorization policy or not last but not
00:23:46.140 least let's discuss writing test for
00:23:48.360 authorization logic unfortunately for
00:23:51.149 all the malware itself types and
00:23:53.250 mutation declaration with all the
00:23:55.770 flexibilities of this so at the moment
00:23:58.020 we can only write integration tests in
00:24:00.929 other word execute a row graph query and
00:24:03.659 check the results discuss about ich that
00:24:07.380 we always check full execution of query
00:24:09.419 but of course it's not free let's look
00:24:12.240 at this simple test for checking
00:24:14.309 permission of a type field I her does
00:24:17.159 everything look clean
00:24:18.510 we have several contexts where we check
00:24:21.120 answers for each type of users but there
00:24:24.570 are actually bad
00:24:25.560 tests like all integration tests they
00:24:28.080 are slow we always need to do some setup
00:24:30.600 with the database for each tests there
00:24:33.060 are also complex we will have to compare
00:24:35.790 as God many times for different fields
00:24:38.640 or put this coating and share it
00:24:41.370 examples which does not make the code
00:24:43.680 simpler and most important we don't need
00:24:47.100 to check SS here at O for this we have a
00:24:50.880 different layer of logic policies there
00:24:53.460 force out of authorization logic the
00:24:55.890 tests must be in a separate policy layer
00:24:58.680 four types we need to only check that
00:25:01.440 the corresponding policies been cold and
00:25:04.290 action policy gargoyle has helper for
00:25:06.780 this I just was nothing but al capone's
00:25:10.020 from the last two slides are you ballad
00:25:12.180 for controller test - if you had check
00:25:15.060 for each type of user in the control or
00:25:17.190 test and I have a bad news for you
00:25:19.770 conclusion
00:25:20.670 yeah let's time to make a short
00:25:22.800 conclusion I think you notice that in
00:25:26.430 general we can imagine the whole
00:25:28.290 situation with such a chart despite the
00:25:31.650 fact that gap Co ruby has its own and
00:25:34.200 mechanism for authorization the best
00:25:36.990 solution is still to use third-party
00:25:38.600 libraries that we are already familiar
00:25:41.760 with this solution will make it easier
00:25:44.190 to migrate from one teacher to another
00:25:46.560 and or use the authorization code
00:25:49.100 however we still have some wrappers and
00:25:51.420 helpers that is fight right to a
00:25:55.230 particular lecture we are all pretty
00:25:57.270 well this features for a restful
00:25:59.250 application and also we have stable
00:26:02.750 identification and authorization
00:26:04.770 libraries and unfortunately we cannot
00:26:06.810 say that about the graph quality system
00:26:09.450 there are many questions that are
00:26:11.640 currently without answers for example
00:26:14.700 how do we make an analog for of the
00:26:17.100 permitted attributes for graphical Ruby
00:26:19.590 and authorize mutation arguments or how
00:26:23.640 do we implement authorization for schema
00:26:25.920 Federation which is more complex or on
00:26:31.530 another hand there are good
00:26:33.060 opportunities for open source
00:26:34.590 contributions and that's it thank you so
00:26:37.890 much for
00:26:38.750 being here today I hope this information
00:26:41.200 was of use to you feel free to reach out
00:26:44.960 to me with any question or commentary
00:26:47.810 also subscribe and read your Martian
00:26:50.900 blogs and thank you and bye