
Dismantling Dystopian Futures with Humane Factories

Dismantling Dystopian Futures with Humane Factories

by Anthony Navarre

In his talk titled "Dismantling Dystopian Futures with Humane Factories" at RubyConf 2021, Anthony Navarre explores how to integrate humanity into software engineering practices, particularly through the use of factories in Ruby. The talk centers around the need for inclusivity and human-centered designs within technical environments, inspired by the values of diversity and empathy found in the Star Trek series.

Key points discussed in the video include:

- Humanity in Engineering: Navarre emphasizes the importance of inclusivity in hiring and the human connection within products, asserting that data should serve and improve human lives.
- Factory Bot Introduction: He briefly explains Factory Bot as a tool for generating sample data for Ruby tests, laying the groundwork for his discussion on how it can be used more creatively.
- Applying the DRY Principle: Navarre highlights how the Dry principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) can extend beyond code to operational systems, ensuring sample data generation remains manageable and efficient.
- Three Pillars for Humane Factories: The talk identifies three key characteristics for humane factories: Clean, Common, and Creative. Clean factories refer to reducing complexity and ensuring immediate response when asking for sample data. Common denotes using a shared language among colleagues to aid communication and collaboration. Creative encourages using factories for unorthodox purposes beyond their original intent, like UX research and persona development.
- Using Personas: Navarre discusses the significance of personas in UX design and how integrating them into the development process fosters a better understanding of user needs, leading to more thoughtful designs.
- Innovative Applications: Several creative uses for factories are presented, including seeding databases and facilitating end-to-end tests which allow for scalability and adaptability in software development.

In conclusion, Navarre advocates for practices that keep in mind the humanity behind engineering tasks, encouraging developers to think creatively and inclusively in their use of technologies like Factory Bot. This alignment between technical capabilities and user-centered approaches can prevent the emergence of dystopian outcomes in software development.

Overall, the main takeaway from the talk is the call for humanity in tech and how it can be concretely achieved through thoughtful practices, ensuring that the software we create serves the people it’s meant to benefit.

The terminal glowed a sickly pale green, reflecting in her lenses. “What do you mean, RecordInvalid?” she scoffed, and set to the task of debugging the factory. Hairs stood up on her neck as she realized the implications of her findings — she could practically smell the corrosion, but it was nobody’s fault. It was everyone’s fault. Data was long ago divorced from the human lives they were intended to improve. Dmitry bolted upright in a sweat. She was safe at home — it was all a dream, at least for now. There was still time. She started her morning routine, but breakfast was the last thing on her mind. She didn’t know all the factors, but she knew where to begin. Join me in this whimsical exploration of some not-so-whimsical tactics to put your test factories to work in some unconventional ways.

RubyConf 2021

00:00:10.639 okay hello rubyconf thanks for coming uh
00:00:16.400 this talk is dismantling dystopian futures with humane factories
00:00:21.840 uh my name is anthony navarre i am an engineer at homebot where our
00:00:28.080 mission is to empower people to build wealth through home ownership
00:00:33.360 i'm a tech lead on the starfleet team uh i'll i'll mention a little bit later about why
00:00:39.360 that name is important in the context of this talk also an amateur home chef and artist
00:00:46.239 uh my wife and i live full-time in an rv and uh i'm not handy so that comes with its own
00:00:53.120 engineering challenges uh and i'm also a new dad so he's six
00:00:58.800 months old and so i'm pretty low on sleep like all the time so this is about to get a little bit
00:01:04.799 weird perhaps apologies for that uh the lion emoji that's aspirational
00:01:12.320 uh so so why did we choose the name starfleet for our team
00:01:17.840 uh we we have a team day exercise that we regularly do within uh our our team uh and we decided
00:01:25.360 to rename ourselves uh i won't get into the the history there um
00:01:30.479 but a big theme that kept coming up in our aspirations exercises
00:01:35.680 uh aspiration what aspirations do you have for yourself and what aspirations do you have for your team a big word that came up time and time
00:01:42.320 again was inclusivity i grew up with the next generation which
00:01:48.479 is the second series of the star trek tv series but those of you who are familiar with
00:01:54.159 the series uh the original series uh it it kind of broke some boundaries
00:02:01.040 back in the day and um it was it it did a some fantastic work including uh women
00:02:08.160 and people of color as main characters in the the narrative of the show
00:02:15.520 and that was unheard of at the time and lots of other reasons why i like star trek but um but that's kind of one
00:02:23.360 of the ties in into what we're talking about here today
00:02:28.560 when asked about the star trek series from the creator gene roddenberry
00:02:35.280 in uh inside star trek which is a documentary interview style
00:02:41.680 that was done in 1976 ron berry's creator said that star trek was an attempt to say that
00:02:47.840 humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to
00:02:53.200 tolerate but to take special delight in differences in ideas
00:02:58.800 and differences in life forms and and that really resonates with me
00:03:04.480 um this is our our team i'm really proud of them uh uh we don't
00:03:10.480 actually wear uniforms at work um so this this whole inclusivity and um a
00:03:18.319 focus on humanity is a real big part of uh who we are at homebot
00:03:23.920 uh for instance when we when we hire for people we're hiring for for the person that we're hiring and
00:03:30.560 secondarily to tech skills um we want people who are
00:03:36.319 are hungry as servant leaders and inspired when they are learning
00:03:43.920 and we also make this same bet on humanity in our product so
00:03:49.840 the loan officers and real estate agents who are our customers um we're making a bet that the digest
00:03:57.280 that we send out to their customers the homeowners that
00:04:02.560 yes of course accuracy of the data and what we're presenting that's really important in fact that's
00:04:08.640 table stakes but what's really important is that we facilitate a connection a human
00:04:14.480 connection between our customer and their customers uh that we we help them to manage that
00:04:21.759 relationship so uh as for for this talk of course i want
00:04:29.280 to talk about humanity um and i want to talk about how we try to bring humanity to one of the smallest
00:04:35.759 things we do as engineers and and that has to do with our our sample data that we use in factories
00:04:43.120 i really enjoyed matt's keynote where he talked about one of his slides was about how ruby is a human-oriented
00:04:50.080 language and that really resonates with me so i want to talk about how
00:04:55.360 at home bot we're making our factories more human oriented
00:05:02.720 how will we apply the drive principle do not repeat yourself
00:05:07.919 but not just how we're applying that principle on the code level but how we're applying that principle
00:05:15.199 on larger operational systems um that aren't actually necessarily tied to the
00:05:21.520 code um i also want to talk about how we use uh we're using factories in some
00:05:28.000 new unorthodox ways for us um that are a little bit outside of the purview of how factory bot was um
00:05:35.440 was set up originally to solve including ux research and personas
00:05:43.680 so some of the takeaways that i hope that you guys are able to to come away with are i hope you're able to
00:05:50.400 copy us and and apply some of these things to your own data systems
00:05:55.680 but i hope you find ways to apply other principles to
00:06:02.720 higher order systems maybe other solid design principles uh maybe something out of this talk
00:06:09.039 rings a bell for you and you're like i could i could use the open close principle to how i manage my ci systems
00:06:15.120 i don't know uh one thing i won't do uh is is i i won't
00:06:21.440 include statistics or data about how these uh these practices have uh shaped or evolved uh what we do at
00:06:29.039 homebot uh this is more about some things we're trying out and and hoping that you guys
00:06:35.280 can get some mileage out of them too so uh let's talk about some code
00:06:41.120 uh by show of hands who here has never used factory bot
00:06:49.199 okay who here has never heard of factory bot okay
00:06:54.720 so i'll give a very kind of brief uh description of what it's here for and
00:07:01.120 what we use it for to try to make sure we're all on the even keel here so
00:07:06.639 you're you're writing tests for your ruby code and you need some sample data
00:07:12.400 one of the ways that you might go about getting that sample data set up is just with plain old active record
00:07:19.120 instantiation here i have a contrived example about
00:07:24.400 books so in this test example we're expecting
00:07:30.479 uh this book record to be compelling if the author record has the experience flag of true
00:07:36.639 uh so so here we're just instantiating uh author and book our active model
00:07:42.840 records directly in the test nothing wrong with it here but if if your test if your system is growing over time
00:07:49.680 chances are it might eventually grow to look something like this uh the the book model here has grown
00:07:56.720 over time such that we have all these other attributes that are required in order for that model to be valid perhaps
00:08:03.280 we have a title presence check that's needed on on book and that there needs to be at least
00:08:10.639 one publisher at least one chapter right the detail here about experienced the
00:08:17.039 author being experienced it's still there but it gets lost in all this noise so it's not as clear
00:08:23.599 what it is that's important to our system under test here so one of the things you might reach for
00:08:30.960 especially if you've just booted up a fresh rails app you might decide i'm going to use fixtures fixtures is
00:08:36.640 something that you can use right out of the box and you might use a yaml file to
00:08:43.680 provide some canned sample data here's a list of some ruby books
00:08:49.120 that you might find in a books yaml file and the test looks pretty similar
00:08:54.800 where now we're sampling that data instead of uh providing like literal values in the
00:09:01.760 um by instantiating the active model records directly we're pulling them out
00:09:06.800 of the fixtures data but you'll notice here that we've lost the experienced true
00:09:14.320 attribute we're no longer passing it on you have to kind of keep both the yaml file and the the test up in order to
00:09:20.959 know so so this this is kind of the problem that factory bot
00:09:27.360 solves um you can define all of those default
00:09:32.399 attributes that are needed in a separate factory file and then in your test
00:09:38.640 you use either build or create depending on whether you want to instantiate a new record or instantiate
00:09:46.160 and save it to the database but the important part here is that build or create
00:09:52.720 method that's going to automatically give you back uh an active model instance that has all of
00:09:58.880 those defaults that were declared in the factory but it also accepts overrides right so
00:10:05.200 that experience true flag that doesn't get lost anymore and we have it right there ready to go it's easy to tell from the
00:10:11.839 test what's important uh to what you're testing any questions before i keep going
00:10:20.000 okay cool all right so so this is this is part of a larger diagram that
00:10:26.880 i'll i'll show the entire thing but this is the little corner that factories were
00:10:32.399 originally set up to solve for is that you you use them in your specs to get some sample data going
00:10:38.959 um and hopefully it's it's clear that that already we're applying that dry principle of
00:10:44.720 don't repeat yourself in that if i'm doing several different tests
00:10:49.920 that need to interact with these same models i don't need to provide those same
00:10:55.600 boilerplate required details and every single time i instantiate a book right
00:11:00.880 so what i want to talk about here though is is how how
00:11:06.240 we're applying that dry principle not just your tests not just your specs
00:11:11.279 but how we apply them to some higher order systems like let's say for instance our newest team member on on the
00:11:18.399 starfleet team his name is andy and he needs to get his machine set up so what do you need you need sample data
00:11:25.360 in order to run run the app as it's intended um
00:11:30.720 or perhaps in your qa environment you need to you've you're done building the the new feature and you've shipped
00:11:37.200 it off to a qa server again you need the sample data there
00:11:42.720 um so you shouldn't have to go and manually
00:11:48.160 set up that data over and over again um so yeah so here's some of those those
00:11:54.720 questions that come in your qa automations team might say we need the sample data to run our end-to-end tests
00:12:00.800 and ensure integrity there right so
00:12:07.200 so what do i mean by humane factories uh so i i have these these three uh clean
00:12:14.480 common and creative just as like a a mental rubric to to keep it in mind
00:12:22.000 in order for a factory to be humane i think we need to talk a little bit about what does it mean to have humanity
00:12:27.920 um why is clean on this list well uh if if you doubt at all
00:12:34.320 that cleanliness is required for humanity to happen of course you can just put just a little
00:12:40.000 bit of filth on your nose then go out in public and see how quickly humanity evaporates right it
00:12:46.880 just takes a little bit so so things need to be clean and common here what i
00:12:52.560 refer what i'm using that word here is referring to the things we share in common and the ways that we
00:12:59.279 work together as humans to achieve common goals so as it relates to factories having common
00:13:06.320 language is really important so i'm going to get into that in a minute and i say i suggest that
00:13:13.360 by way of setting up your factory to be clean and common that will enable them to be used in more
00:13:19.920 creative ways outside of their original intention uh so so what i mean what do i mean more
00:13:26.399 specifically by clean factories um let's say for instance i i ask you
00:13:32.639 give me an example of an author and you say well what kind of author
00:13:38.000 i might think that you're just being a jerk right but our systems are even worse if you've
00:13:43.600 got a system that is uh invalid by default right like if you
00:13:48.880 need to provide additional attributes to create that author uh and you didn't provide them
00:13:56.000 then you're gonna get an active record record invalid error the moment you try to do this um and that's just rude and lacks
00:14:03.120 humanity right if i'm asking you give me an example of something um maybe in a given
00:14:09.360 context you might need more more details uh about what i'm asking for but generally speaking uh
00:14:16.560 in order for it to have humanity uh i ask you something go ahead and give it to me all right so um
00:14:22.800 so factorybot provides a utility to help us manage this
00:14:28.079 over time uh right in the factory bots getting started on the repo there's a
00:14:34.240 a section on how to do linting for factories so over time you don't necessarily need
00:14:40.240 to check these manually we have a rake task that we run that's
00:14:45.839 uh very similar to the way that they're uh that they recommend here
00:14:51.360 and if any of your factories are invalid when running creator build
00:14:58.399 this will tell us so if i've introduced some some change to a factory uh that that makes the
00:15:04.480 factory invalid i'll know right away um
00:15:09.920 who here has needed to do something like this yeah
00:15:15.600 right this is super bogus right like i just want to be able to get an example of it and it should be ready to go out
00:15:22.000 of the box so um so more of the story here link to your factories
00:15:27.199 um maybe there are other things that go into it besides whether or not it's valid um in terms of like maybe there
00:15:32.720 are association dependencies or some other um some of the things that you need to consider in your app
00:15:39.040 that are important but the the gist of it here is that it should be really easy to to ask for
00:15:45.680 the sample data that we need and i'll also say that
00:15:52.160 if you if you have situations like this where you have a couple of different
00:15:57.440 examples of uh factories that maybe vary um here's here's one where the factory
00:16:04.240 is author with books in multiple languages this is an opportunity to refactor that
00:16:09.519 idea of with multiple languages to refactor that to a trait here i've
00:16:14.560 called it multilingual and this is what it would look like to set up that trait
00:16:20.720 in factory bot so just by passing that multilingual flag
00:16:27.279 the languages attribute on that author model gets populated
00:16:34.320 okay who here is familiar with conway's law
00:16:40.959 a few hands conway's law states that organize organizations design systems
00:16:48.480 will mirror their own communication structure and i would like to suggest that uh
00:16:56.000 this principle is something that we can lean on here and we can lean on a lot of different places but the way that
00:17:01.759 it it shows up here for factories is with that idea of common
00:17:06.959 um so what i i would like to suggest is if you take the time to match the language that you use
00:17:14.720 with your peers with your colleagues to match that language with the language that you use in your
00:17:21.039 code that uh that will pay off for you in spades
00:17:26.959 so this also by the way means that um that you shouldn't need to repeat your factory setups in multiple
00:17:33.440 different apps if if different apps need the same sample data that you should have a means by which
00:17:39.679 to get that sample data into your different apps without duplication of of definition
00:17:47.039 uh and i'll talk in a minute about how one of the ways that we do that across multiple apps at homebot
00:17:55.600 um and so by way of having clean factories that are written with common language
00:18:04.240 we are free to then use those factories in creative and unorthodox ways
00:18:11.440 you recall earlier that we've got all of these these different places where
00:18:16.880 where the sample data is needed for different reasons so i want to talk a little bit next
00:18:22.720 about some of the other things that come up like your happy path is maybe taken care of
00:18:28.400 uh by way of of setting up your specs here on the left and uh by way of working with your qa
00:18:36.320 team maybe you found out that there are also some edge cases
00:18:43.200 that need to be taken care of and your ux team maybe has uh
00:18:48.640 has come back to you and said well we also need to take care of different languages and locales
00:18:53.760 that you know it needs maybe behave slightly differently um and we need to to accommodate for
00:18:59.840 differently able your security team maybe has come to you and said that uh we need to
00:19:06.320 make this a little bit tighter uh of a feature for when a bad actor comes along and tries to to hack it
00:19:14.240 and maybe your sales team is telling you that uh when they're talking to people who are
00:19:19.919 on the go in the airports and they're they're using the app on a mobile device there are problems there there's all
00:19:25.760 kinds of of these different cases that are outside of maybe the happy
00:19:31.280 uh the happy flow that you designed for in the first place
00:19:37.200 and many other that i didn't consider when i was making this light of course um so one of the the tools
00:19:44.080 that uh that we use at home bought on our ux and design teams is the
00:19:49.600 persona in concert with user journeys and all kinds of other
00:19:55.760 ux tools um on our team at starfleet this is matt on the right or sorry on
00:20:02.240 on my left you're right yeah you're right uh that's matt he's our ux researcher and
00:20:09.840 designer on the starfleet team and he's the one who's responsible for for building our personas
00:20:17.280 and what a persona is in his world persona is provides a rough approximate
00:20:23.679 approximation of our users it's a conversation starter a way to arrive at shared understanding
00:20:30.000 of our audience and a lot of thought and effort goes into creating
00:20:37.200 these fictional representations of our real world customers
00:20:43.280 things that go into it we we want our personas to to represent a deep understanding
00:20:49.760 of the demographics of the individuals but also what are their needs and
00:20:54.960 uh what kind of tasks are they going to go in to perform and how patient are they going to be
00:21:00.000 with your loading indicator so i mentioned a minute ago that we will
00:21:06.320 couple these with something like a user journey that's what uh this is what one of those might look like
00:21:12.159 this is one that we did recently for starfleet again this this ux research and stuff i
00:21:17.919 depend wholly on matt for uh for getting this stuff real dialed in this is not my wheelhouse um
00:21:24.480 but it is important that i uh am capable of work working it into
00:21:30.400 my work one of the things that we've done to to try to make it more accessible to everyone working at homebot is
00:21:38.000 that we have a wiki setup and one of the things we have there is a central location where all the user research is
00:21:43.840 accessible but just by having it in a central place doesn't guarantee that it gets used and
00:21:49.120 referenced right in an article titled why personas fail
00:21:54.640 by kim salazar it stated that personas should not be unveiled like a piece of artwork
00:22:01.919 because if so people will use them like a piece of artwork they'll pin them up on their cubicle
00:22:07.120 wall to admire once in a while uh i i chose a kind of like cyberpunk
00:22:14.960 theme when i wrote the description for this because in r in coming up with material for this
00:22:21.039 i i was often reminded of um this description uh from
00:22:27.120 the book is called burning chrome from from sterling and collins
00:22:34.080 and it describes cyberpunk as low combination of low life and high tech and
00:22:40.559 and that's that was really resonating for me with how it feels when you get that record invalid when when there's
00:22:47.360 a disconnect in the the between the the tech that we built
00:22:52.720 and the humanity that it was meant to serve right so so where did that
00:22:58.960 where did that disconnect happen well in that why personas fail uh article um salazar mentions these five reasons
00:23:08.240 but i'm only going to focus on these two i'm not going to try to address the
00:23:14.640 others right now these two here state personas were created in a silo and imposed on people
00:23:20.880 or that there was a communication failure and people didn't know what they were or
00:23:26.159 how to make them useful a lot of the research that i did coming
00:23:32.559 across this said that it's really important that you evangelize personas with your developers and encourage their
00:23:37.760 use etc but this was really important that the
00:23:43.120 more that people engage with the persona and see them as real the more likely they are to consider
00:23:48.400 them during the process design and want to serve them so so this
00:23:54.720 the way that we use our factories in this way i want to argue that
00:24:00.799 integrated use is far more important than evangelized use
00:24:06.559 uh because matt can tell me all day that it's really important to understand and use the personas
00:24:12.640 but if i if i integrate their use directly into my factories it
00:24:19.120 it leads to a much higher chance that the work represented by the personas is
00:24:24.960 going to get uh incorporated into what we deliver
00:24:30.240 um so so here are some of those ways that we uh use factories in slightly unorthodox
00:24:37.760 um ways at factory plot all right sorry at home bot
00:24:42.799 um we use them for seeding our dev and qa staging environments
00:24:48.880 we also use them for end-to-end tests in concert with a hanger gym i'll talk in a minute
00:24:54.240 what what the details are and how that works and as an experimental thing we're also
00:24:59.679 starting to look at how to um i don't have a better nickname for this but when i get to the part um maybe
00:25:05.840 you guys will have some suggestions i'm calling it future proofing with loops so let me talk about what these are in a
00:25:11.840 second so the creator of factory bot actually
00:25:17.039 points out that that there are some risks with using seeds or sorry using factories in your seeds
00:25:24.000 for instance your default attributes might change or you might have some migrations that happen
00:25:29.600 and you have to incur the cost of keeping those things in sync moreover
00:25:35.760 item potential is often required in your seed layer so i'll submit to you though for your
00:25:42.400 consideration that um that these things are okay if you're not in production
00:25:48.480 right i'm willing to incur the cost of keeping my seeds and my factories
00:25:55.039 kind of in sync with one another in exchange for the value that i'm getting to be able to
00:26:00.880 uh rely on those for spinning up sample data for my staging qa environments
00:26:09.679 and also for eye components we can rely on attributes for so factory bot provides us with this method attributes
00:26:16.240 for this is what it might look like inside of a seed rake task
00:26:21.679 where we're using finder create by to still get item potents
00:26:26.720 but we're using attributes for and theoretically we only need to update attributes in our factories
00:26:34.799 um and what i'm missing here in this example is we're not doing a production
00:26:40.000 check right so
00:26:45.039 i also mentioned that we use the hanger gem for end-to-end tests this is what
00:26:50.240 a setup for initializer looks like there the gist of the hanger gym is that it exposes some restful endpoints
00:26:56.880 for um for all of the factories that you have in your system and the benefit to using that
00:27:04.320 is that in our end-to-end test in our case we have our end-to-end system written in uh in node and using axios
00:27:12.559 you could use whatever i suppose but um but this is what it would look like where
00:27:17.600 we're exposing a books endpoint and we might
00:27:24.080 expose a create author method here that should then create
00:27:29.600 books um and then future proofing with loops
00:27:38.240 to allow our systems to grow over time i don't care where this persona's variable is coming from in your system
00:27:45.360 maybe it's just an array this is very experimental for us but the gist here is as you add more
00:27:51.039 personas over time uh if you add a new persona then hopefully our tests will will break to
00:27:57.600 tell us that the old feature no longer works for that new persona
00:28:02.880 and doing something similar with separating out the behaviors so the example that i provided earlier about
00:28:09.279 a bad actor right so so maybe it's a bot
00:28:15.360 here here we would expect that we'd have an exception that would be raised if you create an author and they have the bad
00:28:21.760 actor behaviors um
00:28:30.559 so uh yeah hopefully this gives you an idea of um
00:28:36.559 of how we're using factories in in uh kind of creative ways this is kind of the full
00:28:43.360 diagram where we have our factories and a subset of those are personas or maybe
00:28:48.960 also behaviors they're still used to satisfy our specs and our hangar endpoints
00:28:56.080 make it possible for our end-to-end tests to work across multiple apps i also have here up in the top right
00:29:02.960 that um we may even have rake tasks that help us to spin up data across multiple apps in
00:29:09.600 the indian test suite but that relies in in turn on the hanger
00:29:15.039 restful endpoints and then rate tasks to spin up feature specific
00:29:21.760 seeds in your dev and safety and qa environments so so that's it for my
00:29:29.200 talk if there's any time left there's very little i think i'm happy to ask answer any questions
00:29:36.880 otherwise you can probably find me at the homebot booth in the exhibit hall
00:29:43.360 or you can reach me at anthony navarre or i never use twitter but there's a
00:29:50.480 chance you might find me there at anthonyvar thank you very much for your time
00:30:03.120 any questions yes yeah um the question was how do we reset
00:30:10.159 seeds when we're having qa uh do some testing did i get that right
00:30:15.600 yeah so um so you may have noticed that that we set
00:30:21.440 those seeds up on rake tasks and so
00:30:27.279 of course we have the the typical db reset that's always available to us
00:30:33.360 and then the the base seeds to run but then uh
00:30:38.399 hopefully we've done a little bit of extra work in our planning process to say oh okay for this one it's going to
00:30:43.440 be a little bit trickier to do qa on this so we'll take the time to
00:30:48.640 uh to set up a rake task that that spins up the the data that's necessary for
00:30:53.760 that feature to work as expected uh and and sometimes maybe even setting up the
00:30:59.120 rake tasks such that it will provide data that will take care of the different uh scenarios
00:31:06.880 so so maybe you need to test out pagination and it's important that you
00:31:12.399 have covered the the zero case you've covered the uh i've got one page worth of records
00:31:18.399 i've got 10 page worth of records right so all of those might be part of that
00:31:24.399 rake task that we set up or a couple different rate tasks and if we've been
00:31:30.640 even slightly clever about how we name them and organize them then uh hopefully it's just a matter of running a rake
00:31:36.880 task on the staging server
00:31:42.640 my home bot guys keep me honest here if i'm if i'm missing anything yes i've got
00:31:48.000 another question back here uh the question was how how to back out
00:31:54.080 of a scenario where you've got some bloat in your factories right is that fair
00:32:00.960 um and i think that there's definitely digging to do in those situations uh to try to
00:32:08.559 hunt down i would be tempted in that sort of situation to try to do an audit of like identifying what are all of the
00:32:14.720 different use cases of where the factory is in use so that we know uh where we're
00:32:20.080 starting um a quick way to to help you get started on that audit is rip out the
00:32:26.399 factory and see what breaks right and if you've got really good test coverage that might be a really fast way
00:32:32.000 to get some early signal on on what needs to happen but of course if you if you have less
00:32:38.399 than ideal test coverage there may be more manual process to do there after that i think it becomes an
00:32:44.480 exercise in refactoring and refactoring as a discipline i think is its own
00:32:50.159 set of skills i don't think i'm going to attempt to broach that topic here because it feels
00:32:56.480 like a that would be its own hour-long talk for me um but yeah that that's some of the initial
00:33:03.600 things that come to mind for me i hope that's useful
00:33:10.080 does anyone else in the audience have tips on that i would love to know
00:33:15.279 all right i don't see any more hands but please uh feel free to get in touch with me if you think of any other