
Your First Open-Source Contribution

Your First Open-Source Contribution

by Rachael Wright Munn

The video, titled "Your First Open-Source Contribution" and presented by Rachael Wright Munn at RubyConf 2021, addresses the intimidation many feel about contributing to open-source projects. The speaker empathizes with attendees who may hesitate to jump in due to uncertainty about where to start, fear of code rejection, or concerns about the review process.

Key Points Discussed:
- Understanding the Benefits: Rachael lists several tangible benefits of contributing to open source, such as expanding skillsets, repair capabilities, and building a library of examples beyond proprietary work. She emphasizes that open source is a choice made out of joy rather than obligation.

- Finding the Right Repository: Instead of hopping between 'good first issues,' it's better to find a 'good first repo' based on factors like personal interest, closed pull requests for expectations, and familiar tech stacks to reduce the learning curve.
- Choosing Issues Wisely: Successful contributions often stem from clear, well-defined issues that are small in scope. Rachael warns against setup changes or unrequested refactors as they may be harder to get merged.
- Collaboration with Maintainers: Open-source maintainers appreciate clear contributions that demonstrate consideration for their workload and project needs. Rachael advises reading the project's contributing guidelines as they outline how to support maintainers effectively.
- Creating Effective Pull Requests (PRs): To maximize the chances of getting PRs accepted, contributors should provide clear descriptions and ensure their code adheres to testing and style guidelines.

- Building Community and Confidence: Rachael shares her journey from creating her first simple PR to gaining confidence in her skills, reinforcing that every step in the process is valuable, even if immediate results aren’t achieved. Rachael encourages attendees by stating that maintainers genuinely want contributors and that involvement enriches the open-source community.

The talk concludes with Rachael inviting questions and expressing eagerness to connect with potential contributors, emphasizing that every small contribution can lead to meaningful participation.

Is open-source intimidating? Are you nervous about your code being rejected by the maintainers? Or maybe you just don’t know where to start. I know those nerves well. Let’s talk about it. We'll go step-by-step through the process of finding an issue, creating a PR, and collaborating with maintainers. Let’s get you that first open-source PR!

RubyConf 2021

00:00:10.080 hi i am so excited to see you all here today because if you're here that means
00:00:15.599 that you want to be an open source contributor and for me this has been one of the greatest joys of my life but i'm
00:00:21.199 also kind of sad to see you here today because you haven't felt comfortable jumping in yet right and i think that
00:00:28.400 there are a lot of big things that prevent people from feeling comfortable stepping into open source a lot of
00:00:34.239 people are confused about where to start there's a whole ocean of repositories and issues out there it can it can be
00:00:39.920 hard to know where to begin it can be hard to understand the differences between open source contribution and
00:00:45.200 your day job and some of the technical differences that occur because of that but i think the number one biggest thing
00:00:51.760 that scares and intimidates people when it comes to open source is the review process it is incredibly vulnerable to
00:00:57.520 put your code out there in public and to have somebody review it critique
00:01:02.800 it and decide whether or not it's acceptable and i think a lot of that comes from the way that we view maintainers as
00:01:08.799 lofty heroes of the internet and what i'd hoped to do today is to break through all of these barriers that you
00:01:15.920 may have been feeling and to answer these questions starting with the number one question i get every single time i
00:01:23.520 work in open source on stream which is why are you doing your job for free or very very cheap
00:01:30.960 so the first thing i want to say to this is that you are not right your work whether you want to
00:01:36.159 acknowledge it or not is a treadmill of issues that you have to complete in order to
00:01:41.840 take care of your needs and your family and to ensure that you have stability
00:01:47.360 that obligation um kind of affects how you feel about it right and open source
00:01:53.920 is an expression of joy it is creating things purely because you like the idea of creating it the difference between a
00:02:00.640 hobby and a job is whether or not you choose to do it and as a contributor you have the choice
00:02:06.320 but most of the time when i provide this answer to these people they don't really agree or understand it so let's talk
00:02:11.599 about the tangible benefits to you as a developer so these first two new skills and experience and learn from experts really
00:02:18.800 comes from having the opportunity to get outside your organization right inside your organization you have access to the
00:02:25.120 projects the stacks and the architectures that they're comfortable with right and you have access to the experts who
00:02:31.599 are within your organization but when you step into open source you expand the possibilities if you've been working
00:02:37.599 with object oriented you have the opportunity to see what a live large-scale functional program looks
00:02:43.280 like if you've been wanting to play with rust isn't it nice to build something larger than a tutorial app you have so
00:02:50.640 many opportunities to meet people that you would never have the opportunity to meet from within your organization and
00:02:56.400 that comes from getting outside of it the other big one is right to repair i don't know about you but if i've ever
00:03:02.720 encountered a bug or an issue with a tool there's this little voice in the back of my head that just screams if you
00:03:20.800 statement of power capability and the things that you can do right
00:03:26.640 one of the examples that i have for this is i constantly see people on twitter who are like at the practical dev please
00:03:32.400 grant me this feature at the practical but dev by the way are the folks behind dev2 and code newbies and the entire
00:03:39.599 platform that they use to run those is open source right it's called 4m and
00:03:45.280 it's a rails repo and you can actually go there and they have an entire feature request process and you can be part of
00:03:51.360 the project that brings the feature you wanted to life instead of being caught in this cycle of
00:03:56.560 begging for people to build things for you on twitter you can be part of the process of creating that and that is
00:04:02.159 incredibly empowering but this last reason is the reason that i got into open source is having a
00:04:08.560 library of examples so i was looking for a new job right and
00:04:14.319 they asked me for a code sample and i looked through my open source like repos and everything's things that aren't um
00:04:21.600 locked behind copyright and that i can actually share and i see nothing but tutorial apps
00:04:27.360 minor things that i've built and played with they didn't reflect my true skills
00:04:32.800 right more so than necessarily passing an interview or wanting an example to show
00:04:39.199 people what i was capable of what hurt the most was knowing that the best code of my career was going to be locked in
00:04:45.040 someone else's private repo inside open source i may not own the code that i've written but at the very
00:04:51.440 least i have access to it i can reference it when i want to build new solutions and my history of
00:04:58.240 accomplishments does not end when i change careers that is the reason that i got started
00:05:04.000 with open source and let's start about let's start talking about how you'll get started in open source most people are
00:05:10.639 going to tell you to find an issue right an issue by the way for those of you in jira land is not necessarily a problem
00:05:16.400 it could be a task a story or another name but they'll tell you to look for something tagged to good first issue
00:05:21.520 there's even sites dedicated to this but i think that this is the wrong approach and here's why dev environment setup is
00:05:28.160 hard learning a new code base is hard and if you are constantly hopping from good
00:05:34.160 first issue to good first issue you are constantly repeating these two steps so
00:05:39.280 instead i think what you should do is you should find a good first repo now what makes a good first repo is going to
00:05:45.440 be different for every single one of you but this is the things that i care about and i hope that
00:05:51.280 it helps you find your own list so the first thing i look for is interest i want a reason to come back is
00:05:57.520 it a tool i use does it have a charitable purpose an interesting tech stack the next thing i do is i look at
00:06:03.280 the closed prs this lets me know how long it takes for review to happen
00:06:08.560 how long um and how in-depth those reviews are this allows me to set my own
00:06:13.759 expectations for the review process and also to make sure that those expectations align with what i'm
00:06:19.759 comfortable with i think that a lot of the frustration we see in open source comes from contributors who have
00:06:25.520 different expectations than maintainers can really keep up with the next thing i look for is a docker in
00:06:32.080 codespaces setup anything that can reduce that dev environment setup and allows me to throw away the environment
00:06:37.759 afterwards is incredibly helpful and then for your first one i strongly recommend stack experience which in this
00:06:44.800 case would be ruby right so you're going to be learning about forked
00:06:49.840 repositories you're going to be learning about how to interact with maintainers and contributors that's a lot of things
00:06:55.199 to pick up at once so make your life a little easier and pick a stack you already know the last and most important one is clear
00:07:02.400 issues so out of all the repositories that i've contributed to the one that i like the most is casa which is an app
00:07:09.680 created by ruby for good and the reason is specifically because of this the
00:07:14.800 issues are clear they're easy to understand and they're easy to work on
00:07:20.400 when i think about a good first issue i think a good first issue is small in scope well-defined and reproducible you
00:07:27.840 want it to be reproducible because you want to know when you're done you want it to be well defined
00:07:32.880 i've seen people pick up issues where there isn't it's a ui change but there isn't a mock-up and this can
00:07:39.599 create lengthy review processes where what the maintainers want and what the contributor has delivered are different
00:07:46.639 the other one is small in scope change the color of a button like it's fine your heroic pr can be your second pr
00:07:54.400 because we're going to stay with this repo for a little while all right i want to continue to dig into this because i
00:08:00.400 think that finding the right first issue can really set you up for success in open source so i want to
00:08:07.360 break these down into a couple of different categories that i see that are really common the first one being the most difficult which is setup changes a
00:08:14.000 lot of times when contributors approach this they think oh well i'm going to adjust the setup and i'm going to give
00:08:20.319 other contributors a way to access this project in the same way that i do right um and here's a little audience
00:08:26.800 participation can i ask you how many of you have heard of maven m-a-v-e-n
00:08:32.959 oh there's a fair few of you nice to see you all here okay so in college i had
00:08:39.120 not heard of maven and it was my first introduction to it and my my friend had this little ruby on rails app and he
00:08:45.360 turns to me and he goes somebody has mavenized my repo and i went they what your repo
00:08:51.920 and he says they mavenized it and i'm like what does that mean and he said i have no idea
00:08:59.279 maven by the way for those of you who did not raise your hands is a set of build tools commonly associated with java right
00:09:05.200 and i think when you are a contributor you're thinking i want to give other
00:09:10.399 people a way to access this repo in the same way that i'm comfortable with but as a maintainer you're thinking this
00:09:16.240 sets an expectation that this repo will be accessible using maven for the rest
00:09:22.640 of the time that it's available like contributors will start using that setup which means it needs to be maintained
00:09:28.399 another thing people commonly forget about is that build tools are some of the hardest to test in dev environment
00:09:34.800 setups as a maintainer you have to completely uninstall your dev environment and recreate it using this
00:09:40.320 setup so that's why while setup changes feel like a good first contribution they're some of the hardest to get
00:09:46.000 merged and they can be very challenging for maintainers um the next one is unrequested refactors if it's requested
00:09:52.320 go free but the way i see it um there's three major things the first of
00:09:57.839 which is that the maintainer could say this is no longer consistent with the rest of the code base and other contributors who are looking at it in
00:10:04.240 one place and moving to another are going to be confused about how these are related the next one is that the
00:10:10.399 maintainer may not like your changes right uh code aesthetics are a very personal choice
00:10:16.560 and that can be a really challenging thing to um get merged and then the last part of
00:10:22.480 this is even if the maintainer likes your changes likes your refactor and thinks that it is a good option what
00:10:29.440 they may say is you've moved a lot of tests changed a lot of code and you've created merge conflicts for other
00:10:35.760 contributors in this repository and our users have no new features and no new capabilities so even if they like it it
00:10:42.560 still may go unmerged the next one that i want to talk about is this challenging but rewarding category i love these and
00:10:49.040 they're such an exciting thing to work on like new features is what we talked about before it's empowering it's
00:10:54.800 exciting but again it sets up this expectation from users of that project
00:11:00.720 that that feature will be extended maintained and the bugs that are introduced with it are going to be picked up by maintainers so when you
00:11:07.360 create new features you need to make a case for why this is valuable not just for you but for other people in that and
00:11:14.320 other people who use that project this next one is different from the rest
00:11:20.079 of them so the first three here you're kind of having a maintainer is an obstacle like they don't want to merge
00:11:25.440 this particular pr but documentation is always welcome it helps contributors it helps maintainers it helps users of the
00:11:32.480 project and in addition to that it's very low risk it's very easy for maintainers to merge it and be and rest
00:11:38.320 assured that there are going to be no issues with the code base but i think what we need to acknowledge here is that
00:11:43.760 documentation is incredibly challenging in and of itself for a new user of that code base right so if we sit here and we
00:11:50.959 say i would like you to write documentation for this method by its very nature that method is undocumented
00:11:56.639 and documentation isn't about here are the parameters that you pass to this method that's facile right what's
00:12:02.880 important is to explain why and how this method is used
00:12:07.920 and if it's undocumented the person who is contributing who is visiting this repository for the first time has to
00:12:14.560 divine from where this method is called and all of the methods it calls and all of the little side effects and things
00:12:20.880 that may be hidden within it how this method is intended to be used however like i said these are incredibly welcome
00:12:28.639 maintainers are willing to partner with you and they're willing to help you with expanding the why and how and building
00:12:34.800 great documentation but we as an industry need to acknowledge that figuring out purely from the code what
00:12:41.120 something's purpose is is difficult and then taking that and writing it in such
00:12:47.040 a way that people who are familiar with the project can read it quickly people
00:12:52.560 that are new to the project have a thorough explanation of what's happening within it and that it's clear enough
00:12:59.040 that folks who um have english as a second language can understand and read what's happening
00:13:05.040 that is an incredibly challenging task and we need to acknowledge that this last category
00:13:13.760 ah thank you this last category are the easier and more welcome ones so with an existing
00:13:19.040 issue you have a buddy right there's a chance the maintainer's already seen it and honestly having another person to
00:13:25.200 back you up on whether this is valuable and another person to work with potentially even to pair program with
00:13:30.639 can make this a lot easier the next category is extending so one of the pr's
00:13:36.240 that i'm most proud of is the comparison validator that's coming out in real seven the idea is that you would be able
00:13:41.680 to say that a start date is before an end date right and when i built this what i was able to
00:13:47.120 do is i was able to look at existing validators and rails and say hey
00:13:52.160 this one uses comparisons this one extracts common language or common information into a module and imports it
00:13:58.959 into two validators i was able to look and say like hey there's test cases there's a test framework that's already
00:14:05.120 built for these and i was able to reuse a lot of what was there i think that extending is one of the great powers of
00:14:11.680 open source because maintainers can build a pattern and then open source contributors can swarm on it and extend
00:14:17.920 it and expand on it the last gold standard are ones that are tagged to good first issue this means
00:14:23.760 the maintainer has looked at it they think it's going to be a small change and honestly these are some of the first to
00:14:29.920 go which is why i want to talk about some of these other categories there's something that i've been implying here that i want to make very
00:14:36.399 explicit maintainers live with the code that you deliver right
00:14:42.000 you drop it off but when it comes to the bug requests when it comes to the extensions when it comes to the user
00:14:47.360 expectations maintainers are really thinking about the long-term future of the code that you've provided
00:14:54.079 and i think that this is something that really helps us understand how maintainers and contributors
00:14:59.920 interact all right but the next thing that i want to talk about is how to understand what
00:15:05.760 maintainer expectations are right maintainers have literally written you a
00:15:10.880 letter in the repository inviting you to contribute and telling you how they want you to contribute and be part of their
00:15:17.839 organization this is included in the sometimes for larger repos like forum
00:15:23.440 and rails it's a whole site for smaller ones sometimes it's just a section in the readme but this really
00:15:29.199 is how you know what is acceptable and what's okay inside of that project
00:15:34.399 this is going to include information like style guidelines documentation how to request review and claim an issue
00:15:40.480 and most importantly it's going to have information about your developer setup and your tests and i want to talk about one specific
00:15:46.720 thing about open source so in your daily projects what you probably do is you
00:15:51.759 reach out to it and you're like i would like to be added to this particular project and you provide them with your github
00:15:58.000 username and then maybe they ask you like which projects do you need to be part of what are you working on they add
00:16:03.120 you to a team that is a cumbersome process for open source and also uh
00:16:09.040 maintainers often worry that they'll be responsible for any content that's been uploaded on branches so instead we use
00:16:15.440 forked repositories right so what you do is you have the original repo this is the location where
00:16:21.279 everything is this is where others changes are this is where the maintainers are and then you fork that repo and it creates a copy
00:16:28.639 that is on your account that is where your changes in local dev environment
00:16:33.920 live that's where you're going to push your changes that's where you clone them and then at the end what you do is you
00:16:39.199 point your pr towards the original repo if you do not point your pr towards the original repo as demonstrated at the
00:16:45.199 bottom of the screen what will happen is they will not see it it will exist purely on your account and
00:16:50.959 it will not be reviewed and speaking of prs let's talk about ways to give your peer the best chance
00:16:57.519 for success give it a clear description why do we want this what does it change what are some of the potential impacts
00:17:04.000 what are the resources that you used in figuring this out make it easy make it small in single purpose and also make
00:17:10.559 sure the tests and linting pass i'm going to tell you exactly how i maintain and manage my repos what i do is i look
00:17:17.039 at the list of pr's i start at the bottom i go through all of the green ones and i literally go up from the
00:17:22.079 bottom and then i go through the red ones the bottom ones by the way are some of the oldest ones and i think what's
00:17:27.439 important to remember here is with these small and single purpose ones um i'll often review it based on how long and
00:17:34.320 how many files it is like if it's one to three files i'll probably do it at work and nobody will
00:17:39.679 be advisor right if it's five to ten files we're waiting
00:17:44.960 until the end of the day if it's 30 plus files we're waiting until the heat does in the universe i'm so sorry i really want to review your pr
00:17:52.480 and i haven't closed it but it's 30 plus files and that's a lot to review
00:17:59.360 next one you want to make sure it's easy to test reproduce this ties into the description and then the last one is you
00:18:04.640 want to make sure that you're giving maintainers a quick response these are the people who are going to merge your
00:18:10.240 pr the shorter you can make that feedback cycle the faster this will be merged okay
00:18:16.320 we covered a lot of information there let's take a moment and kind of sit with it
00:18:22.320 our first step is we find a repo then we find an issue then we read the fork the repo get clone
00:18:29.039 the fork repo locally set up your dev environment and then reproduce the issue okay so the vast
00:18:34.080 majority of issues in open source are very very bad they're created by volunteers sometimes there's environment
00:18:39.120 issues sometimes it's been closed in a separate pr like you cannot trust these issues make sure you reproduce them
00:18:45.520 next up is code documenting or translate i know you can do this i fully believe
00:18:50.720 in your ability to write code document and translate and i think a lot of people overestimate what is required
00:18:58.160 right like a lot of times the issue will even have like some basic implementation
00:19:03.280 information so i believe in you and i believe in your ability to complete this step last step create a pr and point it to
00:19:10.320 the original repo if you've followed all these you have created a pr
00:19:16.799 round of applause you are amazing that is enough
00:19:22.480 just creating the pr is worth the effort there are a lot of things that are going to happen after this stage there's going
00:19:28.559 to be a lot of back and forth but this was worth it so my first pr right
00:19:34.240 was an image change to a minecraft guide literally it was a one-line change to
00:19:40.960 swap a tool rack with a cow in a jar it had documentation it had comments it had a little description and everything
00:19:47.360 and it went unmerged for four years but what it did is it taught me how to
00:19:52.400 work with forked repos it made me feel confident in my ability to participate in open source so then when i saw that
00:19:58.880 dev2 had vimeo and they had youtube but they didn't have twitch embeds i said
00:20:04.159 well you know what there are some examples there i know how forked repos work i can go in and i can add that
00:20:09.760 dev2 by the way uses liquid tags in order to handle adding
00:20:15.600 embeds and that sort of stuff so i created a pr to embed twitch clips
00:20:21.280 when i started working with jekyll right i saw that they used liquid tags
00:20:27.679 regardless of whether the dev21 was merged i now knew how to create a twitch
00:20:34.080 liquid tag right and i felt confident in my abilities to do so so what i did is i learned how to make a
00:20:40.960 gem in order to wrap that liquid tag which means now at this point i know how
00:20:46.080 to make a gem that story started with a pr that sat unmerged for four years
00:20:52.080 right each step in that journey is worth it even if the immediate results aren't
00:20:59.120 what you wanted building that muscle contributing to open source being part
00:21:04.240 of that community is worth it and there are a lot of reasons your pr might be murder emerge that have nothing
00:21:10.880 to do with you so for example your maintainer may have 20 other pr's to review
00:21:16.720 they may be on vacation they may have a big work project most maintainers have a 40 hour a week job in
00:21:23.679 addition to what they're working on and we all know those 40 hours a week can sometimes turn into 60 to 70. and if
00:21:29.679 that happens your pr may go unmerged and unattended for a while one of the harder ones is they may have
00:21:35.760 found it hard to read or follow your pr and they may be waiting for that reason they may be figuring out how to say no
00:21:41.760 they may have decided despite your case despite your explanation that your future isn't one that they want to merge
00:21:47.120 into the project and that's a hard thing to deal with but it's a possibility on the other hand there may be future
00:21:53.200 work happening there right they may decide that there's additional work that's going to be set up um
00:22:00.799 they don't know for sure like what the expectations are and this may make the re-architecture the merges more
00:22:06.400 difficult right so these are all reasons that your pr might be emerged despite it being
00:22:12.400 beautiful well-written code right next we're going to talk a little bit
00:22:18.080 about maintainers and contributors because i think this is where a lot of the anxiety comes from is this kind of
00:22:24.159 fear of being reviewed in public so you have your contributors and there are a lot of things that you do right
00:22:30.320 creating issues updating documentation creating and reviewing prs once you're familiar with the repository itself
00:22:37.120 but with maintainers as a team they're responsible for a lot more they're merging prs
00:22:42.799 releasing new versions deploying to production and really setting the direction for the project they are
00:22:48.159 focused on the project needs as a contributor you get to explore and focus on your needs and you get to adventure a
00:22:55.200 maintainer has responsibility for the success of that project and making sure that it continues
00:23:02.240 to work for those users so that kind of begs the question like
00:23:07.280 why would you maintain a project right why would you take on that responsibility and i think there's three
00:23:12.320 big reasons i've heard of you want it to exist you want to share what you've built sometimes these people don't accept
00:23:17.679 contributions they're just like i just want to show you what i've built and you can copy it the biggest reason though is
00:23:22.799 you want help building it all of these though boil down to the same thing which is that maintainers
00:23:29.520 care about the project and you when you contribute you are gifting your time and attention
00:23:36.480 to the project that they care about there are a lot of things that get in the way right there are busy work
00:23:42.320 schedules and there are egos and conversations and a lot of other things and whether or not this is for the best
00:23:48.480 to the project but at the end of the day you contribute to the success of the
00:23:54.000 project and maintainers know that they want you there that's why they wrote a letter to you in the
00:24:01.200 they want you to be part of the project i think of open source as a community
00:24:06.320 garden right the maintainers are there and they're like oh no that's not a weed that's actually a butterfly host plant
00:24:11.840 here's where the paths are please don't go through those gardens oh my god there's so many of you here and i don't know how to handle it but without you
00:24:18.960 it's not a community garden it's just a garden right like you are what makes an
00:24:24.880 open source project successful and amazing so don't be scared meet a nice repo and
00:24:30.240 build something beautiful and when you do please tell me what you built uh i go by chill or rachel you can find me at
00:24:37.120 chill codes and the places you typically find a developer i stream open source on twitch on sundays and two other days a
00:24:42.799 week as well so that's a really great place to find me i'm a senior full stack engineer at calmly and of course we are
00:24:48.240 hiring also i maintain an app called conf buddies that's built in rails and what
00:24:53.520 it allows you to do is it allows you to befriend other people at a conference and then know when you're attending
00:24:58.880 events together if you're still anxious about the process of open source hi i can be your first maintainer and i
00:25:05.360 promise it'll be a good experience thank you all so much for coming and do you have any questions oh wait sorry
00:25:19.440 okay do you have any questions yes hello yes you in the white cardigan and
00:25:25.679 the very nice black shirt yeah thank you so i've seen on some repos they have a practice of um like requesting to be
00:25:32.159 assigned to an issue yeah at like what stage should i ask to be a song should i go and scope out the
00:25:38.640 problem first or as soon as i see what i'm interested in go ahead and ask for that it really depends on when you're
00:25:43.760 comfortable being responsible for completing that issue personally i could scope it out first i'm like where am i
00:25:48.960 going to make the changes like what's this going to look like do i really want this issue or is it going to be bigger than i think it is and then what i do is
00:25:55.440 they ask to be assigned oftentimes i'll send the message asking to be assigned and then i'll get started on the pull
00:26:00.640 request even though i haven't been assigned yet but yeah that's a great question and what if you realize it's above your head
00:26:06.960 and you've already been assigned is there a way to like back out gracefully absolutely so most maintainers are
00:26:12.640 incredibly understanding of the fact that like you want to step away in fact a lot of maintainers what they do is they actually set up bots to unassign
00:26:19.919 people because you don't want to say like hey this person hasn't touched it for a month like we want to give it to
00:26:25.279 somebody else because you're worried about upsetting that contributor i think people don't realize how often
00:26:30.400 maintainers think about whether or not their contributors feel comfortable in their project because it's entirely
00:26:35.840 written communication um comprom had a great talk at strange loop
00:26:40.960 about like all of the processes and one of the things that she said was she automated
00:26:46.640 the emotional labor by having a process to unassign people so if you realize it's too much like feel free even an
00:26:53.600 hour later like a week later definitely like don't even worry about it like they'll understand
00:27:01.760 yes in the weed maps mask sorry it's the most identifiable thing
00:27:08.400 that's what it was i wasn't sure what this was right thank you uh good talk by the way awesome thank
00:27:13.679 you very very helpful uh i did have a question regarding like picking up
00:27:18.799 an issue uh similarly like in jira they could depend on somebody else or maybe you have to wait and you have to
00:27:24.559 contribute with someone else as well what's the process there what if do you have to
00:27:31.039 kind of find time to work with someone else or you're blocked by somebody else's work at the time or i don't know maybe
00:27:38.000 someone else is relying on you yeah so blockers are significantly less common in open source than they are in
00:27:44.399 our everyday workplaces because people understand that you could step in at any step of the process and
00:27:50.080 like pick up the issue it's far more common for an issue to be broken down into like this needs to be created and
00:27:56.159 then later the second issue will be created because also um maintainers don't know how long it's going to take
00:28:01.200 for someone to pick up the issue so most of the times they don't create the second one until afterwards but if so
00:28:06.320 like normally what happens is after the first one is merged that's when the second one becomes available to pick up
00:28:13.520 does that answer your question
00:28:20.559 uh yes in the front row
00:28:26.240 uh you you said the thing about um having someone uh document how the code
00:28:31.600 works is actually like a really difficult task and that unlocked like a feral anger in
00:28:36.720 me that i forgot i had um because a lot of times you onboard to an engineering team or an engineering
00:28:41.840 team has a new hire and they're like yeah we're just gonna turn you loose and have you write some documentation i'm always like i actually don't think
00:28:47.200 that's a good task um but i didn't really understand why are there other things that you've
00:28:52.799 learned from open source that you feel like have changed how you approach like you know you kind of like paid daytime
00:28:58.480 job oh yeah absolutely so i mentioned before that open source is mostly happening
00:29:03.679 remote uh asynchronously so when i stepped back into the corporate world i was kind of like oh i'm ready for this
00:29:10.799 what i do is i document a lot more and describe what i'm trying to do a lot of
00:29:15.919 times we'll say like oh i need to know how to build this like i'm going to set a 30 minute meeting on someone's calendar
00:29:21.360 but your memory of that 30 minute meeting is less accurate after an hour and i guarantee a month later you're
00:29:27.279 going to completely forget what y'all agreed to and said unless it's written down and that's why having conversations
00:29:33.200 on pull requests communicating what you're looking for allows that conversation to be available years later
00:29:39.679 and my time in open source has kind of trained me to approach things from a remote first perspective and a written
00:29:46.320 first perspective which i think is incredibly helpful
00:29:52.159 thank you oh yes
00:29:58.559 hi there um so i have a question if you are struggling with your local development setup or reproducing
00:30:06.159 the um issue is there like a good way to get unblocked or communicate with the
00:30:12.720 maintainers that would be like more effective absolutely so the the first approach i
00:30:18.080 think is to really comment on the issue and say i was unable to reproduce this and here's why i think the second main
00:30:24.159 way that you can do this is you can look and see if they have a community discord if they have a community slack because a
00:30:30.000 lot of much larger projects have these
00:30:35.120 and i think that that's a good way to approach it but my first instinct would be to comment on the issue this is asynchronous and it's one of the places
00:30:41.279 where things kind of break down because it takes a little bit longer but yeah that would be my first approach because again a lot of these issues are not
00:30:47.440 going to be valid right like you need to take the time to reproduce them and if you comment on it it may just get closed
00:30:54.640 yes thank you that was a great question are there any further questions
00:31:02.640 i want to thank you all so much for coming here if you want to ask me further questions oh goodness gracious
00:31:08.159 i'm so sorry um you can again find me on twitch my twitter dms are open i'm on the discord
00:31:14.480 and feel free to grab me in the halls i like meeting new people and i like talking with you all and also when i
00:31:20.559 said tell me what you built i mean it tell me when you changed the color of a button and i will be so incredibly
00:31:27.760 excited with you thank you all so so much and i appreciate you
00:31:34.960 okay