
Deep End Diving: Getting Up to Speed on New Codebases

Deep End Diving: Getting Up to Speed on New Codebases

by Allison Hill

In the video titled Deep End Diving: Getting Up to Speed on New Codebases, presented by Allison Hill at RailsConf 2023, the focus is on effective strategies for onboarding new team members across varying experience levels in software development. Hill emphasizes the importance of making the onboarding process not only smoother but also more engaging for newcomers. Key points discussed include:

  • Personal Background: Hill shares her transition from a background in Neuroscience to becoming a junior developer, highlighting firsthand experiences of learning and onboarding in the tech field.

  • Survey Insights: Conducted informal surveys among colleagues revealed valuable insights into helpful tools and experiences regarding onboarding. The respondents emphasized the importance of collaboration, mentorship, and the mixed reception of documentation.

  • Themes of Discussion: The presentation is structured around three main themes: Stress Management, Learning Patterns, and Mentorship.

    • Stress Management: Hill explains stress as both an emotional response and a physiological reaction, and how it can affect one's learning processes. Techniques such as defining success, reducing communication breakdowns, and recognizing achievements were suggested as effective stress reduction strategies.
    • Learning Patterns: The significance of documentation, collaboration, and leveraging different perspectives for learning were stressed. Hill introduces the concept of "polar bear patterns" to describe ambiguity in team processes and emphasizes the need for clear documentation and communication.
    • Mentorship: Hill discusses the impact of mentorship, particularly through pair programming and feedback sessions, in alleviating imposter syndrome. She advocates for intentional integration of mentoring into developer workflows, which can also enhance overall team productivity and morale.
  • Examples and Activities: Throughout her talk, Hill incorporates interactive polls to keep the audience engaged and illustrate her points, making the session lively and relatable. Practical tips such as assigning buddies for new hires, conducting regular check-ins, and the value of semi-regular meetings were highlighted to optimize onboarding experiences.

  • Conclusion: Hill wraps up her presentation by underscoring the need for a supportive team environment that values mentorship as an integral part of the development process. Cultivating a diverse team offers different perspectives and fosters collective problem-solving, which is crucial for a conducive learning and working environment.

One of the beautiful things about software engineering is that we’re always learning. At all career stages, there are always new gems, open source tools, and company-specific tech stacks to get up to speed on. It can be overwhelming sometimes! The good news is that there are concrete strategies you can use to make plunging into a new project an exciting rush (rather than a panic-inducing nightmare). With a little bit of focus put into the right areas, you can help every new team member- from the most junior dev to top dog seniors- jump in and contribute faster.

RailsConf 2023

00:00:20.240 anxiously watching the clock we're officially at 3 30. so
00:00:25.260 we'll go ahead and get started don't worry there's plenty of fluff so if people filter in that's fine so welcome
00:00:32.220 to Deep End diving getting up to speed on new code bases I am Allison Hill and
00:00:37.559 I'm going to be sharing kind of like a little bit of an interdisciplinary focus on what are some things that you or your
00:00:45.000 team can do to make the onboarding process easier and smoother for new hires at whatever level they may be at
00:00:52.739 so to kick things off I'll share a little bit about my personal background so in 2019 I graduated with a BS in
00:01:01.980 Neuroscience from Trinity University I dabbled in computer science a little bit math was a little bit scarier than
00:01:07.320 organic chemistry so I stuck with the life sciences thing and my first full-time job outside of
00:01:14.580 college was with the children's learning Institute at University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston I worked on a
00:01:21.540 couple of different research projects predominantly focused in the early childhood education sphere so language
00:01:28.080 acquisition early stem skills and so I really enjoyed it but in Spring
00:01:36.180 of 2022 I wanted to get into something a little bit more Technical and I did the
00:01:42.000 Flatiron School boot camp program intermixed with all this I was doing some freelance curriculum writing
00:01:48.299 teaching music lessons really just kind of looking at everything through an educational lens and as of eight months
00:01:56.579 ago today I started as a junior developer on the product team at which is an international
00:02:02.040 SAS company that does scheduling timesheets payroll Etc and we so basically I know a thing or
00:02:10.979 two about learning and also I have been on boarded in the past year so that's super super fresh and I have some
00:02:18.180 feelings on it so even though I feel pretty knowledgeable in this area I sent
00:02:23.940 out an informal survey to some of my friends and colleagues who are working in the tech space just to kind of make
00:02:30.720 sure that I'm not totally like giving advice on something that's like way far
00:02:36.060 out there in outer space so 20 people responded and basically I
00:02:42.120 was interested in what sorts of tools do you find most helpful when you're learning something new
00:02:47.340 and also which ones do you find absolutely not that you really don't enjoy using at all
00:02:54.060 um and so just for a little bit of context off to the right those percentages are the percentages of the
00:03:00.000 total number of people who've responded so um it was a multi-select so people could
00:03:05.400 select multiple tools and a couple of patterns stood out so first is that
00:03:11.760 collaboration is pretty popular of the top four most popular responses two of
00:03:18.360 them involved some form of collaboration like pair programming or just asking someone questions and clarification on
00:03:26.400 what you're working on the other thing is that people have a love-hate relationship with documentation it was
00:03:34.019 the most popular and also the least popular and then also people tend to use
00:03:39.180 a lot of other miscellaneous online resources like Google YouTube videos guided help tutorials so all of those
00:03:46.440 are wonderful helpful things um and so I also asked some more open-ended
00:03:53.400 questions about what was helpful and then what sucked what was absolutely
00:03:59.099 not helpful which kind of helped corroborated my own experience a lot of things were
00:04:06.120 relatively similar to things that I had personally experienced and it helped me narrow down some themes so these kind of
00:04:14.099 main areas that we're going to discuss some strategies in today are Stress
00:04:19.680 Management consistent patterns and mentorship
00:04:25.080 so the First theme Stress Management is striking a balance between stimulation and stress
00:04:30.900 so one of the first things I want to do is make sure that we have a whole common understanding of what stress actually is
00:04:38.639 so I feel like a lot of us tend to think of stress as like an emotion or a feeling like I'm feeling so stressed I'm
00:04:44.160 like anxious I'm worked up but it's actually a Cascade of effects in
00:04:49.500 response to a stressful event so it's not just in your brain it's also in your body
00:04:55.199 and so basically what happens is there's some sort of threat it can either be physical like getting eaten by a tiger
00:05:02.220 or it can be perceived like giving a presentation in front of a bunch of people that you don't know at a national
00:05:08.220 conference and so then kind of what happens there's this real or perceived
00:05:13.919 threat that activates your stress response so in your brain that looks like neurotransmitters up regulating so like
00:05:22.080 making some parts of your brain more active and making other regions of your brain less active through neurons
00:05:28.620 communicating with each other through neurotransmitters this also kind of
00:05:34.740 results in a release of like different stress hormones so stress hormones are
00:05:40.860 basically these little molecules that are going around circulating throughout the bloodstream and communicating with the other regions of your body to kind
00:05:47.460 of get you into that fight or flight response that I'm sure we're all familiar with like increasing your blood
00:05:52.800 pressure so that there's more blood circulating increasing the amount of blood sugar in your blood so that your
00:05:58.139 muscles are ready to go upping your heart rate slowing down digestion and
00:06:03.539 the main part that I want to stress with this is that it takes a while after the initial stressful event even after
00:06:08.940 emotionally you're feeling a little bit more put together if you had to really come down and get back to like your
00:06:14.100 homeostasis your normal Baseline and stress is not inherently bad it's
00:06:21.539 evolutionarily advantageous it can help you kind of direct your attention especially if it's something that like
00:06:27.180 you need to pay attention to visually or if you're listening out for particular noises or sounds but it also interrupts
00:06:36.000 learning and particularly creativity so stress impairs your ability to
00:06:43.139 retrieve memories and also updating memories kind of once you have them in your working memory space
00:06:50.699 um and it also kind of stress nudges your brain towards these more rigid
00:06:56.520 habitual learning rather than more cognitive flexible learning taking complex pieces of information and
00:07:02.699 putting them together so I'm sure you know if there's like crazy things going
00:07:08.520 on in an emergency situation it's a lot easier to do mechanical rote things like CPR than it is to
00:07:16.139 do complex calculus problems or create a new programming app and part of the reason for this is that
00:07:23.759 stress lowers activation in the prefrontal cortex so that's the part of your brain that's responsible for planning complex thinking directing
00:07:32.280 conscious attention and what this means is you're going to be working harder to kind of direct your attention but you're
00:07:39.479 not necessarily going to have more to show for it you're not going to have more productivity or more
00:07:47.819 like less mistakes so the good news is we're not getting eaten by tigers so the types of
00:07:54.660 stressors that we're facing in our workplace when we're onboarding are heavily influenced by our perception of
00:08:00.599 the stressful event or environment like worrying about if we're going to be perceived negatively by team members or
00:08:07.620 if we're doing a good job imposter syndrome all of these sorts of sources of stress are things that can be
00:08:13.380 modulated by our perception of them and we can minimize some of those cognitive
00:08:18.539 impacts of stress by tackling some of those so some sources of stress that
00:08:23.759 we're going to do our best to mitigate our imposter syndrome communication breakdowns overwhelm all of those sorts
00:08:31.680 of things and there are some concrete things that we can do about these
00:08:36.959 so some critical components of imposter syndrome are having a difficulty recognizing your own achievements as
00:08:43.020 something that's a result of your efforts and not luck or coincidence
00:08:48.420 so in a workplace environment what some mitigation strategies that you can do are just Define what does success look
00:08:55.080 like so one of the most helpful metrics of success that I was given by one of my
00:09:03.300 co-workers who is my wonderful Mentor is that in a more kind of corporate
00:09:11.820 environment and compared to Academia where my background is Success looks like delivering values for customers
00:09:17.040 delivering things that are useful that help make their life easier through
00:09:23.459 using our product my team is also very wonderful about public recognition so
00:09:28.800 when people ship a new feature or are very helpful in the QA process or provide really solid feedback they're
00:09:35.399 really wonderful about publicly shouting that out and kind of almost forcing that recognition in a positive way and then
00:09:42.420 also giving feedback what people are doing well also managing stress comes in and just
00:09:49.500 setting people up to succeed so what this looks like is supporting resources like documentation
00:09:57.060 or if you have any sort of like onboarding videos mentorship just setting clear
00:10:02.700 expectations so that people know what is expected of them what they should be delivering on so that they can kind of
00:10:09.240 self-regulate a little bit more and feel confident that they're doing what they're supposed to and ramp up tasks so not entirely
00:10:16.260 tossing people in the deep end but kind of having a game plan and a progression of difficulty of the sorts of tasks that
00:10:23.640 new employees are working on um Team support is also really important because another part of imposter
00:10:29.580 syndrome is feeling really alone and kind of siled or singled out and so if
00:10:34.980 your team is full of diverse perspectives a lot of different people that come from a lot of different backgrounds a lot of the ways that we
00:10:41.580 tend to think about diversity I think are kind of the demographic tick marks but also diversity of experience is also
00:10:47.640 a facet of diversity so for example my team has a mix of people that are from
00:10:52.680 boot camp programs and from traditional CS programs and it's really wonderful because we tend to look at things just a
00:10:58.860 little bit differently and how that helps us make a stronger product overall also feedback and checkpoints so that
00:11:06.300 people are able to course correct a little bit earlier if they need to or just are getting the validation that
00:11:12.660 they're right on track and they're doing exactly what they're supposed to and then also collaborations that's looks
00:11:18.240 like things like when you're collaborating with one of your more senior team members you're
00:11:24.300 getting to see their process for the way that they do things and being a little
00:11:29.700 bit less stuck in your own head because you're working with someone else now
00:11:35.279 this next part is going to be a little bit fun are you all tired of sitting and listening to talks a little bit we're at
00:11:40.500 the like tail end of the last day so if you would like to participate you're obviously not required to but stand up
00:11:46.740 for a moment and we're going to do a little bit of a polling activity so just
00:11:52.260 to kind of lay out how things are going to go um I'm going to show you a pattern there's
00:11:58.320 going to be a fill in the blank for one of the options y'all will move to this side if you vote
00:12:03.779 for that option if you think it's the other one you can move to this side I will tell you which side don't stress
00:12:08.880 about memorizing but thumbs up feeling good about it cool awesome so first one
00:12:17.399 we have a Blackfish a gray fish like tealish fish do we think it is the
00:12:26.220 purple fish or the whale so for fish this side whale this side
00:12:33.300 I'll give you all a moment to move to move all right
00:12:38.700 so yes as a reminder fish this side whale this side
00:12:44.820 all right cool it's looking like fish is probably the winner
00:12:50.279 anyone want to share why they think it's the fish you can yeah there's other fish exactly
00:12:57.899 we're all so smart yes it's the fish the fish is what comes next in our little
00:13:03.660 pattern amazing all right I have good news we have another one and this one's
00:13:08.820 a little bit more challenging so it's going to be a little bit more fun so we have a penguin a platypus a
00:13:17.399 peacock and then next up do we think it is the duck or whoop
00:13:22.980 oh okay cool so all right so we've got a penguin a
00:13:29.519 platypus a peacock team duck this side team polar bear this side
00:13:38.700 all right so we've got yes so duck
00:13:44.639 do we want to any uh feel free to play Devil's Advocate if you like um duck over here polar bear over here
00:13:55.560 oh okay all right so
00:14:00.660 yes okay so team duck oh I am so sorry okay
00:14:09.180 I am not doing a fantastic job of following following good patterns today all right so final verdict team deck
00:14:16.500 team polar bear would someone from Team duck like to share why duck
00:14:25.139 bills beaks all right solid answer solid answer team polar bear yes
00:14:36.060 very wow that's what I didn't think of that's amazing Okay so
00:14:49.440 patterns uh that I've been working with lately especially after this presentation is polar bear patterns
00:14:54.899 polar bear patterns are not inherently your enemy but they're the ones that are you know sort of ambiguous like you're
00:15:01.199 looking at it and there's multiple different ways that you could be interpreting this pattern you're sure that there's a structure and an order
00:15:07.440 somewhere but you're not quite sure exactly what it is or you give it your best guess and
00:15:13.560 then someone else on your team says actually no that's not the pattern but smart smart attempt
00:15:20.940 um so what this looks like in practice is documenting your thought process PR
00:15:28.019 bodies are a wonderful place for this kind of elaborating more on why choices are being made even if it's pretty
00:15:34.860 obvious yes please sit down I'm definitely not going to make y'all stand for the rest of the talk
00:15:40.500 um so PR bodies are a great place for this just providing more context on why
00:15:47.399 choices are being made even if it's pretty obvious what the pattern is blogs a lot of companies use blogs to
00:15:54.120 provide a little bit more insight into particular features or new things that they're learning also in my informal
00:16:00.360 survey of my friends and colleagues bad documents were the number one complaint across the board and probably a reason
00:16:06.899 for why people have such a love-hate relationship with documentation is sometimes it's really wonderful and
00:16:12.180 helpful and sometimes it is absolutely terrible and not helpful at all also
00:16:18.839 readable patterns are really important so that's something that we really value as people who are Ruby developers is
00:16:26.220 making sure that our code is readable and even if you're not the most advanced
00:16:31.560 deaf on the planet being able to more or less follow what's going on and sometimes this looks like
00:16:37.680 conscientious use of rails magic just because conventions kind of change over
00:16:43.440 time so just making sure that we're going for something that's
00:16:49.860 readable for our future selves and not just ourselves that are working on it and present also just providing some
00:16:56.459 context for which versions of various tools you're using so my team is on the
00:17:01.860 current version of rails but react our stack there is split a little bit between some older syntax and some of
00:17:08.579 the newer syntax and so it's really helpful to be able to go back and be like oh this isn't total nonsense
00:17:13.740 they're just using an older syntax that I'm familiar with also tests tests are not just good at telling
00:17:21.900 you when you break things that's their primary purpose but it also provides if they're well written some insight into
00:17:28.740 the intended behavior of various parts of your product or your project and of
00:17:35.039 course there's the obvious of that they break when you break that intended Behavior so writing good tests writing
00:17:42.059 descriptive tests is also really important in kind of establishing those patterns
00:17:48.780 finally we are getting to one of the more fun
00:17:54.240 things is that Teamwork Makes the team work so
00:17:59.580 of everybody that I surveyed of most people that I've talked to this past week
00:18:05.280 the most helpful activity when onboarding was coding with a more experienced buddy and something I kind
00:18:11.400 of want to touch on that some of the other talks have also touched on this week is that more experienced buddy does
00:18:17.160 not inherently mean a senior Dev it can just mean someone who's more familiar with that particular part of the code
00:18:22.919 base it could mean someone who's just more familiar with that particular tool and this is something that just
00:18:30.320 overwhelmingly everybody considered the most helpful thing and also
00:18:37.740 it adds value for your team so it can help everyone grow whether
00:18:43.380 it's the person who's in more of the explaining teaching role or the person who's in The Learning role it really
00:18:50.940 kind of helps bring up everybody's understanding of whatever topic it is
00:18:56.660 and also it can be really helpful for catching those polar bear patterns so
00:19:02.100 something that I've encountered a lot is ambiguous naming usually is the biggest
00:19:07.740 culprit and sometimes I'm like hey I'm not really understanding like what the pattern is here I think I get what's
00:19:14.820 going on but I'm not quite sure why it's set up that way and you know do you want me to follow it
00:19:21.240 do you want me to kind of maybe see if I can come up with something better and the number of times that I've heard yeah
00:19:28.140 I don't know why we did it that way like that's kind of a silly way of doing it looking back retrospectively that's kind
00:19:33.600 of ambiguous it doesn't describe that well what's actually going on has happened a lot more a lot more times so
00:19:40.140 sometimes it's because you're new and you don't quite know what's going on yet and then sometimes it's just because it's a polar bear pattern and it's a
00:19:47.520 little bit silly to have it set up that way um also finally everybody has something
00:19:53.880 to offer and diverse perspectives make a stronger product so when you have more
00:19:59.220 people looking at a problem from more different angles you're able to catch more of those edge cases you're able to
00:20:05.100 consider different ways that other people might look at things and more proactively plan for the ways that
00:20:10.860 people might be using your product even if it's outside of the way that you expect or intend people to it also helps
00:20:18.179 you kind of kick imposter syndrome out the door because you're not just trying
00:20:24.059 to fit in with like one particular kind of developer or one particular kind of person you're on a part of a team and so
00:20:32.400 it's really hard to feel singled out if you have a relatively diverse team who
00:20:37.980 have different levels of experience who have different perspectives who have different backgrounds different educational backgrounds
00:20:44.640 all sorts of wonderful things and so
00:20:51.960 what this looks like in practice so when you're actually in the workplace and
00:20:57.660 you're trying to figure out how are we going to get this teamwork thing even more deeply Incorporated what are some
00:21:04.380 of the things that we might Target so one thing that I personally have found
00:21:10.140 really helpful and what I've heard some other people mention is helpful also is just having an assigned buddy or a
00:21:16.679 project point of contact so having either a list or an actual individual
00:21:22.320 name of who you're supposed to bother about this sort of thing when you run into ambiguities when you're not quite
00:21:28.559 sure exactly what the next step should be that's really helpful especially if
00:21:35.039 you're a new person and you're like me and you're kind of anxious and you don't want to you know hop around on little
00:21:43.919 side quests trying to get to the person that you're actually is going to be able to give you the information that you
00:21:50.039 need it's really helpful to know exactly who to go to preferably if it's a relatively small
00:21:56.700 number of people but that's wonderful and amazing also
00:22:02.220 semi-regular check-in meetings so occasionally we end up in the flame dog territory where we're working really
00:22:10.320 hard we're kind of worried about other people perceiving us as
00:22:16.380 not technically proficient as you know lacking in some area really
00:22:23.220 worried about feeling kind of stupid and looking stupid in front of other people who just hired us
00:22:28.919 um and so sometimes we prolong asking for help a little bit too long and it's overall less efficient for the team but
00:22:37.200 you still have those very very real feelings that are hard to work around when you have semi-regular check-in
00:22:43.500 meetings it helps kind of eliminate some of that stress because you have a built-in time to ask for help to share what's going on
00:22:50.400 to share what's going well to share what you might be struggling with and so something that one of my teammates and I
00:22:56.280 implemented there's a month of the year where my company goes entirely remote
00:23:01.620 so I didn't have as much Hands-On support as I was used to having for the first like three or four months that I
00:23:06.840 was at my job and we basically sent a morning slack message to each other and would give a
00:23:14.520 brief outline just super super short bullet points what we were planning on working that day if there was anything
00:23:20.100 that we thought might get in our way of getting done what we need to get done and then just some sort of
00:23:26.700 office water cooler Chit Chat type thing you know to keep a little bit of social elements in there too so it's not just
00:23:33.780 like we're talking of robots all day because we do enough of that just coding
00:23:45.240 of that back after we all came back in person and now my team has very very
00:23:50.400 short weekly meetings where we just say hey this is what I'm working on this week this is what I think might block me
00:23:57.240 and then we move on hold things over in like 30 minutes or less usually and it's
00:24:02.700 a fun little show and tell so you get to stay in touch with what your teammates are working on and you also kind of get
00:24:08.280 to proactively Prime people like hey I'm probably going to be asking for a code review in the next couple of days so that hopefully someone can clear up a
00:24:14.220 little bit of time on their schedule and you can keep things moving forward pair programming as ever people have a
00:24:20.760 little bit of mixed feelings on peer programming sometimes but also a lot of people that's a very helpful thing it's
00:24:28.140 really helpful even if you're not necessarily the one driving and you're
00:24:33.840 just kind of the junior Dev who's sitting there watching the more senior Dev work through their process show you
00:24:39.539 shortcuts that you didn't know existed learning about new resources and where
00:24:44.580 to find them that you also didn't know existed it is super super helpful
00:24:53.760 kind of also like a little bit of a training wheels approach is also really helpful so as I'm sure we're all aware you kind
00:25:02.340 of learn things pretty fast you start out maybe not knowing that
00:25:07.559 much or not feeling super confident and you're able to ramp up pretty quickly so
00:25:13.080 instituting an approach where you're not you're giving people opportunities to
00:25:20.400 progress to take progressively more control over the projects that they're working on giving people Progressive
00:25:27.120 more autonomy so it's not this sort of extreme totally in the deep end or like
00:25:33.000 working on minor UI bug fixes for a while until we trust that you won't
00:25:38.220 break the code base and this more sort of gradual approach as much as you can
00:25:44.760 support as a team um and also you can do asynchronous collaboration too A lot of these that
00:25:51.120 I've tended to talk about are a lot more person-to-person time focused but PRS PR comments are also a really wonderful way
00:25:59.100 to facilitate some collaboration a little bit more asynchronously so my
00:26:05.039 team is spread across three different time zones we have an office in Australia we have an office in the UK we
00:26:10.860 have an office in the U.S and so we do a lot of asynchronous collaboration with the other teams
00:26:18.080 primarily through code review especially if we're working on features that interact between multiple ones
00:26:25.020 and it's really helpful to have someone from an entire an entirely different
00:26:30.480 team in an entirely different country who has a different product focused at the moment to give you some feedback and
00:26:37.559 some code review on what you're working on because it even helps shake things up
00:26:42.720 a little bit more so overall the thing that I really would like to impress is not treating
00:26:49.679 mentorship and sort of facilitating the growth of your new team members as a cherry on top as a nice thing to do as a
00:26:56.880 thing that's you know wonderful but not necessarily as important as getting the code written
00:27:04.140 getting the code shipped making sure that we've got you know all sorts of things going out the door and it's more
00:27:11.640 of the whole ice cream cone so maybe in your next product Sprint
00:27:17.700 focusing on devoting some time to having a more senior
00:27:23.400 person on your team pair with a more Junior and that's an intentional part of their schedule broken so
00:27:29.820 schedule built in so that it's not adding more onto the senior devs plate
00:27:36.059 it's something that's baked in it's part of the process and it'll pay off long
00:27:41.460 run not only for the junior Dev or the Newbie on the team that you're mentoring
00:27:46.620 but the team overall because you'll be able to keep everybody moving
00:27:52.620 forward um cool so that just about wraps it up I
00:27:58.740 would like to give a few acknowledgments before opening it up to questions I would like to thank my friends and
00:28:03.900 colleagues at for putting up with my survey nerdness and
00:28:10.559 actually providing me some valuable tools and feedback rails conference 2023 for allowing me to talk at my first
00:28:17.400 railsconf and for all the wonderful public domain images and also
00:28:23.340 all of you for helping support my first time doing this and listening to me talk
00:28:29.220 and yes now I does anyone have any questions
00:28:35.039 also I have some Neuroscience articles and some fun article things Linked In the slides which I will share of course
00:28:41.600 if you have any questions on those I'm happy to talk about Neuroscience all day
00:28:46.980 um yeah any questions yes I am so excited that you asked this
00:28:52.799 question thank you so much so the question was just surrounding what about the scary thing in the corner that
00:28:58.380 nobody's really familiar with and nobody really touches especially if you're working on a bigger code base that has a whole bunch of Legacy code
00:29:05.159 um so actually I was a little bit in this boat a couple months ago I was building an integration with one of my
00:29:11.400 more Senior Team mentors who also had not worked on an integration yet so we
00:29:16.860 were kind of stumbling through the dark together and it still provided a lot of
00:29:22.580 value for her because she wasn't carrying the whole load I was able to do some things
00:29:29.100 I was also able to dig in research try to figure out what's going on look at
00:29:35.039 other examples in the code base and bring that side to the table and for me
00:29:42.960 it was really valuable to watch the way that she approached all of those same tasks and we could talk to each other
00:29:50.700 see where there might be gaps in our understanding or where we had looked at the same thing and seen something
00:29:57.419 different and overall I would say that it's still
00:30:02.700 a very valuable experience and probably moves things along a little bit more efficiently at the very least as a
00:30:09.720 junior Dev you can be a rubber duck sometimes that's also a way to contribute or just
00:30:17.340 asking clarifying questions so that you know we're clear on why we're doing
00:30:23.159 things a particular way
00:30:28.559 so the question was surrounding the differences in mentorship experiences
00:30:36.360 from my educational psychology background versus as a
00:30:43.559 coding background so with
00:30:49.320 coding it feels a lot more peer-to-peer because there's not as large of an
00:30:55.140 experience gap between me and the people who are a little bit higher than me in
00:31:00.659 the hierarchy we're doing basically the same job so that helps first of all in
00:31:08.520 educational psychology basically the hierarchy just to give a little bit of an overview is there's the person with a
00:31:14.039 PhD who's designing the studies making a lot of the decisions on the structure of
00:31:19.980 things writing the proposals writing the papers doing the presentations
00:31:25.820 then there's the project manager who's doing more of the administrative day-to-day stuff reaching out to people
00:31:31.679 participating in the study organizing the RAS making sure that everything's moving forward kind of more analogous to
00:31:39.120 a team lead developer that role and then I was the one who was actually out in
00:31:44.340 the field collecting the data prepping presentations actually
00:31:51.960 interacting with the people so that was a little bit more hierarchical and it
00:31:59.039 kind of gave me more of a preview in career potential career introductories but it wasn't as peer-to-peer as my
00:32:06.779 experience with mentorship in um developing us
00:32:14.159 thank you all right any any other questions
00:32:20.940 or anything anybody's curious about perspective on more pocketed
00:32:26.840 understandings of things versus a more holistic View
00:32:33.419 um so something that complicates that is like working on a larger code base it's
00:32:38.940 kind of inherent if you've got like a massive Ruby monolith that no one on
00:32:44.580 your team has touched every single piece of um I would say what's been helpful with
00:32:52.440 that is just talking to my team members about what they're working on or even if I'm not giving them a green light to
00:32:59.880 merge their PR into our Master Branch at least looking at them when they come through kind of noting or making
00:33:06.600 comments where I have questions about why things are this way and then overall
00:33:12.360 just being less afraid of asking other people clarifying questions I've actually
00:33:18.659 learned a lot from talking to our chief strategy officer who's not a Dev himself but has a fair understanding of the Ruby
00:33:25.559 language and it put together some pieces of PR that I had worked on a couple
00:33:30.659 weeks ago and I'm like I wish I had talked to you earlier because this makes so much more sense now
00:33:37.380 so talking to people is great and really helpful everybody ready to
00:33:44.039 wrap it up and check out the keynote speaker all right cool thank you again so much
00:33:49.440 for your time I will be sharing the slides I will be linking in all of the Articles and