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Functional Programming
Keynote: Quest of the Rubyist by Tim Riley
Tim Riley
RubyConf Taiwan 2023
Lightning Talk: Ruby and the Lisp
Marian Posăceanu
Friendly.rb 2023
The Functional Alternative
Ju Liu
Helvetic Ruby 2023
Ruby Rendezvous: Method Call, Proc, and Beyond
Agnieszka Małaszkiewicz
wroc_love.rb 2023
Functional Patterns in Ruby
John Crepezzi
RailsConf 2023
The Functional Alternative
Ju Liu
rubyday 2023
Ruby's Creed
Bozhidar Batsov
rubyday 2023
Ruby Lambdas
Keith Bennett
RubyConf 2022
Functional programming for fun and profit!!
Jenny Shih
RubyConf Mini 2022
Hanami 2: New Framework, New You
Tim Riley
RubyConf TH 2022
Why I choose Phoenix
Aaron Cruz
RubyConf TH 2022
Grokking FP For The Practicing Rubyist
Norbert Wójtowicz
wroc_love.rb 2022
Lighting Talks Day 2
Alina Leskova
Nobert Wójtowicz
Andrzej Krzywda
Jan Dudulski
Yaroslav Shmarov
wroc_love.rb 2022
Service Objects With Dry.rb: Monads and Transactions
Paul Sadauskas
RubyConf 2021
Joyful Polyglot: Beautiful insights from many languages
Nick Barone
RubyConf 2021
Using Monads for Elegant Error Handling
John Gallagher
RubyConf 2021
Harness the power of functions to build composable rack applications
Marc Busqué
RubyConf 2021
Programming with Something
Tom Stuart
RubyConf 2021
Functional Programming in Plain Terms
Eric Weinstein
RailsConf 2022
Streaming data transformations with Ruby
Ville Lautanala
Euruko 2021
Keynote: Functional Future Ruby by Yukihiro Matsumoto
Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto
Euruko 2019
Missing Guide to Service Objects in Rails
Riaz Virani
RailsConf 2021
Keynote: Why Hanami?
Luca Guidi
Paris.rb Conf 2020
Rediscovering Ruby
Philip Poots
Paris.rb Conf 2020
The Functional Rubyist
Joe Leo
Ancient City Ruby 2019
(UN)Learning Elixir: A self-effacing guide to making fewer mistakes than I did when I started with Elixir
Randall Thomas
Ancient City Ruby 2019
Dirty Magic for Resilient API Dependencies
Sergey Dolganov
RubyConf TH 2019
Keynote: Quest of the Rubyist
Tim Riley
RubyConf TH 2019
Pattern Matching In Ruby 2.7
Tae Noppakun Wongsrinoppakun
RubyConf TH 2019
The Developer Who Wanted To Refactor The Moon
Enrique Mogollan
RubyConf TH 2019
Rust for Rubyists (and Rubyists for Rust)!
Paul Martensen
Ruby Unconf 2019
Sprinkles of Functional Programming
John Schoeman
RailsConf 2019
Building Resilient API Dependency
Sergey Dolganov
Ruby Unconf 2019
Functional Programming in Ruby
Matheus Mina
Ruby Unconf 2019
Pragmatic Monadic Programing in Ruby
Tomohiro Hashidate
RubyKaigi 2019
Hanami 2.0
Luca Guidi
rubyday 2019
Nick Sutterer
Balkan Ruby 2018
Super Ain't Super: From OOP To FP and Beyond!
Nick Sutterer
wroc_love.rb 2018
Applying CQRS & Event Sourcing on Rails applications
Andrzej Śliwa
wroc_love.rb 2018
Trust, But Verify (Programmatically)
Ben Orenstein
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2017
Pattern Matching in Ruby
RubyKaigi 2017
Rails to Phoenix: How Elixir can level-you-up in Rails
Christian Koch
RailsConf 2017
Developer Happiness on the Front End with Elm
Kevin Yank
RailsConf 2017
The Babel Fish is Data: A Case Study
Norbert Wójtowicz
wroc_love.rb 2017
Panel: Elixir vs. Ruby
Andrzej Krzywda
wroc_love.rb 2017
Make Ruby Functional Again!
Devon Estes
rubyday 2016
How Programming In Other Languages Made My Ruby Code Better
Simone Carletti
rubyday 2016
ErRuby: Ruby on Erlang/OTP
Lin Yu Hsiang
RubyKaigi 2016
Enumberable's Ugly Cousin
Ross Kaffenberger
Ancient City Ruby 2016
Let's make a functional language!
Yutaka HARA
RubyKaigi 2015
Elixir for the rubyist
Hal Fulton
rubyday 2015
Rubyist meets Swift
Jay Hayes
Ancient City Ruby 2015
ClojureScript + React.js
Norbert Wójtowicz
wroc_love.rb 2015
Introduction to Elixir for Rubyists
Josh Adams
Ancient City Ruby 2014
Ruby's influence over the Elixir language
Paolo Montrasio
rubyday 2014
Workshop: All Aboard The Elixir Express!
Chris McCord
RailsConf 2014
Ruby Arrays on Steroids
Michael Feathers
wroc_love.rb 2014
Migrating To Clojure. So Much Fn
Jan Stępień
wroc_love.rb 2014
Live Coding with Ben
Ben Orenstein
Ancient City Ruby 2013
Simple and Elegant Rails Code with Functional Style
Attila Domokos
RailsConf 2013
Panel: FP vs OOP
Andrzej Krzywda
Piotr Zolnierek
Norbert Wójtowicz
Tymon Tobolski
Przemysław Kowalczyk
Jan Filipowski
wroc_love.rb 2013
DCI != #extend && DCI != use case in code
Rune Funch Søltoft
wroc_love.rb 2013
Embrace the static. Cherish the functional. Remain a Rubyist.
Jan Stępień
wroc_love.rb 2013