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Distributed Systems
Everything a Microservice: The Worst Possible Intro to dRuby
Kevin Kuchta
RubyConf 2022
How to Ensure Systems Do What We Want and Take Care of Themselves
Michał Zajączkowski de Mezer
wroc_love.rb 2022
Learning Ractor with Raft
Micah Gates
RubyConf 2021
Workshop: Fundamentals of Joint Cognitive Systems
Laura Maguire
John Allspaw
RubyConf 2021
O(1), O(n) and O(#$*&!)
Stephen Prater
RailsConf 2022
Scaling a monolith isn't scaling microservices
Kerstin Puschke
Euruko 2018
Surrounded by Microservices
Damir Svrtan
Euruko 2019
Keynote: I Test In Production by Charity Majors
Charity Majors
Euruko 2019
Distributed Systems: Your Only Guarantee Is Inconsistency
Anthony Zacharakis
Euruko 2017
The Cost of Data
Vaidehi Joshi
RailsConf 2021
Rinda in the real-world embedded systems
Masatoshi SEKI
RubyKaigi Takeout 2020
Postgres at any Scale
Craig Kerstiens
Birmingham on Rails 2020
An ode to 17 databases in 29 minutes
Toby Hede
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2013
Surrounded by Microservices
Damir Svrtan
Ancient City Ruby 2019
Events. Events. Events!
Anton Davydov
RubyConf TH 2019
Service Architectures for Mere Mortals
Jamie Gaskins
RailsConf 2019
Scalable Observability for Rails Applications
John Feminella
RailsConf 2019
Building Resilient API Dependency
Sergey Dolganov
Ruby Unconf 2019
dRuby 20th anniversary hands-on workshop
Masatoshi SEKI
RubyKaigi 2019
Beauty and the Beast: your application and distributed systems
Emily Stolfo
rubyday 2019
Beauty and the Beast: your application and distributed systems
Emily Stolfo
Ruby on Ice 2019
Events Events Events
Anton Davydov
wroc_love.rb 2019
How Mining Works
Aaron Cruz
Pivorak Conf 1.0
Beyond the current state: Time travel as answer to hard questions
Armin Pašalić
Balkan Ruby 2018
Karafka - Ruby Framework for Event Driven Architecture
Maciej Mensfeld
RubyKaigi 2018
Five Sharding Data Models and Which is Right
Craig Kerstiens
RailsConf 2018
Some Funny Things Happened on The Way to A Service Ecosystem
Chris Hoffman
RailsConf 2018
Beyond the Current State: Time Travel to the Rescue!
Armin Pašalić
wroc_love.rb 2018
Lightning Talks Day 3
Armin Pašalić
Vladimir Dementyev
Tom Woo
wroc_love.rb 2018
Predicting Performance Changes of Distributed Applications
Wojtek Rząsa
Euruko 2017
Building Helm Charts From the Ground Up...
Amy Chen
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2017
Ruby for Distributed Storage System
Satoshi "moris" Tagomori
RubyKaigi 2017
dRuby on Browser
Yoh Osaki
RubyKaigi 2017
Recurring Background Jobs with Sidekiq-scheduler
Andreas Fast
Gianfranco Zas
RailsConf 2017
Beyond validates_presence_of: Ensuring Eventual Consistency
Amy Unger
RailsConf 2017
Distributed & Local: Getting the Best of Both Worlds
Ben Klang
RailsConf 2017
Predicting Performance Changes of Distributed Applications
Wojciech Rząsa
wroc_love.rb 2017
The Babel Fish is Data: A Case Study
Norbert Wójtowicz
wroc_love.rb 2017
We All Build Distributed Systems
Maciej Rząsa
wroc_love.rb 2017
dRuby in the last century.
Masatoshi SEKI
RubyKaigi 2016
Pwrake: Distributed Workflow Engine based on Rake
Masahiro TANAKA
RubyKaigi 2016
Data Analytics Service Company and Its Ruby Usage
TAGOMORI "moris" Satoshi
RubyKaigi 2015
Cloning Twitter: Rails + Cassandra = Scalable Sharing
Charles Max Wood
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2011
Introduction to Elixir for Rubyists
Josh Adams
Ancient City Ruby 2014
Service Oriented Architecture for robust and scalable systems
Ole Michaelis
rubyday 2014
Workshop: All Aboard The Elixir Express!
Chris McCord
RailsConf 2014
An Ode to 17 Databases in 33 Minutes
Toby Hede
RailsConf 2014
Distributed Request Tracing
Kenny Hoxworth
RailsConf 2014
Supercharge Your Workers with Storm
Carl Lerche
RailsConf 2014
Testing HTTP APIs in Ruby
Shai Rosenfeld
RailsConf 2013
Distributed Patterns in Ruby
Eric Redmond
Ancient City Ruby 2013
Building a real-time analytics engine in JRuby
David Dahl
wroc_love.rb 2013
Distributed Hell
Krzysztof Kowalik
wroc_love.rb 2012
Fear of adding processes
Florian Gilcher
wroc_love.rb 2012
ØMQ - A way towards fully distributed architectures
Matrin Sustrik
wroc_love.rb 2012