
Gem install: What could go wrong?

Gem install: What could go wrong?

by Ashley Ellis Pierce and Betty Li

The talk titled "Gem install: What could go wrong?" presented by Ashley Ellis Pierce and Betty Li at RailsConf 2022 dives into the vulnerabilities associated with using gems in Ruby applications. The speakers emphasize the risks inherent in trusting external gems, given that production Rails applications often rely on numerous gems, making them potential targets for malicious actors.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Criticality of Gem Security: The use of gems raises significant security concerns, especially as software supply chain attacks have surged dramatically in recent years. The 2021 State of the Software Supply Chain report noted a 650% increase in supply chain attacks.
  • Common Attack Types: The speakers outline several forms of attacks that can affect gems, including:
    • Supply Chain Attacks: Attacks targeting specific gems like Codecov and dependency confusion.
    • Attacks on Secrets: Malicious code can be inserted into gems, enabling attackers to extract sensitive data like AWS tokens.
    • Ransomware and Crypto Mining: Some attacks lock users out of their data, while others may surreptitiously install cryptocurrency miners.
    • Typosquatting: Attackers exploit common typing mistakes to direct users to malicious gems by setting up versions with similar names to legitimate gems.
  • Mitigation Strategies: The talk emphasizes the importance of empowering developers to protect their applications against these threats by adopting proactive security measures:
    • Allowlisting Gems: Creating a vetted list of gems to restrict installations to known safe options.
    • Dependency Governance: Upgrading bundler to versions that prioritize safe gem sources.
    • Gem Signing: Cryptographically signing gems to verify their integrity upon installation.
    • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Encouraging developers to enable MFA on their RubyGems accounts to enhance security against account takeovers.

Conclusion and Takeaways:

  • The presentation concludes that while the risks of using gems are notable, implementing security practices can greatly reduce potential vulnerabilities. Developers are encouraged to take ownership of their security posture, ensuring that they aren’t solely reliant on security teams but can function as the first line of defense in protecting their applications.
  • The speakers advocate for ongoing vigilance and education regarding the risks of gem usage, emphasizing that proactive measures like enabling MFA are critical steps in safeguarding the Ruby ecosystem.

The open source gem ecosystem is a major strength of Ruby and it’s not uncommon for a production Rails application to depend upon hundreds of gems. But what are the risks of installing a gem and having it in your Gemfile?

In this talk, we’ll cover what “bad things” can actually happen when you install a gem. We’ll also talk about the ways of preventing these attacks from occurring in your application dependencies (so you can sleep well at night).

RailsConf 2022

00:00:00.900 foreign
00:00:18.859 Portland
00:00:20.480 right uh so not that this joke requires
00:00:24.180 any further elaboration I hear jokes are
00:00:27.420 best uh when you have to explain them so
00:00:31.199 in a way I guess we don't because
00:00:32.460 Aaron's already done the whole Portland
00:00:33.899 Seattle thing but
00:00:36.239 apparently there's a rivalry between
00:00:38.340 these two cities
00:00:39.840 um did y'all know that I didn't uh but
00:00:42.059 clearly I thoroughly researched this
00:00:44.879 um I'm definitely a team Portland though
00:00:46.559 and that's not because we're physically
00:00:48.239 here and I'm scared any portlanders out
00:00:50.160 there will egg me
00:00:51.840 um anyway welcome back from lunch
00:00:54.539 everyone we're really excited to have
00:00:56.879 you all join us for a fun-filled half
00:00:58.620 hour of learning laughing and maybe a
00:01:01.559 little bit of groaning if none of our
00:01:02.940 jokes land
00:01:04.680 um but if you do make it through this
00:01:07.020 whole talk we have a fun little surprise
00:01:08.520 for you at the end so if you're ready
00:01:10.619 give us a verbal bat signal of sorts
00:01:13.619 we're looking for whoop whoops or uh
00:01:16.500 oh
00:01:19.640 nice we're getting lots of whoop whoops
00:01:22.380 and caca so uh let's get started well
00:01:25.320 hello everyone my name is Betty and I'm
00:01:27.659 feeling super lucky to Grace the stage
00:01:29.640 with the effortlessly smart and
00:01:31.500 wonderfully kind human Ashley Ellis
00:01:34.020 Pierce
00:01:41.700 now gassing ourselves up I honestly
00:01:44.040 think the world of Ashley by the way uh
00:01:46.680 I think Ashley is fire or as some kids
00:01:49.619 say Ashley is lit
00:01:52.399 quite literally too though like she just
00:01:56.100 lit herself on fire the other day I'm
00:01:59.040 not even joking
00:02:00.960 uh that's her favorite shirt
00:02:04.140 um I know yeah very embarrassing anyway
00:02:08.340 I'm so excited to do this talk with her
00:02:10.739 because I feel like we channeled the
00:02:12.300 energy of a badass dynamic duo I'd
00:02:15.660 compare us to the likes of Batman and
00:02:17.879 Robin or like Anna and Elsa but then I
00:02:21.720 started digging a bit deeper and with
00:02:23.879 some reflection I actually realized we
00:02:25.860 might be more like Pinky and the Brain
00:02:28.560 because like Ashley brings the smartest
00:02:31.500 obviously and I bring a lot of other
00:02:34.200 things to this uh relationship too okay
00:02:36.599 so it's not a knock on myself by any
00:02:38.940 means I also quickly want to share that
00:02:41.459 I'm a first time conference speaker and
00:02:46.160 thank you
00:02:47.879 and uh I'm speaking at railsconf is
00:02:50.940 definitely a career bucket list item for
00:02:52.620 me so it's an honor to be here but I'm
00:02:55.319 not gonna lie my Palms are a bit sweaty
00:02:57.599 knees weak arms are heavy the vomit on
00:02:59.459 my sweater already mom's spaghetti she's
00:03:00.959 nervous on the surface she looks calm
00:03:02.400 and ready to drop whoa I think Eminem
00:03:05.280 just took over my body just now I think
00:03:07.860 what he's trying to help me articulate
00:03:09.420 is that I may or may not be a little bit
00:03:11.400 nervous
00:03:14.040 um but I'm working on channeling all
00:03:15.420 that energy into some uh pure
00:03:17.900 unadulterated excitement
00:03:20.580 so bear with me if I'm a bit of a loose
00:03:22.800 cannon today like uh right now hi Mom
00:03:25.680 and also hello Sandy Metz the YouTube
00:03:28.800 algorithm is probably gonna get her to
00:03:30.599 watch our talk at some point right maybe
00:03:32.640 you say her name enough yeah if I say
00:03:34.319 her name okay uh I'm really taking us
00:03:36.840 off base right now and Ashley's gonna
00:03:38.700 Reign me in soon but before we do that
00:03:40.739 we want to build some positive energy in
00:03:42.659 this room so can everyone just face
00:03:44.940 their neighbors and give them a socially
00:03:46.620 distance but enthusiastic high five
00:03:49.760 nice nice okay and can you send some
00:03:52.980 high fives up here to Ashley and I as
00:03:54.659 well
00:03:55.560 thank you
00:03:57.140 I like to call these y5s by the way
00:04:00.000 because it's like a high five over the
00:04:02.220 Wi-Fi huh
00:04:04.159 okay okay now this is all out of my
00:04:06.659 system let's get to the good stuff
00:04:07.980 Ashley what are people here for great
00:04:10.860 question Betty so as you all know the
00:04:13.260 title of our talk is Gem install what
00:04:15.180 could go wrong and spoiler the answer is
00:04:18.120 a lot we put a lot of faith in gems and
00:04:20.880 we want to make sure that they're safe
00:04:22.860 Betty and I work together at Shopify on
00:04:24.960 the Ruby conventions team our team Works
00:04:27.840 to make sure that shopify's many
00:04:29.340 hundreds of Ruby apps are all in Tip-Top
00:04:31.500 shape so if for example there's a ruby
00:04:34.380 cve we would make sure none of the over
00:04:36.900 600 Ruby apps are running the vulnerable
00:04:38.940 version
00:04:39.960 and so in that work we started to
00:04:42.000 consider how do we make sure that none
00:04:45.000 of these apps download an unsafe gem
00:04:47.639 and that led us into the
00:04:49.080 all-encompassing multi-faceted world of
00:04:51.600 supply chain security so that's what
00:04:53.580 we're here to talk about today
00:04:55.560 when you install a gem what could go
00:04:57.660 wrong I mean that gem looks so cute and
00:05:00.479 friendly right totally like how could
00:05:02.280 that little gem be harmful
00:05:04.560 but turns out a lot could go wrong the
00:05:07.080 security of the gems that we use is
00:05:08.820 incredibly important
00:05:10.860 because when we run gem install we're
00:05:13.380 just putting unquestioned faith in
00:05:15.240 whatever we're installing and the
00:05:17.100 security of our gems is getting even
00:05:18.840 more important every year
00:05:21.660 according to sonotype's 2021 state of
00:05:24.120 the software supply chain report in 2021
00:05:27.000 there was a 650 percent increase in
00:05:30.060 software supply chain attacks aimed at
00:05:32.220 exploiting weaknesses and Upstream open
00:05:33.900 source ecosystems
00:05:35.639 in 2020 there was a 430 increase over
00:05:39.120 2019. so every year this is accelerating
00:05:42.539 and there are more and more people
00:05:43.800 trying to make sure that when you run
00:05:45.419 gem install something indeed goes wrong
00:05:48.780 there are a couple of notable supply
00:05:50.160 chain attacks from last year that you
00:05:51.840 might have heard of
00:05:53.220 one was the code COV attack codecov runs
00:05:56.039 a code coverage report on your CI
00:05:57.600 environment and then uploads that report
00:05:59.340 to codecut servers but between January
00:06:02.340 and April 2021 its stock range was
00:06:05.039 modified so for that for codecuts 23 000
00:06:07.680 customers that uploader also sent their
00:06:10.199 environment variables to the hackers
00:06:12.000 remote server
00:06:13.979 another supply chain attack from 2021
00:06:16.199 was the dependency confusion attack
00:06:17.900 unlike the code Cub attack this wasn't
00:06:20.460 taking advantage of one company in the
00:06:22.139 supply chain and going after all of
00:06:23.639 their customers this was taking
00:06:25.319 advantage of a more General
00:06:26.520 vulnerability and how companies
00:06:28.319 structure the way they get packages
00:06:30.360 basically taking advantage of when you
00:06:32.280 say gem install XYZ how do we know where
00:06:35.160 to go to get that gem from
00:06:37.259 is it from rubygems or from some other
00:06:39.360 gem hosting server
00:06:41.160 we're going to talk about this in more
00:06:42.840 detail later but suffice it to say
00:06:44.940 dependency confusion is bad and we want
00:06:47.280 to avoid this
00:06:49.259 these are just two small examples of
00:06:51.539 attacks in 2021
00:06:53.280 so we know for sure this is happening
00:06:55.199 why aren't all developers up in arms
00:06:57.660 doing something about this well
00:07:00.120 one reason may be that we want to leave
00:07:02.759 it to the experts right
00:07:04.620 in the past security is not one of the
00:07:06.720 areas that I have personally felt most
00:07:09.000 empowered to just go out and fix
00:07:11.340 it's really hard to know where to even
00:07:13.199 start looking web developers often rely
00:07:16.080 on security focused teams to be the
00:07:17.880 keepers of this knowledge
00:07:19.860 but the thing is we too can be Keepers
00:07:22.740 for some of this knowledge because the
00:07:25.139 most common attacks are actually quite
00:07:26.880 straightforward to execute and that's
00:07:29.460 why they're common because they're
00:07:30.840 relatively easy to pull off so yes that
00:07:33.479 means that most often there aren't any
00:07:35.580 super Haxorus tactics required and as
00:07:38.639 much as NCIS would love us to believe
00:07:40.500 that the way to to defend ourselves
00:07:42.360 against attacks is to have two people
00:07:44.639 fiercely keyboarding away on the same
00:07:46.680 keyboard unless
00:07:48.419 um that is sadly not the case otherwise
00:07:51.060 Ashley and I would single-handedly dare
00:07:53.699 say double-handedly uh a defend against
00:07:56.940 all attacks at Shopify attackers are
00:07:59.759 simply preying on the fact that
00:08:01.139 developers are imperfect human beings
00:08:03.599 and so they've set up booby trap to
00:08:05.639 catch us when we least expect it
00:08:07.680 for instance a common exploit is where
00:08:09.960 attackers take advantage of common
00:08:11.520 spelling mistakes or they take advantage
00:08:13.979 of a gem being hosted on a different
00:08:15.539 Source repository in the most classic
00:08:17.819 tactic in the hacker handbook
00:08:19.979 they take advantage of the fact that
00:08:21.360 some of us are lazy humans and as lazy
00:08:24.240 humans many of us are guilty of reusing
00:08:26.879 our passwords right
00:08:28.740 I'm sure people can relate here but the
00:08:31.379 good news is over the next 20 odd
00:08:34.140 minutes we'll unpack some types of
00:08:35.940 attacks how they happen and most
00:08:38.339 importantly you'll walk away with
00:08:39.659 strategies to defend against them
00:08:41.760 our goal is that you no longer need to
00:08:44.099 solely rely on security focused teams
00:08:46.320 and that you can be the first line of
00:08:48.420 defense
00:08:50.220 so as Betty said before we get into how
00:08:52.920 to mitigate attacks it's probably good
00:08:54.899 to understand what kinds of things can
00:08:56.700 happen when malicious code gets into our
00:08:58.500 gems I mean really what's the worst that
00:09:01.620 can happen what can attackers actually
00:09:04.140 do a fan of compromise or gems
00:09:06.720 well developers are secretive people
00:09:10.680 we live a double life part of it working
00:09:13.200 the open sharing a code with others and
00:09:15.420 the rest of the time we deal in secrets
00:09:18.360 that's why our servers are so big
00:09:19.980 they're full of secrets
00:09:22.040 I'll leave the jokes to Betty
00:09:25.320 you may have things like your AWS deploy
00:09:27.600 tokens rubygems access tokens and all
00:09:30.360 other kinds of Secrets stored somewhere
00:09:32.100 on your local machine or in your servers
00:09:34.620 the same machine and servers that you're
00:09:36.540 installing these random gems on
00:09:38.700 that's a lot of trust to put into gems
00:09:40.740 it's like inviting random people into
00:09:43.080 your home and just hoping that none of
00:09:44.580 them are thieves
00:09:46.200 a bad actor could put code into the gem
00:09:48.420 to steal these secrets and then send
00:09:50.459 them back to the attacker and this isn't
00:09:52.860 just hypothetical when the rest client
00:09:55.019 gym was compromised in 2019 this is one
00:09:57.660 of the things it did
00:09:59.399 this is actual code from the hack
00:10:02.040 it checked to see if we were on any
00:10:03.660 environment but localhost
00:10:05.640 if so we take all the environment
00:10:07.620 variables add them all to a hash
00:10:10.560 and then it does a post with that info
00:10:12.480 back to the Hacker's own website that
00:10:14.700 mirinaru endpoint there
00:10:18.120 and as you can see this is pretty simple
00:10:20.279 code the hacker is not some Genius Like
00:10:23.100 Betty said furiously keyboarding away
00:10:25.080 seeing who can type faster the good guy
00:10:27.120 or the bad guy
00:10:29.760 so what else can an attacker do
00:10:32.580 in addition to stealing secrets from you
00:10:34.560 another type of attack is ransomware
00:10:36.600 where instead of taking something from
00:10:38.640 you like your secret credentials
00:10:40.680 they're actually hiding your own data
00:10:42.660 from you
00:10:43.680 they will encrypt your data so that now
00:10:45.600 you can't access it or maybe they'll
00:10:47.760 lock you out of your system entirely
00:10:49.740 you can only gain access back to your
00:10:51.660 files or system once a ransom amount is
00:10:53.640 paid
00:10:55.079 there's an attack called reuke a few
00:10:56.940 years ago which was a widely publicized
00:10:58.800 ransomware attack between 2018 and 2020.
00:11:02.040 the FBI has estimated that it's caused
00:11:04.620 60 million in Damages worldwide
00:11:07.079 if an attack like that happens just like
00:11:09.240 700 times suddenly that's enough money
00:11:12.060 to acquire Twitter too soon so
00:11:16.459 ransomware is pretty detrimental
00:11:20.519 um similar to ransomware where the goal
00:11:22.500 is to get money out of you lots of
00:11:24.360 crypto based hacks exist as well
00:11:26.700 maybe they want to install a Bitcoin
00:11:28.620 miner on your machine and use your
00:11:30.540 server resources instead of paying for
00:11:32.220 their own or maybe they want to straight
00:11:34.140 up steal any crypto that you might have
00:11:37.140 one such example was in 2020 to ruby
00:11:40.200 gems called pretty color and Ruby
00:11:41.820 Bitcoin Ruby Bitcoin was pretty obvious
00:11:44.339 the name kind of gives it away
00:11:46.620 but pretty color was an exact replica of
00:11:48.839 the color as gem which lets you add some
00:11:51.060 color to your console so it actually did
00:11:53.940 something and if you were looking for a
00:11:55.740 gem to do this you could have very
00:11:57.300 easily downloaded the pretty color one
00:11:59.820 without realizing that it was malicious
00:12:02.579 with these attacks they took over your
00:12:04.320 clipboard so that if you ever copied a
00:12:06.480 cryptocurrency wallet address to your
00:12:08.100 clipboard it would replace it with the
00:12:09.959 Hacker's wallet address
00:12:11.279 so you ask someone to send you money and
00:12:13.260 you try to send them your your wallet
00:12:14.940 address and instead you're sending the
00:12:16.320 hackers wallet address so this is pretty
00:12:18.360 Niche and a very small potatoes attack
00:12:20.160 but it happens
00:12:23.160 what else can happen if you download a
00:12:24.839 bad gym
00:12:26.700 another type of attack is when an
00:12:28.380 attacker adds a back door this is kind
00:12:30.899 of a broad arbitrary term but it
00:12:32.579 generally means when a malicious script
00:12:34.079 is installed to give the hacker a
00:12:35.579 persistent Gateway into your system
00:12:38.579 this is from a hack of the strong
00:12:40.079 password gem in 2019 and it was also in
00:12:42.540 the rest client gem hack that we talked
00:12:44.220 about it's an attack method that's
00:12:46.200 pretty common
00:12:47.339 they've added a bunch of craft to try to
00:12:49.380 make it look confusing here and like
00:12:50.820 throw anyone off who might be looking at
00:12:52.380 the code but really they've just added
00:12:54.720 coach check to see if the rails
00:12:56.220 environment is production
00:12:57.959 and if so they eval open whatever is on
00:13:00.300 a pace bin
00:13:02.279 and so this is the back door because
00:13:03.779 they could use it to steal Secrets like
00:13:05.339 they did with rest quiet but they can
00:13:06.959 also use it to do whatever they want
00:13:08.399 they can keep changing the code on the
00:13:10.740 paste bin and whatever is there will run
00:13:13.380 so this is an Open Door to do whatever
00:13:15.120 they want to do
00:13:17.040 this is another example from an attack
00:13:18.720 on the bootstrap sash gem in 2019
00:13:21.600 a specific cookie sent by the client is
00:13:24.000 base64 decoded and then evaluated in
00:13:26.940 runtime to effectively allow remote code
00:13:29.040 execution
00:13:30.300 very similar to the page bin they can
00:13:32.279 put anything they want into the cookie
00:13:33.899 and it will run on your servers so this
00:13:36.000 is another example of a back door
00:13:38.160 as I mentioned back doors are a pretty
00:13:40.019 broad category because they can steal
00:13:41.700 credentials or install ransomware but
00:13:43.920 they can also do pretty much anything
00:13:45.120 else they want like install a crypto
00:13:46.680 Miner
00:13:47.820 the sky's the limit
00:13:50.279 so now that we've explored what's the
00:13:52.500 worst that can happen let's unpack how
00:13:54.360 malicious code actually gets into our
00:13:56.459 systems one way is through installing
00:13:59.100 the wrong gen now before I want to get
00:14:01.200 do that I'll get into that I want to do
00:14:03.360 a quick survey how many of you have ever
00:14:06.000 made a typo
00:14:08.820 I see some hands still aren't up yet and
00:14:11.399 so I'm assuming you've just abstained
00:14:13.440 from typing to keep your like typing
00:14:15.300 record pristine
00:14:16.760 I'm kidding
00:14:18.540 um so for our friends watching this at
00:14:20.459 home at railsconf home Edition and to
00:14:23.279 Sandy Metz uh basically the whole whole
00:14:26.339 room more or less had their hands up
00:14:28.139 which I guess isn't shocking but this
00:14:30.540 does bring us to one of the weaknesses
00:14:32.459 that attackers try to exploit they're
00:14:34.440 simply counting on our propensity to
00:14:36.060 mistype something
00:14:37.380 so instead of typing gem install RoboCop
00:14:40.260 you type gem install RoboCop or gem
00:14:43.680 install robocoop I'm hoping you get the
00:14:46.560 point here sneaky attackers squat on gem
00:14:48.899 names that are just a typo or two away
00:14:50.579 from legit gem names their goal is for
00:14:53.160 you to erroneously install their
00:14:54.720 malicious code in your applications and
00:14:56.639 have it run on your local machine or
00:14:58.079 production systems and at that point
00:15:00.180 they could be crypto mining like Ashley
00:15:02.459 had mentioned or it could be even worse
00:15:04.500 it's just Bad News Bears all around
00:15:08.160 now this type of attack is called typo
00:15:11.760 squatting and there's also a variation
00:15:13.680 or what I like to call a cousin of typo
00:15:15.899 squatting called combo squatting and an
00:15:18.899 example of that would be if you want to
00:15:20.820 include a gem called cool beans but you
00:15:24.120 didn't remember it properly and instead
00:15:26.100 install the fake gem that a bad actor
00:15:27.959 had been squatting on called beans cool
00:15:30.380 and at that point it'll definitely be
00:15:32.880 not so cool beans am I right
00:15:36.480 what's interesting about this class of
00:15:38.459 attacks though is that it's the most
00:15:40.260 common attack on software Supply chains
00:15:42.360 I'm going to let that sink in
00:15:44.279 the most common attack on software
00:15:46.380 Supply chains is basically an exploit on
00:15:48.660 our inability to type properly or
00:15:50.940 remember a sequence of words properly
00:15:53.880 pretty well right
00:15:55.620 another way a wrong gem gets installed
00:15:57.779 is when the source repository is not
00:15:59.760 explicitly stated so it's not clear
00:16:02.760 where the dependency should be
00:16:04.019 downloaded from
00:16:05.220 for instance let's say we have an
00:16:06.720 application with a bunch of gem
00:16:08.519 dependencies some are hosted privately
00:16:10.500 on our private server some are hosted
00:16:12.360 publicly on rubygems now honing in on
00:16:15.300 one of our private gems let's say we
00:16:17.100 have one called Soho house because y'all
00:16:19.380 know how private and exclusive so houses
00:16:21.360 right so an attacker learns of this
00:16:24.360 private dependency of ours and with a
00:16:27.060 quick search they learn that there's no
00:16:29.160 public version of this gem so they
00:16:31.380 proceed to create a public version of
00:16:32.880 Soho house and of course their version
00:16:35.459 is going to have all the naughty code in
00:16:37.139 it but the crucial part is what happens
00:16:39.540 when we run bundle install well blender
00:16:43.139 needs to decide where to download Soho
00:16:45.180 House from will it be from our private
00:16:47.820 server or public server which is
00:16:50.339 rubygems and the thing is it depends
00:16:53.579 bundling will decide which gen to
00:16:55.740 download based off of the gem version
00:16:58.259 whichever gem is the latest version it's
00:17:00.480 going to download from that Source
00:17:01.680 repository and this is the attack that
00:17:03.779 Ashley was alluding to earlier called
00:17:05.579 the dependency confusion attack very
00:17:08.220 aptly name if you ask me which gem
00:17:10.199 should be installed I don't know many
00:17:12.540 choices much confusion and on the note
00:17:15.720 of confusion
00:17:17.160 sometimes account ownership can be
00:17:19.140 confusing confusing too specifically the
00:17:21.780 confusion is who actually owns this
00:17:23.819 account I highlight this as a problem
00:17:25.799 because the second most common attack on
00:17:28.319 software Supply chains is a account
00:17:30.299 takeovers
00:17:31.679 this affects us because it's possible
00:17:33.480 for people who are the maintainers of
00:17:35.220 our dependencies to have their account
00:17:37.080 stolen the attacks that Ashley mentioned
00:17:39.720 earlier about the gems rest client
00:17:41.700 strong password and bootstrap SAS those
00:17:44.160 attacks all happen through account
00:17:45.840 takeovers
00:17:47.160 and once an account has been compromised
00:17:49.200 an attacker can perform all sorts of
00:17:51.539 privileged actions like yanking a gem or
00:17:54.179 pushing a new release of a gem with
00:17:55.980 malicious code injected it's like you
00:17:59.400 thought Aaron Patterson cut a new
00:18:01.620 version of rails but then it turned out
00:18:03.539 to be done
00:18:06.059 on Aaron Batterson
00:18:09.679 ah did you like that one I was really
00:18:11.640 proud when I came up with that you're
00:18:12.900 not gonna lie uh anyway another
00:18:15.120 Batterson way that uh malicious code can
00:18:18.120 get installed is if rubygems itself gets
00:18:20.700 pwned now this is way less common than
00:18:23.160 the previous attacks I mentioned but
00:18:25.320 it's the most dangerous for all our
00:18:27.120 rails applications
00:18:28.620 if ruby gems is compromised attackers
00:18:31.260 could just change the files on package
00:18:33.299 repository servers without maintainers
00:18:35.400 even knowing and this type of attack is
00:18:37.620 called repository compromise the
00:18:39.960 attackers basically have the ultimate
00:18:41.640 keys to the kingdom in fact within the
00:18:44.280 last few weeks rubygems just addressed a
00:18:46.679 critical vulnerability where any
00:18:48.660 rubygems user could actually yank and
00:18:50.940 then replace certain gems that fit a
00:18:52.799 particular criteria
00:18:54.360 fortunately white Source completed an
00:18:57.120 analysis last week and concluded that no
00:18:59.340 gems were compromised and so while this
00:19:02.100 attack is uncommon it is still a risk
00:19:04.980 that exists when we install and use gems
00:19:07.980 and so now that we're all sufficiently
00:19:10.620 paranoid I want to be clear here this is
00:19:13.620 not a PSA for y'all to stop using gems
00:19:16.860 right Ashley of course not
00:19:19.380 sure this all seems pretty scary but
00:19:22.080 gems are incredibly useful they're
00:19:24.480 convenient they help us iterate faster
00:19:26.340 we don't need to constantly reinvent the
00:19:28.320 wheel
00:19:29.160 besides rails is a gem and we're not
00:19:31.860 here at railsconf advocating for you to
00:19:33.720 stop using rails
00:19:35.100 so by all means stand on the shoulders
00:19:37.559 of giants it accelerates your
00:19:39.120 development and it accelerates
00:19:40.320 innovation
00:19:41.700 but as we've discussed here today there
00:19:43.980 are some very scary things that can
00:19:45.960 happen if we don't secure our gems
00:19:48.179 there are some inherent risks to using
00:19:50.220 gems
00:19:51.419 the goal is for us to understand the
00:19:53.400 risks and be diligent about mitigating
00:19:55.620 them
00:19:56.520 I mean driving can be risky right we
00:19:59.520 could all be approaching it like a game
00:20:01.080 of Grand Theft Auto
00:20:03.000 but we're not we wear our seat belt we
00:20:05.700 follow traffic laws we take safety
00:20:07.440 precautions to make our journey as safe
00:20:09.419 as possible
00:20:11.520 we need to do the same when taking
00:20:13.140 approach to supply chain security
00:20:16.020 to ensure our applications aren't
00:20:17.580 compromised we need to secure our gems
00:20:20.880 that we do that we do Ashley and so how
00:20:24.600 do we actually go about doing that
00:20:26.039 though now let's talk about
00:20:27.720 countermeasures for starters when I say
00:20:30.120 counter use the measure counter measure
00:20:32.940 counter measure oh my God that worked I
00:20:35.400 didn't think it would all are great
00:20:37.940 so the first countermeasure we get into
00:20:40.380 is a type of squatting and combo
00:20:42.780 squatting you're probably all thinking
00:20:44.460 what can save me from my erroneous typos
00:20:46.559 like a grammarly for gems
00:20:49.039 and my answer is yes kind of in the
00:20:52.860 sense that grammarly consists of a
00:20:54.299 defined list of words and grammar rules
00:20:56.460 you and your team can define a list of
00:20:58.740 vetted gems and that list can
00:21:00.780 essentially become your allow list okay
00:21:03.059 great so you've got an allow list but
00:21:04.919 how do you actually enforce it one
00:21:07.200 option is to create a GitHub action that
00:21:09.360 verifies whether the gems added in your
00:21:11.160 gem file are allowed or not
00:21:13.260 if you're curious about how to get
00:21:14.700 started with this we built a scrappy
00:21:17.160 prototype to help you get the ball
00:21:18.419 rolling but to be clear it is far from
00:21:21.120 feature complete but uh we hope it can
00:21:23.160 serve as inspiration
00:21:24.780 in addition to the allowless we'd also
00:21:26.760 recommend practicing the campsite rule
00:21:28.440 you know the one that says leave things
00:21:30.840 better than how you found it
00:21:32.940 so if you've come across a suspicious
00:21:35.460 package just report it
00:21:39.960 how about dependency confusion how do we
00:21:42.419 counteract that
00:21:44.100 last year under the bundler released a
00:21:46.860 fix for how it prioritizes sources this
00:21:50.220 was originally fixed in version 2210 but
00:21:53.280 we recommend being on at least two to
00:21:55.200 twenty two for all the best goodness
00:21:56.940 related to this issue
00:21:58.799 if you look at the bottom of your
00:22:00.360 gemfile.lock you'll see a bundled with
00:22:02.880 version if it's not at least two to
00:22:05.580 twenty two update your bundler in gem
00:22:08.159 install again
00:22:09.780 with this fix you can now specify a
00:22:12.419 block Source in your gem file
00:22:14.520 that'll enable bundler to prioritize
00:22:16.740 resolving the gems and its transitive
00:22:18.419 dependencies to the specific Source
00:22:20.520 listed within that block
00:22:22.559 and even if you don't explicitly list
00:22:24.600 the sources once you upgrade and then
00:22:26.880 run bundle install
00:22:28.380 your gemfile.lock will change from this
00:22:30.419 old format where the possible remotes
00:22:33.000 are just listed at the top and each time
00:22:34.799 you run bundle install any gem can
00:22:36.960 resolve to any remote depending on who
00:22:38.700 has the highest version
00:22:40.260 to this new format
00:22:42.059 where the remotes are listed one by one
00:22:44.580 so that for each gem it knows exactly
00:22:46.980 where to pull that Gem and its
00:22:48.419 dependencies from and it's consistent on
00:22:50.880 every bundle install so you never have
00:22:53.280 to worry about bundler being dependency
00:22:55.140 confused and just changing its mind
00:22:57.059 about where to pull the gem from because
00:22:58.679 someone out there in the world created a
00:23:00.360 higher version
00:23:01.740 as long as it was pulled from the right
00:23:03.419 place initially it'll continue pulling
00:23:05.760 from that place on every bundle install
00:23:08.640 so again check the bundler version that
00:23:10.620 was used to generate your gemfile.lock
00:23:12.419 if it's lower than 222 you should update
00:23:15.600 to get this protection
00:23:18.900 this was a problem we had to solve at
00:23:20.940 scale at Shopify since obviously we had
00:23:23.100 a lot of apps to update
00:23:24.780 one of our teammates actually wrote a
00:23:26.640 blog post for how this problem was
00:23:27.960 tackled if you're interested you can
00:23:29.700 check it out on the Shopify engineering
00:23:31.260 blog
00:23:34.140 now let's talk about how to counter raft
00:23:36.539 repository compromise as Betty mentioned
00:23:39.179 before someone hacking into rubygems
00:23:41.220 itself and changing the gems directly
00:23:43.020 there is not a super common scenario but
00:23:45.900 it is very destructive so luckily there
00:23:48.299 are some things that can be done to
00:23:49.559 mitigate that risk
00:23:51.480 gem signing is one mitigation technique
00:23:54.080 maintainers cryptographically sign their
00:23:56.340 gems and then when you install you can
00:23:58.440 use the high security or medium security
00:24:00.179 Flags to verify the signature to ensure
00:24:02.580 the gem has not been changed
00:24:04.740 this has been built into rubygems for
00:24:06.659 quite some time now but unfortunately
00:24:09.179 it's pretty cumbersome to use and so
00:24:11.400 effectively no one uses it
00:24:13.559 there's an RC open on rubygems right now
00:24:15.900 written by some other members of our
00:24:17.400 team to make signing easy and seamless
00:24:20.159 so if you're interested please check
00:24:22.260 that out and feel free to share your
00:24:24.240 opinion
00:24:25.980 and last but not least let's talk about
00:24:28.320 account takeovers the way I see it
00:24:30.480 there's two parts to this problem
00:24:32.460 firstly how can you assess your risk
00:24:34.620 exposure to account takeovers related to
00:24:36.539 your application's dependencies and
00:24:38.580 secondly how can you contribute to
00:24:40.919 account Integrity on improving intent
00:24:43.200 account Integrity on rubygems and the
00:24:45.240 software supply chain in general
00:24:46.980 so first off when talking about account
00:24:49.140 takeovers it behooves me to begin with
00:24:51.960 these four words enable
00:24:54.740 multi-factor Authentication
00:24:59.940 it's such an easy thing to do and it's
00:25:02.580 incredibly effective how effective well
00:25:05.520 Microsoft had released a report a few
00:25:07.740 years ago noting that MFA blocked 99.9
00:25:10.799 of automated account takeover attacks
00:25:13.320 like that level of protection is more
00:25:15.600 effective than the awesome n95 masks
00:25:18.299 we're all wearing right now
00:25:20.220 we might not have n99 but we've got MFA
00:25:23.220 99 right and who wouldn't want a piece
00:25:25.620 of that uh so let's get back to our two
00:25:28.919 key questions we'll start with gem
00:25:30.539 maintainers um is there a way for us to
00:25:32.640 determine whether their accounts or any
00:25:35.100 accounts for that matter have MS MFA
00:25:37.860 enabled if we head over to
00:25:41.159 and check out our dear friend Aaron's
00:25:42.720 profile can any of you spot his MFA
00:25:44.820 status and where it's noted
00:25:48.960 got some shaking heads yeah me neither
00:25:51.960 um and as you can see or not see there's
00:25:54.600 no indication on his profile about his
00:25:56.400 MFA status and that's by Design while
00:25:59.760 you and I might have the best of
00:26:01.080 intentions uh publishing an account MFA
00:26:03.900 publicly is like letting a thief know
00:26:06.419 which home is easier to break into
00:26:09.120 I'm just gonna pause here for a moment
00:26:10.500 because it took me a long time to draw
00:26:12.059 these Doodles for like a two seconds
00:26:14.520 worth of speaking so there's little
00:26:17.100 piggies in a wall
00:26:20.400 anyway
00:26:22.100 to that point it was we don't want to
00:26:24.419 advertise which home or account is
00:26:26.220 easier to break into and that's why MFA
00:26:28.440 isn't on a profile page that said gems
00:26:31.260 can be configured to require all of its
00:26:33.299 maintainers to enable MFA before
00:26:35.100 performing privileged actions so if
00:26:37.260 you're a gym owner and you want to know
00:26:38.640 how to set that up you can check out the
00:26:40.380 docs here and for everyone else if you
00:26:43.020 want to verify whether this
00:26:44.220 configuration is actually set up so that
00:26:45.840 MFA is being enforced at least on a gem
00:26:47.940 level you can find that out by
00:26:49.620 navigating to a gems show page for
00:26:51.900 example here you'll notice that rails
00:26:53.880 requires its maintainers to have MFA
00:26:55.919 enabled
00:26:57.179 in addition to this the team Ashley and
00:26:59.400 I work on are very much invested in the
00:27:01.500 health of the ruby gems ecosystem
00:27:03.200 recently we've submitted an RFC and had
00:27:05.760 it accepted by the rubygems team to roll
00:27:08.039 out an MFA enforcement policy for the
00:27:10.260 top 100 most downloaded gems and this
00:27:12.900 policy is in line with what other
00:27:14.340 package managers are doing npm for
00:27:16.679 instance has already rolled out a
00:27:18.539 similar policy and in fact
00:27:20.940 GitHub has just recently announced that
00:27:23.580 their own policy to require users to
00:27:25.919 enable MFA by the end of 2023.
00:27:29.100 needless to say we're excited that in
00:27:31.919 the near future maintainers of some of
00:27:33.419 the most popular gems will be protected
00:27:35.520 from the Aaron battersons of the world
00:27:38.279 right don't want any more of those uh
00:27:41.400 and next how can you personally help
00:27:43.320 improve account Integrity on ruby gems
00:27:45.659 well if you have a ruby gems account
00:27:47.820 enable MFA because in the famous words
00:27:50.880 of my bestie Beyonce if you like it then
00:27:53.940 you better put a ring on it if you like
00:27:56.100 your account and you want to keep it you
00:27:58.020 better put a figurative ring on it right
00:28:01.020 if it's not obvious already we are big
00:28:03.600 on MFA like we are riding the MFA train
00:28:06.840 all the way home
00:28:11.880 so we'd extend the ask of enabling MFA
00:28:15.240 to be on just your ruby gems account to
00:28:17.640 put it simply just MFA all the things
00:28:21.020 npm GitHub Shopify if you're a merchant
00:28:24.299 uh if the service offers MFA enable it
00:28:28.140 and for those of you who end up enabling
00:28:30.000 MFA on your rubygems and or GitHub
00:28:32.340 account Ashley and I want to give you
00:28:34.320 this a dark ridiculously adorable
00:28:36.419 limited edition sticker to celebrate our
00:28:39.059 Collective love of MFA
00:28:41.400 and so yeah stickers
00:28:47.220 and so in closing if you loved our talk
00:28:50.940 or amateur Doodles tweet at us and I
00:28:53.340 don't know CC Sandy Mets if you want to
00:28:55.080 maybe uh I'm kidding I'm kidding we
00:28:57.720 honestly would love to hear from you
00:28:59.100 though like tell us if you've learned
00:29:00.360 something new or how much impact we've
00:29:02.580 had because you know we can also
00:29:04.020 shamelessly collect receipts for our
00:29:05.820 next impact review
00:29:07.640 okay took jokes over uh seriously thank
00:29:10.980 you so much uh MFA all the things come
00:29:13.620 find us for stickers and a final Wi-Fi
00:29:15.960 to you all
00:29:17.520 have a good afternoon everyone