
How music works, using Ruby

How music works, using Ruby

by Thijs Cadier

The video titled "How music works, using Ruby" presented by Thijs Cadier at RailsConf 2022 explores the intricacies of music production and the evolution of audio technologies through the lens of programming in Ruby. Cadier begins with an explanation of music as a phenomenon perceived by the brain, shaped by sound waves that oscillate in the air. He highlights that music is not only sound, but also an emotional experience that remains partially unexplained by neuroscience.

Key Points Discussed:
- History of Music Recording Technologies: Cadier traces the development of music recording from mechanical devices and wax layers to magnetic tape and digital audio.
- He explains the transition from live music to recorded music with the advent of early recording devices, showcasing how technology has transformed music accessibility.
- Understanding Digital Audio: The presentation covers the concept of digital audio, highlighting how sound can be sampled and manipulated digitally. Cadier emphasizes the importance of waveform representation in music.
- He introduces the use of Ruby code to manipulate audio samples, demonstrating the basics of audio processing like amplification and noise generation.
- Practical Example with Ruby: He demonstrates how to generate different types of sound waves (sine, square, and noise) through Ruby code, illustrating fundamental sound synthesis concepts.
- Mixing and Audio Effects: Cadier discusses the process of mixing audio, explaining how multiple waveforms can be combined to create a complex signal. He touches on audio compression techniques and their significance in achieving a consistent sound level in music.
- The effects of clipping and distortion are mentioned as common elements in music production, particularly in rock styles.
- Technical Programming Demonstration: Throughout, Cadier provides examples of coding in Ruby related to creating and manipulating sound, making technical concepts accessible through programming analogies.
- Conclusion with a Musical Performance: In conclusion, Cadier showcases his music creation skills by playing a cover of a well-known song, thus underlining the practical application of the concepts discussed throughout the presentation.

The key takeaway from Thijs Cadier's presentation is the interconnection between music production and programming, emphasizing how coding can be an integral part of understanding and creating music. The insightful exploration of digital audio along with hands-on coding examples illustrates the potential for developers to engage with music technology creatively.

That strange phenomenon where air molecules bounce against each other in a way that somehow comforts you, makes you cry, or makes you dance all night: music. Since the advent of recorded audio, a musician doesn't even need to be present anymore for this to happen (which makes putting "I will always love you" on repeat a little less awkward).

Sound engineers have found many ways of making music sound good when played from a record. Some of their methods have become industry staples used on every recording released today.

Let's look at what they do and reproduce some of their methods in Ruby!

RailsConf 2022

00:00:00.900 foreign
00:00:13.519 I work at a company called app signal
00:00:15.960 and we have sort of have a fully remote
00:00:18.900 that we have an internal conference that
00:00:20.640 we do every year because you kind of
00:00:21.840 have to invent these ways of of like
00:00:23.880 staying in touch with each other and
00:00:25.439 kind of understanding uh who everybody
00:00:27.720 is so I've been doing so this
00:00:30.900 presentation has been like four years in
00:00:32.399 the making like I did a bunch of
00:00:34.140 internal
00:00:35.940 for of talks about music stuff and I
00:00:39.840 kind of wrapped it all up into one big
00:00:41.340 thing here so this is like some examples
00:00:44.040 of flux stuff that people do at a
00:00:46.079 company there's a makeouts or I
00:00:48.539 did not know
00:00:49.980 uh people are into pipes
00:00:53.399 uh procrastination is a big thing
00:00:55.079 amongst developers I've heard
00:00:58.620 yeah so what I usually do is I get into
00:01:01.620 I've been getting into music production
00:01:03.480 myself for a couple of years and uh I I
00:01:07.380 sort of figured out that writing code is
00:01:09.900 a really good way of understanding the
00:01:11.400 world because it kind of forces you to
00:01:13.020 actually
00:01:14.420 block the whole mental model or
00:01:16.560 otherwise you're not going to be able to
00:01:17.820 automate something so for this
00:01:19.920 presentation I went through this process
00:01:21.479 which I've done before which is
00:01:23.159 basically not understanding anything
00:01:24.960 about it like forcing yourself to
00:01:27.780 understand it through modeling it in
00:01:29.460 goats and now I'm here like a sharing
00:01:33.060 the results of that with you
00:01:35.340 so what we're going through today is
00:01:37.200 like we'll do really quick history of
00:01:39.540 music recording Technologies I just hope
00:01:41.880 kind of know where we ended up and then
00:01:43.799 we're getting into uh digital audio and
00:01:46.619 like some ways to manipulate it and
00:01:48.240 generate sample in it
00:01:51.240 so
00:01:53.880 um
00:01:54.960 yeah so what is music actually I think
00:01:57.479 that's that's sort of the starting point
00:01:59.420 uh I'm using is a really weird thing
00:02:01.799 because it it only exists in our brain
00:02:03.960 like we don't like our neuroscientists
00:02:06.719 don't really understand how this whole
00:02:08.340 process works and some are there are
00:02:09.899 these waves
00:02:11.099 uh sounds
00:02:13.200 which you can kind of visualize like
00:02:15.720 this they're they're
00:02:17.459 um kind of similar to like how a wave
00:02:19.680 would operate in waterways which is a
00:02:21.660 little more intuitive for us so what
00:02:23.580 you're seeing here actually also happens
00:02:25.140 at the moment in this room where these
00:02:27.720 where these speakers kind of like just
00:02:30.420 create a create movement in the air and
00:02:33.000 it kind of like oscillated way into into
00:02:35.700 your ear
00:02:38.220 uh once it makes it to your air that's a
00:02:40.980 bunch of these really tiny hairs that
00:02:42.900 are called follicles and they vibrate as
00:02:45.300 well and that gets picked up by your
00:02:46.800 brain
00:02:47.760 and when I say your brain like we have
00:02:50.099 no clue somehow we kind of like Find
00:02:51.959 meaning in in all these waveforms and we
00:02:54.360 and we we just perceive it as music and
00:02:56.879 it's an emotional thing and we have no
00:02:59.400 clue why
00:03:00.420 maybe we'll find out someday
00:03:03.660 so how does this sort of like basic
00:03:05.819 process work so we've got a
00:03:08.819 uh
00:03:10.019 one important aspect especially this is
00:03:12.360 speech so this is the number of times
00:03:14.340 that this waveform kind of oscillates
00:03:17.940 um
00:03:20.580 so this is like a very simple waveform
00:03:23.040 I'm just going to let you hear it
00:03:26.280 so this is just a side wave which is
00:03:30.300 kind of um
00:03:32.099 which is uh oscillating 440 times a
00:03:35.040 second and then you end up with the
00:03:36.599 sound
00:03:37.980 um if you uh played like at multiple
00:03:41.220 frequencies you you kind of perceive it
00:03:43.440 as big as having notes that sounds a
00:03:45.360 little bit like this
00:03:50.159 sorry to mess up the order there
00:03:52.620 foreign
00:03:55.980 that's purely a sine wave that we
00:03:58.200 generated that's uh just playing at
00:04:00.959 these different frequencies
00:04:04.260 uh next up is stumbler so this is what
00:04:07.500 you get when you go from uh from having
00:04:09.720 like a really simple wave to like more
00:04:11.879 complicated way for all these kind of
00:04:13.680 like little edges you see there so then
00:04:16.199 you get lots of like a piano notes
00:04:18.739 it's uh it just uh it does completely
00:04:21.959 different sound to it but it's the same
00:04:23.400 pitch
00:04:26.720 uh next up is tempo so Tempo is is like
00:04:31.080 what you get when you uh when you play
00:04:32.940 when you play the Drone for example
00:04:35.759 so this is like to waveforms that we do
00:04:39.419 some space in between and like we really
00:04:41.639 perceived at South Africa tempo
00:04:47.639 um
00:04:48.479 well if you combine all that stuff you
00:04:50.639 already get something that's kind of
00:04:51.960 like music so you get like a little
00:04:54.900 little few notes and then if you add
00:04:58.320 Rhythm to that
00:05:04.100 sort of a song
00:05:06.979 it's probably the most boring song that
00:05:09.419 has ever been created but it is a song
00:05:11.820 like I think we all agree that it's it's
00:05:13.740 that it's music
00:05:16.680 yeah so back in the day like there were
00:05:20.040 no like there was no recorded music so
00:05:22.199 people you could just like go into a
00:05:24.000 room and see some somebody play and that
00:05:25.680 was it and this kind of changed
00:05:30.000 like at the beginning of 20th century
00:05:33.780 so we'll just like really quickly gloss
00:05:36.300 out for this so so we have a bit of a
00:05:38.880 basis
00:05:40.020 so this is the first
00:05:41.840 uh uh known music recording device in
00:05:45.360 history so there's a little roll on
00:05:47.340 there and there's a wax layer and then
00:05:49.259 if you kind of like shout really hard
00:05:51.000 into that hole like this this little
00:05:53.520 needle kind of vibrates and it makes it
00:05:56.160 better into in the wax and if you kind
00:05:58.560 of like Replay that you get like a
00:06:00.840 really silent uh signal back
00:06:04.680 so this wasn't really useful but it was
00:06:06.780 the first one that kind of evolved into
00:06:08.880 these like record players it was still
00:06:10.740 completely mechanic so they didn't
00:06:12.600 produce a lot of volume
00:06:14.820 so people would record like this I would
00:06:17.460 like the this little cone you see over
00:06:19.560 there really had to be like right in the
00:06:21.180 middle of the of the action otherwise
00:06:23.039 there would like basically be no signal
00:06:26.880 uh then the state machines happened so
00:06:29.160 that kind of encoded the waveforms this
00:06:31.080 did like magnetic charge like there were
00:06:33.360 these little iron particles on the tape
00:06:36.360 and they they're kind of like charged in
00:06:38.699 One Direction or the other and that kind
00:06:40.560 of like there was a way to like also
00:06:42.539 record these waveforms and kind of like
00:06:44.220 playing back
00:06:45.600 but then like World War II happens and
00:06:48.300 then like the whole thing really started
00:06:50.400 uh uh moving fast because a lot of
00:06:52.680 Technology was invented for radar and so
00:06:55.199 on that labor then had to be really
00:06:57.060 useful in recording as well
00:06:59.340 so we got cubes so with these cubes you
00:07:02.039 could amplify signals so you could take
00:07:04.080 something that's really silent like the
00:07:06.419 microphone coming out of the the signal
00:07:08.160 coming out of this microphone for
00:07:09.539 example it's like it's there's a tiny
00:07:11.460 amount of electricity and in the end you
00:07:13.500 need a lot of electricity to kind of
00:07:15.180 power that speaker that's producing the
00:07:17.160 uh the uh that's getting the air to move
00:07:20.880 yeah so we've got these cubes you know
00:07:23.160 things started becoming more ambitious
00:07:24.780 like we got like a lot of microphones
00:07:26.639 these types of microphones also had like
00:07:28.620 little tubes in them to amplify the
00:07:30.419 signal
00:07:32.099 you know we got these mixing desks
00:07:34.560 uh record players
00:07:36.840 like a lot of transistor based stuff was
00:07:38.880 then done so this is a this is an old
00:07:40.740 compressor that doesn't use tubes
00:07:42.900 anymore
00:07:43.919 and then the 80s happened and the whole
00:07:46.139 thing changed
00:07:48.180 or got like a lot of people think like
00:07:50.940 this is kind of when it got terrible
00:07:52.560 because like then we got digital audio
00:07:54.479 and uh uh look we got a CD a digital
00:07:59.099 audio is is
00:08:01.020 uh sort of perfect like it took a long
00:08:03.180 way for people to find a way to make
00:08:05.039 digital audio actually sound good and
00:08:07.460 that's what we're gonna where we're
00:08:09.360 getting to now
00:08:10.919 so what's digital audio it's uh way to
00:08:14.639 sample these waveforms uh and reproduce
00:08:17.340 them that way so instead of like in the
00:08:19.440 natural world you'd you get a a really
00:08:22.020 smooth like actually smooth curve it's
00:08:25.020 uh it's an almost perfect smooth curve
00:08:27.300 and what we do when we create this
00:08:30.300 little audio you sample that so you you
00:08:32.580 just take these measurements uh
00:08:34.919 thousands of times per second and you
00:08:37.620 can use that to sort of like recreate
00:08:39.240 the waveform that you measured uh in a
00:08:41.760 way that that that uh just that it just
00:08:44.219 almost exactly sounds same
00:08:46.500 yeah and then uh the other all Recording
00:08:50.519 Technology got kind of replaced by so
00:08:52.200 far like this so this is program I like
00:08:54.060 to use
00:08:54.959 uh Erica contains all these like all the
00:08:57.839 gear it used to be in a million dollar
00:08:59.160 Studio it's not gonna like embedded in
00:09:01.800 this this type of software
00:09:03.959 and what I'm going to do now is recreate
00:09:06.000 like a few parts of this software using
00:09:08.220 Ruby codes and uh and we'll get to see
00:09:11.160 how this stuff actually works
00:09:14.399 so digital audio so it's a lot of
00:09:16.560 numbers
00:09:17.700 so we're going to use a gem called the
00:09:20.580 wave file gem in this presentation and
00:09:23.700 uh that's able that gem is able to read
00:09:26.220 and write
00:09:28.140 digital audio
00:09:29.580 so this is like a little bit of gold so
00:09:32.040 we just open a file we just
00:09:34.500 smash all the numbers into one big thing
00:09:37.260 and then we can work with it and then
00:09:39.720 you get this
00:09:41.459 so yeah
00:09:42.959 that's not really useful well that's not
00:09:44.880 really useful for human
00:09:47.339 we can also write stuff back
00:09:49.800 another General using is junkie PNG so
00:09:52.560 that that lets us create some images
00:09:53.880 because we need to like be able to see
00:09:56.160 what we're doing
00:09:58.019 so what we're going to do is like go
00:10:00.660 from this
00:10:02.160 uh to an image like this so This these
00:10:05.220 images
00:10:06.180 uh the next one uh this is like the
00:10:09.240 beginning of a hi-hat sounds so it looks
00:10:11.880 kind of random if you take a side wave
00:10:14.100 that we talked about earlier like it
00:10:15.779 look it's a bit easier to crack what
00:10:17.519 happens so the white line in the middle
00:10:19.440 is is kind of like the zero point and
00:10:21.839 then we've got a we've got a wave that's
00:10:23.580 kind of like oscillating from from
00:10:25.260 positive to negative and it kind of like
00:10:27.180 flows around this uh this line in the
00:10:29.760 middle
00:10:31.980 and this is some code to generate these
00:10:34.860 images so what we're doing is we're
00:10:36.899 taking this really long array of numbers
00:10:38.820 these samples
00:10:40.740 and we're just driving a point like
00:10:42.720 either or above or below the line
00:10:45.240 uh we're doing some calculations to kind
00:10:47.339 of like figure out where they uh where
00:10:49.560 they are supposed to end up it doesn't
00:10:50.700 really matter uh what calculations are I
00:10:53.820 will share this code after the
00:10:54.959 presentation if you want to play around
00:10:56.220 with it
00:10:58.800 um and like another uh visualization
00:11:02.339 that's very often used is uh this kind
00:11:05.459 of is this visualization where you're
00:11:06.959 kind of compressing these uh these
00:11:08.760 shapes into each other so this one is
00:11:10.320 still like we see individual dots for
00:11:12.600 every single sample here so this is
00:11:14.160 probably only like 0.0 or one one
00:11:16.260 seconds of audio already looking at here
00:11:19.920 and here we're looking at like a four or
00:11:22.260 five seconds of audio so we're kind of
00:11:23.940 compressing it so that's that's going to
00:11:25.440 be the two visualizations I'm going to
00:11:27.660 use for the rest of the presentation
00:11:31.019 um just well you can look at this if you
00:11:33.300 want later
00:11:41.880 like this
00:11:43.200 this Cube's used to do
00:11:45.120 so we're taking uh this piece of audio
00:11:52.700 which is the same drum Loop we did
00:11:55.200 earlier
00:11:57.720 and we're going to make it a little bit
00:11:59.760 louder
00:12:05.100 and
00:12:06.680 then even a little louder than that
00:12:13.320 that's uh we're going to get to this in
00:12:15.720 a minute so this is like we made a
00:12:17.640 little bit louder and then we made it
00:12:18.899 louder again and then like face fix went
00:12:20.760 horribly wrong
00:12:25.140 um so what are we doing here so we're uh
00:12:29.160 basically just it's at the end it's
00:12:31.920 relatively simple we're just looping
00:12:33.360 through all the samples and we just like
00:12:35.399 uh uh multiplying them so that's that's
00:12:39.180 the whole thing there's nothing else to
00:12:40.800 it so um uh we get we just like
00:12:43.680 whichever sample had like a value of 100
00:12:45.839 gets a value of 200 if you do that
00:12:47.820 consistently after the duration of the
00:12:49.920 whole sample set like it's going to
00:12:51.660 sound the same only louder
00:12:53.820 and if we do it like with a ratio of
00:12:56.399 four so we make it four times as loud
00:12:58.200 you get this this thing which is the
00:13:00.839 bane of everything every sign engineer
00:13:04.440 out there it's clipping it's what we
00:13:06.180 just heard so
00:13:09.480 so this is what happens
00:13:11.459 what you see here is that it's like
00:13:13.079 these peaks in the signal are kind of
00:13:14.579 like going uh higher than we have space
00:13:16.860 for in the image and that means that I'm
00:13:19.019 kind of being cut off so you get this
00:13:20.459 this Distortion effect that sounds
00:13:23.100 pretty bad uh if you do it in a digital
00:13:25.980 way but it's also a very crucial element
00:13:28.139 of a lot of music so like if any time
00:13:30.120 you hear like Jimi Hendrix played a
00:13:31.560 guitar they basically use this this
00:13:33.899 effect of this cranking too much signal
00:13:36.779 into something that can't really handle
00:13:38.220 that and then it starts kind of like a
00:13:40.500 mutating the signal
00:13:46.079 yeah so that's that's sort of like the
00:13:47.940 simplest thing we can do it's just
00:13:49.380 amplifying the sound
00:13:50.820 we can also make sounds
00:13:52.860 so
00:13:54.000 uh in the analog world you've got uh
00:13:57.240 what does loss of face make sound but
00:13:58.680 log one way is using synthesizer so
00:14:00.839 since seizure has these sound sources
00:14:02.760 and filters and all kinds of stuff we're
00:14:04.980 going to focus on the sound sources
00:14:07.139 uh so there's a couple of things you can
00:14:09.839 do to make sound so one of them is is uh
00:14:13.079 having noise
00:14:21.300 this is what what you're seeing on the
00:14:23.519 screen is basically random pixels and if
00:14:26.579 you if you translate that to a sound
00:14:30.600 you can just get white nose noise that
00:14:32.639 you might be familiar with like if you
00:14:34.019 put an ulti feed to like a non-existent
00:14:37.200 signal then you will get stuff like this
00:14:39.240 and generating a noise in Ruby is also
00:14:42.899 like relatively simple curve
00:14:45.180 so we're just going to Loop through uh
00:14:48.180 we've got to have a loop and we just
00:14:50.339 kind of like insert a random number in
00:14:52.860 the range of like this lowest negative
00:14:54.899 value it is highest positive value you
00:14:58.019 slam it into the array and well you've
00:15:01.079 got noise
00:15:03.240 um so it don't have that like a lot of
00:15:05.399 this audio stuff is like if you if you
00:15:07.260 translate it into Ruby code it's it's
00:15:09.180 you end up plug with like five lines
00:15:11.519 which is kind of interesting I think
00:15:14.639 another thing you can make as a square
00:15:16.860 wave
00:15:21.660 that sounds like this so this is uh
00:15:25.740 also a crew this you hear this in music
00:15:28.079 a lot actually it sounds horrible now
00:15:29.519 because we made a really simple one but
00:15:30.959 if you kind of like process it you it's
00:15:33.000 a big part of electronic music
00:15:35.639 I'm making a square wave looks a little
00:15:37.980 bit like this
00:15:39.720 so
00:15:42.000 um again We're looping uh I created a
00:15:46.139 an oscillator here which is kind of like
00:15:48.540 a thing that kind of alternates between
00:15:50.220 between two sides kind of like a
00:15:52.019 metronome
00:15:53.639 and We're looping through samples again
00:15:56.100 and and depending on like where we are
00:15:59.220 in the oscillation we either pick like a
00:16:01.260 high value or low value and then you end
00:16:04.620 up with a graph like this where these
00:16:06.600 these like high lows are kind of stacked
00:16:09.000 uh on the others on the opposite ends of
00:16:11.820 the middle and uh you get a square wave
00:16:17.399 uh
00:16:20.220 yeah this is to go through uh uh to
00:16:23.760 generate uh the calls at oscillator
00:16:25.800 another
00:16:27.480 of the used wave is a sine wave
00:16:33.199 that sounds like this
00:16:42.480 and the sine wave has a slightly more
00:16:44.579 complex math behind it so uh we're using
00:16:48.560 math.c to kind of do uh calculate the
00:16:52.259 next Point based on the angle uh that
00:16:55.560 that the signal is moving in
00:16:57.600 and I again this this probably if you're
00:17:00.899 interested in this like definitely look
00:17:02.339 at the examples
00:17:06.720 we uh this is Mr Fourier and he uh he's
00:17:10.980 a French mathematician and he found out
00:17:13.500 that all sounds can actually be
00:17:15.900 represented by different sound waves uh
00:17:18.319 that can be merged so you could have
00:17:20.819 suffer like this which is a combination
00:17:23.819 of two sine waves
00:17:26.939 and you get a chords so if if you
00:17:30.780 combine these two
00:17:32.580 it's a little bit off actually but it's
00:17:34.620 it's a quartz
00:17:39.000 and the code for that is is
00:17:41.880 also like not a whole lot of codes so
00:17:45.120 we're creating like different uh three
00:17:47.400 different signs uh wave generators
00:17:49.799 and we kind of merge those those
00:17:51.240 together so this brings us to the uh
00:17:54.960 next part of the of the presentation I'm
00:17:57.900 just going to skip this
00:17:59.580 which is mixing so this is uh this is a
00:18:03.000 mixing desk
00:18:04.200 uh so luxan comes in into all these luck
00:18:07.620 paths as you see here that all of a
00:18:09.120 different fader and then it's merged
00:18:11.640 into one signal that comes out at the
00:18:13.440 end of The Thing
00:18:15.179 uh
00:18:16.320 so what you do is you have like multiple
00:18:18.660 waveforms multiple channels and you kind
00:18:21.240 of combine them into this more complex
00:18:22.919 thing
00:18:24.240 so these are three waveforms that we
00:18:26.220 were listening to earlier
00:18:29.160 we can read them
00:18:31.320 into into three separate arrays
00:18:34.500 and then we Loop through through the uh
00:18:37.260 the whole thing and we just like take
00:18:38.820 all the numbers uh that uh that we got
00:18:42.419 from all three of these tracks just sum
00:18:44.640 them together and and we get the signal
00:18:46.980 back so one thing we have to do to hear
00:18:49.559 is like uh Define fixed by 1.5 to to
00:18:52.679 avoid the clipping issue because if you
00:18:54.480 keep stack stacking up those numbers
00:18:56.280 like you're going to go above the limit
00:18:57.960 of the thing and you kind of like have
00:18:59.400 to bring the level down to get back to
00:19:01.020 the proper level again
00:19:06.780 and that we get this result this thing
00:19:10.440 has actually been mixed by the rubiko
00:19:12.480 that we were looking at earlier
00:19:17.400 um and the last technique I want to talk
00:19:19.500 to you about today is compression so
00:19:21.660 compression is and I'm not talking about
00:19:23.640 MP3 so this is audio compression there
00:19:27.360 used to be machines like this one that
00:19:30.000 did it well this one is still actually
00:19:31.260 really popular this this is an extremely
00:19:33.360 expensive device has used a lot of
00:19:35.100 Records
00:19:36.179 So What compression does is it takes a
00:19:39.059 it takes a waveform
00:19:42.900 it takes a waveform that that has this
00:19:45.480 this peak so if you play the drum you're
00:19:47.520 going to get a uh you're going to get a
00:19:49.799 a sort of like really high value at the
00:19:52.140 beginning and then kind of as the sound
00:19:53.580 kind of taper so often it becomes it
00:19:55.440 becomes less loud but that's often not
00:19:57.720 what you want if you're making music
00:19:59.340 because you you want to have like a
00:20:00.780 consistent level uh that's Pleasant to
00:20:03.000 listen to so what compression does is uh
00:20:06.419 you you kind of draw a line which is
00:20:08.220 called thresholds uh you want the the
00:20:11.340 Peaks that are above this line to kind
00:20:13.320 of like become less loud
00:20:15.360 so what you do is you you make them less
00:20:17.820 loud
00:20:19.320 and then
00:20:22.260 um
00:20:23.940 and then you can make the whole thing
00:20:25.860 like a little bit louder so you get a
00:20:28.700 show you uh you get like a consistently
00:20:31.799 higher level for the whole signal
00:20:35.160 so we'll take a a little sample I have
00:20:38.220 here
00:20:42.900 like a little simple hit
00:20:47.960 are we going to apply this compression
00:20:50.580 to it in two steps so again We're
00:20:52.980 looping through all the samples and
00:20:55.080 whenever we see that that this this this
00:20:57.240 value is above the the threshold that we
00:20:59.700 set we just uh divided by the ratio and
00:21:03.419 if we see that it's lower than the
00:21:05.039 signal that we just set then we just add
00:21:07.620 it so we're only going to like
00:21:09.000 manipulate these like larger parts of
00:21:10.980 the signal so to balance it all out
00:21:13.679 and then yeah and then in the second
00:21:15.539 step
00:21:16.320 we're going to apply some gain to it so
00:21:18.840 we're just just uh multiplying it by a
00:21:21.840 number
00:21:23.400 uh and uh and adding it back to this
00:21:25.860 into this ring
00:21:28.020 and it looks like this in the end so so
00:21:30.120 just a two-step process and then we're
00:21:31.679 writing it back to disk
00:21:33.360 and then you go from this form
00:21:36.000 to this form so you see like it it like
00:21:39.360 elevated the parts of the center where
00:21:40.980 there were less louds and it sounds
00:21:43.080 horrible because this is a terrible
00:21:44.580 compressor but it's uh you can sort of
00:21:46.799 hear what happens so this is the the
00:21:48.299 original one
00:21:53.400 yeah it's not really a natural if you do
00:21:55.740 it like this
00:22:00.299 but it's a good illustration yeah and
00:22:03.960 that's that brings me to the end of like
00:22:05.820 all the things I want to discuss today
00:22:07.980 so it's almost lunchtime
00:22:11.280 um but I have one more thing so I think
00:22:13.740 this was already abstract so I wanted to
00:22:16.140 prove to you all that you can actually
00:22:17.880 make music just using those samples that
00:22:20.100 I used
00:22:21.299 so I made a cover of I think the best
00:22:23.580 song that was ever made in history and
00:22:26.580 I'm going to play it you now
00:22:44.780 thank you
00:23:00.000 foreign