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Avoiding Pitfalls in Active Record: Practical Usage and Best Practices
Viktor Schmidt
Ruby Warsaw Community Conference Summer Edition 2024
Solid SQLite Apps on Rails
Stephen Margheim
BalticRuby 2024
The Very Hungry Transaction
Daniel Colson
Helvetic Ruby 2024
Lightning talk: How to use Arel? Wrong answers only!
Dávid Halász
Helvetic Ruby 2024
The Very Hungry Transaction
Daniel Colson
Blue Ridge Ruby 2024
How (and why) to run SQLite in production
Stephen Margheim
Balkan Ruby 2024
Using Postgres + OpenAI to power your AI Recommendation Engine
Chris Winslett
RailsConf 2024
Closing Keynote
Aaron Patterson
RailsConf 2024
Workshop: Build High Performance Active Record Apps
Andrew Atkinson
RailsConf 2024
Implementing Native Composite Primary Key Support in Rails 7.1
Nikita Vasilevsky
RailsConf 2024
Ruby on Fails: effective error handling with Rails conventions
Talysson Oliveira Cassiano
RailsConf 2024
The Very Hungry Transaction
Daniel Colson
RailsConf 2024
How (and why) to run SQLite in production
Stephen Margheim
wroc_love.rb 2024
Panel: Performance Problems in Rails Applications
Stephen Margheim
Caio Almeida
Maciej Rząsa
wroc_love.rb 2024
Keynote: The Magic of Rails
Eileen M. Uchitelle
Tropical.rb 2024
Implementing Business Archetypes in Rails
Michał Łęcicki
Ruby Warsaw Community Conference Winter Edition 2024
Lightning Talk: From a spreadsheet to a Rails app in 5 minutes
Lorin Thwaits
Friendly.rb 2023
Beyond the service object
Nick Sutterer
Friendly.rb 2023
Get your Data prod ready, Fast, with Ruby Polars!
Paul Reece
RubyConf 2023
How Rails 7 Helped Us Achieve GDPR Compliance
Warren Wong
RubyConf Taiwan 2023
Guardrails: Keeping Customer Data Separate in a Multi Tenant System
Miles McGuire
Rails World 2023
Migrating Shopify's Core Rails Monolith to Trilogy
Adrianna Chang
Rails World 2023
Using Multiple Databases with Active Record
Julia López
Rails World 2023
Keynote: The Magic of Rails
Eileen M. Uchitelle
Rails World 2023
Powerful Rails Features You Might Not Know
Chris Oliver
Rails World 2023
Implementing Native Composite Primary Key Support in Rails 7.1
Nikita Vasilevsky
Rails World 2023
A Rails Performance Guidebook
Cristian Planas
Euruko 2023
Steven, Just let_it_be. A Guide To Improve Your RSpec Performance
Daniel Susveila
Euruko 2023
A Rails performance guidebook: from 0 to 1B requests/day
Cristian Planas
wroc_love.rb 2023
Fantastic Databases And Where To Find Them
Krzysztof Hasiński
Ruby Warsaw Community Conference Summer Edition 2023
ActiveRecord::Encryption; Stop Hackers from Reading your Data
Matthew Langlois
Kylie Stradley
RailsConf 2023
A custom design pattern for building dynamic ActiveRecord queries
Justin Daniel
RailsConf 2023
Building Ruby Head for your Rails App
Maple Ong
RailsConf 2023
Migrating Shopify’s Core Rails Monolith to Trilogy
Adrianna Chang
RailsConf 2023
Off to the races
Kyle d'Oliveira
RailsConf 2023
Ruby + ADBC - A single API between Ruby and DBs
Sutou Kouhei
RubyKaigi 2023
Dissecting Rails - A Different Approach to Learning Rails
Ratnadeep Deshmane
RubyConf TH 2022
Caching With MessagePack
Chris Salzberg
RubyKaigi 2022
Nightmare Neighbours Caveats of Rails Based Mutlitenancy
Karol Szuster
wroc_love.rb 2022
Sorbet at Grailed: Typing a Large Rails Codebase to Ship with Confidence
Jose Rosello
RubyConf 2021
`rails c` with me - turbocharge your use of the interactive console
Sweta Sanghavi
RailsConf 2022
Caching Without Marshal
Chris Salzberg
RailsConf 2022
Scaling Rails with JRuby in 2022
Charles Oliver Nutter
RailsConf 2022
Call me back, Postgres
Ifat Ribon
RailsConf 2022
Reflecting on Active Record Associations
Daniel Colson
RailsConf 2022
Experimental Patterns in ActiveRecord
John Crepezzi
RailsConf 2022
Your test suite is making too many database calls!
Joël Quenneville
RailsConf 2022
Your Service Layer Needn't be Fancy, It Just Needs to Exist
David Copeland
RailsConf 2022
A Rails Performance Guidebook: from 0 to 1B requests/day
Cristian Planas
RailsConf 2022
Unboxing Rails 7: What's new in the latest major version
Claudio Baccigalupo
RailsConf 2022
Geolocation EXPLAINed
Kevin Lesht
RailsConf 2022
Demystifying DSLs for better analysis and understanding
Ufuk Kayserilioglu
RubyKaigi Takeout 2021
Lightning Talk: The 6 Characters That Could Bring Down Your App
Moncef Belyamani
Euruko 2021
Metaprogramming for generalists
Chris Salzberg
Euruko 2018
Rails anti-patterns: how not to design your database
Brad Urani
Euruko 2018
Tidying Active Record Allocations
Richard Schneeman
Euruko 2019
rails db:migrate:even_safer
Matt Duszynski
RailsConf 2021
The Curious Case of the Bad Clone
Ufuk Kayserilioglu
RailsConf 2021
Processing data at scale with Rails
Corey Martin
RailsConf 2021
Can I break this?: Writing resilient “save” methods
Nathan Griffith
RailsConf 2021
Sequel: When ActiveRecord is not enough
Janko Marohnić
rubyday 2020
Technically, a Talk
Eileen M. Uchitelle
rubyday 2020
Convention over Kubernetes: (Almost) Configless Deploys
Cameron Dutro
Pivorak Conf 5.0 - Online Edition
Keynote: Technically, a Talk
Eileen M. Uchitelle
RailsConf 2020 CE
Wrangle Your SQL With Arel
Eric Hayes
RailsConf 2020 CE
The Circle Of Lifecycle Events
Nelson Wittwer
RailsConf 2020 CE
Aaron Patterson's Variety Show
Aaron Patterson
RailsConf 2020 CE
Postgres at any Scale
Craig Kerstiens
Birmingham on Rails 2020
Opening Keynote: Structural Engineering in Ruby
Stephan Hagemann
Birmingham on Rails 2020
Befriending the Turtles
Glenn Vanderburg
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2013
Surrounded by Microservices
Damir Svrtan
Ancient City Ruby 2019
Why Is This So Hard?
Jack Christensen
Ancient City Ruby 2019
Beyond REST in Rails
Vipul A M
RubyConf TH 2019
Closing Keynote: Scalable Applications with JRuby
Charles Nutter
RubyConf TH 2019
Profiling and Benchmarking 101
Nate Berkopec
RailsConf 2019
The 30-Month Migration
Glenn Vanderburg
RailsConf 2019
Postgres & Rails 6 Multi-DB: Pitfalls, Patterns, Performance
Gabe Enslein
RailsConf 2019
Localize your Rails application like a pro
David Padilla
RailsConf 2019
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Active...
Richard Schneeman
Caleb Thompson
RailsConf 2019
ActiveRecord, the Repository Pattern, and You
Craig Buchek
RailsConf 2019
Database Design for Beginners
David Copeland
RailsConf 2019
I can't believe it's not an attribute!
Stefan Exner
Ruby Unconf 2019
search_flip - Full featured ElasticSearch Ruby Client
Benjamin Vetter
Ruby Unconf 2019
Easily Create Interactive UIs in Pure Ruby
Jonas Jabari
Ruby Unconf 2019
Event Sourcing made Simple
Philippe Creux
RailsConf 2019
The Elusive Attribute
Chris Salzberg
RailsConf 2019
Code Spelunking: teach yourself how Rails works
Jordan Raine
RailsConf 2019
Reducing ActiveRecord memory consumption using Apache Arrow
Kenta Murata
RubyKaigi 2019
Business Logic in Ruby
Andrzej Krzywda
wroc_love.rb 2019
Better Rails by Knowing Better Database
Ding ding Ye
Rails Pacific 2014
Multitenancy with Rails
Ryan Bigg
Rails Pacific 2014
Trailblazer A New Architecture For Rails
Nick Sutterer
Rails Pacific 2014
Eager Loading for ActiveRecord Performance
Dinah Shi
Balkan Ruby 2018
The Future of Rails 6: Scalable by Default
Eileen M. Uchitelle
Paris.rb Conf 2018
JRuby 9.2 and Rails 5.x
Thomas E Enebo
RubyKaigi 2018
Putting Rails in a corner: Understanding database isolation
Emil Ong
RailsConf 2018
Up And Down Again: A Migration's Tale
Derek Prior
RailsConf 2018
Keynote: The Future of Rails 6: Scalable by Default
Eileen M. Uchitelle
RailsConf 2018
Debugging Rails Itself
Sean Griffin
RailsConf 2018
Using Databases to pull your applications weight
Harisankar P S
RailsConf 2018
Candy on Rails: Polymorphism & Rails 5
Michael Cain
RailsConf 2018
Opening Keynote: FIXME
David Heinemeier Hansson
RailsConf 2018
Turbo Boosting Real-world Applications
Akira Matsuda
RailsConf 2018
Access Denied: the missing guide to authorization in Rails
Vladimir Dementyev
RailsConf 2018
Petra "Yeah I'll Commit That Later"
Stefan Exner
Ruby Unconf 2018
Counterintuitive Rails Pt. 2
Ivan Nemytchenko
wroc_love.rb 2018
Keynote: The Story of JRuby
Charles Nutter
Euruko 2017
Rails 5.1: Awesome Features and Breaking Changes
Claudio B
RailsConf 2017
Beyond validates_presence_of: Ensuring Eventual Consistency
Amy Unger
RailsConf 2017
The Secret Life of SQL: How to Optimize Database Performance
Bryana Knight
RailsConf 2017
Reporting on Rails - ActiveRecord and ROLAP Working Together
Tony Drake
RailsConf 2017
Perusing the Rails Source Code - A Beginners Guide
Alex Kitchens
RailsConf 2017
Rails 5 Features You Haven't Heard About
Sean Griffin
Ancient City Ruby 2016
Beyond Good and ORMs
Kerri Miller
Ancient City Ruby 2015
Lightning Talk: Active Hash
Jeff Dean
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2011
Closing Keynote
Aaron Patterson
RailsConf 2014
Tricks That Rails Didn't Tell You About
Carlos Antionio da Silva
RailsConf 2014
Biggish Data With Rails and Postgresql
Starr Horne
RailsConf 2014
Ruby on Rails Hacking Guide
Akira Matsuda
RailsConf 2014
Advanced aRel: When ActiveRecord Just Isn't Enough
Cameron Dutro
RailsConf 2014
Objectify Your Forms: Beyond Basic User Input
Danny Olson
wroc_love.rb 2014
From ActiveRecord to Events
Emanuele Delbono
wroc_love.rb 2014
Using Elasticsearch with Rails Apps
Brian Gugliemetti
RailsConf 2013
Postgres, the Best Tool You're Already Using
Adam Sanderson
RailsConf 2013
An Intervention for ActiveRecord
Ernie Miller
RailsConf 2013
Rails is Just Ruby
Jesse Wolgamott
RailsConf 2013
Introducing Brainstem, your companion for rich Rails APIs
Andrew Cantino
RailsConf 2013
Rails for Zombies: Parts 1 & 2
Christopher Greene
Aimee Simone
RailsConf 2013
Refactoring Fat Models with Patterns
Bryan Helmkamp
wroc_love.rb 2013
Redis Application Patterns in Rails
Obie Fernandez
RailsConf 2012
Active Record Scopes and Arel
Jacob Swanner
RailsConf 2012
Realtime web applications with streaming REST
Brad Gessler
RailsConf 2012
Use the Source, Luke: High-fidelity history with event-sourced data
Keith Gaddis
RailsConf 2012
Ten Things You Didn't Know Rails Could Do
James Edward Gray II
RailsConf 2012
Getting Down To Earth: Geospatial Analysis With Rails
Daniel Azuma
RailsConf 2012
DataMapper 2
Piotr Solnica
wroc_love.rb 2012
Rails - past, present and the future
Piotr Sarnacki
wroc_love.rb 2012
Decoupling Persistence (Like There's Some Tomorrow)
Piotr Szotkowski
wroc_love.rb 2012
Double Dream Hands: So Intense!
Aaron Patterson
RailsConf 2011