
How to teach your code to describe its own architecture

How to teach your code to describe its own architecture

by Kevin Gilpin

In the talk titled "How to teach your code to describe its own architecture," Kevin Gilpin emphasizes the challenges developers face with outdated architecture documentation, which often hampers productivity and understanding. He suggests transforming the documentation process by utilizing code itself as the source of truth. Instead of writing documentation for users, developers need to create documentation that serves their needs while working with code aspects they understand intimately.

Gilpin shares insights from a survey conducted on software architecture quality, revealing that:

  • 68% of software architecture decisions are made by developers, not architects.
  • Developers feel a significant lack of up-to-date diagrams and visualizations, as 84% of respondents expressed the desire for better documentation tools.

He argues for a new kind of documentation created by developers actively as they code, ensuring that it is highly relevant and contextual for newcomers. Throughout the talk, he introduces three specific tools aimed at enhancing code documentation and understanding:

  1. App Map: This tool visualizes code behavior by recording it during execution and allows tracking of application workflows in detail, thereby helping developers navigate through various features and their interactions.
  2. Swagger (Open API): Gilpin discusses how to generate accurate documentation for web services using the R Swag gem, which creates Swagger files based on predefined tests, promoting adherence to documentation accuracy. It helps integrate development with interactive API documentation.
  3. Rails ERD: This tool generates entity-relationship diagrams from the database schema, providing a visual representation of data relationships and integrity constraints, invaluable for effective database management.

He concludes that adopting these automation tools allows developers to maintain accurate documentation seamlessly integrated with their code, potentially reducing the cognitive load on developers and facilitating better project outcomes. During the event, Gilpin provides live demonstrations, including installation guides for these tools, to encourage developers to implement these practices in their projects. The session aims to foster a culture where documentation is not an afterthought but an integral part of the development process, ultimately leading to improved code quality and developer satisfaction.

Architecture documents and diagrams are always out of date. Unfortunately, lack of accurate, up-to-date information about software architecture is really harmful to developer productivity and happiness. Historically, developers have overcome other frustrations by making code the “source of truth”, and then using the code as a foundation for automated tools and processes. In this talk, I will describe how to automatically generate docs and diagrams of code architecture, and discuss how to use to use this information to improve code understanding and code quality.

RailsConf 2021

00:00:05.040 thank you
00:00:06.420 hi I'm Kevin
00:00:08.580 and I'm here to teach your code to
00:00:10.500 describe its own architecture
00:00:14.639 what do you think of this quote
00:00:16.500 documentation is the castor oil of
00:00:18.779 programming managers think it's good for
00:00:21.119 programmers and programmers hate it
00:00:24.300 well it's true that we prefer to code
00:00:26.160 that's why we're developers but what if
00:00:28.680 we can transform a documentation problem
00:00:30.720 into accounting problem
00:00:32.700 I'm a developer so when someone asks me
00:00:35.280 for documentation what I want to do is
00:00:37.980 build a program that makes documentation
00:00:40.800 making code that makes documentation
00:00:43.200 doesn't feel like drinking castor oil it
00:00:45.840 feels like making robots which is what
00:00:47.760 we all love to do right
00:00:51.480 a bit more about me you can think of me
00:00:54.180 as an inventor using software as a
00:00:56.579 medium
00:00:57.539 I started my career with C plus plus and
00:01:00.360 Java in 1995 building early interactive
00:01:04.019 web apps
00:01:05.760 I went on to start my first company in
00:01:07.920 2005 and joined the Ruby on Rails
00:01:10.560 community in 2008.
00:01:15.420 in 2012 I founded a devops cyber
00:01:18.240 security company called conjure which
00:01:20.820 was acquired by a larger company in
00:01:22.680 2017.
00:01:24.360 as we tried to integrate our cloud-first
00:01:26.340 rails app with their Windows data center
00:01:28.500 product we were really hampered by the
00:01:31.080 lack of good architecture and co-design
00:01:33.240 documentation
00:01:34.560 it was pretty disappointing and
00:01:36.540 confusing we have good documentation of
00:01:39.240 conjure it has a web service API server
00:01:42.479 configuration and setup High
00:01:44.640 availability and it was all documented
00:01:46.619 extensive test cases so why was there
00:01:49.259 still so much confusion among developers
00:01:51.479 about what it did and how it worked
00:01:55.979 I think it's because we write
00:01:58.079 documentation for a different audience
00:01:59.759 which is users
00:02:01.380 so even when we write good docs and even
00:02:03.840 when they're up to date
00:02:05.340 we don't help ourselves too much there's
00:02:08.039 a lot that we would like to be able to
00:02:09.420 learn and discover from docs and
00:02:11.220 diagrams but we can't because they were
00:02:13.440 written with someone else's needs in
00:02:15.180 mind
00:02:19.040 so who's making these architecture and
00:02:21.900 code design decisions well we are
00:02:24.780 in 2021 freedom to make decisions about
00:02:27.959 code design
00:02:29.459 belongs to developers architecture is
00:02:32.580 not something that's dictated by
00:02:33.959 Architects generally anymore
00:02:40.140 let's write this
00:02:41.879 here are some results from the survey
00:02:43.560 that we're conducting called the state
00:02:45.480 of software architecture quality one of
00:02:48.540 the questions we ask is who's primarily
00:02:50.819 responsible for enforcing software
00:02:52.860 architecture quality
00:02:55.019 and the answer is 68 of the time
00:02:57.420 Developers
00:02:59.040 and only 18 architects
00:03:05.400 so because we developers own the
00:03:08.160 decisions we also have responsibility to
00:03:11.280 communicate and explain those decisions
00:03:13.379 to other Developers
00:03:16.560 and what kind of Doc
00:03:18.540 do we need as we work we all play two
00:03:22.920 roles when we work in code that we wrote
00:03:25.019 ourselves we play the expert role we
00:03:28.140 know how it works
00:03:29.640 and we're the go-to source for questions
00:03:32.400 but when we work in code that we don't
00:03:34.140 know it's different we play a newcomer
00:03:36.659 role because it's unfamiliar
00:03:38.940 documentation serves users both internal
00:03:42.000 and external but usually not the people
00:03:44.220 who work on the code
00:03:45.900 we need a new kind of documentation
00:03:48.019 which experts create with code as they
00:03:51.420 work so that it's there when the
00:03:53.459 newcomers need it
00:03:55.379 foreign
00:03:57.739 we also asked would you like to have
00:04:00.900 up-to-date diagrams and visualizations
00:04:02.940 of code structure
00:04:04.920 and 84 said yes
00:04:07.920 then we asked do you use existing code
00:04:11.159 architecture and visualization tools and
00:04:14.220 would you like to keep using the tools
00:04:15.900 you're using in 81 said no
00:04:18.900 so the data shows that we want
00:04:21.120 up-to-date diagrams and visualizations
00:04:23.699 that are useful to us in our work and
00:04:26.400 there are tools that seem like they
00:04:27.720 might provide this
00:04:29.340 but they're not meeting our need
00:04:34.860 in a perfect world
00:04:36.600 what would we have available to us as we
00:04:39.120 work
00:04:39.840 dogs and diagrams that are up to date
00:04:42.300 they need to match the code exactly
00:04:45.900 they should be interactive so that we
00:04:48.000 can use docs like an app
00:04:50.100 static pictures don't scale
00:04:53.400 these docs would be contextual so that
00:04:56.520 we can get exactly what's relevant to
00:04:58.199 our task because even when information
00:05:00.300 is accurate it's not useful if there's
00:05:02.880 an overwhelming amount of it
00:05:05.400 and it should be as close to the code as
00:05:07.740 possible because the code is where we
00:05:09.540 work
00:05:10.440 and the code is our source of source of
00:05:12.479 Truth and we need to be able to move
00:05:14.220 seamlessly back and forth between the
00:05:16.680 code and our documentation app
00:05:19.320 so
00:05:20.940 with the remainder of this talk I'm
00:05:22.979 going to demonstrate a few tools that I
00:05:24.960 think can take us in the right direction
00:05:27.199 these are tools that automatically
00:05:29.520 generate documentation and
00:05:31.500 visualizations of architecture and code
00:05:33.539 design
00:05:34.979 the framework to keep in mind is model
00:05:37.259 view controller architecture because we
00:05:39.960 all know models views controllers and
00:05:42.479 how they work together
00:05:44.100 so I've chosen tools that auto document
00:05:46.740 the following things
00:05:48.479 first enter ad flows this is how we get
00:05:51.840 the right context for example figuring
00:05:54.539 out how a given web request uses
00:05:56.460 particular tables or finding important
00:05:59.100 functions performed by code such as
00:06:01.860 authentication authorization email
00:06:04.699 background jobs in a particular service
00:06:07.380 in essence the named actions performed
00:06:10.620 by the code
00:06:12.300 second web services these are the
00:06:15.000 commands that are set to the app
00:06:17.100 and third the data model
00:06:20.280 interacting with the data store is what
00:06:22.500 the app really does
00:06:24.060 from the standpoint of the user or the
00:06:26.220 business the operations that the code
00:06:28.620 performs on the data store are much more
00:06:30.900 important than the code itself
00:06:35.100 I'll start with that map which provides
00:06:37.500 both high level and low level views of
00:06:40.860 end-to-end code and data flows if you
00:06:43.440 want to follow along in the code or look
00:06:45.240 it up later I've created a fork of the
00:06:47.759 rail sample app 6th edition
00:06:50.039 within that fork is a branch called
00:06:52.080 eager lighting
00:06:55.680 so what's app map app map is an OSS
00:06:58.979 project that I created and I'm working
00:07:00.780 on actively
00:07:02.220 app maps help you navigate and improve
00:07:04.440 your code by showing you how it really
00:07:06.539 behaves feature by feature as you work
00:07:09.840 it does this by recording code Behavior
00:07:12.419 into Outlet files during program
00:07:14.400 execution
00:07:15.960 then you can visualize the app Maps or
00:07:18.240 analyze them using built-in analysis or
00:07:21.240 your own custom code
00:07:25.199 for Ruby you install that map as a gen
00:07:28.259 and configure which source files and
00:07:30.539 dependency gems you want to record
00:07:33.240 we record appmap files by running codes
00:07:35.580 such as test cases
00:07:37.199 this is different in static analysis
00:07:39.180 which only looks at your files on disk
00:07:41.639 appmap records your code while it's
00:07:44.160 running so it knows exactly what
00:07:46.259 happened at every point and how all the
00:07:48.720 code services and data stores fit
00:07:51.599 together
00:07:54.479 to create app maps you install and
00:07:56.759 configure the appmap gem
00:07:59.160 then run any code such as a test case
00:08:01.620 without map equals true
00:08:06.780 let's take a live tour using the rail
00:08:09.120 sample app
00:08:15.780 I'll start by logging in
00:08:28.879 the function of this app is to make
00:08:31.319 little Twitter style micro posts
00:08:39.659 foreign
00:08:45.300 Style
00:08:48.779 app
00:08:50.160 in the gem file
00:08:52.860 and I've configured the rail Source
00:08:55.080 directories
00:08:56.100 and some selected dependency gems in our
00:08:59.760 map.yml
00:09:03.660 now I can run any test
00:09:06.540 with
00:09:08.399 that map equals true to generate app
00:09:11.100 maps
00:09:13.620 I'll run a test an integration test
00:09:15.839 called users signup test
00:09:26.279 in this project
00:09:29.220 I have app maps of every mini test test
00:09:33.060 case
00:09:34.519 each app map is a data file that
00:09:37.320 contains a wealth of information about
00:09:39.779 what happened in the code while a test
00:09:41.580 case ran
00:09:42.839 if I open any app map I get a visual
00:09:45.720 depiction
00:09:47.640 of the code execution that's Interactive
00:10:05.399 opening any app map shows the dependency
00:10:07.560 map view this is your big picture view
00:10:10.080 you can see all the components that are
00:10:12.360 relevant to what you're working on and
00:10:13.980 how they're connected
00:10:15.600 it shows HTTP server requests
00:10:19.140 code
00:10:21.240 and SQL
00:10:23.339 you can search and navigate through web
00:10:26.640 services code libraries
00:10:34.860 and SQL
00:10:36.420 all in the context of a particular
00:10:38.459 feature
00:10:40.380 how it is depicted as packages which can
00:10:43.019 be packages in this project
00:10:45.060 or third-party gems
00:10:50.519 thank you and for many node you can
00:10:53.880 drill down
00:10:57.420 into the trace View
00:11:04.399 the trace view shows code execution in
00:11:07.440 detail as a tree
00:11:09.480 at the base of the tree our HTTP server
00:11:12.120 requests
00:11:13.800 the leaves of the tree are functions and
00:11:15.899 queries
00:11:23.100 each function call and query has full
00:11:25.440 details
00:11:26.760 parameter values
00:11:28.680 return values
00:11:31.980 exceptions
00:11:35.220 all recorded from program execution
00:11:38.700 you can click view source
00:11:43.560 on any cluster function to open the
00:11:46.019 source code in the IDE
00:11:49.620 functions are labeled
00:11:53.459 so that you can quickly find important
00:11:55.920 functionality such as authentication and
00:11:58.740 cookies
00:12:00.600 foreign
00:12:07.160 AP combines low level and high level
00:12:10.200 information
00:12:20.220 it links it all together and it shows
00:12:22.800 you how the code handles requests how
00:12:24.959 key functions such as authentication are
00:12:27.300 performed and how incoming requests
00:12:29.820 affect the database and external
00:12:32.160 services like S3 and other web and cloud
00:12:35.940 services
00:12:38.519 foreign
00:12:42.680 map provides the high level navigation
00:12:45.120 of the code interactively like a Google
00:12:47.760 map
00:12:48.600 you can write analysis code on the
00:12:51.180 outmap data which we'll see in a later
00:12:52.920 section and from maps you can dive into
00:12:55.560 source code debuggers
00:12:58.320 etc for further details
00:13:03.360 next up web services using swagger also
00:13:07.019 known as open API
00:13:10.500 there's a branch called Swagger within
00:13:12.959 the land of apps Fork of the rail
00:13:14.519 stampylap sixth edition same repo that I
00:13:17.700 used for that map
00:13:19.380 you can check out the branch for all the
00:13:21.540 code that I'm going to show in this
00:13:22.980 section
00:13:25.200 Swagger takes yaml or J Summit files
00:13:29.339 and generates a web page which is an
00:13:31.980 interactive catalog of your web services
00:13:34.980 the catalog contains routes methods
00:13:37.620 status codes parameters request body
00:13:40.940 authentication methods and more
00:13:43.740 the Swagger spec is extensive and
00:13:46.440 detailed swaggers oriented towards
00:13:49.139 documenting published apis because it's
00:13:51.899 pretty laborious to write and maintain
00:13:54.240 the files with auto documentation it can
00:13:57.300 be worthwhile to document internal apis
00:14:00.300 too
00:14:06.300 I think Swagger files is frankly
00:14:08.940 pretty tough
00:14:10.380 and there's a challenge of keeping it
00:14:12.120 accurate and up to date
00:14:14.040 so we can generate Swagger files so can
00:14:16.800 we generate Swagger files instead of
00:14:18.779 writing them I'm going to show two ways
00:14:21.180 of doing that starting with a gem called
00:14:23.100 R swag in our swag you write tests in a
00:14:26.639 dialect of our spec and it generates
00:14:29.100 Swagger Json or yaml
00:14:33.959 our swag is a gem and it provides a rate
00:14:36.360 task to generate the Swagger files from
00:14:39.300 the data you create in our spec
00:14:41.880 let's take a look at how it works
00:14:45.959 foreign
00:14:58.740 file
00:15:02.160 we'll find the r swag gem
00:15:06.420 it routes RB you'll find two R swag
00:15:09.240 engines UI and API
00:15:12.180 because our swag actually serves the
00:15:14.459 Swagger catalog directly from inside
00:15:16.920 your app this is very handy because it
00:15:19.500 means that the Swagger UI and your app
00:15:21.660 share the same session so you can swap
00:15:24.540 back and forth between the swaggered UI
00:15:26.760 under app interacting with both at the
00:15:29.459 same time
00:15:32.579 so I'll log into the UI
00:15:57.000 make a micro post
00:16:07.399 okay and then let's see the Swagger UI
00:16:19.279 you can see two functions here in in
00:16:22.800 Swagger the first one is a route to get
00:16:26.100 micro posts and
00:16:28.920 um this is a Json API style function
00:16:32.519 the second one is a function to create a
00:16:36.420 micro post
00:16:38.639 let's try this function
00:16:40.860 right here in the UI this is one of the
00:16:42.959 features of the Swagger catalog
00:16:46.920 so I can execute this this method and I
00:16:50.459 get back a Json list of my micro posts
00:16:53.639 and since I'm logged in
00:16:56.279 um and both of these tools are sharing
00:16:58.920 the same session I'm authenticated and I
00:17:01.380 can interact directly with my data
00:17:06.299 let's take a look at
00:17:09.360 where that came from
00:17:18.059 here's my R swag tests micro pose
00:17:21.360 controllers back so I'm not using
00:17:24.120 standard rspec I'm using these methods
00:17:26.459 like path get and response these
00:17:30.540 essentially mirror Swagger very closely
00:17:34.740 here's the Swagger pass route get
00:17:38.660 response very similar
00:17:42.059 so
00:17:43.559 if I want to add another route
00:17:47.720 Swagger I can add a new test
00:17:51.419 have to run that test if I want to
00:17:55.140 and then I run the rake
00:17:57.360 art swag specs Swagger eyes command
00:18:00.419 which will run over my my R swag and
00:18:04.799 update the swagger.yaml
00:18:07.860 so now you can see the log out route
00:18:10.140 here at the bottom
00:18:11.580 and if I go back to my
00:18:14.100 Swagger UI refresh
00:18:22.620 now I have the logout round
00:18:24.960 so if I do that
00:18:28.320 as you might expect
00:18:34.440 I logged out of I'm logged out of the
00:18:36.480 app
00:18:39.179 so from a developer standpoint
00:18:42.059 updated Swagger should be committed by
00:18:44.940 us when we make a web services change
00:18:47.400 similar to schema migrations or
00:18:49.880 structure.sql and then it can be diff
00:18:52.620 and reviewed in a pull request using
00:18:55.380 standard Source diff and other
00:18:57.600 procedures so this provides a powerful
00:18:59.940 way to track and review changes to
00:19:03.480 application web services
00:19:11.039 let's talk about some pluses and minuses
00:19:13.860 with our swag
00:19:15.360 on the plus side
00:19:17.340 the Swagger's Auto generated from test
00:19:19.440 cases so it's it's accurate
00:19:22.559 our swag also ensures that the Swagger
00:19:24.900 file is valid because it does assertion
00:19:27.780 checks when it actually runs the tests
00:19:30.000 you run you run those tests as our specs
00:19:32.760 and they are validated and that gives
00:19:35.400 you assurance that your Swagger is is
00:19:38.100 correct
00:19:39.419 and our swag is also very customizable
00:19:43.039 most if not all the features in open API
00:19:46.500 are also features of our swag so if you
00:19:49.559 know that format really well you can you
00:19:52.919 can
00:19:53.700 um
00:19:54.299 put a lot of detailed information into
00:19:56.280 your Swagger files
00:19:58.440 on the minus side you may have a lot of
00:20:00.720 specs already that aren't written using
00:20:03.059 our slag flavored R spec and to use our
00:20:07.020 swag you have to port or rewrite those
00:20:09.780 over in the r swag
00:20:12.299 flavor and you also need to learn a lot
00:20:15.480 about the open API format because
00:20:18.000 essentially the r swag format is the
00:20:20.580 open API format so you don't get a lot
00:20:23.640 of
00:20:24.480 um you don't get a lot for free there
00:20:26.220 you really have to know what what to put
00:20:28.679 in
00:20:32.760 so I'm also going to talk about another
00:20:34.980 option for Swagger which is called atmap
00:20:37.200 Swagger and this is brand new code that
00:20:39.600 I just wrote for this presentation so if
00:20:42.299 you go if you go try it and I hope you
00:20:44.280 do just remember that it's young code
00:20:46.620 and what it does is it generates Swagger
00:20:49.740 from appmap files which are pre-recorded
00:20:53.220 from test cases
00:20:55.500 so in order to generate Swagger without
00:20:57.960 map Swagger you install an npm package a
00:21:02.340 node package and then add an app map
00:21:05.100 Swagger rate test rake task and you can
00:21:08.100 see that you can see that in the sample
00:21:10.080 app for an example on the Swagger branch
00:21:13.260 and you can generate Swagger using rake
00:21:16.080 map Swagger
00:21:21.240 let's take a look at a demo of that
00:21:26.940 I've shut down the server
00:21:29.640 I'm going to go over to the
00:21:32.100 configuration
00:21:33.840 our swag UI
00:21:37.320 so I'm switching my
00:21:39.840 my source of
00:21:42.480 uh Swagger Authority if you will
00:21:46.559 from
00:21:49.320 this directory Swagger R spec over to
00:21:52.679 this directory
00:21:55.380 and
00:21:57.320 let's try
00:21:59.820 great art map Swagger
00:22:04.200 so what this is going to do
00:22:06.059 is it's going to crawl over all these
00:22:09.299 app map files the same as what you saw
00:22:11.880 before and
00:22:14.400 each of these files contains data from a
00:22:17.640 particular test case including examples
00:22:19.620 of work of web service calls so I'm up
00:22:22.260 Swagger finds all the web service calls
00:22:24.360 that are in the app map files combines
00:22:26.760 it all together and converts that
00:22:28.440 information over into Swagger doc and it
00:22:33.179 looks like this
00:22:35.460 similar to what we saw from our swag
00:22:37.820 except more of it so
00:22:41.700 this was all completely discovered from
00:22:44.220 within my within my app maps
00:22:47.460 and if I go refresh the UI
00:22:53.159 I'll see this
00:22:55.799 very extensive list of
00:22:59.039 of routes
00:23:01.140 and all this came from test cases that I
00:23:03.419 already had because uh
00:23:06.059 the real sample out as you can see here
00:23:08.700 has
00:23:13.740 a good amount of tests
00:23:16.380 so uh map Swagger also makes it easy to
00:23:19.740 add a little bit of
00:23:22.080 parameter type information
00:23:24.659 so for example I can go in here and
00:23:27.299 these fields are already
00:23:29.220 created for me and I'll put in my
00:23:31.980 username
00:23:33.900 and the password
00:23:36.419 execute that
00:23:38.280 and then when I go over here to the app
00:23:40.679 I'm logged in
00:23:43.620 similar to what we saw with with our
00:23:46.080 swag
00:23:52.679 so pluses and minuses of map Swagger
00:23:57.179 on the plus side it uses your existing
00:24:00.059 test cases request functional controller
00:24:03.480 and integration tests anything that that
00:24:05.460 hits a controller or hits a web service
00:24:08.159 route will be will be discovered and
00:24:10.740 incorporated into Swagger
00:24:12.720 since it's generated it ensures it
00:24:15.179 ensures that the Swagger file is valid
00:24:18.320 and it matches whatever your code does
00:24:21.120 because it is literally made from your
00:24:23.760 code so it's accurate as far as the code
00:24:26.159 Behavior
00:24:27.720 um and you can get more complete API
00:24:29.760 coverage faster because it leverages the
00:24:31.919 test cases that you've got
00:24:34.140 you also don't need to learn very much
00:24:36.059 about the open API format
00:24:38.400 um I didn't have to I didn't actually
00:24:39.960 show you any open API there that was
00:24:43.200 handwritten by me there was a little bit
00:24:45.179 there to do the the login format but for
00:24:49.200 the most part you just get to use the
00:24:50.820 open API tools instead of having to
00:24:52.620 learn all the guts and how they work
00:24:54.120 which I like
00:24:56.100 on the minus side it's less customizable
00:24:59.039 than our swag or writing your own
00:25:00.659 Swagger because it's generated from
00:25:04.919 um using a code generator so there's
00:25:06.960 fewer options for configuration there
00:25:12.780 so in summary on Swagger you can see
00:25:15.360 your whole web services catalog and
00:25:18.179 interact actively with your API Swagger
00:25:21.960 also has some other functions like
00:25:23.280 generating client code
00:25:25.020 you can debug your web services in a
00:25:27.840 very granular way you can observe your
00:25:31.140 test coverage visually you can see
00:25:33.960 what's covered and what isn't reflected
00:25:36.059 back to you in Swagger
00:25:37.740 and you can diff your web services
00:25:40.260 changes by committing your Swagger
00:25:42.419 Gamble and then going through the
00:25:44.340 standard review process
00:25:53.940 final segment will be on entity
00:25:56.700 relationship diagrams
00:26:00.200 also a branch of the sample up sixth
00:26:03.539 edition Fork
00:26:06.539 relationship diagram if you don't know
00:26:09.720 shows the tables columns and relations
00:26:12.799 interrelational database schema and of
00:26:16.260 course we want to auto-generate the ERD
00:26:18.900 for a specific version of our code
00:26:20.880 directly from the database
00:26:23.100 so I'll show a gem called rails ERD that
00:26:25.860 does this
00:26:27.059 rail crd works by gathering database
00:26:30.240 metadata through activerecord it uses
00:26:33.059 active records so it's database
00:26:34.860 independent once it analyzes the schema
00:26:37.980 it generates a DOT file which can be
00:26:40.140 processed by graph this into a PDF
00:26:43.740 and all of this can be bundled up into a
00:26:45.900 rate task which
00:26:48.120 we can use to update the ERD when we
00:26:50.820 modify the schema
00:26:52.919 so in the project that I'll demonstrate
00:26:55.440 the ERD rate task is configured to run
00:26:58.380 automatically after dbmigrate so
00:27:01.080 whenever the schema changes the schema
00:27:03.480 diagram changes too
00:27:06.659 to use ERD you
00:27:09.360 um rails ERD install graphics and the
00:27:12.900 rails ERD Gem and then run rake DB
00:27:16.080 diagram
00:27:19.860 so let's take a look at it
00:27:23.820 here's my sample project
00:27:28.440 um
00:27:30.840 rails ERD installed here
00:27:33.840 so my middle exec rate
00:27:37.500 diagram
00:27:43.820 earning this rate task
00:27:46.440 Updates this file called entity
00:27:48.659 relations
00:27:50.340 dot PDF
00:27:53.400 and in that file
00:27:55.320 you can see
00:27:57.960 a detailed diagram of the schema this is
00:28:02.279 useful for analyzing the data model of
00:28:04.559 an app and identifying features such as
00:28:07.320 nullable and non-nullable columns column
00:28:10.260 types primary Keys foreign keys and the
00:28:14.400 different types of relationships
00:28:16.679 one to many many to one and many to many
00:28:20.820 one to one Etc
00:28:23.460 I can also get other insights from
00:28:25.679 looking at the schema
00:28:27.360 such as security I can see that the
00:28:30.179 password remember token and reset token
00:28:34.020 are all stored as a one-way digest so
00:28:37.140 that if an attacker obtained access to
00:28:40.020 this database they would not obtain
00:28:42.299 these secrets
00:28:47.159 so ERD you get complete details of your
00:28:50.760 database schema
00:28:52.980 foreign
00:28:58.940 the fully automated creation of three
00:29:02.279 types of code design dogs
00:29:04.140 at map covering end-to-end code and data
00:29:07.860 flows Swagger covering web services apis
00:29:11.059 and ERD describing the database schema
00:29:14.340 in detail and as I mentioned all this
00:29:17.159 code is available in our Fork of the
00:29:19.500 rail sample app so here are those URLs
00:29:22.080 again
00:29:25.799 there will be a dedicated q a session
00:29:28.320 for this talk in Discord
00:29:31.200 the channel name matches the name of the
00:29:33.720 talk
00:29:34.380 from 4 10 pm to 5 10 pm
00:29:38.039 eastern Daylight Time on Wednesday April
00:29:40.980 14th
00:29:42.179 thank you for your time and I hope that
00:29:44.100 I'll get to meet you in the Discord room