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Real-Time Applications
How to build an exchange
Tim Kächele
BalticRuby 2024
Keynote: Leveraging Falcon and Rails for Real-Time Interactivity
Samuel Williams
RubyKaigi 2024
Lightning Talk: Hotwire Cookbook and common use cases
Yaroslav Shmarov
Friendly.rb 2023
Hotwire Cookbook: Common Uses, Essential Patterns & Best Practices
Yaroslav Shmarov
Rails World 2023
Untangling Cables and Demystifying Twisted Transistors
Vladimir Dementyev
Rails World 2023
Exploring the Power of Turbo Streams and ActionCable
Kevin Liebholz
RailsConf 2023
Building Stream Processing Applications with Ruby & Meroxa
Ali Hamidi
RubyConf 2022
The pitfalls of realtime-ification
Vladimir Dementyev
RailsConf 2022
GraphQL and Rails beyond HTTP APIs
Gui Vieira
RailsConf 2022
Realtime Apps with Hotwire & ActionMailbox
Chris Oliver
RailsConf 2021
Hotwire Demystified
Jamie Gaskins
RailsConf 2021
Exploring Real-time Computer Vision Using ActionCable
Justin Bowen
RailsConf 2021
Using Rails to communicate with the New York Stock Exchange
Martin Jaime
RailsConf 2021
Developing in React Native with Reactotron
Richard Evans
Ancient City Ruby 2019
Unraveling the Cable: How ActionCable works
Christopher Sexton
RailsConf 2019
The Action Cable Symphony - An Illustrated Musical Adventure
Brandon Weaver
RailsConf 2019
Building modern web-applications with GraphQL & serverless Ruby
Marion Schleifer
rubyday 2019
Optimistic UI and Live Uupdates with Logux & Ruby
Dimitry Salahutdinov
wroc_love.rb 2019
Zero Downtime Payment Platforms
Prem Sichanugrist
Rails Pacific 2014
One cable to rule them all
Vladimir Dementyev
RubyKaigi 2018
Building a Collaborative Text Editor
Justin Weiss
RailsConf 2018
Cables! Cables! Cables!
Vladimir Dementyev
wroc_love.rb 2018
dRuby on Browser
Yoh Osaki
RubyKaigi 2017
mruby gateway for huge amount of realtime data processing
Ritta Narita
RubyKaigi 2017
Outside the (Web) Box: Using Ruby for Other Protocols
Danielle Adams
RailsConf 2017
Whose turn is it anyway? Augmented reality board games.
Dave Tapley
RailsConf 2017
Inventing Friends: ActionCable + AVS = 3
Jonan Scheffler
Julian Cheal
RailsConf 2017
Processing Streaming Data at a Large Scale with Kafka
Thijs Cadier
RailsConf 2017
Karafka - Place Where Ruby, Rails and Kafka Meet Together
Maciej Mensfeld
wroc_love.rb 2017
ActionCable, Rails API and React - Modern Single Page Apps
Vipul A M
Rails Pacific 2016
Implications of the Realtime Web
Aaron Grey
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2015
Real Time Rack
Konstantin Haase
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2011
WebRTC Change Communications Forever
Greg Baugues
RailsConf 2014
WebRTC Change Communcations Forever
Greg Baugues
RailsConf 2014
Real-time Rails with Sync
Mike Moore
RailsConf 2014
Supercharge Your Workers with Storm
Carl Lerche
RailsConf 2014
Real-Time Rails
Brian Cardarella
RailsConf 2013
Building a real-time analytics engine in JRuby
David Dahl
wroc_love.rb 2013
Building in Rails, Backbone, and CoffeeScript
Derrick Ko
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2012
Realtime web applications with streaming REST
Brad Gessler
RailsConf 2012
Complex Made Simple: Sleep Better with TorqueBox
Lance Ball
RailsConf 2012