
Mixed Reality Robotics Simulation with Ruby

Mixed Reality Robotics Simulation with Ruby

by Kota Weaver

Overview of the Video

The video titled "Mixed Reality Robotics Simulation with Ruby" presented by Kota Weaver at RubyConf 2021 explores the application of mixed-reality simulation technologies in robotics. Weaver discusses the significance of bridging simulated environments with real-world scenarios to enhance robot development and testing.

Key Points Discussed

  • Introduction to Robotics and Simulation:

    • Kota Weaver introduces his company, Sky Technologies, which focuses on creating robots that are human-aware and capable of navigation without collisions.
    • He highlights the importance of simulators in robot development, noting commonly used tools like Gazebo.
  • Challenges with Simulators:

    • Weaver discusses issues faced in simulation, including the misrepresentation of speed and size, which can lead to a disconnect from real-world performance.
    • He emphasizes the significance of maintaining a feedback loop with actual robots to avoid losing touch with reality during development.
  • Introducing DragonRuby:

    • Searching for better simulation tools, Weaver found DragonRuby, a pure code game engine, suitable for creating simulations without unnecessary complexity.
    • DragonRuby’s ease of use allows team members with different programming backgrounds (like Elixir, Python, and C++) to quickly adopt it for simulation projects.
  • Live Coding Demonstration:

    • Weaver conducts live coding to illustrate how DragonRuby can be used for creating simulations, demonstrating a simple physics engine using principles like Hooke's Law.
  • Application of Projectors:

    • To enhance robot testing, Weaver explains how he employed projectors to visualize simulations in physical spaces.
    • He details the integration of real-time sensor data into simulations to create a more immersive and applicable testing environment.
    • He shares photos of projectors set up in a testing lab, indicating the effort to correctly calibrate the projection environment.
  • Future Plans:

    • The speaker outlines future ambitions, including enhancing visualizations with additional sensors, possibly improving performance, and expanding the use of projectors for more comprehensive coverage in real-world environments.

Conclusion and Takeaways

  • The synthesis of simulation technology using tools like DragonRuby substantially benefits robotics development by facilitating the creation of realistic testing environments.
  • Enhancements in visualization techniques and mixed reality interactions with real robots could lead to more effective and efficient robotics advancements.

Overall, the presentation indicates that mixed-reality simulations can proactively contribute to the robotics domain, aligning development processes closer to real-world applications, thereby improving robotic behavior and interactions in real environments.

Simulation for robots is useful. But how do robots translate to real life factory environments? Find out with a mixed-reality simulation featuring real robots, lots of projectors, and of course, Ruby!

We use the excellent DragonRuby Game Toolkit to develop-mixed reality robotics simulations to: - enhance robot development - provide unique testing methods using real world robots - showcase robot behavior in digital-twins of our customer sites in our testing lab - take a break and build fun interactive experiences

Join us in an exploration of this dynamic and interactive robot exploration lab!

RubyConf 2021

00:00:12.559 little bit uh still i don't quite sound like myself right now but uh anyway welcome thank you for
00:00:19.199 coming um so i'm talking about uh mixed reality simulation uh
00:00:25.119 and i guess sort of more the robotics context of that and sort of the high level overview as to
00:00:30.800 why we might want to do something like this and how ruby ties into it um
00:00:35.840 first of all how many of you here are robotics people anyone do any robotics
00:00:42.399 cool all right uh a couple of people sounds good uh and then anyone
00:00:48.079 uh know about dragon ruby or have played with it okay so cool there's a good assortment
00:00:54.640 there um okay so i'm coda weaver uh i'm a founder of a
00:01:01.120 robotics company out of boston uh called sky technologies we basically try to
00:01:06.640 build robots that basically are human aware so they navigate without
00:01:13.600 running into people and without slowing down much and things like that and also we do robot arm
00:01:19.119 manipulation and things like that so this is a robot that we have uh out on the market that we collaborated with uh
00:01:25.119 dmg modi which is a machine tools company and you know we build
00:01:30.960 software for what's like that um i primarily work with c plus plus and python so admittedly ruby's not actually
00:01:38.960 my uh my bread and butter um our stack also has a lot of elixir and
00:01:44.159 rust um so simulators most of our work
00:01:49.439 is in simulators right so we start off by building a model putting it in a simulation so this is
00:01:55.920 gazebo here um which is used all over the place it's the standard one for ross
00:02:01.360 and um nasa uses it for their their robots as well and so this right
00:02:08.800 here is an omnidirectional wheel omni wheel and so we actually have each of the barrels
00:02:14.879 simulated as well and simulators are a lot of fun to play with so this is basically four omni
00:02:21.280 wheels on a vehicle that's kind of rolling down a hill um and
00:02:27.360 you know you can see that i think the video should show uh
00:02:33.519 all of the individual barrels and things like that rotating so you can actually see you can do pretty comprehensive
00:02:38.879 simulations just on uh pretty you know standard hardware
00:02:44.560 uh now there is this one problem where when we look at this
00:02:50.720 and there's a robot here we actually don't really know
00:02:55.840 how fast it's driving or how big the robots are when you just look at them right
00:03:01.120 um so that's actually a pretty common problem where you start building a lot of things in simulation and spend too
00:03:06.959 much time there and if you don't really have that feedback loop with a real robot
00:03:12.159 you kind of lose sense of reality so that's that's actually a really key point where
00:03:18.400 so this robot was driving about 0.5 meters a second which you know is actually pretty slow
00:03:24.239 but it's really hard to tell just from that so that's that's a standard issue that we end up running into pretty often
00:03:30.720 especially when we try to present things to customers in addition when you actually have these
00:03:36.080 robots in various environments that that impacts as well because in a very large space you know robot looks
00:03:43.599 much slower than it than it uh that might actually be moving so all of that really plays a big part of
00:03:50.959 of the kinds of work that we end up doing so sometimes simulations also do some
00:03:58.159 kind of funky things so you'll notice that this one here kind of flipped over
00:04:05.439 not actually sure why that did that but they're very often pretty finicky in terms of the parameters and depending
00:04:12.640 on the uh integrators and things like that you end up running into issues like that
00:04:18.560 um here's another case where it's very unstable and
00:04:24.160 uh don't worry that's that's not the robot that's sent to customers um
00:04:29.759 you know they they do drive a little bit better than that um but you know these are typical issues
00:04:35.919 that we run into so you know we began looking into better options for simulators and what
00:04:42.880 we wanted were things that were you know not easy to destabilize we didn't really need anything that was very complex
00:04:49.040 right because in vast majority of our cases we're dealing with vehicular uh you know
00:04:54.639 basically 2d simulations because these are just on planes and then for like robot arms and things
00:05:00.639 like that that's not necessarily something we need to handle uh in in this case uh headless is
00:05:07.360 important so that we can do things in ci uh fast startup you know this one of those things where
00:05:13.280 the harder it is to actually boot something up where the longer things take the slower the development cycle so
00:05:18.960 that ends up impacting us quite a bit and again 2d is it's fine by me
00:05:25.199 and another key thing is it's easy to describe various scenarios and environments and we couldn't really find anything for
00:05:32.320 our needs here so um i didn't really find anything yet so
00:05:37.680 we're working on something for that but uh you know that that's something which is a typical problem that we run into
00:05:44.080 and a lot of people robotics uh do as well so
00:05:49.360 i ran into dragon ruby while looking for a simple game engine to start building a
00:05:55.120 simulator that better fit my needs uh so dragon ruby is a
00:06:02.160 pure code game engine so there's no unnecessary ui i don't know how many of you have worked with other game engines
00:06:08.479 but very often there's like these really complicated uis that just you know make it a lot harder to just get started
00:06:15.440 um as someone who primarily builds robots i want to keep that learning curve as low as possible because i don't
00:06:21.520 spend that much time doing that um so that's the second piece it's very easy to get up and running which means
00:06:28.240 the other members of my team who uh you know spend all their time in elixir
00:06:33.680 or in python or in c plus plus you know they don't have any problems
00:06:38.960 getting started with this either the api also is very very small
00:06:44.479 and it's used to make real video games which amir who's who's sitting over there
00:06:50.800 who's the founder of dragon ruby uh used to develop games for mobile and for various console
00:06:57.759 platforms as well so i did promise you that it's pretty
00:07:03.039 easy uh so i figured i would do a little bit of live coding um how is everyone's high school physics
00:07:11.440 okay all right good okay um we'll see if mine is okay too but uh
00:07:16.960 let me see okay so i'm just going to bring up
00:07:24.560 some code okay so the very first thing i'll do is uh right now i am in
00:07:31.280 none of you can see that uh okay so right now i am in just the dragon ruby's
00:07:38.560 root directory so in order to create a new project and amir is not gonna like that i'm not using his method but i'm
00:07:45.360 just going to create a new directory and i'll just call it springs i guess
00:07:51.199 and we'll just add a folder called app
00:07:59.039 we go and in here i'm just creating a file called main.rb
00:08:04.960 so this is um just the you know main file that
00:08:11.360 will be working out of here okay so now inside of this okay you can see that
00:08:16.560 good uh we can create the main loop this is the main event loop and now
00:08:23.360 if we go into the terminal and there are my uh let's see springs
00:08:30.400 and springs
00:08:35.440 there we go okay so then if i go up one and call dragon ruby
00:08:40.800 on this directory you will see that we now have our dragon ruby window so
00:08:48.399 one of the cool things about dragon ruby is that we can actually just start typing away and whenever we save it hot
00:08:54.480 loads so uh if we for example create
00:09:00.160 a rectangle uh or square i'll just put this in the middle of the of the screen
00:09:13.279 and height of 40 and i hit save and now we have a box in the middle of our screen it's
00:09:20.160 very very easy um now we also actually want to move this thing so maybe the first thing
00:09:25.200 we'll do is um we'll use a variable instead
00:09:31.440 so in dragon ruby we use the state which basically helps to serialize and deserialize things um
00:09:38.560 so we can save and load uh data much more easily um and so this kind of where we store a
00:09:44.880 global state as well uh okay so then you know we'll just use
00:09:57.040 if ours dot state dot tick count so basically when we start up
00:10:02.640 we want to call this um and we can also have it reset upon saving with the thing
00:10:08.560 on the top then uh you know we also are going to do
00:10:14.959 our initial velocity um so of course and then we can take
00:10:22.640 our x from there so now if i go ahead and change this to a different value for
00:10:29.040 example you know 100 it'll shift to the left right
00:10:34.480 and so let's see yep um okay so now we want to have
00:10:42.000 this move as a spring right so the basic equations
00:10:47.040 that we need for this are f equals negative k times x uh which is the spring equation so k is
00:10:53.920 spring constant x is a displacement spring right so this pretty simple
00:10:59.680 function uh or yeah equation uh and so we'll just use
00:11:06.160 i'm cheating a little bit here because i know i tested this out earlier uh values that
00:11:13.279 work uh so for dx i'm gonna use the center of the screen here so that's 1280
00:11:18.800 over two uh and then we're looking at the displacement so our rx.x
00:11:24.880 minus that is our rtx here and then you know because dragon ruby
00:11:31.279 works at a fixed tick time rate so it's 60 frames a second you know we could have a dt in here but
00:11:38.240 we can also just assume that it's tied into the parameters um so
00:11:44.000 the next one that we do is f equals ma of course uh the famous one right
00:11:50.880 um so we can just assume a mass of 10 units um and then
00:11:57.760 for this v equals a times t uh so velocity and in this case because
00:12:05.360 we're assuming it's some constant we're not dealing with real world units right now
00:12:10.800 uh and so therefore all we need to do is add
00:12:17.360 let's see vx plus equals v or vx yep okay
00:12:23.040 um so this is basically where every time we're adding to our current velocity the
00:12:28.880 acceleration um and then finally we can get our velocity by integrating
00:12:35.040 the or we can get our position by integrating the velocity so it's
00:12:40.959 just oh yep
00:12:55.440 yep okay cool um
00:13:00.519 ours.x uh plus equals and then the current velocity which
00:13:06.399 and i believe if i save now we should get no movement because it's still in the
00:13:12.399 center but if we instead move this so recall that
00:13:18.000 just by doing something like this we can shift it to the left
00:13:23.920 and then um oh did something here i guess oh uh
00:13:32.160 that's what i did wrong okay uh
00:13:37.200 x equals 100 and then it should shift to the left
00:13:42.639 shouldn't move but it's moving okay well uh
00:13:49.600 point being uh it's supposed to do something like
00:13:58.639 okay okay that one's broken too i guess um
00:14:04.160 anyway point being with just a few lines of code you can actually start creating simulations
00:14:09.279 uh in a very kind of intuitive way um so
00:14:15.120 dragon ruby basically this was the enabling technology for
00:14:21.040 a lot of the kinds of things that we're looking for um so i very quickly got addicted
00:14:28.160 uh and on the first day of dragon ruby this is what i made um so it's a little you know
00:14:35.519 system to create various shapes i guess it's almost like a
00:14:41.120 yeah vector editing tool you can save and load images and things like that
00:14:46.240 um second day was this little physics simulation a little soft body kind of
00:14:52.079 thing so you have you know these spring spring-like systems and various like cloth like
00:14:58.399 um things and on you know the next week
00:15:04.000 i was doing some 3d stuff note that this is a 2d engine and then the next day i was doing i know
00:15:11.519 some of you were here for the drone talk earlier uh this is 2d uh two
00:15:17.519 2d on uh or 2d game engine drone game i guess of sorts and then you know
00:15:24.320 within a month of using dragon rubios doing things like this which is like a little 3d modeling tool
00:15:30.639 using dragon ruby now the main point of all this is that
00:15:35.920 dragon ruby's incredibly fun very very quick simple and you know it solves a
00:15:41.600 lot of the problems that i was trying to solve in in my robotics problems right
00:15:48.240 um so uh the next thing projectors
00:15:54.480 uh so the issue that we're running into with
00:16:01.519 uh simulations largely of just not knowing what the right scale is things like that
00:16:07.279 um you know you naturally go towards using real robots as well
00:16:13.040 right you know that's very important part of the development cycle and so when we run the real robot
00:16:20.160 well there are some problems there where it's still difficult to actually visualize what you're doing
00:16:26.160 and in your physical space there's a pretty limited uh number of options as to what you can
00:16:32.959 do our office is uh we have about a 3000 square foot space for robot testing
00:16:40.160 which um maybe is about oh let's see about a third of this room probably in
00:16:46.720 total uh or yeah maybe a little bit more than that but it's it's not a huge amount of space and you know as a little startup
00:16:53.360 that's the kind of issue that we run into and even when working with big companies they usually don't let us just
00:16:59.360 drive everywhere it's usually a pretty localized space um so but at customer sites we actually
00:17:05.280 very often deal with having to drive two or three hundred meters uh sometimes
00:17:10.319 even a kilometer from one side to the other factory um and in addition the configuration is
00:17:15.760 always very different right so um you know what we do with the real robots we
00:17:21.199 tune the parameters we get a better sense of the real motion and we deal with situations that also aren't hard to
00:17:27.280 simulate which is very often human behaviors and various sensor sensor information so
00:17:33.919 there's actually kind of issues on both sides here um so in order to solve that i um i
00:17:41.360 bought projectors i bought probably about 15 projectors
00:17:46.799 and i tried to put them on the ceiling um so
00:17:52.559 this was this was my first try uh didn't didn't really go so well um
00:17:58.720 you know a couple other angles of that of that same attempt uh you know turns out you
00:18:04.480 if you try to put a piece of wood that's bigger than the uh the opening in the ceiling it's not gonna fit
00:18:10.559 uh but eventually after some maneuvering i managed to get it um i had to take it
00:18:15.840 apart assemble it in in the ceiling as well so that was that was a little bit tricky um
00:18:21.520 but the point being here uh what we're doing is lining the ceiling with these projectors
00:18:27.120 and what that lets us do is it allows us to merge you probably can't read that in the back
00:18:33.200 um so essentially what we're doing is we're taking data from the robot sensor data
00:18:38.320 from the robot and we're putting it into a little simple simple simulation
00:18:43.840 and we merge the lidar data or the the sensor data and send it back to the robot and the robot then operates on
00:18:51.440 that then uh from there we also send that data to the projectors and we send it to the
00:18:58.960 host who might be manipulating the simulation in some way
00:19:04.400 so this is actually you know it's comprised of a few different languages a few different systems uh so the robot
00:19:11.120 primarily uh elixir c plus plus python and um
00:19:17.919 there's some rust and we actually do use ruby and slim
00:19:23.360 for basically describing the configuration of the robot and then
00:19:30.400 we send that to the simulation which is in ruby and then from there we actually use zmq
00:19:39.200 to pass this data to dragon ruby in part because dragon ruby doesn't natively have tcp
00:19:46.160 support yet so there's this nice c extension feature
00:19:51.440 where you can write additional parts and see so
00:19:56.720 i added in some zm2 support for that and then we tied in
00:20:02.799 uh the all the components that way and so
00:20:08.559 this is sort of view of setting setting everything up so uh you can see
00:20:14.080 that's actually the the black box is there that was about uh probably about three minutes of or five lines of dragon
00:20:21.440 ruby code to get that to visualize um so really kind of the big thing here is
00:20:26.960 that dragon ruby has really really helped us speed up this process because if i was just even if i was to go ahead
00:20:32.960 and grab an image from the internet of a grid and plop it on
00:20:38.480 there it takes a lot more time it takes time to calibrate these things make sure everything's in the right dimensions
00:20:44.400 um so for us this has been a really really easy solution
00:20:49.760 and because of the hot loading i can also actually just directly uh
00:20:55.360 do that on the projectors themselves so if if i need something very quickly i just sh into that and then whenever i
00:21:02.159 save it automatically reloads what's showing on the projector so there's also this client here
00:21:11.919 which this is what we actually use to manipulate the environment so we can zoom in we can rotate we can move things
00:21:19.120 around uh this blue section here um that's a uh that's a dynamic obstacle so to
00:21:26.720 speak so basically it moves between the two points and then the green is the location of
00:21:31.840 the robot and this client is actually the exact same thing that we use to actually to project down onto the floor
00:21:38.640 as well so kind of the big point here is yeah so
00:21:45.120 it's all written in dragon ruby you can manipulate everything and also everything oh
00:21:51.360 important point all this actually runs directly in raspberry pi's as well so you can keep things very very low cost um
00:21:59.039 so kind of putting it all together you end up with uh something kind of like this
00:22:04.640 where um you know we have a robot you can see that i need probably brighter projectors
00:22:12.799 uh and that you know we actually have things pretty well calibrated here um
00:22:19.840 you know it this is actually feedback from from the uh from the simulator to the robot so
00:22:27.520 you could see the robot slowed down a little bit when it went towards the blue box so it waited for the for the obstacle to pass by
00:22:35.039 so that's basically um you know the kinds of things that we've been working on with
00:22:40.400 ruby and simulation um as far as kind of the future plans that we have uh
00:22:45.919 there's a lot of sensor data that i want to visualize um some of that i'm not sure dragon ruby is
00:22:51.679 quite fast enough for yet but maybe i need to finagle that a little bit and get it to go
00:22:58.720 to be more performant i guess on my own code yeah but um and then i also want to add more
00:23:04.320 projectors so this thing tends to scale pretty well so instead of the
00:23:09.360 uh six that we have mounted right now i want to scale it up so that the entire space is covered
00:23:15.200 and also uh we do have hardware-in-the-loop simulation for robots as well so figure that's kind of
00:23:21.360 the next thing to tie in we can have multiple robots in this sort of
00:23:26.960 mixed reality space where we have virtual robots interacting with real robots and
00:23:32.320 hoping to actually get that done for today but you know sometimes doesn't work quite that way um
00:23:38.720 anyway i think that uh wraps up what i had to talk about um so
00:23:46.000 i don't know if there are any questions they can thank you
00:24:04.480 sorry uh the question was uh so as far as the visualization you're able to get that running inside of the
00:24:10.080 projector no no no i have a raspberry pi connected to the projector
00:24:15.679 yep up in the ceiling okay makes sense for certain definitions of
00:24:20.799 sense yeah i i think you probably are aware that uh dragon ruby probably does not run on
00:24:27.840 projector hardware yet so yeah
00:24:33.039 how do you handle the dynamic like obstacle stuff so you don't actually have obstacles in the room it was just
00:24:41.039 an area yep yeah so uh essentially a vast majority of
00:24:46.400 this kind of data that we deal with basically you know we have cameras we have lidar sensors
00:24:53.039 uh so for the lidar basically that's just 2d uh
00:24:58.640 ray it's just a ray 1d ray and they rotate this around very quickly
00:25:03.840 uh so we get these very very fast scans we get i think 40 scans a second
00:25:09.600 or 40 of these full scans a second and each of those consists of 1080 scans so you get
00:25:16.240 um you know this very responsive thing and so we actually send that data up
00:25:21.679 and then we do basically a min on that versus what the simulated robot
00:25:27.039 would be seeing so we basically project from that what it would what it would look at um so it's yeah and then we send that
00:25:34.799 result back to the robot uh as far as like camera data that becomes a lot trickier um
00:25:41.279 you know i think one of the approaches that we're just that we we've also taken here uh is
00:25:47.200 a lot of this stuff just basically gets turned into a higher level a more abstract
00:25:53.360 characterization through the form of cost maps so this is basically like an image of
00:25:58.559 what's what's occupied and what's not um what's dangerous and what's not so we also do
00:26:04.799 uh convert to that kind of thing and send it back there and then yeah
00:26:11.039 yeah
00:26:17.039 anything else
00:26:34.880 uh pie threes doesn't really work that well yeah you have to go with it by four yeah
00:26:40.880 yeah it's actually uh pretty surprising just how big a gap there is between the two
00:26:46.480 when it comes to running this stuff so yeah um and then actually admittedly more
00:26:53.039 recently we uh we've purchased uh ibcs basically for
00:26:59.760 to to replace them something a little bit more powerful
00:27:23.600 uh so i think the question was basically to do the rendering on the raspberry pi or unlike whatever server it is and basically just send out
00:27:30.720 the result to two other machines right uh so i thought about that um part of
00:27:36.159 that is just i think there's a scalability issue uh when it comes to that so
00:27:41.200 when we're talking about having 10 projectors or whatever it is it that becomes a lot more difficult
00:27:47.360 so so that's part of why we didn't do that
00:27:52.480 yep
00:28:06.000 right yeah so um you know now we're talking about like real robotics questions right
00:28:12.480 so um what we typically do uh i think most popular ways are using what's called a common flower
00:28:19.039 i guess monte carlo based like localization so particle filters various filtering
00:28:25.600 techniques where essentially you have a map a preset map and um
00:28:31.200 you know the robot looks at its sensors and does some sort of calculation where it says oh what's the most likely place
00:28:37.600 for me to be and basically continually updates um so if you're interested um
00:28:43.679 like bayesian filtering techniques and things like that are are the thing to look at
00:28:49.440 there's a lot there
00:29:01.440 yep yeah so there's there are a lot of different localization technologies um
00:29:07.039 ultimately that it usually helps to combine them in various ways so if you can merge them
00:29:13.679 you know yeah it usually helps
00:29:26.080 you don't want to invest a 300 000 robot okay um
00:29:32.240 uh yeah i mean you know there are a few things on sparkfun that are
00:29:37.600 you know usable the problem with these things is that a lot of these hobby grade things just
00:29:43.440 either aren't powerful enough to be able to even run a lot of the kinds of things that you'd want to or but
00:29:49.440 that's something that we can definitely talk offline about if you're interested in like assembling some sort of kit for
00:29:55.840 that you know but
00:30:07.600 so um we used to do all our own hardware uh then we realized
00:30:14.000 that we're too small a company to be able to do that uh and there's a lot of q a or there's basically a lot of
00:30:19.840 maintenance related things that we don't want to do so we basically partner with very you know with larger companies and
00:30:25.200 provide the software for that okay
00:30:32.480 yes i think that's that's it right we're yep okay so thank you very much